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Season Five : Compliments and Praise Thread

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    Search and Rescue:

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 9/10
    Story/Plot: 9/10
    Special Effects: 10/10

    AVG: 9.5/10

    The Seed

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 9/10
    Story/Plot: 6.5/10
    Special Effects: 6/10

    AVG: 7/10

    Broken Ties

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 10/10
    Story/Plot: 9/10
    Special Effects: 8/10

    AVG: 9/10

    Daedaus Variations

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 9/10
    Story/Plot: 10/10
    Special Effects: 10/10

    AVG: 9.5/10

    Ghost in the Machine

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 9/10
    Story/Plot: 9/10
    Special Effects: 8/10

    AVG: 8.5/10

    The Shrine

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 7.5/10
    Story/Plot: 6/10
    Special Effects: 6.5/10

    AVG: 6.5/10


    Character driven/focus/interaction: 7/10
    Story/Plot: 8/10
    Special Effects: 9/10

    AVG: 8/10

    The Queen

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 8/10
    Story/Plot: 9/10
    Special Effects: 9/10

    AVG: 8.5/10


    Character driven/focus/interaction: 8/10
    Story/Plot: 8/10
    Special Effects: 8/10

    AVG: 8/10

    First Contact

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 9/10
    Story/Plot: 10/10
    Special Effects: 10/10

    AVG: 9.5/10

    The Lost Tribe

    Character driven/focus/interaction: 10/10
    Story/Plot: 10/10
    Special Effects: 10/10

    AVG: 10/10


    Character driven/focus/interaction: 10/10
    Story/Plot: 9/10
    Special Effects: 7.5/10

    AVG: 8.5/10

    My 2 Cents.

    Fav Stargate Quotes

    Thanks! It'll be a walk in the park ... a very scary park, filled with monsters who are trying to kill me.

    I like the yellow ones.

    Operation "This Will Most Likely End Badly" is a go.

    OH CRAP!!!

    You need someone dumber than you are.... You may have come to the right place.


      'Search & Rescue'

      Character: 10/10
      Story: 10/10
      Special effects: 10/10

      Average: 10/10

      'The Seed'

      Character: 9/10
      Story: 8/10
      Special effects: 8/10

      Average: 8.5/10

      'Broken Ties'

      Character: 9/10
      Story: 9/10
      Special effects: 8/10

      Average: 8.5/10

      'The Daedalus Variations'

      Character: 9/10
      Story: 10/10
      Special effects: 10/10

      Average: 9.5/10

      'Ghost in the Machine'

      Character: 9/10
      Story: 9/10
      Special effects: 9/10

      Average: 9/10

      'The Shrine'

      Character: 10/10
      Story: 8/10
      Special effects: 9/10

      Average: 9/10


      Character: 7/10
      Story: 7/10
      Special effects: 8/10

      Average: 7.5/10

      'The Queen'

      Character: 10/10
      Story: 9/10
      Special effects: 9/10

      Average 9.5/10


      Character: 10/10
      Story: 9/10
      Special effects: 8/10

      Average 9/10

      'First Contact'

      Character: 10/10
      Story: 10/10
      Special effects: 10/10

      Average: 10/10

      'The Lost Tribe'

      Character: 9/10
      Story: 10/10
      Special effects: 10/10

      Average: 9.5/10


      Character: 9/10
      Story: 9/10
      Special effects: 8/10

      Average: 8.5/10

      Overall an awesome season so far.


        I'd like to put them in order for me as well, but the problem is that it's been either long since I've seen the earlier episodes, some, like I said yesterday, I've only seen once, but that doesn't mean it were bad eps...

        What I can say:

        Search And Rescue:
        I liked it very much, it had only one Michael/Teyla scene, but it was a nice one. Sam was awesome, the shooting the hyperdrive of the Cruiser out of order was cool, the exploding the hyperdrive was great, etc. VERY good episode.

        The Seed:
        While this episode has a slower start, and a fast ending, it's still a very decent episode. There's team in there, I believe, and it's an episode that possibly gives us an insight on how the Wraith Hives/Cruisers etc are built. It was very necessary to do an episode like that, it's something that everybody's dying to know, and I like it how they delivered it. (Rather than making Todd tell them everything they want to know.) The 'Entity' taking over Keller's mind was an awesome thing, and hopefully we'll learn more about it in 'Infection'. (This time partially through Todd, probably - confirmation.)

        Broken Ties:
        Is a very difficult episode for me to judge, because I haven't seen it in a long time, and because I didn't 'feel it' with the Wraith, and that was an important part of the 'first real Wraith ep' of the season. I hope to watch it again soon, as I do with about everything, and I really hope that I've accepted it by then, and that I manage to enjoy the episode like other people were already doing...

        The Daedalus Variations:
        I remember it having a nice start, and overall the episode was very good, then I remember the comment about the 'solution being too easy', but what I mostly found strange was Teyla's huge jump in the usage of technology. It's not that she's dumb, far from it, but suddenly she knows everything about the ship? It's nice that she does by season 5, don't get me wrong, but 'shooting a P-90 versus all but flying the ship is a huge difference. Thing is, she might have handled more Earth equipment (doesn't she have to type up reports of her missions? Since when can she read the English language, then? I don't think those translator nanites are so good that she can just type/read?), but I wouldn't really have noticed it until this, the big shock... Still nice aliens though, but then again, they went down, just like the rest...

        Ghost In The Machine:
        I don't remember my full thoughts about this ep. A Replicator ep isn't very high on my 'to rewatch' list, and that goes for this one too. I do think it was a nice ep, with the computer voice, was it? And then at the end we got this entry by Fran in the database, who knows what information she's added (Wraith tech -!!!-, new species tech,...), I mean, you'd think we'd actually heard about it in a 'uh oh, we could be in serious problems some day soon, but nope. Ignored again. Only one line about it in FC? Nice continuation. Well, at least they haven't *completely* forgotten about it yet?

        The Shrine:
        Nice Rodney ep, 'yes' for bringing back Jeannie, but sometimes it was a bit odd, seeing McKay being retarded... Despite of it being a very good episode, is there something we haven't done with his brain yet? (Made him super smart, with Ancient powers -check-, made him retarded -check-, drilled a whole in his brain -check-,...) Now give other people some development.

        I watched this episode in the early afternoon, at a time where I can't be made scared of anything, so this episode didn't do much for me. It was predictable from top to bottom, or start to end, except for their beloved Vega getting the axe.

        The Queen:
        Did I ever mention I didn't know what to think of it when I first saw it? Because Todd was so OOC, or 'suddenly super friendly'... The perfect host. His opening scene was sooo strange. Saying 'Welcome to my ship.' like it was 'Welcome to another year at Hogwarts.' But now it's totally love, even if that scene is still strange. We get a nice visual on the inside workings of some of the politics between Wraith. 'Kill your superior, and their spot is yours.'

        I went in expecting nothing, and got a good episode in return. Lots of Wraith!

        First Contact:
        The Todd fans knew it was coming, and it was very nicely done. Todd getting somewhat sentimental with Keller, something he can't say to his own species, but he can voice it to her. Great ep in general, too.

        The Lost Tribe:
        I had problems with Todd in this one, the part where he didn't believe them, apparently, although it was logical to use the Daedalus as a weapon against the facility. He didn't want to do it, but thanks to Ronon he had no more choice. Wasn't it easier to just take some crystals out, instead of shooting the crap out of them? Pfft. But I guess the 'Todd' things get fixed up in the next ep, or Shep acknowledge that he had no other choice, and that he would have done the same, heck, he already did, there were just no people on board...

        Wow, I was afraid that the Commander wouldn't work for me (as the one in Broken Ties didn't yet), but wow! This was an amazing episode! So many yummy Wraith (Penny was back as his yummy BAMSR Todd lookalike, and wow!) and the rest was tolerable, lol! Nah, it was a great episode!

        Hope that's about it what I wanted to share about the eps.

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Ooh nice,...I'm gonna put them in order from most fave to least fave

          The Queen
          Search and Rescue
          Daedalus Variations
          First Contact
          Broken Ties
          The Seed
          Ghost in the Machine
          The Shrine
          The Lost Tribe

          Originally posted by The TARDIS View Post
          I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack

          Did ya miss me?

          Now... to catch up on The Lost Tribe and Outsiders! WOOOHOOO!!!
          Who are you.......


            He is who you strive to be Linda
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              He is who you strive to be Linda
              pfft aye right


                You seem a little scarad of the truth
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  You seem a little scarad of the truth
                  I don't know what scarad means...



                    Its not my fault I'm sleep-deprivied. Its the fault of those dictator college professors.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Oh yes blame them


                        I always do. Its never my fault and always someone elses.
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
                          I'm definitely not against the pairing itself but I don't think it should be made canon, I doubt McKeller is going to take from my enjoyment of the rest of S5 anyway and who knows, even though I'm not a shipper I might be ok with what happens in 'Brain Storm' as I was with 'The Last Man'.
                          I'm usually against cannon shipping though there are a few exceptions (S/J D/V and this could be the third)
                          Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                          "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                          Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                            Originally posted by The TARDIS View Post
                            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack

                            Did ya miss me?


                            Now... to catch up on The Lost Tribe and Outsiders! WOOOHOOO!!!
                            Great eps btw. One of my favorite parts of Outsiders

                            Rodney: What are you doing two people can't fit in here!
                            Carson: Like hell they can't now scootch over!
                            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                              Since everyone else is doing this I will too.

                              Search and Rescue
                              Plot: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall: 10/10

                              The Seed
                              Character: 9/10
                              Special Effects: 9/10
                              Overall: 9/10

                              Broken Ties
                              Plot: 10/10
                              Character: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall: 10/10

                              The Deadalus Variations
                              Plot: 10/10
                              Character: 9/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall: 9/10

                              Ghost in the Machine
                              Plot: 10/10
                              Character: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall 10/10

                              The Shrine
                              Plot: 10/10
                              Character: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall: 10/10

                              Plot: 7/10
                              Character: 8/10
                              Special Effects: 7/10
                              Overall: 8/10

                              The Queen
                              Plot: 10/10
                              Character: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall 10/10

                              Plot: 9/10
                              Character: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall: 9/10

                              First Contact
                              Plot: 10/10
                              Character: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall 10/10

                              The Lost Tribe
                              Plot: 10/10
                              Character: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall: 10/10

                              Plot: 9/10
                              Character: 10/10
                              Special Effects: 10/10
                              Overall 9/10

                              Season average so far


                              Definitely the best season IMO.
                              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                First you must pass 5 challenges by the Top 5 posters
                                really? cool

                                Originally posted by The TARDIS View Post
                                I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack

                                Did ya miss me?


                                Originally posted by The TARDIS View Post
                                Now... to catch up on The Lost Tribe and Outsiders! WOOOHOOO!!!
                                awesome eps

                                Originally posted by Fenrir Foxz View Post
                                Overall an awesome season so far.

                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                Ooh nice,...I'm gonna put them in order from most fave to least fave

                                The Queen
                                Search and Rescue
                                Daedalus Variations
                                First Contact
                                Broken Ties
                                The Seed
                                Ghost in the Machine
                                The Shrine
                                The Lost Tribe
                                ooh S&R's #2

                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                Who are you.......

                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                I always do. Its never my fault and always someone elses.
                                why don't you blame GW?

                                Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                                Definitely the best season IMO.
                                yeah and we've only seen 12/20 eps
                                Last edited by Jumper_One; 20 October 2008, 03:30 PM.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

