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Season Five : Compliments and Praise Thread

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Math is my speciality if you need help Pandora. Slept through half of Calc and still got a B+.Believe or not Pandora I know how you feel. Just look at all my posts in the Missing folder
    Hehe! I only did 20mins revision (I did days of revision for other subjects) for my Maths GCSE exam and got 100%
    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Math is my speciality if you need help Pandora. Slept through half of Calc and still got a B+.Believe or not Pandora I know how you feel. Just look at all my posts in the Missing folder
      Thanks, jel. It's not the math that kills me (I did finish AP Calc in grade 11 with over 90%), it's more the combination of everything that I have to do. You know how it is. Luckily, I don't have classes on Fridays, so the three-day weekend helps me keep my sanity somewhat.

      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
      Your course sounds fab actually! I'd have loved to continue with genetics if I hadn't have had to do all the other science before specialising Maths is more my style, thats why I struggle with writing, I think of everything in terms of numbers! Psst, don't tell my mum, but I do wonder if I should have done Maths like she wanted be too instead of my current course, it would have given me an actual career
      It's funny actually because my first year of Uni I was on a rebellious streak and decided that I hated science (crazy me). And my mother was just on the sidelines calmly reminding me that I was being silly and that I could do what I wanted, but I'd always go back to the science because I loved it too much. Second year came around and she got her "I told you so" moment. To her credit, she never said it. She just smirked.

      I've never understood why people skip lectures and stuff, it their choice to be there, nobody's forcing them to pay extortionate fees for an education!
      I know! My university charges close to $1000 dollars for a full-year course. That's a lot of money to just throw away.

      Keep up the hard work It'll be worth it in the end and you'll have a job you enjoy going to
      Here's to hoping. But first is more school 'cause my Masters degree awaits me. Sigh.... it never ends.

      Yay! It looks fabby
      She's just so purdy and awesome!


        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
        It's funny actually because my first year of Uni I was on a rebellious streak and decided that I hated science (crazy me). And my mother was just on the sidelines calmly reminding me that I was being silly and that I could do what I wanted, but I'd always go back to the science because I loved it too much. Second year came around and she got her "I told you so" moment. To her credit, she never said it. She just smirked.
        Some things make more of an impression when not spoken aloud

        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
        I know! My university charges close to $1000 dollars for a full-year course. That's a lot of money to just throw away.
        Mine is £2,600 per year for three years (double it for a Masters), and that's cheaper than other uni's And I'm paying rent on a house that I'm not even living in at the moment Also doesn't help when your student loan is 5 weeks late! Came in yesterday though so I thought, before going to collect my books from the library I'd do a bit of shopping And I bought... nothing
        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          Some things make more of an impression when not spoken aloud
          No kidding.

          Mine is £2,600 per year for three years (double it for a Masters), and that's cheaper than other uni's And I'm paying rent on a house that I'm not even living in at the moment Also doesn't help when your student loan is 5 weeks late! Came in yesterday though so I thought, before going to collect my books from the library I'd do a bit of shopping And I bought... nothing
          $5500 for a full year of school at my Uni (so I guess with the conversion rate it's about the same?). Multiply that by 4 years and it's not fun. A Masters program is about twice to three times that amount. So not cool.

          Unfortunately, I'm not planning on doing my Masters here at home. Oh no. The plan is to do it in the UK. So I'm looking to be selling my soul at some point to fund this education. Who came up with this crazy notion of charging people for knowledge?


            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
            Unfortunately, I'm not planning on doing my Masters here at home. Oh no. The plan is to do it in the UK. So I'm looking to be selling my soul at some point to fund this education. Who came up with this crazy notion of charging people for knowledge?
            Where abouts in the UK? There's a house in York that'll have a spare room soon I was thinking of doing my master in the US so maybe we should just swap places!

            I've already asked Gator101 if she'll adopt me cos its free in Scotland! But she said no
            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


              'Inquisition' day.

              Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition


                Wow, those last 4 - or what was it? - pages were actually *almost* on topic!

                You go, guys!

                Now, what was that topic again? Inquisition? Yup.

                Not looking forward to it.

                I want the *next* episode. If it means he'll live, of course.

                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                I wish I got to know you better.


                  Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                  Wow, those last 4 - or what was it? - pages were actually *almost* on topic!

                  You go, guys!

                  Now, what was that topic again? Inquisition? Yup.

                  Not looking forward to it.

                  I want the *next* episode. If it means he'll live, of course.
                  I was on topic.

                  'Inquisition' looks like an interesting episode, can't wait.


                    Its just dawned on me that I'm going to have to get up an hour earlier tomorrow to watch Inquisition before catching the train It'll be worth it though
                    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      Where abouts in the UK? There's a house in York that'll have a spare room soon I was thinking of doing my master in the US so maybe we should just swap places!
                      Unless you plan on doing it in Canada (which I would recommend 'cause Canada is way cooler and cheaper!) I can't help you

                      My heart's set on Cambridge, but we'll see how that goes.

                      I've already asked Gator101 if she'll adopt me cos its free in Scotland! But she said no
                      Free! Man, that must be nice.


                        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                        Unless you plan on doing it in Canada (which I would recommend 'cause Canada is way cooler and cheaper!) I can't help you

                        My heart's set on Cambridge, but we'll see how that goes.
                        Canada will most definately do for me Seriously, Gator101 is planning on doing her masters in Vancouver, its really got me thinking about it. The parents are already pestering me to decide about a masters

                        Well you'll definately get a great education at Cambridge! I have a grudge against it but thats another story Ruby does Archaeology (sp?) at Cambridge and it sounds fantastic

                        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                        Free! Man, that must be nice.
                        I know! And we're supposed to be under the same government
                        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                          Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
                          MONTY PYTHON! That deserves a green! Or two!


                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            Its just dawned on me that I'm going to have to get up an hour earlier tomorrow to watch Inquisition before catching the train It'll be worth it though
                            Going anywhere nice?

                            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                            MONTY PYTHON! That deserves a green! Or two!
                            Thanks Monty Python is awesome.


                              Hey guys, gals, and jelgates,

                              Tonight's ep looks like it will be a reminder of what we fell in love with over the past 5 years. I am expecting a very character driven episode from Sheppard and Woolsey. I think Woolsey is going to shine in this episode.



                                Originally posted by jonos101 View Post
                                Does anyone know were I can get BSG screenshots?

                                Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post

                                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                                Wow, those last 4 - or what was it? - pages were actually *almost* on topic!

                                You go, guys!
                                amazing huh?

                                Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
                                Now, what was that topic again? Inquisition? Yup.

                                Not looking forward to it.

                                I want the *next* episode. If it means he'll live, of course.
                                why not?
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

