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Are you going to tune in?

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    probably yes. I want to know how stupid and awful S5 will be
    Stolen Kosovo


      Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
      probably yes. I want to know how stupid and awful S5 will be
      Well, if you go into it with that attitude you probably won't be disappointed.


        Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
        Well, if you go into it with that attitude you probably won't be disappointed.

        no I won't.

        but I have another reason: after every SGA episode I see, I'm enjoying other TV shows even more
        Stolen Kosovo


          Well, yeah!


            Honestly, I haven’t been an SGA fan and haven’t follow from the beginning.

            I had watched just few episodes from season 1 thru 3, I just couldn’t get into the show or story line, one of the main factors the killing, vanishing and disappearing of some of the characters once you were liking them To me that’s a main factor for a show to thrive, BUT I been a fan of the StarGate Universe, from the movie to the SG-1 series (still watch in re-runs even though I have the DVD’s )

            So this season, I turn to SGA to give it a try and so far I been liking it (for the few episodes that were so not good) another thing that help was the fact that Sam Carter was there, then Jennifer, Selenka and Ronon grown in me, I always like Teyla So now with the new changes and all the fuss about the show, I’m kind of intrigue so I will probably be turning in to watch the show, if I don’t like it then I at least going to be watching when and make their appearance (Yes big fan of the original show second parts are not as good)

            I just don’t see Woolsey as a commander/leader of the City, and just to watch and episodes is not my cup of tea, neither to see Sheppard go against Woolsey when they don’t agree with something as John did with Weird sometimes, or Woolsey become a close friend with Rodney in their whining.

            But yeah I'll give it a try.

            Dare and Dream


              Are you going to tune in?
              Damn right I am, but I still have some beef with the show. Nevertheless, I enjoy a good hamburger, and SGA tends to be at least USDA Choice quality, so I'm game.
              If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                Yes. Partly because I'll watch it til anything I was into at one point until it ends, so I know how it ends. But mostly because I still enjoy it. True there's the often cringe-worthy moments or plothole, but I can tune 'em out and enjoy the general good stuff without worrying about it. I guess I'm lucky!

                Casting changes don't really bother me - I have my favourites, of course, but the loss of a character is no biggy (Beckett was my fave, then they killed him off. No biggy - it's their choice). For me, one character does not make a show, but the general concept and atmosphere do - and that's still there for me.
                I'm not Weird, I'm Gifted!


                  As of right now, I'm not making any plans to tune in to Season 5.
                  Signature by Erin87


                    Will I be tuning in for S5? Well - even removing the whole issue with Weir, S4 for me has been .... not that great overall. So as of right now it's not looking good that I will watch. Although - teh hair might pull me back in.
                    Last edited by Suzotchka; 13 February 2008, 12:39 PM.


                      Well I'll still definitely be watching! There may be the odd boring/bad ep here and there, but I've enjoyed the majority. Yes, I miss Weir, and Carson, and sometimes don't agree with the changes, but I don't let them influence what I think of the show until I've seen the episodes. And so far, I like the episodes. Quarantine, even though it wasn't the best ep ever, even got me squeaking (I do that when there's a bit I'm all weird about) and I consider that a good thing. So yes, I'll be watching! I'll be watching till the end!


                        Personally there have been a lot of aspects of the show that i ahve not liked, such as numerious episodes being the same, atlantis goes into lockdown etc. But there are aspects i like, and if it goes off the air what esle are you going to watch? Only thing that is even close any more is BSG and that show has been way out there, i would rather watch sga than bsg. So i would rather watch a crappy sga than a good anything esle that is on scifie

                        Surely you cant be serious, I am serious and dont call me shirly.

                        Danmit. What is it Oneil? I forgot to tape the simpsons .... Its important to me

                        Sir i think you have gone mad with power.
                        Ofcourse I have, have you ever gone mad without power, its no fun, noone listens to you


                          Nope ***add in Timbaland and Furtado song ***


                            Nope! I much rather stick my fingers down my throat.


                              It's not likely. This season has been too depressing. It's like watching an old friend die. There's not much left of the show I used to love.


                                Wouldnt miss it for the world!
                                : I would very much like to have a weapon such as this.
                                : Yeah, Get in line.

