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What character should go?

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    I've seen all the episodes but I had to look up who Larrin was. Why all the hate for her? She's ace! One of the best recurring characters. They should feature her much more.


      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      » Why Sheppard for you, now?

      Search and Rescue was the last straw.


        Well, I'd like to see Woolsey and Keller go.

        At first I liked Keller, but now...urm...she's starting to grate on me abit. My reasons are like many people have already stated, eg dissing radek, the flirting thing with the men...

        I've never liked Woolsey, I'm not sure why...even when he does something good. I don't understand why the character is always praised and put in good positions. Like the time he was put in Atlantis when the surviving ancients returned. I just hope that there are not going to be story arcs surrounding him...<shudders>
        Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
        The Strongest Will Survive!
        I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


          Originally posted by Reiko View Post
          » The poor sap who created the promo pic atrocity needs to go. Bad photoshop makes me cry.
          Amen to that! Dont forget the 'no-chin, small head' Sheppard and generally crap PS job on the DVD covers the last 2 years. Apparently the s3 DVD cover was a last minute hachet job because someone wanted Carson off the cover (and that info came from someone at Fox who didn't like the cover either). Not to mention the last two seasons floating cast shots with the uber shiny floor and no reflection! It makes the show look like a cheesy b-movie!

          Keller either needs to go, or they get a writer whose at least half-compitent at writing believable women characters and stop portraying her as the pathetic little damsel in distress who only treats the cute guys so she can unethically perv on her patient.


            Originally posted by TJuk View Post
            Keller either needs to go, or they get a writer whose at least half-compitent at writing believable women characters and stop portraying her as the pathetic little damsel in distress who only treats the cute guys so she can unethically perv on her patient.

            What new BS is this?


              Originally posted by TJuk View Post
              Keller either needs to go, or they get a writer whose at least half-compitent at writing believable women characters and stop portraying her as the pathetic little damsel in distress who only treats the cute guys so she can unethically perv on her patient.
              Oh wow. Seriously, I can get that you might not like Keller. And you're entitled to that opinion. But please show me ANY actual canon evidence from the show that Keller a) "only treats the cute guys" and b) does so with the intention of "unethically perv[ing] on her patients"!!

              Honestly, I feel like this whole "Keller is a slut" thing is becoming a classic example of people confusing fanon with canon. People in fandom got themselves all worked up over the fact that - shock! horror! - a woman almost kissed one man and a few weeks later invited another to have a drink with her (The brazen hussy! Has she no shame?!!) and started ranting about her being a slut etc etc etc and next thing you know people are accepting that interpretation as though it is fact. Based on the CANON evidence so far, it's nothing more than an over-reaction.


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post

                What new BS is this?

                Bachelor of Science?


                  That's "BSc", actually. I should know. I hope to get one in 2 years.

                  But, uh, Alipeeps outlined my thoughts nicely (as she usually does).

                  EDIT: Hmm, my bad, it seems that B.S. can be short for Bachelor of Science after all:


                    Originally posted by TJuk View Post
                    Amen to that! Dont forget the 'no-chin, small head' Sheppard and generally crap PS job on the DVD covers the last 2 years. Apparently the s3 DVD cover was a last minute hachet job because someone wanted Carson off the cover (and that info came from someone at Fox who didn't like the cover either). Not to mention the last two seasons floating cast shots with the uber shiny floor and no reflection! It makes the show look like a cheesy b-movie!

                    Keller either needs to go, or they get a writer whose at least half-compitent at writing believable women characters and stop portraying her as the pathetic little damsel in distress who only treats the cute guys so she can unethically perv on her patient.
                    Can you please give the link to the info about the season 3 dvd cover please? Who at Fox said that and where was that said? I don't particularly like the promo shots OR dvd covers though. But, if what you're telling us here is hearsay, I don't think you should be repeating it. If you have proof, then excellent.

                    As for Keller perving on patients? Really? Did I blink and miss that?

                    I personally have issues with Keller's age as CMO, and have had issues with her not looking very self assured in doctoring matters on occasion, but I've NEVER seen her perving on patients or only treating cute guys. Unless Martin Jarvis' character from The Seer is considered a 'cute' guy?

                    Unfortunately, the SGA team ARE full of cute guys, and as the stories are about the team, then, yeah, she's going to be treating cute guys. Hmmm, she treated Weir and Teyla. Are they cute guys too?


                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Unfortunately, the SGA team ARE full of cute guys, and as the stories are about the team, then, yeah, she's going to be treating cute guys. Hmmm, she treated Weir and Teyla. Are they cute guys too?
                      Katie Brown must be a cute guy too, and Sam Carter and that guy Nabel... in fact, if Tabula Rasa is any indictation, then the entire staff of the expedition are all cute guys!


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Katie Brown must be a cute guy too, and Sam Carter and that guy Nabel... in fact, if Tabula Rasa is any indictation, then the entire staff of the expedition are all cute guys!
                        Gerald? No way was he a cute guy!


                          Originally posted by Nusku View Post
                          I've seen all the episodes but I had to look up who Larrin was. Why all the hate for her? She's ace! One of the best recurring characters. They should feature her much more.
                          hmm lemme see........She looks like a dominatrix with those very skimpy leather outfits on which makes her look ridiculous...She's nothing but a scantilly clad space chick who likes showing off her cleavage so guys like Shep can drool all over her......IMO she's the worst character that's ever graced Stargate

                          Oh and Rodney has got a temporary reprieve from me after i saw him in S & R.........Now if he's like this for the rest of the season i'll be alot happier with him but if he reverts back to S4 Rodney then i'm afraid it'll be the nearest airlock for him!


                            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                            That's "BSc", actually. I should know. I hope to get one in 2 years.

                            But, uh, Alipeeps outlined my thoughts nicely (as she usually does).

                            EDIT: Hmm, my bad, it seems that B.S. can be short for Bachelor of Science after all:

                            I am always right, except when I am wrong .


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              hmm lemme see........She looks like a dominatrix with those very skimpy leather outfits on which makes her look ridiculous...She's nothing but a scantilly clad space chick who likes showing off her cleavage so guys like Shep can drool all over her......IMO she's the worst character that's ever graced Stargate
                              Ah, so it's probably the Gateworld birds who have been laying on all the Larrin hate then.

                              I can't recall her outfits but scantilly clad space chicks always own! I just remember a fiesty girl who gets what she wants with some style and a smile. SGA needs women like her and not the dorks like Keller.

                              I was also quite suprised Teyla is getting the same level of hate as Woolsey! I liked her because she's the most convincing martial artist on the show but I must admit from the start of her pregnancy her character has gone downhill fast. Hopefully they'll lose the baby and restore her to her former glory.


                                Originally posted by Nusku View Post
                                Ah, so it's probably the Gateworld birds who have been laying on all the Larrin hate then.

                                I can't recall her outfits but scantilly clad space chicks always own! I just remember a fiesty girl who gets what she wants with some style and a smile. SGA needs women like her and not the dorks like Keller.

                                I was also quite suprised Teyla is getting the same level of hate as Woolsey! I liked her because she's the most convincing martial artist on the show but I must admit from the start of her pregnancy her character has gone downhill fast. Hopefully they'll lose the baby and restore her to her former glory.

                                I just thought the Larrin character was the sillest thing,i dunno maybe it would have been different if t was a different actress but then again maybe not....She made Shep look like a frat boy *shrugs*

                                Oh i love Teyla ...She's my fave character on Atlantis I mean at least she can look gorgeous without looking like a um how can i put this......tart.......She's beautiful and sure she wears clothes sometimes that accentuates (ooh look at me,i think i ate a dictionary for my breakfast ) her looks but she never flaunts it..And well her fighting scenes are some of the most breathtaking scenes on the show...IMHO....I do agree that i wasn't happy about the whole pregnancy storyarc,i thought they could have done it alot better than they did but what's done is done i guess....And with any luck bambino won't hang around too long and we can get our kickass warrior back

