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'Remnants' (515) General Discussion

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    Was I the only one who found this episode to be like one giant "WTF" moment? XD I'm not saying it was a bad episode, but several times I just laughed and said out loud, "What the heck is going on here?"

    Can't believe they cut off Sheppard's hand, even though it was just a hallucination.

    Robert: So, do the Wraith feed on fear, or just life in general?
    Me: Just life in general. But they'd probably prefer that their victims be scared.
    Robert: So, it's like marinating them, then?


      Okay, so I am a HUGE Kolya fan. Seriously, I've been anticipating this episode since I read R.D. was going to come back. I guess, the whole ending seemed too anti-climactic to me. I wanted more. I guess, I just psyched myself out for some amazingly awesome episode that no matter what they threw at me, my expectations were going to be too high. Don't get me wrong, it was a great ep. I just feel a little dissatisfied and want more.


        That was a really good episode. I think Shep needs some serious therapy if his unconscious cut off his own arm!

        I'm very glad Woolsey decided to fight for his job. And, I must say, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! I guess her superiors will be awfully surprised when they read her report!

        Rodney at the end was classic- wanting to see the alien so badly and then insisting that he could never have been fooled was hilarious.


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          You expect less from a Mallozzi episode?I'm sorry but a closer glance tells me this episode was was on the low list for S5. JM' just isn't a good write anymore. He should stick to producing.
          Well he did very well with "The Last Man". No offense to the minority here, but the majority seemed to really like the writing direction of this episode.


            zomg....when sheppard lost his hand i was like F$#& and hoped the new race would like fix it or sumthing but it was all good XD


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              joe can be a very good writer. but, like cooper, he needs someone to 'beta' his work. someone to read it over and go 'huh? what the heck is that'

              I'm not seeing much proofreading or fact checking going on.

              and, as such, you seem to get a lot of 'wow, i think this is a wonderful idea' type of stories that don't quite stand up to the test of 'time' and viewership
              If the show had another season, I'd be very tempted to send him a first aid manual as their medical knowledge is...well, isn't... for the most part.


                There was something odd about this new species... it's appearance for one, and the theme music which played. The first time music like that was heard was when O'Neill first visited Othala; a colony of the Asgard.

                I will admit the appearances of the two races are quite different, but there were also some strange similarities. Is it possible they are related?
                "No single army can conquer the galaxy, but faith alone can overturn the universe." -- Imperial Ecclesiarch Decias IX
                Tiletron/Hyncharas:= Simon Spencer | Portfolio Gallery:=
                Online:= Clan Draconus Lupus (8yr Veteran) | SG-VirtualSeries (Founder, Admin, PR Lead)


                  Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                  Well he did very well with "The Last Man". No offense to the minority here, but the majority seemed to really like the writing direction of this episode.
                  I would have to disagree. It looks pretty even to me and I believe Mullie wrote The Last Man.
                  Last edited by jelgate; 15 November 2008, 07:01 PM.
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by Tiletron View Post
                    There was something odd about this new species... it's appearance for one, and the theme music which played. The first time music like that was heard was when O'Neill first visited Othala; a colony of the Asgard.

                    I will admit the appearances of the two races are quite different, but there were also some strange similarities. Is it possible they are related?
                    I thought they looked like a shiny stretched out Asgard myself. Although if I remember right, back before cloning got all out of hand, Asgard bodies were more similar to humans so they weren't all skinny like that. They might be related somehow but I doubt TPTB meant to imply it.


                      Well we know the Ancients whenever they've "failed" in a galaxy tend to leave and start over in another, but this is not to say that other races wouldn't employ the same idea. Maybe whoever created the Asgard and this unexplored race were the same species; evolving on diferent paths of evolution, depending on the conditions of a planet's ecosystem.

                      For example, most humans in the Milky Way on other worlds inherit the same appearance as us, but another, divergent set of genetic characteristics compared to our own...
                      "No single army can conquer the galaxy, but faith alone can overturn the universe." -- Imperial Ecclesiarch Decias IX
                      Tiletron/Hyncharas:= Simon Spencer | Portfolio Gallery:=
                      Online:= Clan Draconus Lupus (8yr Veteran) | SG-VirtualSeries (Founder, Admin, PR Lead)


                        Originally posted by Tiletron View Post
                        Well we know the Ancients whenever they've "failed" in a galaxy tend to leave and start over in another, but this is not to say that other races wouldn't employ the same idea. Maybe whoever created the Asgard and this unexplored race were the same species; evolving on diferent paths of evolution, depending on the conditions of a planet's ecosystem.

                        For example, most humans in the Milky Way on other worlds inherit the same appearance as us, but another, divergent set of genetic characteristics compared to our own...
                        Good point. This Sakari or whatever their names are could be Asgard's who broke away from both the Milky Way and evil Pegasus Asgard's long ago and found the cure to their cloning problem. With a spiffy new shiny exterior and everything. lol

                        Man, now I wanna know more about these guys. Darn curiosity.


                          Ok, so this episode was basically like two different episodes for me, with two very different reactions:

                          For the first half, I was really enjoying the episode with the exceptions of the team being split up AGAIN, and the explanation of how Kolya was still alive. I knew there would have to be some fancy footwork to explain it, but I thought the vague Ancient technology explanation given was pretty lame. But, I could let it go because I really did want to see Kolya back again.

                          Also, from the promo, I figured there was no way they were seriously going to chop off John's arm. Since you couldn't see it clearly, I figured the cheat would be that it was actually Kolya cutting the bindings that were holding him. So, when they came back from commercial and his arm was truly gone? I was so excited because, even if there was some miraculous medical procedure at the end, they had something totally shocking going on here. Some real jeopardy for our heroes without going to the stock-in-trade "kill them off". Maiming was a nice(?) surprise.

                          Then halfway through...I figured out the gameplan. Grrr...I was so mad! I hate AU and alternate realities, I hate "reset" buttons, and I despise "It was all in your mind" plots. I consider them all to be massive cheats. From then on, I couldn't enjoy it one bit. Not to mention the fact that I thought the reason the aliens gave for going after John was pretty weak. Just seemed like they were suddenly forcing these two story points together. Either story (John's or Woolsey's) along with McKay's figuring things out would have been enough for 40 minutes, but all three in there made the episode too crowded and the ending way too rushed. It just felt like a lot of build up, all explained in three minutes at the end. As someone else said, anti-climactic.

                          The only plus side to the revelation at the end? I TOTALLY believe Kolya coming back in John's head. So I could enjoy Robert Davi's performance without that niggling at the back of my consciousness!

                          Oh, and unfortunately, even the 'surprise' with Radek was no surprise for me. I went to a Stargate convention this summer where David Nykl was a guest, and he hinted at Radek not being Radek in Remnants.

                          Overall, I was so disappointed. I had looked forward to this episode more than any other in the second half. *sigh* Now I have to sit through more annoying Keller plots and just hope the finale will FINALLY be a good team episode with the action and humour that made me fall in love with Stargate.


                            I'm just going to be squeeing about Zelenka over here. ^^ Because that was a great Zelenka ep, even if it was more telling about Rodney's perception of Radek than Radek himself.

                            "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


                              This episode was one of the top five.
                              Sure had me guessing.
                              I never wanted the Jenni dead more than I did during the first half.
                              sigpic My Twit-name (@fwupow) is the same!

