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"Identity" (518) Pre-Airing Discussion/Speculation Thread

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    Originally posted by Reiko View Post
    » No, I can't. I know EMTs and Trauma Nurses and she's definately not cut out for the job.
    As do I and yes she is.
    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


      Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
      As do I and yes she is.
      I disagree and why would they pick someone so young and inexperienced for such a position. I would assume she would need to go through some basic psych tests to even get into such a progamme and from how we have seen her act so far she would fail all of them. These people on the expedition are meant to be the best of the best. So why would they pick someone who has no experience in being in a dangerous situation, or even experienced in the role she is in. I'm sure there are lots of doctors out there more qualified and with stronger dispositions that Keller..

      The ptb chose Jewel because they wanted her on the show and the CMO role was available and I don't even think they even considered the fact that she wasn't actually suitable for the role they were casting her in. I could stretch my belief if she had of been a bit more credible in her portrayal of a CMO, or if she hadn't of come across as the out of her depth girly girl anytime she was put in danger.... I don't believe for one moment that someone with Keller's lack of experience and disposition would be chosen to go to another galaxy and expected to face the dangers and horrors that they face on a daily basis.


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        I disagree and why would they pick someone so young and inexperienced for such a position. I would assume she would need to go through some basic psych tests to even get into such a progamme and from how we have seen her act so far she would fail all of them. These people on the expedition are meant to be the best of the best. So why would they pick someone who has no experience in being in a dangerous situation, or even experienced in the role she is in. I'm sure there are lots of doctors out there more qualified and with stronger dispositions that Keller..
        She was meant as a temporary replacement as she was only accustomed to being a regular physician however she was very smart and talented. She wasn't ready for the job true however she has proven herself IMO.

        The ptb chose Jewel because they wanted her on the show and the CMO role was available and I don't even think they even considered the fact that she wasn't actually suitable for the role they were casting her in. I could stretch my belief if she had of been a bit more credible in her portrayal of a CMO, or if she hadn't of come across as the out of her depth girly girl anytime she was put in danger.... I don't believe for one moment that someone with Keller's lack of experience and disposition would be chosen to go to another galaxy and expected to face the dangers and horrors that they face on a daily basis.
        I disagree.
        Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
        "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
        Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


          Wow, I thought this thread was about Identity and what happens in the episode!!

          Hey Stargate Atlantis is doing another GREAT cliche about Body swapping aliens!


          So, another Keller episode......ewwwwww she (the Alien who takes her over) Comes on to Rodney (BARF) (Anti M/K ship)

          one more ep that i'll end up watching with my eyes closed!

          i hope if there is a season 6......they get rid of all the writers and start fresh!

          sci-fi has been around for what 50 years so not a lot of new ideas...we can hope that in the world there are a bunch of talented writers out there just waiting to......oh wait Fan fiction I have read better thought out ideas from everyday people as opposed to PAID writers!!
          Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


            Pfft. Let's see the fanfictioneers actually produce their stories before we sing their praises, 'k?


              I always find it very interesting how people can concentrate so fully on all the character flaws of a person and completely negate all of their positive attributes when their hellbent on maintaining their dislike.

              I can honestly say that considering all the episodes we've seen so far with Keller and looking at them from as objective a perspective as possible, I have no idea where people are getting this idea that she is an incapable, quivering mass of anxiety and nerves, completely lacking the psyche necessary to perform as a doctor.

              We've seen her come up with an ingenious method of saving Weir's life in Adrift.

              In Tabula Rasa she complete the necessary research through an extensive database to find a cure for the sickness that was spreading throughout Atlantis. And she did that while being sick herself showing that she doesn't just lie down and whimper when something is hurting her. She understands her priorities and responsibilities.

              In Trio she once again proved her resourcefulness and calm under pressure when she came up with a plan to try and get them out of their predicament. It may not have worked, but at least she came up with an attempt.

              We saw her in Kindred II, effectively save Carson's life by insisting he put in stasis so as to buy him some time before his organs degenerated completely. Some people have cited this example as laziness or insensitivity on her part, but it really is prudence. She took in the facts, saw that there was no way they would find a cure in such a short time and then took action.

              Last Man, we saw that she held the needs of the Pegasus peoples as a high priority by insisting on continuing to try and help them. She may have failed and returned to Earth, but that doesn't negate her initial intentions.

              Missing was the single episode where I can say we really saw Keller show an extreme amount of fear to the point where it hindered both her and Teyla's survival attempts. But let's not forget that no medical doctor is trained for such a situation. Not even Carson was placed in such a drastic, life-threatening situation so early on and yet he still insisted on proclaiming how much he hated going off-world.

              And by the end of Missing we saw that Keller had toughened up at least a little. She ate that raw animal thing. She stood up to both that barbarian leader who wanted answers from her and to the Wraith worshipper. That's got to count for something.

              Obviously she has flaws. Every character does, but let's not exaggerate the bad and completely ignore all the good.

              She isn't incompetent. We don't know is she's very inexperienced as we don't know much about what she did before the Stargate program. Yes, Jewel is young and she looks it, but we don't know old Keller is.

              Does it require some suspension of disbelief? Yes.

              But this is a show about people traveling through artificially created wormholes throughout a network of stargates created by a race of people millions of years old. The characters of this show get banged up, shot at, cut, tortured, and killed, and still manage to make it to next weeks show without a scar....even the dead ones.

              So it all requires some suspension of disbelief. I should think that imagining someone to be a few years older wouldn't be that big a deal comparatively speaking. Especially considering that Keller isn't actually the worst doctor to ever grace the small screen at that she appears to be competent and innovative and willing and able to do her job.


                I agree Pandora, I don't think she is incompetent as a doctor However, I don't think she has the confidence or leadership qualities to be CMO
                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                  As do I and yes she is.
                  » No, she really isn't from what I've seen.


                    I couldn't agree more with Pandora!!!!
                    I am perfectly covered on that matter
                    APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                    (YEAR 0 - 100)
                    "O thou Sun,
                    send me as far over the earth
                    as is my pleasure and thine,
                    and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                    but never hear anything of bad ones,
                    nor they of me."



                      I couldn't agree more with Pandora!!!!
                      I am perfectly covered on that matter
                      APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                      (YEAR 0 - 100)
                      "O thou Sun,
                      send me as far over the earth
                      as is my pleasure and thine,
                      and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                      but never hear anything of bad ones,
                      nor they of me."



                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                        » No, she really isn't from what I've seen.
                        Seriously though. How so?

                        Setting aside personal opinion and subjective view points about her personality (as that has nothing to do with her as a doctor), let's deal in cold hard fact. When has she ever exhibited incompetency as a doctor?


                          Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                          I did and what Pandora was saying was that character growth takes more than one ep.
                          And you forgot the part where it was mentioned that they usually revert right back to type.

                          As I said she is young, a bit naive and inexperienced however she has proven that she can do the job.
                          And as I keep saying. No she has not.

                          I disagree. She did what any doctor would she looked at Mckay because he was injured allbeit minor but she is also used to him complaining over a hangnail. He then told her he was fine and to take care of Lorne. She did nothing wrong even Carson would have done the same.
                          She didn't do what any doctor would do. She knew Lorne had a broken leg. She saw that Rodney was well enough to stroll over to her. Common sense would dictate that it might be a good idea for the good doctor to wander over and supervise the known to be injured man's removal from the rubble. Instead, she tried to treat the uninjured man until he suggested she go see to Lorne.

                          I don't think Carson would have done anything the same as Keller in that scene. They have very different styles of doctoring. Carson is/was much more intense, more agressive in reaching out to his patients. Keller is more withdrawn, remote, and waits for her patients to be brought to her.

                          Stop assuming I didn't. I did read it I just disagree. I said just because one ep has the character in a perilous situation does not mean they won't get developed. It was one ep and a good one at that.
                          Then stop focusing on only part of the conversation and jumping to conclusions about what I am saying.

                          Using wiki to support your argument does not help. I disagree completely.
                          Fine. What is your definition of 'damsel in distress'? How was Keller not one in The Seed? A young woman, trapped in her bed, unable to move and often unconscious while an alien entity slowly turned her into a hive ship. Thankfully for her, the heroes raced to her rescue. That fits my definition of damsel in distress perfectly.


                            In Tabula Rasa She CLEARLY DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.....and she shocks the guy dying!! She should have called for help!!

                            No memory for MEDICAL PROCEDURES!

                            So her fading memory and in over her headness (yes i made the word up) Killed that man!!

                            like i said she should have called for help!
                            Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                     The virus killed that man, plain and simple.


                                Originally posted by fumblesmcstupid View Post
                                In Tabula Rasa She CLEARLY DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.....and she shocks the guy dying!! She should have called for help!!

                                No memory for MEDICAL PROCEDURES!

                                So her fading memory and in over her headness (yes i made the word up) Killed that man!!

                                like i said she should have called for help!
                                The patient was in V-fib (ventricular fibrillation) which means that his cardiac muscles weren't contracting at the same time. The proper procedure (which is what she did) is to shock the heart with a defibrillator so as to re-coordinate the electrical signals in the cardiac muscles.

                                So yes, she did know what to do.

                                If she had stood there and wasted time by calling for help (and who exactly were you expecting her to call?) the patient would have died for sure anyway. That sort of situation requires immediate action and treatment.

                                And who's to say that whomever she would have called wasn't suffering from the disease as well. All of Atlantis was in a horrible situation, one of the worst sort imaginable. They weren't fighting against an enemy they could just shoot at and defeat. This was something completely out of the blue.

                                Keller did know what to do and she did it. The poor guy was just too sick and too far gone. Not her fault.

