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Stargate Atlantis - Season 5 - Amanda Tapping in "several episodes"

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    Don't worry everyone your not suffering from Deja Vu. What's written below I originally wrote in the Sam/Jack thread because it has more relevance here and I didn't see any point in rewriting something I feel I put across pretty well the first time around:

    I've had some time to process the news regarding Amanda's reduced role in Stargate: Atlantis and now I'm finding myself somewhat disappointed. After the dizzying first impact of the news I took "several episodes" to be just what she'd been doing in S4 and was happy with that and that there were of course more opportunities for keeping those Sam/Jack hints coming. But now it seems that "several episodes" may potentially mean less than the amount of episodes she appeared in in S4.

    On the flip side of that coin, the more Sam appears as a regular there's more opportunities for TPTB to kill her off and that is something I *definitely* don't want. I don't know if they ever would, but that option would always be there as long as she's a regular character of an episodic series. So I'm oddly a tiny bit happy with her having a reduced role because now, hopefully, there'll be less opportunities for Sam to be potentially killed off...although whether that actually means anything for anyone in a recurring role is another thing all together. Probably not.

    I suppose it all actually depends on the storyline and what Sam's reduced role is exactly. I suppose we'll just keep tuning in to see how it all pans out...but if TPTB don't keep Sam alive and send her back to Jack safe and sound then I can't be held responsible for my actions.

    I'll also say that I only started watching Stargate: Atlantis "live" when Sam joined as a regular. It's McKay that puts me off the series but I knew that having Sam on board in S4 would more than make it worthwhile plus it would also continue her story for another year and that I was most definitely not going to miss. I do like Stargate: Atlantis and its characters (bar one) but don't feel as attached to them as I do with the characters of Stargate SG-1.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
      yeah I totally agree

      um who said she'll be making guest appearances??? guests return for 'a few' eps, Carter will be back for 'several' eps
      Thank you for agreeing.

      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
      I didn't say that 'several' means half the season but it's definitely more than 2 or 3 because that'd be 'a few' eps, not 'several'. and I also don't see the irony you're referring to. Weir was not in several eps this season, she was in a few (2-4). 'several' means more than 5 and less than 12 imo

      again two totally different situations. TBTB will probably just write around AT's schedule and IF the show gets picked up for another season and IF AT still wants to be a part of it, they could increase her role again in s6

      I think that's what's gonna happen

      right, 'guest appearances on several eps'. there's a difference between being a guest and making guest appearances in several eps
      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
      see that's exactly what I mean. someone says she'll be in 'several' eps next season an people begin to worry. why? she's in several eps in s4, not 'a few' and not 'a lot'. then someone else uses the word 'guest' and suddenly it's only 2-4 eps. wtf??? so AT might not be a regular next season, so what? she'll most likely still be base commander and as such appear in several eps (lol see I used it myself). that's more than 6 eps but less than 14, nothing wrong with that imo

      where does 'guest' end and 'recurring' start?
      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
      right but a guest star will only appear for max 4 eps, hence 'guest'. the article also says 'several eps' which imo increases the number of eps. AT won't be a guest star, she'll at least be a recurring character
      Jumper One you are like the only one here making the most sense. Okay lets take a look at RDA/O'Neill for a minute. He clearly wasn't around very much in season 7 as he was in the first 6 seasons (I know why). But come season 8 he was back in action. He was a lot more in involved in the episodes particularly "Zero Hour". The reason I'm saying this is because it could also happen to Amanda. You've said a few times already that TBTB worked around her schedule this year, so I don't see why they can't next year.

      And as for the part about her still being base commander, I still think/hope that she'll be, she could just-- like I said pull a S7 O'Neill and not be around much, and if she is back in S6 than her role could very well be increase. Plus to get another new letter now would hurt Atlantis and Carter fans .

      And I also agree with you in your second post about people getting worried about when they see the words "several", "guest", or whatever. They see "several", and they think 5-10, then they see "guest" and they think 2-4. I mean does the number of episodes change whenever they see those words?

      Originally posted by blue-skyz View Post
      No use focusing on the word several.
      It’s most likely a way of saying that she is also going to be in S5 of SGA and they don’t have a clue beyond that.

      Sanctuary is 13 episodes, SGA is 20. Extra time at both ends of Sanctuary?
      They both tape in the same city, I presume. Probably in the same studio complex. So taping a few scenes at a time might not be too difficult.

      S5 has not even been written. They should be able to write around AT’s schedule, they did this season.

      I would like to see Carter have to go back to Earth for a while for some reason and have Caldwell be temporary commander for about 3 episodes. He and Sheppard could have some interesting conflict. Sheppard could be left in command for a few episodes. I think it would be fun if Sheppard was in command and they sent Woolsey to handle the administrative crap.
      I agree. I would also imagine they're both in the same studio, so AT wouldn't have to go far to do both, plus it's almost the same crew on both shows. And you're also right about PTB writting around her schedule like this year. If they do, I don't think it would be as hard as last year, because next season she won't have the 2 SG1 movies to do, so that 2 less things for her to worry about. But if she did leave and go back to earth for a few episodes, doesn't mean she won't still be the leader, O'Neill had a few offworld missions in season 8. As long as she'd come back soon I wouldn't mind.

      Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
      This I disagree with. She led Sg-1 well in season 8 and she did a fine job co comanding SG-1 in seasons 9 and 10. She also has done a great job with comanding Atlantis IMO and she can still do that even with a reduced role.
      Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
      she couldn't lead SG-1? how so? just because TBTB decided to bring in a new male lead character after RDA left the show doesn't mean Carter was unable to lead the team (which she successfully did in s8, and it wouldn't have made any sense to promote her to General in s9)

      TBTB will most likely just write around AT's schedule, much like this season
      Both of you are so right, I thought she did just fine leading and co-leading the team in seasons 8-10. heck, somethimes she was more of a leader than O'Neill . And she's doing just fine as the leader as Atlantis, and she can still do so even with a reduced role. And who knows, like Jumper One said, if the show gets a season 6, maybe she'll have a bigger role than S4 and 5.

      Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
      I'd go with she still commands the city but is taken down to a recurring role around 7-10 eps.

      Agreed none of these options seem likely.
      As long as she's on the show, and commands the city I'll be okay.

      Originally posted by saberhagen83 View Post
      This news is a mixed bag for me. I'm really happy to see that Sanctuary will make it to TV for 13 episodes. I really liked what I saw from the internet series. But at the same time it would possibly mean a reduced role for AT on SGA. Now I'm not gonna speculate to much on "several", it means different for different people. To me it sounds like 5+ at least. So I see a couple of scenarios here.

      1, Carter will still be in command but we'll only see her when she is really needed for the actual story. Beeing on Atlantis for an entire ep witout her might work once or twice, but it would seem strange not to have her involved in such a storyline at some point... With stories that takes mostly place off-world would take care of that problem.

      2, Carter will take up a different position, say a ship commander. Or she will take up another position on Earth, but will be working with the Atlantis teams on certain occasions.

      3, The word "several" is in the end "a few" and they will wrap up her story on Atlantis in the beginning of the season and bring in a new commander.

      I'm gonna go with 1 however. Making more changes now would likely hurt the show way to much. I never have had anything against Weir or Carson, and never really wanted any of them to go and I still miss Carson. Replacing Weir was never necessary IMHO, but brining in Carter made it a much easier transition for me. Now the worst thing that can happen is that either Weir takes command again (don't mind her, but with the direction and storylines...wouldn't be a good idea) or they bring in someone completely new and that is a fine line to walk, having to yet again introduce a new important character to the show.

      If they will change command, I'd want Caldwell. We all know him and would make that transition much smoother. However I have no idea about Mitch's situation atm, if he is availible for more apperances on SGA or not. But I'm still gonna say that Carter will be in command, just she will likely not be a regular and will be in maybe 8-12 eps. That amount would actually be enough for me, there is no need to have her around to listen and then say "you have a go" or something. The show is in the end about the actual team Sheppard/McKay/Teyla/Ronon....just like SG1 was about...SG1.
      I've got to go with your 1 too. Bringing back Weir, or another leader could hurt the show too much. The best thing IMHO would be to keep Carter in charge, and get her a involved as much as they can.

      Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
      Not all of them. Some of the best ratings were ones she wasnt in as well.

      I disagree. Weir was never the best leader. She went back and forth from being a good leader to not so good. Also they wouldnt have known if Scifi would pick up Sanctuary at the time. Carter will remain as leader at least in season 5.
      IMHO Carter is a much better leader than Weir, because she has over 10 years experience with this stuff, and she's always kept her cool and high spirit. in any situation. That's why she's a better leader, and why she should stay as the boss in S5.

      Originally posted by Steve_the_Wraith View Post
      Sanctuary is 13 episodes and starts filming in march

      SGA starts filming its first 11 episodes in Febuary and then takes a couple of months off before filming the remaining 9 in summer

      Add to that Sanctuary unlike Stargate is filmed almost entirely on green screen so the average episode probably takes a lot less time to film

      What I see happening is Carter appearing at the beginning of the season as usual but then taking a much reduced role in early season 5 and then taking a more active role later in the season
      I hope so too. And again like I said she could pull a S7 and S8 O'Neill and than comeback with more screen time.

      Originally posted by Dr Weir View Post
      Boo yourself


        I'm just gonna jump into these waters rather quickly to say that I'm super glad that Amanda will be back on Atlantis...BUT...I hope TPTB are going to take care of our leading lady a lot better than they did with Elizabeth!
        I really don't want to see Sam put into a situation that has her forced to leave as base commander or demoted in any way...I hope it's all good things for Sam...and Amanda!!

        Whether or not that means Carter will step down as base commander, or the Atlantis writers will simply write around her schedule more, remains to be seen.
        I can't imagine what would make Sam stand down as base commander...of course my shippy mind has ideas but I won't go there here...think I shall have to go home to the ship thread to discuss that one!!!

        It's a good thing to have Amanda back...even if it is just for several episodes!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by Steve_the_Wraith View Post
          Sanctuary is 13 episodes and starts filming in marchSGA starts filming its first 11 episodes in Febuary and then takes a couple of months off before filming the remaining 9 in summerAdd to that Sanctuary unlike Stargate is filmed almost entirely on green screen so the average episode probably takes a lot less time to filmWhat I see happening is Carter appearing at the beginning of the season as usual but then taking a much reduced role in early season 5 and then taking a more active role later in the season
          That is a really good theory. That what happened in S4.
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            More quotes:

            In addition to her producing and starring turns on Sanctuary, Amanda Tapping will also make guest appearances on several episodes of SCI FI Channel's Stargate Atlantis during its 5th season.
            Sanctuary will be produced by Stage 3 Media in association with the SCI FI Channel. Tricon Films and Television are worldwide distributors of the show.

            While fans of the Web series "Sanctuary" have good news from SciFi Channel in its decision to pick it up as a television series, "Stargate: Atlantis" fans have something to mourn: Amanda Tapping's stint as a regular on the show will end when the fourth season ends in early spring. Tapping, who starred in the online version of "Sanctuary," plans to follow the show onto the cable channel thus limiting her availability for "Atlantis," a role she took on following the end of the 10-year run of "Stargate SG-1."

            That doesn't mean there won't be any Samantha Carter for Season 5, however. SciFi Channel officials said that Tapping will make guest appearances on "several episode" of "Atlantis" during its fifth season, but will still be more focused on the 13-episode order of "Sanctuary," which she plays Dr. Helen Magnus
            - Life after Stargate -
            Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
            Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


              I see a lot of people looking at guest and using it as a number base, but to me it is saying this is someone they like and are inviting onto the show. Not a hire-in but an old friend they want to have around - like a guest in the usual sense.

              I think it's down to what AT wants to do, and I think she has obviously indicated to TPTB that her workload will fine enough to do a fair number of episodes for them to come up with "several".


                Is the Atlantis Crew really getting a break with filming ? I would think they would film all they can before summer. I guess what they can do is have any actor & actress part of the Actors Guild film all of their major scenes first & work around that or they have different stories if worst comes to worst & the Actors Guild goes on strike. I sure hope they have plans & we do not get screwed.


                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Thank you for agreeing.
                  you're welcome

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Jumper One you are like the only one here making the most sense.
                  wow thanks obviously I agree

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Okay lets take a look at RDA/O'Neill for a minute. He clearly wasn't around very much in season 7 as he was in the first 6 seasons (I know why). But come season 8 he was back in action. He was a lot more in involved in the episodes particularly "Zero Hour". The reason I'm saying this is because it could also happen to Amanda. You've said a few times already that TBTB worked around her schedule this year, so I don't see why they can't next year.
                  yeah I'm hoping it'll be like this. interesting comparison btw, it's true O'Neill wasn't much in s7 but he was back for s8. the question is will the show get picked up for another season? and if it does is AT still interested in playing this character? I certainly hope so

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  And as for the part about her still being base commander, I still think/hope that she'll be, she could just-- like I said pull a S7 O'Neill and not be around much, and if she is back in S6 than her role could very well be increase. Plus to get another new letter now would hurt Atlantis and Carter fans .
                  I believe Carter will be base commander throughout s5. we may not see as much of her as in s4 but she'll be there. to introduce a new character as head of Atlantis would be very risky imo and I think TBTB know this

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  And I also agree with you in your second post about people getting worried about when they see the words "several", "guest", or whatever. They see "several", and they think 5-10, then they see "guest" and they think 2-4. I mean does the number of episodes change whenever they see those words?
                  yeah it's pretty strange...

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  I agree. I would also imagine they're both in the same studio, so AT wouldn't have to go far to do both, plus it's almost the same crew on both shows. And you're also right about PTB writting around her schedule like this year. If they do, I don't think it would be as hard as last year, because next season she won't have the 2 SG1 movies to do, so that 2 less things for her to worry about. But if she did leave and go back to earth for a few episodes, doesn't mean she won't still be the leader, O'Neill had a few offworld missions in season 8. As long as she'd come back soon I wouldn't mind.
                  AT was shooting SGA, AoT, Continuum and Sanctuary last year. I think she can handle shoting two shows

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Both of you are so right, I thought she did just fine leading and co-leading the team in seasons 8-10. heck, somethimes she was more of a leader than O'Neill . And she's doing just fine as the leader as Atlantis, and she can still do so even with a reduced role. And who knows, like Jumper One said, if the show gets a season 6, maybe she'll have a bigger role than S4 and 5.
                  maybe not bigger than s4 but she should certainly be in more eps. again this is only the case IF AT wants to return and IF the show gets picked up

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  I've got to go with your 1 too. Bringing back Weir, or another leader could hurt the show too much. The best thing IMHO would be to keep Carter in charge, and get her a involved as much as they can.
                  I wouldn't say it'd hurt the show if Weir were back but s4 has introduced new characters and arcs. to just go back and do whatever worked during s1-3 would be wrong imo because the show has evolved and we can't just forget s4

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  IMHO Carter is a much better leader than Weir, because she has over 10 years experience with this stuff, and she's always kept her cool and high spirit. in any situation. That's why she's a better leader, and why she should stay as the boss in S5.
                  I don't think Carter's a better leader than Weir. however the current situation in the PG calls for a base commander that has certain skills. Weir did a good job but Carter's much more experienced in this stuff. we are at war after all

                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                  I really don't want to see Sam put into a situation that has her forced to leave as base commander or demoted in any way...I hope it's all good things for Sam...and Amanda!!
                  I seriously doubt TBTB would ever do that. it'd be like demoting Jack and they sure don't consider that a possibility

                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                  I can't imagine what would make Sam stand down as base commander...of course my shippy mind has ideas but I won't go there here...think I shall have to go home to the ship thread to discuss that one!!!

                  It's a good thing to have Amanda back...even if it is just for several episodes!!
                  how many?

                  Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                  so the SciFi Channel officials never said anything about guest appearances, only that she'll be back for several eps
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                    so the SciFi Channel officials never said anything about guest appearances, only that she'll be back for several eps
                    No, they said guest appearances on several episodes.
                    - Life after Stargate -
                    Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                    Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                      Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                      No, they said guest appearances on several episodes.
                      SciFi Channel officials said that Tapping will make guest appearances on "several episode" of "Atlantis" during its fifth season
                      isn't this person quoting the SCI FI officials?
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Just to clarify:


                        THIS IS A PRESS RELEASE from NBC/Universal.

                        SCI FI CHANNEL FINDS 'SANCTUARY'
                        Published: January 31, 2008

                        Orders Full Season of New Live- Action/CGI Scripted Drama

                        NEW YORK -- January 31, 2008 -- The SCI FI Channel has ordered a full 13-episode season of the new original, scripted drama series Sanctuary, it was announced today by Mark Stern, Executive Vice President of Original Programming. Sanctuary is the first television series using live-action actors against mostly virtual sets and makes the leap to television from the Internet where it began as the World's first high-definition sci-fi Web series.

                        In the one-hour drama, Amanda Tapping (Stargate's Lt. Col. Samantha Carter) stars as the enigmatic Dr. Helen Magnus who, along with her young protégé, Will Zimmerman, played by Robin Dunne (Dawson's Creek, Species 3), are on a quest to track down, aid and protect all manner of strange creatures that walk the earth. The show's sets are 90% CGI and shot in the same cutting-edge style as the feature films 300 and Sin City. Sanctuary creator, Damian Kindler (Stargate SG-1) and producer/director Martin Wood (Stargate Atlantis) are Executive Producers. Tapping and Sam Egan (Jeremiah, The Outer Limits, Masters of Science Fiction) also serve as Executive Producers. In addition to her producing and starring turns on Sanctuary, Amanda Tapping will also make guest appearances on several episodes of SCI FI Channel's Stargate Atlantis during its 5th season.

                        "'Sanctuary' promises to be a totally fresh television viewing experience," said Stern. "This stylistic approach to 'virtual sets' has proven hugely popular on the big screen, and we have been looking for a chance to use it on a television series. We've worked with Damian, Martin, Amanda, and Sam on numerous projects in the past, and think they are the perfect team to tackle something this ambitious."

                        Sanctuary will be produced by Stage 3 Media in association with the SCI FI Channel. Tricon Films and Television are worldwide distributors of the show.

                        SCI FI Channel is a television network where "what if" is what's on. SCI FI fuels the imagination of viewers with original series and events, blockbuster movies and classic science fiction and fantasy programming, as well as a dynamic Web site ( ) and magazine. Launched in 1992, and currently in 93 million homes, SCI FI Channel is a network of NBC Universal, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies.


                          Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                          isn't this person quoting the SCI FI officials?
                          yeeessssss? I'm not following you.
                          - Life after Stargate -
                          Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                          Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles


                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            Just to clarify:


                            THIS IS A PRESS RELEASE from NBC/Universal.

                            SCI FI CHANNEL FINDS 'SANCTUARY'
                            Published: January 31, 2008

                            Orders Full Season of New Live- Action/CGI Scripted Drama

                            NEW YORK -- January 31, 2008 -- The SCI FI Channel has ordered a full 13-episode season of the new original, scripted drama series Sanctuary, it was announced today by Mark Stern, Executive Vice President of Original Programming. Sanctuary is the first television series using live-action actors against mostly virtual sets and makes the leap to television from the Internet where it began as the World's first high-definition sci-fi Web series.

                            In the one-hour drama, Amanda Tapping (Stargate's Lt. Col. Samantha Carter) stars as the enigmatic Dr. Helen Magnus who, along with her young protégé, Will Zimmerman, played by Robin Dunne (Dawson's Creek, Species 3), are on a quest to track down, aid and protect all manner of strange creatures that walk the earth. The show's sets are 90% CGI and shot in the same cutting-edge style as the feature films 300 and Sin City. Sanctuary creator, Damian Kindler (Stargate SG-1) and producer/director Martin Wood (Stargate Atlantis) are Executive Producers. Tapping and Sam Egan (Jeremiah, The Outer Limits, Masters of Science Fiction) also serve as Executive Producers. In addition to her producing and starring turns on Sanctuary, Amanda Tapping will also make guest appearances on several episodes of SCI FI Channel's Stargate Atlantis during its 5th season.

                            "'Sanctuary' promises to be a totally fresh television viewing experience," said Stern. "This stylistic approach to 'virtual sets' has proven hugely popular on the big screen, and we have been looking for a chance to use it on a television series. We've worked with Damian, Martin, Amanda, and Sam on numerous projects in the past, and think they are the perfect team to tackle something this ambitious."

                            Sanctuary will be produced by Stage 3 Media in association with the SCI FI Channel. Tricon Films and Television are worldwide distributors of the show.

                            SCI FI Channel is a television network where "what if" is what's on. SCI FI fuels the imagination of viewers with original series and events, blockbuster movies and classic science fiction and fantasy programming, as well as a dynamic Web site ( ) and magazine. Launched in 1992, and currently in 93 million homes, SCI FI Channel is a network of NBC Universal, one of the world's leading media and entertainment companies.
                            Thanks for the actual article Prion.
                            sig made by me


                              Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                              yeeessssss? I'm not following you.
                              lol sorry I made a mistake thanks for the clarification prion
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                SGA / Sanctuary: Various Sources: Sanctuary Comes To SciFI

                                (Please follow the link for the complete articles. Most articles are reprints from the Hollywood Reporter, but I thought it was interesting how many sources are providing the news of the series pick up.)

                                From SciFi Wire:


                                12:00 AM, 31-JANUARY-08

                                Sanctuary Comes To SCI FI

                                SCI FI Channel has green-lighted a television series based on the Web series Sanctuary, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The show will be the first to use live-action actors against virtual sets in the style of the features 300 and Sin City. SCI FI has ordered a full 13-episode season of the new scripted drama series, which originated online as the first high-definition SF Web series.



                                From SyFy Portal:


                                'Sanctuary' Pulls Tapping Away From 'Atlantis'

                                By MICHAEL HINMAN
                                Source: SyFy Portal

                                While fans of the Web series "Sanctuary" have good news from SciFi Channel in its decision to pick it up as a television series, "Stargate: Atlantis" fans have something to mourn: Amanda Tapping's stint as a regular on the show will end when the fourth season ends in early spring.
                                Tapping, who starred in the online version of "Sanctuary," plans to follow the show onto the cable channel thus limiting her availability for "Atlantis," a role she took on following the end of the 10-year run of "Stargate SG-1."



                                From Zap2It:


                                Sci Fi Provides 'Sanctuary' for Hi-Def Web Series

                                Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne star

                                January 31, 2008

                                Amanda Tapping on 'Stargate SG-1'A sci-fi web series featuring "Stargate: Atlantis" star Amanda Tapping will make the leap from the computer screen to the TV screen.

                                The Sci Fi Channel has ordered a full 13-episode season of "Sanctuary," a new original, hourlong scripted drama -- the first TV series using live-action actors against mostly virtual sets a la "300" or "Sin City."



                                From iO9:



                                Direct-to-Web Show Is All Greenscreen

                                Can a hi-def sci-fi show succeed by going direct to the Web? Stage 3 Media is gambling that it can. In an interview at VIdFest in Vancouver, Stage 3 CEO Damien Kindler talks up the audacious gamble that is Sanctuary. Sanctuary is the highest budget direct-to-Web show ever, and the first show to be made entirely using greenscreen, with no sets.

                                The first four "Webisodes" are free on Youtube, but you have to pay for the high-quality versions of all eight. The premise is interesting: it's 2007 and New York City is overrun with monsters who feed off the poor. But a heroic woman scientist (played by Stargate's Amanda Tapping) wants to help the monsters control their powers. Unfortunately, the actual show is a tad cheesy (it starts with Jack the Ripper), and Kindler has the look of a tired pitchman reciting the same talking points for the millionth time.

                                Video: Sanctuary For All Interview [Web Strategy By Jeremiah]



                                From NBCU:


                                SCI FI CHANNEL FINDS 'SANCTUARY'

                                Published: January 31, 2008

                                Orders Full Season of New Live- Action/CGI Scripted Drama

                                NEW YORK -- January 31, 2008 -- The SCI FI Channel has ordered a full 13-episode season of the new original, scripted drama series Sanctuary, it was announced today by Mark Stern, Executive Vice President of Original Programming. Sanctuary is the first television series using live-action actors against mostly virtual sets and makes the leap to television from the Internet where it began as the World's first high-definition sci-fi Web series.



                                From Silicon Alley Insider:


                                Another Web-To-Cable Jump: "Sanctuary" To Run On Sci Fi

                                Michael Learmonth | January 31, 2008 12:50 PM

                                Yet another web series is making the jump to TV. The Hollywood Reporter says NBC U's Sci Fi cable network has ordered 13 episodes of "Sanctuary", which will be based on an Internet video series of the same name. But this isn't a case where Hollywood is taking a flyer on a group of amateurs making videos in their garage: "Sanctuary" is produced by the team that created "Stargate SG-1," Sci Fi's cult hit.

                                There are some meaningless "firsts" surrounding the deal -- Sanctuary is supposedly the first Web video series shot in high-def, and the TV show will be the first shot almost entirely on greenscreen, like the movies "300" and "Sin City." What's really important: The Web is becoming a proving ground for new TV shows. NBC will start airing "Quarterlife", first aired on News Corp.'s MySpace, on Feb. 26.



                                From iO9:


                                (Photo gallery at the link)


                                Amanda Tapping Creates A Safe Space For Mutants To Just Be Themselves

                                Amanda Tapping (Stargate SG-1) plays the protector of downtrodden monsters in Sanctuary, soon to appear on the Sci Fi Channel. Her character, Dr. Helen Magnus, is a "cryptozoologist" who creates the Sanctuary Institute to protect and study the mutants that skulk around her future dystopian city. Sanctuary is the first direct-to-web show to jump to a major cable channel. It's also the first TV show to use almost all greenscreen sets. Magnus and her daughter Ashley (pictured) also meet Jack The Ripper and Bigfoot, just in case you were worried the show might not be cheesy enough for Sci Fi. Click through for a gallery of stills, and more info.



                                From Media Week:


                                Web Series Sanctuary Gets Sci Fi Schedule Slot
                                January 31, 2008

                                Sci Fi Channel has green-lighted "Sanctuary," the first television series to use live-action actors against virtual sets in the style of the features "300" and "Sin City."

                                Sci Fi has ordered a full 13-episode season of the new scripted drama series, which originated online as the first high-definition sci-fi Web series.



                                From Josh Hill’s blog:


                                Stargate’s Sanctuary Gets Full Season

                                Fans of the cult favorite science fiction series Stargate may be aware of another project that two of its alumni worked on; Sanctuary. The Doctor Who-esque show debuted on the internet, but now the Sci Fi Channel has picked it up for a full season.



                                From The Futon Critic:


                                BREAKING NEWS

                                01.31.08 - 09:46 AM]

                                SCI FI CHANNEL FINDS 'SANCTUARY'

                                Released by Sci Fi

                                SCI FI CHANNEL FINDS 'SANCTUARY'

                                Orders Full Season of New Live- Action/CGI Scripted Drama

                                The SCI FI Channel has ordered a full 13-episode season of the new original, scripted drama series Sanctuary, it was announced today by Mark Stern, Executive Vice President of Original Programming. Sanctuary is the first television series using live-action actors against mostly virtual sets and makes the leap to television from the Internet where it began as the World's first high-definition sci-fi Web series.



                                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                                Morjana's Blog Twitter

