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'Trio' (416) General Discussion

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    It was a fair episode. Not great but not terrible.

    I didn't think that Keller was hitting on Mckay about that drink at the end. I thought of it as two friends. But that's the way I see it.

    I got upset when they were saying things about Zelenka. If someone asked me Rodney or Radek I'd say RADEK! I think the character is a total babe and so adorable!
    Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
    The Strongest Will Survive!
    I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


      Originally posted by rlr149 View Post
      the fact you watch eastenders at all makes the rest of your post invalid
      I don't watch it, but when the PC is in someone elses bedroom, you are forced to put up with all the crap they may watch.



        I thought this was a great episode! I really enjoyed it! The scenes between Sam and Keller were great to see! I liked the situation these characters were in and their different ideas on how to escape it were interesting too.

        The only thing that let this episode down was McKay. He never fails to annoy me and always has been since he first appeared in Stargate SG-1. He is completely OTT for me. I could have done without McKay's jabbering and his suggestion to Sam to flash the two young boys. I felt they were totally unnecessary. These things should have been cut out to make way for the missing dialogue between Sam and Keller on their respective love lives which, IMHO, are far more character developing and interesting to me.

        Other than McKay being the weakest link (again) I'm going to give this episode a 10 out of 10 - Just! I enjoyed seeing Sam getting back out in the field, the Sam/Keller interaction, Sam's annoyance with McKay and telling him off, and the main storyline itself and their different attempts on how to escape!

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          Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
          I don't watch it, but when the PC is in someone elses bedroom, you are forced to put up with all the crap they may watch.

          you're physically forced to stay in the room and watch eastenders!?!?!!?!!

          just a suggestion, try walking out in disgust
          -Liberty Prime


            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
            The character I'm most reminded of is Hoshi from Enterprise. She was portrayed as this shy, scared individual who eventually grew out of it. Next thing you know, it's revealed she was organizing gambling at Starfleet Academy in the old days. Then again, shy people DO do dumb 'outgoing' things to try and get over it. And remember, seeming to be more at ease doesn't necessarily mean that she really is. She could be uncomfortable as heck and still talking about Paul Newman.
            Very good example. I loved Hosi.
            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


              The Good:

              1. I liked Keller
              2. Carter was more like Carter
              3. Concept was good
              4. Climbing down the rope was cool
              5. The music

              The Bad:
              1. Sooo Slooowww
              2. Rodney flitted from been great to cringeworthy
              3. Keller seems to be a different character in each ep
              4. Too much pop culture
              5. Lack of other characters
              6. Sooo Slooowww

              It needed a second story like Trinity and Critical Mass had.

              Not bothered about seeing it again.
              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                I've just watched this episode and really enjoyed it. There was no magic high tech solution for a change so two of Earth's top scientists had to improvise with whatever they could find. Sam, the action adventure character, ended up disabled and having to rely on the others. Rodney, who isn't a super fit athletic guy, had to use muscle to get them all out. Keller, who is competent in her own field, had to be practical in a situation which was completely different from a medical emergency.

                I really liked Keller in this episode. Yes, she was scared but this time she wasn't written to be a complete whining, quivering wreck for most of the story (I just thought they went a bit overboard with this aspect in 'Missing'). Some of her concerns were professional as well. The two physicists were worried about earth tremors and the effect of extra weight in the room while Keller was thinking about unhygienic conditions for getting injured in and the kind of toxins which can be found in mines. The second was hardly surprising when she'd learned that a lot of the locals had respiratory problems. She was very courageous too because she had to face her problem with heights when she was helping to build the plank structure and she kept her head when she was hanging on the rope.

                I thought the conversations were great fun and I really liked the Keller/Rodney interaction. I honestly cant see anything wrong with the way she was behaving. There's been no indication that she's even had one date with Ronon let alone become involved in a serious relationship with him so I see no reason at all why she couldn't ask Rodney to have a drink with her when they were back in the city. This is 2008 and girls are allowed to do that kind of thing these days. It doesn't mean that having a drink together is going to lead to anything more than friendship, either, even though Rodney saved her life. Finally, she knew that Rodney's relationship with Katie was over so it wasn't like she was trying to get between them and cause them to break up. (In case anyone's wondering I'm a woman who's not far off qualifying for a Senior Citizens' bus pass. My husband, who's already got his, doesn't see Keller as acting immorally either so her behaviour didn't upset us old folks.)

                As for her knowing that drinking game puzzle, why not? She didn't say anything on the lines of "I wanted to fit in so I hung around bars learning how to play drinking games," so we have no idea how she actually did learn it. Perhaps her father thought she'd like a puzzle to solve and told her that he got free beer in bars with it.
                Last edited by ciannwn; 12 February 2008, 01:56 PM.



                  1. The three dissapearing down the hole was a slight LOL!

                  2. The kids were surplus to requirements.

                  3. Character exchanges were fairly interesting.

                  This ep was a dud though! Three duds in four eps? SORRRT ITTT OUUUT!
                  I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                    Five and a half hours for check-in is a ridiculously long time given the nature of offworld missions. Surely contact via radio one hour into the mission would be more prudent, with regular updates every two hours thereafer. They could be miles from the gate, but as long as Atlantis dials and establishes a connection, radio chatter would be simple. But 5.5 hours? That's just reckless.



                      I waited a few days to post my opinion on this episode until I could watch it again and had some time to sort my thoughts out.

                      Here it is. While I can say I found it somewhat enjoyable, I didn’t really like it but I didn’t really dislike it either.

                      “Trio” was a bottle episode with a good premise, a unique predicament, some witty/amusing dialogue, inventive plot devices, good acting, great set but even with all that I didn’t find it very interesting.

                      For a bottle episode it did not do a good job of working the characters – as bottle eps are usually known for. I think that “Quarantine” did a better job as a bottle episode. The pairing of John and Teyla was used to resolve issues related to her pregnancy, McKay was pushed into a meltdown, and the pairings of Ronon & Keller and Carter & Zalenka were different, unexpected therefore far more intriguing.

                      Not much of the unexpected happened between the characters in “Trio”. There were no really great revelations that gave us any great insights into the character. (I did like that McKay got to save the day by lowering everyone down on the rope and that Keller came up with the bar trick) At the very least we could have learned a lot more about Keller – but even much of her conversation was superficial. Even the Carter and McKay interaction, while it was fun to watch really was just same old same old. This would have been a great opportunity for them to move their relationship deeper (I mean a greater respect and professional understanding) but most of it was predictable or school boy humor. And the kids did not work for me. McKay doesn’t do well with kids; we have seen this before many times, to see it once in “Trio” was okay, to see it twice was pointless. I would have preferred to have that deleted conversation that JM posted on his blog instead of the second scene with the kids, at least the deleted conversation scene had some bearing on ongoing plot/relationships- it would have had a point.

                      This episode is the one I am most disappointed in so far this season. As I said, I didn’t hate it and there were things about it that I did enjoy, but I just didn’t like it all that much.


                        Well, "Trio" fell a bit flat for me. The story wasn't particularly original but that's OK if it can be lifted with sparkling dialogue. It didn't quite get there though. There were two or three moments that made me smile and I did laugh at the 'don't go towards the light' scene! In the last ten minutes or so it did perk up a bit and the ending was quite cute but, overall, I think this won't be an episode I'll make a point of watching again.


                          [Thanks, Ruffles]
                          Carter: So…you seeing anyone?
                          Keller: What?
                          Carter: Around the base, you seeing anyone?
                          Keller: I dunno…I had a moment with - with this…guy. He’s not exactly easy to read so…I guess the short answer is “no”. You?
                          Carter: Well, I’m the boss, so I can’t really…
                          Keller: Right Anyone back home?
                          Carter: Uhm…
                          Keller: Un-huh, I thought so. Give it up.
                          Carter: Well, it’s complicated.
                          Keller: Show me a relationship that isn’t.
                          Carter: He’s in Washington…I’m here.
                          Keller: Ouch. Long distance relationship.
                          Carter: He’s going to retire soon, so maybe -
                          Keller: Really! Retire? So…an older man, huh?
                          Carter: Not that much older.
                          Keller: Washington, older man…is he like a Senator or something? Someone famous? Would I know him?
                          Carter: Probably not.

                          The episode would SO have been an 8/10 with that left in, instead of the 7 I gave it. 1 extra point for Sam/Jack!

                          The episode, like those since the Asuran arc finished, was relatively boring. Not much of note happened, just 'a day in the life of', not 'a memorable day in the life of'.

                          And question... How big are the remote gate dialers? I'd have one per team if they're portable. Get in trouble? Dial home and then radio home.
                          More fun @ Spoofgate!


                            i agree with the pity date , i think i must be in a minority of one because i enjoyed this episode , great banter in it and some great team bonding as well. though they could have shown sam in plaster at the end !! for a really bad episode .... harmony .... - really dreadful , i have taped over that already. lets face it atlantis fans are not keen on sam carter so every episode she is in gets bad press !! well lets see what its like next season with woolsey in charge .... thats bad news!!


                              I am so surprised by the negative reaction to this episode. I really enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun. When you think about where Rodney and Keller started from, this episode showed a lot of growth. The interchanges were pretty funny too.

                              I understand why people thought it was slow, but they had to try a lot of thing to escape. I think it's one of those no win situations. For instance, had they thought up the knot idea and then voila, hundreds of knots, people would have complained then, too. It was more fun seeing them interact. And really, who doesn't love a good McKay "oh no, I've said something that can be interpreted badly, how am I going to fix it" moment?

                              I think it was one of my favourites this season. I think I would have preferred it to have run earlier in the season, though so that the wraith storyline wouldn't have been broken up so many episodes in a row. Also, earlier Carter bonding time would have added to her place in the season instead of saving it for the 5th to last episode.


                                Originally posted by Dusk View Post
                                Five and a half hours for check-in is a ridiculously long time given the nature of offworld missions. Surely contact via radio one hour into the mission would be more prudent, with regular updates every two hours thereafer. They could be miles from the gate, but as long as Atlantis dials and establishes a connection, radio chatter would be simple. But 5.5 hours? That's just reckless.
                                it was a friendly planet with no known enemy activity. dialling in to check if they're ok isn't the most covert of actions either if it was a hostile planet. the gate itself is fairly obvious and radio waves can be detected rather easily.

