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'Identity' (518) General Discussion

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    I... actually loved it. It made me squee like a little girl.

    1) Zelenka-whump. Enough said. Sheppard and Woolsey's utter determination to find out who did it was a bonus to the whump itself, as was McKay staying for the surgery.

    2) "Zelenka wouldn't hurt a fly." No one in that room believed Zelenka would have attacked Keller for a second.

    3) Zelenka is either an untrained empath or telepath. I've had this theory in the back of my mind for a while: what with Radek almost always knowing what McKay is thinking or feeling even from across the city; the way he recoiled from Carter in ways he's never balked at McKay even with Carter wearing her good-CO-face; the way he disappeared after "No Man's Land" as if ill from being on an organic ship for days; the way the Seed lashed out at him and not Beckett or Teyla. Confirmation that Radek has mysterious headaches often and the way he knew within thirty seconds that something was wrong with Keller and got progressively more freaked out even though Keller's behavior didn't become exponentially erratic? Made me happy.

    4) The Radek/Ronon subtext. Radek gets stabbed and two scenes later Ronon shows up at the stabber's quarters all looming and growling? They're bonded. Also, there's the matter of that beaded bracelet that's suddenly made its appearance...

    5) Smart Ronon. Ronon was leagues ahead of everyone else. He was tailing Keller and telling people that it wasn't Keller in Keller's body while everyone else was still thinking it was a psychological thing or maybe a parasite.

    6) Keller was nice to Radek. About time you clued into the awesome, sweetie.

    The only things I didn't like about it were that Keller couldn't BS her way through being with the robbers. Seriously, it's like TPTB enjoy wrecking any chances Keller has at winning back the people who hate her. They certainly seemed to enjoy wrecking my shiny Adrift/Doppleganger/Tabula Rasa/The Last Man!Keller. I also didn't like Rodney's cruelty in that last scene with Zelenka in the med bay. Four seasons worth of characterization down the drain.

    But still. Radek/Ronon subtext for the win. A lot of win.

    "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
      Exactly. Instead we got gaping-goldfish-mouth Keller and callously cruel Rodney.

      I'm never sarcastic. Ask anybody.

      Right, anybody?

      See I agree about Keller, but I think Mckay was kidding around knowing Zelenka was going to be fine. Back in the earlier seasons Mckay would of been quite serious. I honestly feel that.


        Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
        See I agree about Keller, but I think Mckay was kidding around knowing Zelenka was going to be fine. Back in the earlier seasons Mckay would of been quite serious. I honestly feel that.
        To the point where Zelenka wanted to leave the room?

        Unless that was some weird guy code for, "I want some privacy with my woman" then I'm not buying it.


          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
          To the point where Zelenka wanted to leave the room?

          Unless that was some weird guy code for, "I want some privacy with my woman" then I'm not buying it.
          The three of them are friends and joke with eachother. It showed the three of them were comfortable and knew Rodney was kidding around. That is how I saw it. Rodney changed a lot after Tao of Rodney and Sunday. I was watching some Season one eps today, btw the show is still just as good, but anyway, I see a totally different arrogant Rodney who was not sincere in the beginning.


            uh Keller thinks Radek is Creepy remember? Trio?
            Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


              Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
              uh Keller thinks Radek is Creepy remember? Trio?
              She did, but she was nice to him here. Therefore it's possible in the between-time she realized she was wrong, wrong, wrong, wronger, wrongest before.

              Or she realized he's not interested in her at all. *cough* Keller not being six-odd feet of Satedan military.

              "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn


                Originally posted by jenks View Post
                As if anyone would jump to that conclusion within the time frame this happened in. She's acting unusual therefore it must have something to do with the stabbing? Come on, there could be any number of perfectly innocent reasons for her not to be acting like her usual self.
                Yes, but this is Atlantis, home to one zillion things that can go wrong. With the heightened security and Richard supposedly wanting to go to the bottom of it quickly, any suspicious behavior should've, you know, raised suspicions.

                Especially when it's a sudden change in personality, apparent memory loss and god knows what. Neva most certainly didn't speak the same way Jennifer does, so it was even a change in speech patterns.

                Not to mention that this comes off the heels of Rodney having just suffered a deadly brain parasite that didn't show up on scans and they almost lost one of their own due to their inability to act fast enough due to suspicious behavior.

                Rodney's behavior was not suspicious enough to immediately raise alarms (but I still think that since it persisted, they should've noticed it faster), but Jennifer's was!

                And the main point is:

                Everybody's reactions were kinda acceptable... except Rodney's. Rodney was the stupidest person this episode. He was the one who ticked me off the most.

                After all of the shennanigans, he finds her trying to fly a Jumper despite lacking the Ancient gene. And how does she try to fly it? By pressing buttons.

                The smartest man in two galaxies should be able to tell that something is seriously wrong and immediately call for security. If the woman I loved was acting in this way, I'd immediately call security in case she needed immediate medical attention instead of hoping she's just "depressed" or something, especially if I'm a hypochondriac who thinks a wheeze could be cancer or something (hyperbole).

                But what does he do? He barely reacts. It's not 'til she starts begging for him to fly her out of there that he gets serious about getting her back to the infirmary, but she still doesn't call security.

                In the Pegasus galaxy, when someone's acting that way, you react immediately. Who knows what was up? It could've been a clone! Or a Replicator mind in a 100% human body without nanites!

                With Radek getting stabbed, they should've had security heightened and their senses open for any suspicious behavior, but they let Neva get away with way too much due to their inability to react fast enough.


                  I remember Richard Dean Anderson saying, "you don't want to dumb it down so that a cow can understand it."

                  This episode didn't follow this edict.
                  Personally, I was insulted by this episode.
                  They should have killed Keller at the end.
                  sigpicFreebie pics/gifs by sweetsamurai: (username: sweetsamurai - password: stargate200)


                    Originally posted by DragonLadyK View Post
                    She did, but she was nice to him here. Therefore it's possible in the between-time she realized she was wrong, wrong, wrong, wronger, wrongest before.

                    Or she realized he's not interested in her at all. *cough* Keller not being six-odd feet of Satedan military.

                    Ahhhh a ZelenDex shipper eh??

                    I was a little disappointed (again) with this ep... it is very similar to what we've seen before and as it is supposed to be the last season I was expecting at least the last 4 or 5 eps to be amazing! Building up to a stunning climax which would then lead to the Atlantis movie...

                    Fingers crossed the reason these eps have been so lukewarm is because they have an incredible Movie in store for us to make up for it


                      Originally posted by :Orion Coran: View Post
                      Good news, sorta. Alan McCullough is writing at least one episode in the first season.


                      I hope he will write more, so not all hope is lost.
                      He is.....awwwww maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

                      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                      I'm never sarcastic. Ask anybody.

                      Right, anybody?



                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        He is.....awwwww maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
                        So far, Martin, Carl, and Alan have put out outlines (and I’ve already provided notes on all three), and Rob and Brad have put out the first draft of the opening three-parter, Air, which puts me tied for last place with Paul (who, I’m assuming, is just about finished his pass on our outline for the SGA movie). Priority #1 now for me is hammering out an outline for the first part of the SGU mid-season two-parter. From what I understand, casting is still ongoing but I expect we’ll be hearing word on some decisions soon…soon…
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                          aww darn


                            Watching it right now on SkyOne.

                            It has in fact been quite boring. Kind of fingured out what was going on straight away. *sighs*

                            It's a shame that the 3rd last episode of the show is a rehash of an old SG1 episode.
                            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                              Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
                              Why would you think they wouldn't have cake or chocolate in the Athosian settlement? They aren't primates y'know.

                              I was being a bit extreme, but on Athos she has to bake the cake herself or get that old woman that was like her mother to do it.
                              On Atlantis it's like "Sugar craving! Guys let stuff ourselves senseless in the mess hall!!!"

                              I doubt they had chocolate in Athos since their settlement seemed limited to an area close to the gate and cocoa beans don't grow in Canadian forests.
                              What's the deal with the retardedly huge sigs?!
                              Spelling correction by Gen Blue


                                Not in the mood to good/bad for this. Guess which is which.
                                >Zelenka getting stabbed was such a good and shocking beginning to what was useless filler.
                                >All the women in Pegasus look like Larren, huh? Hmm. Are all the black guys bad, as well?
                                >Woolsey bringing back up plot points, like Keller's hive ship incident.
                                >Again with the 'run towards an explosion'. Used that one so much even the writers finally realized it was a cliche and shouldn't work, huh?
                                >SG-1 reference! Vala!
                                >Zelenka's final scene with Beckett. "Yes, I understand completely."
                                >Beckett! I didn't know he was in it, thankfully, and I was happily surprised.
                                >Ronon shoots things again, solves problems.
                                >Teyla. Right.
                                >John's 'We're from Atlantis. You don't want to be our enemy." Brilliant and effective.
                                >I'm sorry... You can't fly a jumper slowly through the gate, then slowly through the treetops and then just have it hover somewhere until necessary? It's not like the drones would be affected, what with having sensors and being able to dodge Wraith darts and bolts and what not and all. Constantly, these dumb reasons to explain not spending money on a jumper sequence.
                                >Can't these people at least fake it till they make it? Keller and the mistress criminal were, I suppose, realistically disoriented, but you'd love people to wise up and start acting tough after escaping the chopping block.
                                >Keller's best scene: those 3 blinks after Rodney suggests a moonlit rendezvous.
                                >Keller tripped over a root in the woods. Poor baby.
                                >Having Rodney walk in on Keller's body kissing Ronon would have been brilliantly soap opera. Alas, no. Mistress criminal not asking Keller about Ronon as an alternative, more suitable choice... missed also.
                                >Cancellation in 2 episodes? Thank God. A massive arc to end the series, anyone? Once you realize the show's been cancelled, scrap the useless and, ultimately forgettable filler episodes and have the final 3 or 4 episodes be one big series finale. Maybe they found out too late to do that, maybe they found out and said screw it, save the good stories for the movie[s]. Either way, not impressed.

                                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                                Good episode, very entertaining. I loved the little twist where Sheppard and co are racing to save Keller and you think Sheppard is the one who shot the executioner, but then again, Ronon would of likely just stunned him. My thinking as that scene played out, as well! Shep?! Nah, Ronon would stun the executioner, it's the mistress criminal's vile henchmen. But you never know with Sheppard. The Zelenka bit at the end with Carson was classic SGA right there. HilARious!
                                One last thing, this was a good team episode. Everyone had their lines and screen shots and nobody was left in the background. Teyla was left holding the bag. Literally. Everyone had something to do. Yes, she help Keller's IV bag. Maybe if Teyla had been the one who found Keller after the body switch, wondering where the good doctor was, having missed their lunch date... Bah.
                                Last edited by nx01a; 16 December 2008, 04:01 PM.
                                More fun @ Spoofgate!

