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What character should go?

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    kellar... woolsey is the pompus ****** u definitely want on your side in case of the I.O.A/C.

    Think about it; who are the persons you would need around you??

    Smartz = McKay
    Cool = Shepp
    Tough = Ronon
    Calming = Teyla

    If you have the IOA/C(parents) on your back = Woolsey.

    Kellar isn't really needed. McKay can always have a super medical technology... ie. Personal Shield, helpful nanites.
    i know this is an overstatement and untrue to the show, but i still think its funny kinda


      Originally posted by kali1 View Post
      After Keller and Larrin go, I think the Barbie team should be next.
      I have a feeling that team will be "reduced" in that very ep...

      Still the poll is going well!! But Ronon and Lorne, 2 ?? What the...


        Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
        It is kind of interesting to see that out of the 10 choices offered in the poll, there are 3 women and together they account for almost 75% of the votes. I'm not sure why this would be, but for some reason the female characters have more detractors than the guys. Any explanations?
        Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
        pretty far off tbh. it's actually got to do with the fact that most of the people on this forum (ie who voted on the poll) are women themselves.
        Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
        Well I suppose that you both can be on the right track; perhaps many women just do not like how these female characters are written and portrayed. Are most of the men happy with how they are presented? Hard to tell.
        Thanks PG15 for posting that article so I didn't have to! Another theory for the hate is the idea that in our society women are set up as competition for each other, so you SOMETIMES have a natural animosity between women in the same office.


          Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
          Larrin is only in few episodes so I can survive her. And, I like Jewel Staite - her Keller is little unbelieveable as a doctor, less than as a chief of medical department since she is in the same age as me, but I really liked her in The Last Man. If they would keep writing her like that, I have no problems with that.
          But watching Teyla´s grimaces everytime she appears and listen to her statements, no, really no. As someone says that McKay is annoying, then for me is annoying Teyla, from different reasons.

          But you know what is sad? I used to love this show and everyone in it. In S1, from the very beginning, even Teyla. And now? I can hear everywhere around me only how people hate some character (mostly Teyla and Sheppard) and how they want them to be killed. It´s mostly fun, true, but...I think the fact that people can´t even agree what character is worse says something about this show. And when I remember how great it was in S1...

          Maybe you need to go back and read some old threads. There have always been fans unhappy with most of the characters, practically from day one. It was either Weir or Teyla, or shipping wars, or Sheppard being called a manhore or Kirk, and don't forget all the bashing of Sam last year.

          Its nothing new. The topic just changes from year to year and fans will always have something to complain about. Some hate the new direction of the show and others love it, some dislike certain characters and others hate them... I find it ironic that some are complaining about the imbalance on the show between male and female but yet they want the only female presence on the show gone. The guys suffer from just as much bad writing at times as the women, and there are just as many hot guys as there are hot babes.

          As I said before I don't want any of them to go. Sure McKay annoys me but I can live with it and he is still an important part of the team..they all are. I want a more even balance between all the characters, both male and female. McKay takes up far too much screentime and he is the focus of too many stories. I want to see some richer and more meaningful writing handed out to all of them. Stop using Rodney as the emotional crutch and give richer storylines to all of them.

          I'm hoping this happens in season five... I'm fairly optimistic. Teyla seems to be getting a lot more attention which makes me happy.... I just hope that Sheppard gets a bit more depth this season as well.


            bluealien: I know that it was always like this but now it seems that after S4, it´s worse. And I certainly know more people who are unhappy than happy with the new direction.

            As I said, I would prefer lesser screentime for McKay if he got a proper development. He is different in every episode. It´s the imbalance you mentioned. Most of characters suffer from that but the more he is on screen, the more obvious it is.
            The lack of depth for Sheppard, I was never too big Sheppard´s fan. I think he is just this heroic fly boy who flashes his smile and it should stop armies of enemies. But he has certainly potential to become something more. Darker, bitter, somehow influenced by everything he went through. But he isn´t. I think that he has lost something from himself when Elizabeth left. What I mean is that he and Elizabeth had an interesting relationship, where Elizabeth was able to "slow him down" (she did the same for McKay, too) but with Carter, it didn´t work. Talks between him and Carter were dull and boring, without any sparks and arguing. The reason was, of course, that Carter as a soldier and an officer with higher rank who simply gave an order. With Elizabeth, there were those little fights about who should handle the situation and this is, what I miss the most.

            A vote for Zelenka? Who did it!?

            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


              i think that teyla should go cuz she doesnt seem too interesting :/ she makes some moments feel like booring soup... she should be more manipulative agresive like a normal aliem woman larin should joinj sheppards team that would be fun and exciting


                » Burn them all.

                » one ture solution


                  Estrogen Brigade? Are you joking? That implies that women can't make a rational decision or hold a reasonable opinion because we are just too damned hormonal. Utterly sexist


                    Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                    Estrogen Brigade? Are you joking? That implies that women can't make a rational decision or hold a reasonable opinion because we are just too damned hormonal. Utterly sexist
                    I'm really upset by that remark, I might have to have a cry now

                    There are a fair few males that have voted for Keller aswell. And Larrin is hardly an inspiration to all women out there (imo) is she!? That is unless we all want to parade around in leather and flash our 'assets' at any male that walks by

                    Keller is just such a poor character imo, very badly written and it seems they do not know what to do with her apart from make her make googly eyes at Sheppard/Ronon and Rodney. Again, not a great role model when it seems like she has to rely on the men.

                    And I like Teyla, Carter(sg1) and Weir


                      Originally posted by Arica12 View Post
                      So how about we lose Keller, Larrin NEVER comes back and Teyla returns to the character written in Season 1 - Everyone happy!
                      Works for me.

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      And only friggin 4 for Rodney....*grumbles* He should have more votes than that
                      Perhaps the reason why there aren't that many votes for Rodney is because those who hate him probably stopped watching SGA-McKay a long time ago.

                      Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                      It is kind of interesting to see that out of the 10 choices offered in the poll, there are 3 women and together they account for almost 75% of the votes. I'm not sure why this would be, but for some reason the female characters have more detractors than the guys. Any explanations?
                      Unfortunately, this is nothing new because the women of SGA have always received the most negative votes and Falcon Horus summarizes why.

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      I'll give it a shot...

                      Female characters are either:

                      * meant to be the babe of the week
                      * damsel in distress with no other meaning but that
                      * 2D - poorly developed
                      * for male viewing pleasure
                      * meant to be shipped with the male heroes

                      What do you think? Am I close?
                      Yep, that about covers it. No matter how poorly developed the male characters are, somehow TPTB always manage to develop the female characters even less.

                      Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
                      In S1 I think there was a real effort on the part of the writers to bring each character to life. They've gotten sloppy in later years and focused only on what's easiest for them (IMO)
                      I agree that in Season 1 the writers made more of an effort to develop all the characters and not just their favorites. Unfortunately, that fell by the wayside after Season 1.

                      Originally posted by Cautious Explorer View Post
                      I think a lot of it has to do with TPTB who cast actresses without thinking about the role that needs to be filled (IKeller and Larin) and then lack the creativity to develop the female characters. Weir is gone, Teyla shoved into the background half the time and Keller and Larin are there for shipping purposes.
                      I agree that TPTB don't put the same amount of effort into casting for female characters as they do when casting for male characters. When they cast for female characters, the main criteria appears to be youth and looks because that's all an actress needs to fulfill TPTB's plans for female characters these days. It's not like they have any plans to really write for these female characters so they want them to be "hot" enough to be used as lame plot devices, yet bland enough to be ignored otherwise.

                      In contrast, when they cast for male characters (Koyla, Oberoth, Lucius, Todd, etc.), they usually cast older actors with a lot of experience. Why? Because they know they will need that experience to pull off their plans for these characters. They knew they wouldn't have Koyla, Oberoth, Lucius and Todd just standing around looking pretty so it was imperative that the actors chosen had the experience and skill to pull off those characters.

                      Can you imagine if they had chosen 20-something actors for those roles? I can't because they never would have taken that kind of chance with those roles. Yet, they don't have a problem with actively seeking very young actresses for roles that should logically be filled by older actresses.
                      Sig by Luciana


                        Originally posted by maxbo View Post
                        Perhaps the reason why there aren't that many votes for Rodney is because those who hate him probably stopped watching SGA-McKay a long time ago.
                        Oh yeah....Your probably right....Yeah i'm gonna go with that


                          Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                          Estrogen Brigade? Are you joking? That implies that women can't make a rational decision or hold a reasonable opinion because we are just too damned hormonal. Utterly sexist
                          Heh...that's exactly what the link thought you'd say.

                          An enclave of female fans within a traditionally male-dominated fandom. They tend to focus on a particular character or actor, rather than the entire series. Occasionally both sides butt heads over largely superficial reasons, with buckets of opposite-sex awkwardness, and can get defensive.


                            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                            Heh...that's exactly what the link thought you'd say.

                            I do seriously hope that you are attempting to be humourous rather than showing your misogynistic tendencies. Otherwise your post could be reportable under the "not attacking other fans" rules.


                              Geez, lighten up, seriously.

                              And the former, thank you very much. It's not like I wrote that article. It exists, because that kind of behavior exists. It's largely a generalization, of course, but it does exist. I did think it was humorous that you were doing what that article was saying you'd do though, being all frustrated with what is really a superficial matter, and getting all defensive about it.

                              And no one can doubt the awkwardness.

                              Look around that site; it's VERY enlightening in terms of those "tropes".


                                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                                Former, thank you very much. It's not like I wrote that article. It exists, because that kind of behavior exists. It's largely a generalization, of course, but it does exist.

                                Look around that site; it's VERY enlightening.
                                Glad to hear it

                                Personally, I don't see how making sweeping generalisations about any group of people, especially based on gender, can be enlightening about anything other than the inherent bias in people's minds. And I don't see how perpetuating those sorts of biases by using them as "evidence" in a debate is helpful to any discussion. So how about we stick to voicing our own opinions, each being as valid as the other?

