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Season Five : Compliments and Praise Thread

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    Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
    I've been asked why I had my username in both capitals and lower-case by a few people, it got a bit annoying and the capital Rs did look a bit silly so I asked if I could have the letters lowered... but technically it's still written as 'FoXz'.
    oh now I get it. duh!
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      Sorry, I just got tired of the issue.

      Have you seen this?

      MrsB108 writes: “Will we get a deeper look into Michael’s thoughts/emotions?”

      Answer: Yep. Plenty of Michael angst to come.
      Sounds interesting anyway, 'The Prodigal' should be a really good ep.

      PG15 writes: “Good to know we’ll get to see the SGC one last time before the Atlantis series…*sniff*…finishes. Does that mean we’ll see Walter too?”

      Answer: Yes, Walter will put in an appearance before the series ends.

      Cool, there's some interesting 'Whispers' pics on JM's blog as well.


        Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
        Sounds interesting anyway, 'The Prodigal' should be a really good ep.

        Sounds good that we'll see Walter again.


          Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
          Sorry, I just got tired of the issue.

          Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
          Have you seen this?

          Sounds interesting anyway, 'The Prodigal' should be a really good ep.

          Cool, there's some interesting 'Whispers' pics on JM's blog as well.
          yup seen it, Whispers should be another great ep also good news regarding the movies
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            Originally posted by Infinatus View Post

            Sounds good that we'll see Walter again.
            I really liked Walter's appearance in 'Millers Crossing',
            S.G.C. COMMISSARY. Ronon has been joined at his table by Walter.

            HARRIMAN: I'm nervous, right, because, you know, it's an admiral I'm talking to. So I say to him, "Sir, if you use an I-37 form instead of an N-1, you can save yourself from using like, like, like a hundred G-72s." And there's this pause.

            (Ronon reaches for something on his plate but before he can get it to his mouth, Walter grabs his wrist.)

            HARRIMAN: No-one says anything for, like, I dunno, it felt like minutes.

            (Ronon drops his food back onto his plate and sinks back in his seat, bored to death.)

            HARRIMAN: And finally, the admiral looks over at Landry and he goes, "Hank, not only is your boy here right, but I think we found ourselves a new bingo caller for Sunday nights!"

            (He laughs as Ronon glares at him.)

            HARRIMAN: Bingo! "I-37! N-1! G-72! Bingo!" (He giggles.) Whoever said the admiral didn't have a sense of humour?!

            Great scene.


              Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
              I really liked Walter's appearance in 'Millers Crossing',

              Great scene.
              Yep. Whenever GJ gets to say more than "chevron X encoded" he does great. Though he's good at being the Gate Dialer too.


                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

                yup seen it, Whispers should be another great ep also good news regarding the movies
                Indeed, I can't wait to hear more on both movies.


                  Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
                  I really liked Walter's appearance in 'Millers Crossing',

                  Great scene.
                  LOL yeah that was great but I really want to know what he was going to say about Jack
                  HARRIMAN: Oh! Then there was this other time that General O’Neill and I, we were ...
                  (The doors to the Commissary open. Ronon looks up and leaps to his feet with a look of desperate hope on his face.)
                  Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
                  Indeed, I can't wait to hear more on both movies.
                  same here
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by Infinatus View Post
                    Yep. Whenever GJ gets to say more than "chevron X encoded" he does great. Though he's good at being the Gate Dialer too.
                    Yeah he was great in 'Heroes', no one dials the chevs like Walter can.


                      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                      LOL yeah that was great but I really want to know what he was going to say about Jack
                      It's another one of those mysteries like Daniel's line in 'WoO',

                      "...Anyway I’m sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?"


                        Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
                        Yeah he was great in 'Heroes', no one dials the chevs like Walter can.
                        I'll have to rewatch than one. It's been a while.

                        Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
                        It's another one of those mysteries like Daniel's line in 'WoO',

                        "...Anyway I’m sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?"
                        I wondered about that too. Also kind of wondered how Malikai (sp?) got that stunner.

                        Also wondered about Togar from 'Urgo'. Was he a Furling? (j/k)


                          Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
                          It's another one of those mysteries like Daniel's line in 'WoO',

                          "...Anyway I’m sorry but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?"
                          LOL yeah we'll never know what he said but apparently it wasn't interesting since Jack didn't listen
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                            Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                            LOL yeah we'll never know what he said but apparently it wasn't interesting since Jack didn't listen
                            He doesn't listen to a lot of stuff that might be interesting. Remember when he walked out on Thor's recorded message that was playing in Nemesis, telling him about the replicators?


                              Originally posted by Infinatus View Post
                              He doesn't listen to a lot of stuff that might be interesting. Remember when he walked out on Thor's recorded message that was playing in Nemesis, telling him about the replicators?
                              actually no I don't remember need to rewatch that ep
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                Originally posted by Infinatus View Post
                                I'll have to rewatch than one. It's been a while.
                                I plan to re-watch S7 sometime soon.

                                Originally posted by Infinatus View Post
                                I wondered about that too. Also kind of wondered how Malikai (sp?) got that stunner.

                                Also wondered about Togar from 'Urgo'. Was he a Furling? (j/k)
                                LOL, dunno.

                                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                                LOL yeah we'll never know what he said but apparently it wasn't interesting since Jack didn't listen
                                Some philosophical debate no doubt.

