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What character should go?

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    ***battle of the sexes *** Anyone want some popcorn? ***


      The site's not just about fandom; it's about all kinds of TV tropes, or "cliches" (but not as cliche...yeah).

      For instance, the page for Stargate Atlantis:


        Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
        ***battle of the sexes *** Anyone want some popcorn? ***
        ooh can i have some....*sits down with a handful of popcorn while watching battle of the sexes*


          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
          The site's not just about fandom; it's about all kinds of TV tropes, or "cliches" (but not as cliche...yeah).

          For instance, the page for Stargate Atlantis:
          The point is though that you posted that particular page as an argument about why it was predominantly women that had received votes, and the argument was based on a sexist assumption about women who watch scifi.

          The fact that the rest of the site discusses other things is irrelevant, IMO.


            It's not an assumption at all. As I said, the page exists because the behavior exists. I only put that there because it was brought up earlier. Note that I didn't say anything after posting the link; it was just an "official" definition according to that site that those who argued that point may want.

            The stuff about the rest of the site was just for your reading pleasure, because I thought you'd like how many "tropes" your favorite shows may use; it had nothing to do with the discussion at hand.


              Ah yes the discussion at hand which character should go.

              Zelenka !

              Only kidding, Keller all the way!


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                It's not an assumption at all. As I said, the page exists because the behavior exists. I only put that there because it was brought up earlier. Note that I didn't say anything after posting the link; it was just an "official" definition according to that site that those who argued that point may want.

                The stuff about the rest of the site was just for your reading pleasure, because I thought you'd like how many "tropes" your favorite shows may use; it had nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
                Statistics are lovely things - we can manipulate them to say anything we want. Of course it's an assumption - they don't have access to the minds of every woman who watches scifi - they are basing their assumptions on what they see, quite probably on sites like this. And I'm sure you'll be the first to acknowledge, we at GW are not representative of the entire fandom

                And I have enjoyed other pages on the site, thankyou



                  Well, you got me there.

                  Glad you liked the site.


                    Originally posted by maxbo View Post
                    I agree that TPTB don't put the same amount of effort into casting for female characters as they do when casting for male characters. When they cast for female characters, the main criteria appears to be youth and looks because that's all an actress needs to fulfill TPTB's plans for female characters these days. It's not like they have any plans to really write for these female characters so they want them to be "hot" enough to be used as lame plot devices, yet bland enough to be ignored otherwise.

                    In contrast, when they cast for male characters (Koyla, Oberoth, Lucius, Todd, etc.), they usually cast older actors with a lot of experience. Why? Because they know they will need that experience to pull off their plans for these characters. They knew they wouldn't have Koyla, Oberoth, Lucius and Todd just standing around looking pretty so it was imperative that the actors chosen had the experience and skill to pull off those characters.

                    Can you imagine if they had chosen 20-something actors for those roles? I can't because they never would have taken that kind of chance with those roles. Yet, they don't have a problem with actively seeking very young actresses for roles that should logically be filled by older actresses.
                    You make an excellent point. They brought in a seasoned actor to play the Seer too. And yet his daughter had to be in her 20's and gorgeous. They didn't plan to ship her with anyone. She didn't say two words to anyone but Keller. Yet she had to be young and beautiful. There are plenty of beautiful women over 35. Why not use some? And why the need to cast younger and younger actresses? I can't believe these extremely young women would be of much interest to Sheppard, McKay or even Ronon.


                      Extremely young? Hardly. The reason they're casting young women is because it's what their demographic are more interested in, plus they're probably less expensive. All shows do it, even ones from the alleged feminist Joss Whedon.


                        Originally posted by jenks View Post
                        Extremely young? Hardly. The reason they're casting young women is because it's what their demographic are more interested in, plus they're probably less expensive. All shows do it, even ones from the alleged feminist Joss Whedon.
                        Really? Hiring young actresses is economic. What about the men? Experienced actors don't demand more pay than inexperienced young actors?

                        It's interesting that they have the budget to hire established actors to portray male leaders (The Seer, Oberoth) but that same budget doesn't allow for seasoned actresses. Maybe they shoud stop casting male leaders. If all Pegasus leaders were young and female, there'd be so much more money to pay for explosions and space ships.


                          Ah, I see you've managed to ignore all of my post other than the words 'plus they're probably less expensive.' Very telling. Please don't twist my words to try and make out that what I said was that it's all for economic reasons for the sake of your own argument, it's very dishonest.
                          Last edited by jenks; 09 June 2008, 03:13 PM.


                            Originally posted by jenks View Post
                            Ah, I see you've managed to ignore all of my post other than the words 'plus they're probably less expensive.' Very telling. Please don't twist my words to try and make out that what I said was that it's all for economic reasons for the sake of your own argument, it's very dishonest.
                            Okay. So you also believe they're trying to atract young males and that TPTB find young women more interesting than more mature women? Is that what you said?

                            How does that make it any better? Young men will only find young and lovely women believable as world leaders? Young men are so shallow they will lose interest in the plot if there isn't a nice bit of T&A shoved into the scene? Why don't young men lose interest in the show when older males are cast as leaders?


                              Elizabeth Weir.

                              Oh, wait... Wish already granted.

                              ducks and runs to the exit dodging rotten tomatoes


                                Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
                                Okay. So you also believe they're trying to atract young males and that TPTB find young women more interesting than more mature women? Is that what you said?
                                No it's not, can't you read? Or are you taking the piss?

                                How does that make it any better? Young men will only find young and lovely women believable as world leaders? Young men are so shallow they will lose interest in the plot if there isn't a nice bit of T&A shoved into the scene? Why don't young men lose interest in the show when older males are cast as leaders?
                                Hot young women will attract more young male viewers than if older, less attractive actresses were used. Shallow, pathetic, call it what you like, I might agree but it's still the truth. Personally I couldn't care less whether they use younger or older actresses as long as they can act, so if it keeps the show on the air I'm all for it.
                                Last edited by jenks; 09 June 2008, 04:18 PM.

