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S5: Critique and Contemplations

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    for those that want to play along at home - from the GW site

    To keep the sleeping Torren calm, Teyla Emmagan has been walking around Atlantis. She pauses in the lab where Dr. Jennifer Keller is studying a formula derived from information in Michael's database ("Search and Rescue"). The doctor hopes the serum will reverse the deterioration of Dr. Carson Beckett's organs, allowing him to be removed from stasis ("The Kindred, Part 2"). Keller confides that during the two months Beckett has been in the pod, McKay visits him regularly to share news.

    Teyla tells Jennifer that Kanaan, the father of her child, is fully back to himself -- thanks to a modified version of Beckett's retrovirus, the Wraith DNA has been stripped out of his body. He is now in a refugee camp on the mainland, and Teyla plans to request that he be allowed to leave. Baby Torren grows fussy, so Teyla moves on.

    Richard Woolsey, new commander of the Atlantis expedition ("Search and Rescue"), beams onto the control room balcony after a 3-week trip from Earth on the Daedalus. He notices the expectant staff. At a loss for words, he shakes hands with Lt. Colonel John Sheppard and asks for their reports rather than make a speech to those under his new command. Instructing Technician Banks to send all activity reports for the past three weeks and his luggage to his quarters, Woolsey leaves.

    Keller goes back to work only to awaken, having fallen asleep at her desk. Her right hand is covered in a clear, gelatinous goo. Puzzled, she washes it off. Marie, the head nurse, suggests Keller needs real sleep.

    Rodney McKay offers her the same advice the next morning as he, Keller, Sheppard, Ronon Dex, and Teyla gather for Mr. Woolsey's first formal briefing. They have a new table -- a 12-foot-long mahogany conference table Woolsey brought from Earth. After congratulating them on dismantling Michael's organization, Woolsey closes the file on Michael. While there has been one sighting and Sheppard believes Michael escaped in their cloaked Jumper, Woolsey will not spend resources searching the galaxy for one Wraith who may not be alive. He also declines Teyla's request to let Kanaan go, just yet.

    Woolsey asks Keller about her other research. Using Michael's research she has developed a serum that may stabilize clone cells, but she has no way to test it except on Beckett. Woolsey tells her to move forward or to move on. Without further ado, Drs. Keller and McKay remove Beckett from stasis and inject him. Encouraged with what looks like a victory, Keller agrees to get some rest.

    Carson awakens and shows no signs of cellular degradation. The next day, Keller fails to keep a breakfast date and does not show up for her shift. Teyla summons McKay, who has just broken the news to Beckett that he is being sent back to Earth for rest and observation. Together, the two men join Teyla outside Keller's quarters. McKay opens the door. They enter, and discover a mass of red tentacles growing out of Keller's torso.

    Though still ill himself and not on active duty, Dr. Beckett takes charge. Keller and her bed are moved to an isolation room. Beckett attempts to surgically remove the smallest of tendrils from Keller, but she crashes. The medical team manages to get her back, but no further surgery is possible.

    There is an alien pathogen in her blood. She was infected on M2S-445 where Michael's lab was destroyed ("Search and Rescue"). Beckett tests everyone else who was on the planet, and finds that they are all infected, too. Woolsey has them confined, even though the pathogen is not contagious and hasn't yet manifested in them.

    Meanwhile, the tendrils have almost completely covered Jennifer and have grown down three floors, drawing energy and materials from the building and electrical grid. When Dr. Zelenka shuts off that source of power, McKay fears the tendrils will head for the Z.P.M. power conduits, like a plant growing toward sunlight. Teyla takes a team to investigate. Attacked by the tendrils when he realizes that the growth is tapping the Z.P.M., Zelenka is rescued by Teyla.

    Beckett finally recognizes that the tendrils are a bio-polymer with organo-metallic compounds, leading him and Zelenka to speculate that they are the basis of a Wraith hive ship. Keller's mind is being used to plan, to coordinate, and to defend the growth until it is complete.

    Beckett quickly develops a phage to attack the pathogen. Woolsey, however, develops the contingency plan of using drones to destroy the isolation room and kill the doctor, as a last resort. To save Keller first, Sheppard volunteers to be a test subject for Beckett's phage. While it does neutralize the pathogen in John's system, Carson suggests someone with the pathogen would be more likely to enter the affected building and deliver the serum to Keller.

    Ronon quickly volunteers. He transports to the building where the Wraith organism is spreading, but soon his path to Keller is blocked by the rampant growth. With no other solution, he attempts to shoot his way in. Now regarding him as a hostile, the organism's tendrils grab him and pull him to the wall. Ronon is helpless.

    Fearing just this outcome, Sheppard loads another dose of the phage and heads for the control room. He radios Keller, but instead finds himself talking to the Wraith organism through her. While the others keep her talking, Sheppard flies a Jumper to the infected building -- right through the outer wall. He injects Keller, but as a final act, the dying growth stabs him in the stomach.

    Keller recovers quickly, though Sheppard will take more time to mend. Meanwhile, Carson prepares to return to Earth.

    Woolsey admits to Sheppard that in his first three days on the job, he managed to violate more than six security protocols. His superiors at the I.O.A. has accepted his decisions, but he is deeply troubled. The rules are his only guide. Richard fears that if he can't trust the rules, he might not be able to command the expedition.

    Sheppard smiles, shakes Woolsey's hand, and welcomes him to the Pegasus Galaxy.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      i found this

      i'm not a fan of the 'alien takes over a member of the crew' and the physical ramifications of jenn trying to turn into a wraith ship is just something i shake my head at.

      it smacked to me of a by the numbers story, they had to put someone in jeopardy, the team has to rescue said person and we get a hint of woolsey finding his way

      nothing extraordinary, nothing life changing....and way too easy of a reset at the end
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        i found this

        i'm not a fan of the 'alien takes over a member of the crew' and the physical ramifications of jenn trying to turn into a wraith ship is just something i shake my head at.

        it smacked to me of a by the numbers story, they had to put someone in jeopardy, the team has to rescue said person and we get a hint of woolsey finding his way

        nothing extraordinary, nothing life changing....and way too easy of a reset at the end

        I hear ya. I'm not a fan of that myself. I especially hate seeing the same story idea where the girl, who is unable to fight, becomes a fighter by the end of the series. i.e, Keller learning how to fire a weapon, which in real life, would knock her on her arse. It's too stereotypical...too "Spike TV" in my opinion.


          Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
          LOL, yeah you called me out, was getting a little bored with the S&R discussion. I also like AU eps. Always been interesting to me.

          Wasn't totally impressed with those two. lol. DV was great though.
          Well do the eps in order then dog with no breeks

          Originally posted by Lahela View Post
          Can we not discuss the season in order, as was originally suggested?
          You tell im

          Thanks for the ep recap sky

          The seed...

          I guess it was an ok ep.

          But why is it that we heard from Teyla that Kannan was back to his old self, at the end of S&R we didn't even know if he went with the others off the hive ship, we didn't see him in the infirmary with Teyla and her child, we didn't see him in the seed when he is supposed to be fully recovered. I'm still wondering why TPTB keep him around if he's just gonna be invisible

          Another thing that struck me too is that it's Teyla that senses there's something wrong with Keller, McKay was acting all put out with her dragging him to Kellers quarters (doesn't sound like a man in love to me ) (from a later ep where this whole thing just comes outta the blue )

          I did like the Teyla/Radek scenes though, he's a sweetie But then something weird happened, Teyla and Rodney suppenly disappeared half way through or three quarter way through the ep

          And yet again John gets whumped, stabbed by a tendril The amount of times he's been whumped he should have died 10 times already *shakes head* After a while it just gets rather ridiculous to the extreme

          I wish for once Ronon was able to get through and save the day, it would certainly make a nice change


            My biggest problem with this one was trying not to laugh at Keller's situation. The tendrils and the goggle-eyed screaming was just silly, not to mention the whole sleeping beauty (in this case sleeping mutant) needs rescuing from the tower is pretty cliched.

            I just didn't care enough about Keller to worry about her. It didn't seem to me her loss would be such a blow to the expedition. And then all the guys practically fighting over who got to rescue her..... please.


              Originally posted by Lahela View Post
              Can we not discuss the season in order, as was originally suggested?
              I would like that very much.

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              for those that want to play along at home - from the GW site

              I'd have to go look in the episode thread to see how I felt about The Seed - indicating to me it wasn't very memorable.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
                My biggest problem with this one was trying not to laugh at Keller's situation. The tendrils and the goggle-eyed screaming was just silly, not to mention the whole sleeping beauty (in this case sleeping mutant) needs rescuing from the tower is pretty cliched.

                I just didn't care enough about Keller to worry about her. It didn't seem to me her loss would be such a blow to the expedition. And then all the guys practically fighting over who got to rescue her..... please.
                True, I mean were they all in love with her or something?


                  Yay we're back on track! Sorry Brian!

                  The Seed.

                  My overall impression of this episode is that it feels like an 1st draft of a story, not a finished product. I don't know how to explain that exactly, but too many things Unpolished. Also, the ending feels tacked on - it doesn't fit the rest of the episode. It's like the writers wrote themselves into a corner, and couldn't figure out a natural ending, so they were just like "Oh just have Sheppard do something reckless and self-sacrificing again."

                  Things I liked:

                  Woolsey. I was dubious about Woolsey assuming command, but I was sold the moment he beamed down, with his awkward introduction. And the scene where he couldn't get out of the conference room was hilarious.

                  Teyla. I really liked her in this episode, talking to Jennifer, saving Radek, dealing with Rodney. Unfortunately she vanished around half to two/thirds of the way in.

                  The basic concept: Learning how wraith hive ships are grown. Although it needed a lot of work.

                  Things I didn't like:

                  The ending: We just had Sheppard do something stupid and self-sacrificing just one episode previously. Not to mention having him stabbed in the side last week - stabbing him again in the side this we have to go there? And no one (within the show) even mentions it! I've seen people make the argument that Sheppard has a death wish - this was the first time I started believing it.

                  The praising of Carter by the team: Sorry, this scene came across as really lame to me. Just in case you viewing audience out there doesn't realize just what a great character Carter is and how sorry we are to lose her, we're going to write a special scene having our team tell you in great detail of all her wonderful accomplishments and why she was such a wonderful leader. *headdesk*

                  The magical disappearing Teyla: Just what happened to her in the end anyway?

                  Also, some questions.

                  Why exactly was Jennifer the first one to demonstrate symptoms? Of all the people who were on the planet, I would have thought those with open wounds would be infected quicker and more strongly. This just seemed like it was written as Jennifer as a way to get her out of the action and use Carson. But it doesn't really make sense to me.

                  And Carson himself seemed off to me somehow. I don't know - it's been a while since I've seen the episode.


                  I wish they'd have come up with some way to use Teyla to save the day instead of having Sheppard do his thing again. I really wanted it to be Teyla.
                  - Life after Stargate -
                  Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                  Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                    Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
                    the whole sleeping beauty (in this case sleeping mutant) needs rescuing from the tower is pretty cliched.
                    Ha! I didn't think of that - that's good!
                    - Life after Stargate -
                    Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                    Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                      I actually like The Seed. Its one of my favorite episodes of S5. However one thing that bugs me to no end is how Carson magically had the cure to Keller's illness.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Here's what I thought of The Seed when I watched it - bolded and green parts are new:

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

                        * FLAIL - TEYLA!!!
                        Why yes, I'm happy to see her back in action. And I loved the scene with Torren, that was cute. Finally some more to do for my (second) favorite lady. That was nice. Too bad she disappears somewhere in the middle, or towards the end, not to be seen again.

                        And I still can't figure out what the frell happened there. Where did she go? It was like TPTB had completely forgotten when they were writing that episode that they had Teyla and Radek in it too.

                        Teyla breaking into Keller's room. I don't know about anyone else, but I had a Doppelganger flashback, though there she seemed to be able to enter Kate's room without a problem (because they were so doing it together ), while here she had Rodney override the lock. Rodney's reaction was brilliant though.

                        Keller's room is the same as Kate's, as in the set is the same. It's a cursed place. (Random tidbit of information.)

                        * Keller made me smile. I don't outright hate the character, I'm in the meh-department. (If only I had known then what I would come to know later one - I would have most definitely skipped the meh and gone straight to hate.) This episode put her in a different sort of light. Then again, she wasn't the Doctor, Carson was. However, Keller will never reach the strength or charisma Carson has/had.
                        But I seem to like characters being whumped so there... I guess that was it. (Must have been the case indeed. Have no other explanation for it. *shrug*)

                        * Radek - It's always nice to see my favorite Czech scientist. Teyla saved his butt, guns blazing. I cheered. Radek really rocked in this episode, and I really hoped it would be the B-Team for once to save the day. But nope, it had to be Hewo-Sheppard again. Go figure!

                        * Flying a jumper into the city. Weir would have a thing or two to say about that, but then again it looked daft. Leave it to Sheppard to get the job done in his own way of course. The faster, the better. (Still consider that pretty neat.)

                        * Beckett back in action - it's a pleasure, but I missed his cool hair.

                        * Sheppard communicating with the tentacles, that was very Weir-like.


                        * Teyla disappearing halfway through the episode.

                        * Woolsey - too willing to put the many before the one. I'd say go for it but not before you run out of all your options, and then some. If he were to stay like this, I could see the potential for some good drama. But the way he was used for comic relief here and there, doesn't hold much promise of that. Who said it again they would tone him down like they did Rodney? I don't want that. If you want Woolsey, then keep him the way he is, or have him change over time. Like he was in the briefing room (I want that cool table back btw, out with that new one).

                        * I had a deja-vu feel throughout the episode and I still don't know why. But it all felt like I had seen it before somewhere. I think I've read it in a fic maybe... I don't know. *shrug*

                        * Teyla reduced to praising Carter as a goddess. That was actually something that seriously annoyed me.


                        It wasn't all that bad. I smiled a few times. Was happy to see more of Teyla,. The story was okay, I guess, apart from that deja-vu feeling. It was popcorn enjoyment. (When I use that term it means that the brain can take time off, since it's not needed for the duration of the episode/movie. Mindless entertainment.)

                        I still agree with myself.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Well little Lemming, it was the first in a long line of eps in season 5 on "where in the world is Teyla Emmagan?"


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Well little Lemming, it was the first in a long line of eps in season 5 on "where in the world is Teyla Emmagan?"
                            Which was such a fun game to play.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              part of it i can understand, rachel wanted time off.

                              no issue there, really.

                              but there are times when the cynic in me feels that her maternity leave - like amanda's - was seen as an 'easy out' to side line a 'difficult' character to write in favor of one of their preferred cliches
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                I really dislike their idea of suspense.

                                Oh, Keller is going to turn into a hive ship...


                                No she isn't!

                                Oh Rodney's Ganna die of a parasite..

                                No he isn't!

                                Ronon's ganna die......Oh wait yes he did!


                                No he isn't!


                                At the end of the episode they'll find a cure, and everything is okey dokey!

                                Was I supposed to be scared?

                                I was actually laughing at how unintelligent the plot was.

                                Keller's in danger? It must be Friday! (to use a quote from Buffy about Dawn)

                                I don't like Keller, so why would I care what happened to her?

                                I know there are other people who do like her.

                                This was just the beginning of the "damsel in distress" over use of Keller.

                                The best part for me was the Radek and Teyla bit in the tunnel.
                                Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?

