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'Brain Storm' (516) General Discussion

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    I thought this episode was pretty decent actually. Despite being fed up with the fact that they're wasting the few episodes that are left of the final season of Atlantis focusing on only one or a few of the characters instead of giving us team episodes I did actually like Rodney in this for the most part. I actually found him sort of endearing in his egocentric tendencies and the stuff between him, Bill Nye, and Neil deGrasse Tyson was hilarious. Plus there's the fact that I enjoy Dave Foley quite a bit.

    It wasn't a particularly meaningful episode nor did it do anything to further any storyline but it was amusing and I think that TPTB actually did a really good job with the Mckay/Keller stuff. I don't have a lot of faith in them when it comes to romantic relationships on these shows but it was very sweet.

    That being said, are Jason Mamoa and Rachel Lutrell still employed? They seem to have been abducted. Hopefully they'll use the last few episodes of the series to showcase the entire team.

    It was, is, and always will be GREEN



      I'm not a McKeller shipper, but some of the scenes were kinda cute, like when he brought her back to life and she repeats his words from The Shrine. However, I feel the ending was a little forced, if you know what I mean.

      Geez, wonder how many fanfictions about this will be written...

      Robert: So, do the Wraith feed on fear, or just life in general?
      Me: Just life in general. But they'd probably prefer that their victims be scared.
      Robert: So, it's like marinating them, then?


        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        I thought the episode would be okay until the very end. Way to shove McKeller. I totally ignore the McKeller aspect and treat them indvidually it was a decent story. Nothing spectacular but wasn't terrible. However McKeller makes it just a little bit better then Whispers and proving that Stargate can't write decent ships.
        As always Jelgate, your wisdom is only surpassed by your Jelgatedness. Hallowed are the Jelgate.

        But yeah, relationships don't belong in Stargate. I'm a firm believer that its better to hint at relationships on TVs then to actually have them. Science fiction especially. The only sci-fi relationship I ever liked was Jadzia/Worf, but thats because they worked the mythos of that show so well into the relationship. Stargate, not so much.

        Nice to see the walls of the SGC again - I had more fun imagining what might be going on there right now then I did watching this episode. It wasn't bad, but most of the comedy just fell short. The story was nothing special, and I'm terribly thankful it didn't escalate into 'saving the world' instead of the building. 3 out of 5.


          I'm a firm believer that its better to hint at relationships on TVs then to actually have them.
          Ditto. At least for Stargate.

          Robert: So, do the Wraith feed on fear, or just life in general?
          Me: Just life in general. But they'd probably prefer that their victims be scared.
          Robert: So, it's like marinating them, then?


            On a more serious, less squee note; I think Hewlett and Staite did a fantastic job this episode.

            Especially the revival scene. That was touching. Rodney's desperation and fear for her life was palpable. Her, "I love you" was a brilliant echo of Rodney's own declaration in The Shrine.

            Kudos to them both.

            Question? So does Rodney remember saying it, then?


              And another thing. (I should have waited and put this all in one post) When Dr. Keller tried to call the SGC, and they got nothing but static, I'm sure Walter would have alerted someone and they would have tracked the call, because, come on, how many people can get a hold of a number at which to call Stargate Command? They would have figured it'd be important.

              Robert: So, do the Wraith feed on fear, or just life in general?
              Me: Just life in general. But they'd probably prefer that their victims be scared.
              Robert: So, it's like marinating them, then?



                Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                On a more serious, less squee note; I think Hewlett and Staite did a fantastic job this episode.

                Especially the revival scene. That was touching. Rodney's desperation and fear for her life was palpable. Her, "I love you" was a brilliant echo of Rodney's own declaration in The Shrine.

                Kudos to them both.

                Question? So does Rodney remember saying it, then?
                he probably does remember saying it. well, at least i'm hoping that he does
                thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                  Originally posted by Landers View Post
                  Gawd awful.

                  Nothing else to say.
                  I'll ditto that but add extremely boring to the description and toss in a *barf* for the McKeller.
                  IMO always implied.


                    So much for that girl who used to grow plants on Atlantis...


                      Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
                      But yeah, relationships don't belong in Stargate. I'm a firm believer that its better to hint at relationships on TVs then to actually have them. Science fiction especially. The only sci-fi relationship I ever liked was Jadzia/Worf, but thats because they worked the mythos of that show so well into the relationship. Stargate, not so much.
                      This is just my own personal opinion. Nothing against your own opinion.

                      I have to disagree here. I love Sci-Fi, really I do. But I also love the characters and character driven stories. If it was all just about the science and blowing things up, then I would have lost interest in Atlantis a long time ago. I like to know what the characters are thinking. I like the fact that they have relationships and grow. If I didn't get to see that at least in a few episodes, yeah I would not be watching anymore. While blowing things up is fun, getting to know the characters you wanna watch over the years is fun too. At least for me. I mean, they can't be abstinent the whole time. That would be unreal. I know I'd go crazy. lol



                        Oh.....and the whole McKeller thing? Like Ronon said, "Yeah, whatever." *gags*
                        Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


                          Pointless waste of one of the final episodes of the series. Nothing at all to do with Atlantis. Boring. Bad special effects. Just another vanity project for Gero and an excuse to let McKay get laid.

                          Speaking of romantic chemistry and McKay's age and receding hairline are really showing. Totally cringeworthy.

                          And finally, that "I loved you for a very long time" crap is getting old. Just a few episodes ago Keller was trying to make a "romantic" choice. Just last season McKay was proposing to Katie Brown. Do the writers think we're idiots?

                          Scratch that.


                            Originally posted by Raeth View Post
                            And another thing. (I should have waited and put this all in one post) When Dr. Keller tried to call the SGC, and they got nothing but static, I'm sure Walter would have alerted someone and they would have tracked the call, because, come on, how many people can get a hold of a number at which to call Stargate Command? They would have figured it'd be important.
                            That I have to agree with. I mean, if one were to prank call them they would be on it so fast. Cause you just don't do that kinda thing. Not to a military base anyhow. At least, I think so. I mean, someone pranks 9-11 or something, it's like an offence of some kind. *nod nod*


                              I haven't seen it yet... starts in 30 mins here. Do McKay and Keller actually have s*x? If so... BARF in advance!!!


                                Originally posted by Michelle05 View Post
                                I haven't seen it yet... starts in 30 mins here. Do McKay and Keller actually have s*x? If so... BARF in advance!!!
                                They never show it but its implied
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

