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What character should go?

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    I think they will be able to do more with Woolsey than they could have with Sam. If they had used her to her full potential then it would have detracted greatly from Sheppard and McKay, so IMO it was right that they didn't. I liked that she got more involved with the actual operations, but I don't think they could have done much more with her without her 'taking over'. A lot of fans were saying she would dominate the show and make everyone else redundant, but I really don't think she did.

    There were times when she was as strong as in SG-1, but they were few and far between. I'm happy she will be in a couple of episodes this year, and that Search and Rescue (hopefully) won't be the last we see of her, but it could turn out better this way with less appearances. I think there were a lot people who felt that the character was being lessened on the show, hopefully that won't happen anymore now that she isn't a regular.


      Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
      I agree, don't listen to Cautious Explorer , he doesn't know what he's talking about. IMO Sam was the very best thing to happen to the show in S4 . Sam was an incredible addition to the show, even if it was 14 episodes, she was always such a great joy and delight to watch not just in S4, but S1-S3 too, and I'm sure they're sad, but not as sad as me. I remember watching the new episodes of SGA on my lap-top, waiting to see Sam, and BIG smile came to my face everytime I saw her on screen but now it won't be the same for SGA, I'm really gonna miss that. I'm just glad that she'll be back, and that this isn't the end. She'll be a presence in the show, in the episodes she's not in, and when she's not referred to. Because she's made a huge impact on Stargate, and on one can forget her, you can almost feel her.

      Cautious Explorer does know what she's talking about. After all, why should you're opinion be more important than mine. I enjoyed SGA for three seasons without Sam Carter. I was fairly indifferent to her guest appearances. I found the character very bland. She wasn't likeable or unlikeable really, just there. Unfortunately that lack of presence continued when she became a regular. And to be honest, I felt that AT was only half trying in her portrayal of Carter. Combine a bland character, redundant talents (McKay and Zelenka covered the scientific area while Sheppard and Lorne had the military side covered) and a disinterested actress (IMO) and you come up with a large hole where a leader out to be. That lack of leadership was a huge detractor from S4 for me.

      You have a different opinion, based largely on your love of AT/Carter from her previous portrayal I suspect. Just because I don't share your vision doesn't make me wrong.

      Carter never fit in Atlantis. If she were in the poll I would most certainly vote her off.


        I love Carter, but I think she was mostly wasted on Atlantis. But she won't be a regular in S5 so isn't really applicable to this poll.

        I voted for Keller. I liked Carson fine, but was prepared to accept a new doc. I don't think they've written Keller very well. And I certainly didn't see the need to build up her part when they haven't done much with some of their existing characters.


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          I love Carter, but I think she was mostly wasted on Atlantis. But she won't be a regular in S5 so isn't really applicable to this poll.

          I voted for Keller. I liked Carson fine, but was prepared to accept a new doc. I don't think they've written Keller very well. And I certainly didn't see the need to build up her part when they haven't done much with some of their existing characters.
          I think you've hit the nail on the head!

          I love carson, he was brilliant and I hated that he was killed off. Same for Weir, and i wasn't happy about either replacement at first, but I was prepared to give them a chance but they would have to be be darn impressive to win me over.

          And guess what? Carter sort of won me over, I think she could have been and should have been better used, but I liked her in Atlantis, I thought she ended up being a good fit and I'm sorry to see her go, she wasn't properly used but the potential was there.

          Keller on the other hand started out rocky but with signs she might be okay, descended to poor, had a slight wander into interesting in Mortal Coil and plummeted to the depths of the barrel by seasons end!

          Forget Weir and Beckett for a moment, if the replacement characters are strong and impressive they would win fans over, it's nature to want to move on if there is anything to move on to! But Keller is a massive step backwards for Atlantis, at a time they really couldn't afford one.


            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            I agree, don't listen to Cautious Explorer , he doesn't know what he's talking about. IMO Sam was the very best thing to happen to the show in S4 . Sam was an incredible addition to the show, even if it was 14 episodes, she was always such a great joy and delight to watch not just in S4, but S1-S3 too, and I'm sure they're sad, but not as sad as me. I remember watching the new episodes of SGA on my lap-top, waiting to see Sam, and BIG smile came to my face everytime I saw her on screen but now it won't be the same for SGA, I'm really gonna miss that. I'm just glad that she'll be back, and that this isn't the end. She'll be a presence in the show, in the episodes she's not in, and when she's not referred to. Because she's made a huge impact on Stargate, and on one can forget her, you can almost feel her.

            I don't hate Larrin, I just looooooooooooooooooooove Carter!

            I was wrong...She was the best thing to happen to S4.

            Now look guys, Sam isn't included in the poll, and so I'm asking you all to please leave her out of this! Except if you want to keep saying how great she is, than go ahead All I can say I hope to God, that Sam Carter comes back soon, and that they'll be a 3rd movie one day. I wouldn't trade a second of Sam of anything, and even after 11 years, that's still to little Carter. I voted for Woolsey, not because I don't like him, I do, but he'll never measure up to Sam Carter, and only because I strongly believe Sam is the true leader of Atlantis!

            Just a wild guess but i'm assuming you love Carter Yeah me too.....I must admit i was a little worried when i firat heard she was coming to Atlantis but i was so glad my fears were unfounded I'm gonna miss her She was really good on Atlantis IMO

            Anywho back on topic........Get rid of Larrin..throw her out an airlock or feed her to the wraith...I don't care,i just don't want to see her ever again......Worse character that's ever been on any Stargate show


              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
              » A Mary Sue ... (sorry, just stating what I believe to be true)

              Originally posted by GateofDOOM View Post
              Is it? I thought you just had to show up once a season to be seen as recurring?
              then you'd be a guest character

              Originally posted by GateofDOOM View Post
              Larrin's on there after all. She's only been on the show twice, and probably isn't even in season five.
              she won't appear in the mid-season two-parter
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                she won't appear in the mid-season two-parter



                  So, the women and Woolsey are still leading the pack. Interesting, but not surprising, well, except for Larrin. I'm surprised that she's polling so high because she's only been in 2 episodes and in her second outing she barely had any screentime. I'm surprised viewers remember her enough to want to get rid of her.

                  As for Woolsey, I suspect that by the end of Season 5, the negativity toward him will be transferred to the new female characters. Why? Because I believe TPTB will make a sincere effort to write Woolsey well. Whereas, the female characters will get the same kind of lackluster, inconsistent treatment that female SGA characters usually receive.

                  It would be nice if they could surprise me for a change.
                  Last edited by maxbo; 30 June 2008, 12:18 PM.
                  Sig by Luciana


                    I have to say Keller... But its more based on how her character is being written... Its like they took an aukward character design, placed it with an awesome actress and stuck her in a situation that didn't and still doesn't work.


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      • Worked out the cause of the nightmares in Doppelganger, and resuscitated Rodney when his heart stopped and shocked Sheppard enough to stun the entity

                      So no. No actual doctoring done at all....
                      Don't you dare make me start on that scene and how her 'treatment' would kill Sheppard when used in real life. Don't get me wrong: I don't like Sheppard. But even I think that he doesn't deserve to suffer like this. Keller would do a whole lot better had she done no doctoring at all in that scene


                        Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
                        I enjoyed SGA for three seasons without Sam Carter. I was fairly indifferent to her guest appearances. I found the character very bland. She wasn't likeable or unlikeable really, just there.
                        » This is how I feel. Adding Carter was a one-shot for SGA and nothing more; it seems many people who transferred over to Atlantis from SG-1 for Sam have chosen no longer to watch the show since she is no longer a regular. It was another cheap ploy on behalf of tptb. In that process, they may have gained some fans but come her departure it was all for nothing. Not to mention the many fans they lost over the fab actress and character before her.

                        Originally posted by Arica12 View Post
                        Forget Weir and Beckett for a moment, if the replacement characters are strong and impressive they would win fans over, it's nature to want to move on if there is anything to move on to! But Keller is a massive step backwards for Atlantis, at a time they really couldn't afford one.
                        » You hit it right there, Arica. If Keller and Carter pushed SGA further and were a step up from the previous, I may have been okay after awhile. But Carter and definately Keller were a step down (erm, a chasm) from the two wonderful characters there before.


                          Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
                          Cautious Explorer does know what she's talking about. After all, why should you're opinion be more important than mine. I enjoyed SGA for three seasons without Sam Carter. I was fairly indifferent to her guest appearances. I found the character very bland. She wasn't likeable or unlikeable really, just there. Unfortunately that lack of presence continued when she became a regular. And to be honest, I felt that AT was only half trying in her portrayal of Carter. Combine a bland character, redundant talents (McKay and Zelenka covered the scientific area while Sheppard and Lorne had the military side covered) and a disinterested actress (IMO) and you come up with a large hole where a leader out to be. That lack of leadership was a huge detractor from S4 for me.

                          You have a different opinion, based largely on your love of AT/Carter from her previous portrayal I suspect. Just because I don't share your vision doesn't make me wrong.

                          Carter never fit in Atlantis. If she were in the poll I would most certainly vote her off.
                          Okay this is to everyone, especially Cautious Explorer up there^. Remember Amanda's been busy shooting the two SG1 movies, as well as Atlantis and Sanctuary, and she has a baby. So you can imagine it's been a busy schedule for her. Plus 14 out of 20 is more than half a season, and she's in more episodes than Jewel Staite. If there were two of her things be easier, but there isn't. In 11 years, this was the hardest year for her ever, more than any other actor, and she was giving it 110% the whole time, but it's hard to do that while trying to handle 5 important things at once. So don't go around saying she's bland or unlikeable. I think that she is wonderful fitting into Stargate Atlantis and probably is the most desired cast member from SG-1.

                          First of all I have nothing against Weir, but like most people have said elsewhere, the problem is "Weir" herself. For me, it had nothing to do with Torri. The character was written into a corner, being a civilian. I understand why TPTB wrote the character to begin with. They wanted something different than SG-1 given that it was mostly a civilian operation. However, as the story progressed, the job of leading Atlantis became decidedly more military. And most times it seemed like she was losing control of too many things, and she seemed like such a mess when things got rough, like in The Return PT.1. While Carter on the other doesn't lose control. Also, you see ever since season 2 the Weir character has been a walking contradiction. One minute she's badass the next she's a pansy, one minute she's a peace loving hippy opposed to the military, the next she's ordering someone to be tortured. I think the new show runners just realised their failings and decided to cut their losses.

                          Sam almost always keeps her cool, just look at BAMSR. Amanda did an awesome job, like always. As soon as I saw Sam I was really glad to see her, since we haven't seen her on SGA in the past little while, but as soon as I saw her I got a smile on my face . I was really impressed when she stood up for Mckay, even though he's been kind of an arse in that past, she actually stood up for him. She just looked Ellis in the eyes and told him off with that mean and hard ass voice, and he's like "okay". It just goes to show you that she'll behind anyone under her command (even if it's Mckay).

                          I also like the briefing scenes, it showed her in control of the plans and who was doing what. I also really like how her relationship with Shep is coming along. But the scenes with her on the ship were really cool. Like how she was working with Mckay on the planet offering to beam down and help. I was like "yes" because I wanted to see her do what she does best, work her "brain" magic. The part where Mckay said " "We're geniuses" and her smile was a really good moment. I loved this episode and because it just showed how strong a leader Sam is, and how much she can contribute to Atlantis. That's how I feel and there's nothing anyone can say or do that will ever change my mind.

                          Originally posted by Arica12 View Post
                          I think you've hit the nail on the head!

                          I love carson, he was brilliant and I hated that he was killed off. Same for Weir, and i wasn't happy about either replacement at first, but I was prepared to give them a chance but they would have to be be darn impressive to win me over.

                          And guess what? Carter sort of won me over, I think she could have been and should have been better used, but I liked her in Atlantis, I thought she ended up being a good fit and I'm sorry to see her go, she wasn't properly used but the potential was there.

                          Keller on the other hand started out rocky but with signs she might be okay, descended to poor, had a slight wander into interesting in Mortal Coil and plummeted to the depths of the barrel by seasons end!

                          Forget Weir and Beckett for a moment, if the replacement characters are strong and impressive they would win fans over, it's nature to want to move on if there is anything to move on to! But Keller is a massive step backwards for Atlantis, at a time they really couldn't afford one.
                          Thank you, thank you, thank you , this is what I'm talking about, you gave her a chance, and so did a lot of other people. People probably expected more from her because her work on SG-1, but IMHO she gave a lot to S4, and I know she would have given much more in S5 because she wouldn't be shooting the two SG-1 movies. Thank you for saying you're sorry to see her go, and for giving her a chance to win you over, which I know she did with other fans.

                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          Just a wild guess but i'm assuming you love Carter
                          Like I said before I just want to hold on to Sam tight, hug her and never let her go and tell her I love her You can love her all you want, I have no/0 problem with her Pro-fans, but she's mine .

                          (((Amanda looking at me)))

                          + + : Move over Jack, I found a real man!
                          :Whaaaaaaat?. How did I lose her?........ Oh yeah.

                          Yeah me too.....I must admit i was a little worried when i first heard she was coming to Atlantis but i was so glad my fears were unfounded I'm gonna miss her She was really good on Atlantis IMO
                          Thank you so much too . I was also worried, but she proved to me once again why Sam is such a great character. I'm so going to miss her.
                          Last edited by Rocky89; 30 June 2008, 10:48 PM.


                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            First of all I like Carson and Weir, but I love Carter, so do many, many others, and you can't deny that she'll be incredibly missed.
                            Despite the fact that I know I'm about to get surrounded by a forum of Carter supporters and eaten alive I just had to post and tell you how wrong you are. Carter will not be missed, at least no by me. I will miss her as much as a hole in parachute. Don't get me wrong, I liked her up until season 6 and then she just started to get a little too perfect.

                            Jonas: Dear God the world is ending again
                            Jack: That's alright, Carter will sort it. Let's go have a beer

                            Was there nothing Carter couldn't do? I mean dear God that woman just have the biggest brain in the known universe, she can do anything.

                            Like I said, not a realistic character.

                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            Also, it was Amanda's choice to leave, JM, and others over at TPTB tried, did everything to keep her keep, they fought for her. They didn't do that for TH
                            Of course they didn't do that for Torri, they wanted her gone because she complained (And rightly so) that they weren't doing a thing with her character, and what did they do when they brought Amanda over? Well they turned her into...well Elizabeth. She did basically the same as Elizabeth, you can argue with that all you want but 80% of what she did on Atlantis was what Elizabeth could have done.

                            I have to praise Amanda for leaving because they were destroying her character. I'm sure she went over to SGA thinking it would be a new opportunity and a chance to explore different parts of her character, obviously when she got into the heart of the show she found out that her character was nothing more than someone to fill in space between Rodney/John scenes.

                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            I'm not saying, you're not sad, but I/we are too, more than you know, because she's been around for 11 years]
                            I'm sorry but if you say that again I might loose it. Torri went to TPTB a lot and asked if they were killing her character and ever time they said 'No of course not, we love you' and than after she'd filmed the final scene of the season she got called up the Mallozzi's office and told that she was loosing her job. Just think about that for a moment. That moment she was told she was loosing her job, her friends, a show that she had dedicated 3 years of her life to was gone and it wasn't her decision. That must have been bloody painful for her and it was excruciating for her fans, if she had chosen to leave it wouldn't have hurt so much.

                            Amanda choose to leave, she choose to put an end to a character she had for 11 years. I'm sure the decision hurt her but at least it was HER decision and I'm sure you guys are hurting too, I have no doubt about that but until you favorite actress/character is pushed out of a show that you love don't come to me saying that we can't possibly know how much you hurt because you are wrong. We know a heck of a lot more than you do.
                            Joe said it, therefore it is canon
                            Rodney/Teyla is love

                            Torri community
                            My LJ
                            My Fanfic


                              Ah yes, I chose Rodney... But I'll be glad to see Carter go too, never been a fan but SGA most definitely sidelined her and turned her into a bad Elizabeth-clone. I admit to being one who thought she'd take over the show since she was such an important character in SG1, bringing along some serious baggage, but dude... They just ignored her.

                              Runner ups are Larrin & Keller.

                              Now if only Woolsey wouldn't be there and Elizabeth came back. Carson too, Keller demoted to assistent, Kate back (might be harder to do, but alternate universes enough to choose from)... *wants SGA-family back*
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                Okay this is to everyone, especially Cautious Explorer up there^. Remember Amanda's been busy shooting the two SG1 movies, as well as Atlantis and Sanctuary, and she has a baby. So you can imagine it's been a busy schedule for her. Plus 14 out of 20 is more than half a season, and she's in more episodes than Jewel Staite. If there were two of her things be easier, but there isn't. In 11 years, this was the hardest year for her ever, more than any other actor, and she was giving it 110% the whole time, but it's hard to do that while trying to handle 5 important things at once. So don't go around saying she's bland or unlikeable. I think that she is wonderful fitting into Stargate Atlantis and probably is the most desired cast member from SG-1.
                                All the excuses in the world couldn't make me like Sam Carter. I just wasn't impressed. I don't think she's a compelling character, and yes, I do think she's bland and unlikeable. (You do know I'm talking about the character here, not the actress, right?)

                                As to AT, hectic schedule or not, it's the performance that matters. I thought it was lacking. I certainly hope she wasn't giving 110%, because I'd like to think she could do better. But not everyone's taste is the same and I suspect that I simply don't like AT's acting style. It doesn't mean she's bad or good. She's just not to my taste.
                                First of all I have nothing against Weir, but like most people have said elsewhere, the problem is "Weir" herself. For me, it had nothing to do with Torri. The character was written into a corner, being a civilian. I understand why TPTB wrote the character to begin with. They wanted something different than SG-1 given that it was mostly a civilian operation. However, as the story progressed, the job of leading Atlantis became decidedly more military. And most times it seemed like she was losing control of too many things, and she seemed like such a mess when things got rough, like in The Return PT.1. While Carter on the other doesn't lose control. Also, you see ever since season 2 the Weir character has been a walking contradiction. One minute she's badass the next she's a pansy, one minute she's a peace loving hippy opposed to the military, the next she's ordering someone to be tortured. I think the new show runners just realised their failings and decided to cut their losses.
                                That's the problem with Carter. She diidn't lose control, she didn't react much at all. That's what I call a bland character. She's as good as gone already, otherwise she would be at the top of my list to be kicked out of Atlantis.

                                You don't like Weir, I don't like Carter. What's the difference? I'm not trying to change your mind and you're not going to change mine. We each have a right to our opinions.

                                With Carter gone, my second least favorite is Keller. She needs to develop some positive characteristics very quickly or ship back to Earth.

