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'Trio' (416) General Discussion

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    Wow, reading this thread - I'm suprised that not as many people liked it as I thought would.

    I really enjoyed the ep. Yes, I could call most of the things that were going to happen next, but you can do that with alot of shows these days. I actually was on the edge of my seat a few times just waiting for the boxes to cave in.

    I love the character interaction. Sam/Rodney was fun to watch and I think that Keller is becoming more of a character and less of a complainer. I liked the bar babe that came out. I agree that they've got to decide which way Keller is headed a bit more, but she's in development, where as S/R have bee around for many, many seasons.

    I liked seeing soldier Sam in action again and being whumped on and Rodney actually being suprised. I liked that he forgot that she was a field officer for 10 years prior to this command. He got wrapped up in his action hero fantasy w/his favorite dream girl there. I loved when he wanted Sam to flash the boys. I really liked it when Keller said, start swingin' Swartenegger (I have no idea how to spell that man's name)

    So, any way...I liked the ep alot!



      I'll be the rebel and say: 8/10

      Keller: I love her! Have you all forgotten how whiny, useless, and all-around pains-in-the-butt Carson and Rodney were in Season One? All we ever heard from them was "I'm tired", "Can we take a break?", and "I don't like going offworld!".

      But now that it's a new character, one you're not already in love with, you bash her to Hell for the exact same thing. That sickens me about this fandom, that people are willing to turn a blind eye for some characters but not others. Just admit Keller acted exactly as any of us probably would've and be done with it!

      Anywho, I liked her plan. Makes sense that if she had no social life she'd be hanging around in a bar in college; she had no friends, so what else was she going to do? They were so close to getting out... but so far away. And it's nice to see that someone can see through McKay's ********-ish exterior to want to have a drink with him. But my guess is it was just a friends thing, and she was implying he's not very good at social interaction period.

      Carter: Great to see her actually, you know, onscreen for a while! Smart thinking with the "disperse your weight" idea at the beginning, but she should have just run back for help, in reality. But this was meant to be a funny episode, so I'll look the other way.

      Clooney? Really? Interesting, Sam, very interesting. I liked the game of "Would You Rather", particularly because... well, what else would they do? Seriously, if you and two friends were trapped in their position and had to spend an hour knotting rope, wouldn't you start up a game of something, too? These people are normal human beings, remember.

      Although I was slightly disapointed that the woman who figured out how to blow up a sun couldn't devise a way to get out of a hole in the ground :/

      McKay: Oh, poor Rodney! Stuck with two very attractive women in a cavern, all alone... I wanted to both slap and hug him at the same time when he suggested Carter flash her... parts... as I know that would certainly work to get any teenage boy to do whatever you asked.

      I'm glad it was him that was the brave man at the end, slicing his hands up to make sure the others got away. It really makes you remember Season One, when he'd never sacrifice himself for others, and that's exactly what he knew might be the case here. Bravo, David!

      Overall, I will be watching "Trio" again and again. The plot may have been simple, but the character interactions and wonderful dialogue truly made the episode. Even my friends, who despise science-fiction, both said how much they liked McKay by the end, how much they wish Keller would ask them for a drink, and how brave Carter was time and again in her efforts to get out.

      Excellent job, Atlantis, and I look forward to "Midway".
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        Originally posted by SierraGolf-OneNiner View Post

        The way the writers treated Sam Carter this year was more than just a slap in the face of her fans. Especially in this episode. If Sam is the commander and goes off world for once than at least let her take command. But what did TPTB do with her? They degraded her character even more. She came across like a character from a soap opera.
        Well, I disagree with this assessment. Sam is not like a regular military commander - ie, Jack, Hammond, Mitch Peleggi's character whose name escapes me. I feel because she has the scientist background that it makes her a different type of commander. She can be firm when she wants in "1 hour Rodney" and when she stood up the commander of the ship when he berated one of her crew several eps ago. But I think what she was doing in this ep was pooling everyone's ideas and trying to work together instead of just pushing everyone aside and making all the decisions herself.

        Just IMHO....



          Liked the episode 9/10.

          Missed Sam at the end. Why didn't they show her in a bed with her leg sticking up in a cast with Keller and McKay walking away having their conversation? I thought it odd she wasn't there.

          Originally posted by GateLadyM View Post
          That's what bugged me. Since Keller is all flirty with Ronon (and dating as we are led to believe?), then she shouldn't be "best buds" with another man.

          It, uh, doesn't work that way.
          I interpreted this as a 'friend'-ly invitation, not flirtatious. IMO, contrary to popular belief, men and women CAN be 'just friends'. Plus, somebody else mentioned the upcoming interaction with Beckett. I can just imagine Rodney stumbling and bumbling trying to explain to Carson that he likes the new Doctor better than Beckett. Could be some funny interaction there.

          Originally posted by Landers View Post
          ...Ah, the big flirty scene. *cough* I think we should start a pool and bet on who gets the hit next week. Just think, now that Keller is a regular character, she should be clear through Atlantis and hitting on Todd by the end of season 5. Personally, I can't wait for Keller/Woolsey ship!
          My bet is on Lorne next And for the record, I do not think she is the 'town bike'. There is nothing wrong with a single female flirting. Most especially since they show Sheppard oggling and flirting with everything that walks.

          Originally posted by 1138 View Post
          My only thought throughout the entire episode as they came up with plan after plan was, "Where's Macgyver when you need him?"
          LOL! My thoughts exactly. I kept wondering where McGuyver was the whole episode too. They needed some chewing gum to get out of the hole With all of the other popular culture references in the 'who would you rather game', I thought there might have been one about McGuyver and somebody else.


            This was one of the episodes that I was really looking forward to, right near the top of the list along with Midway, Kindred 1 & 2, and Quarantine. imho, it didn't disappoint.

            This ep reminded me of SG-1 of old, getting out of tight spots with low tech solutions and usually involving hurting one of the characters repeatedly. I'm just waiting for the usual' they're just ripping off Solitudes' comments!

            Keller was annoying at the beginning, that whiny side that I really despise started coming out. But as the episodes progressed, she became less annoying.

            Carter was given more to do in this episode than the rest of the season put together. Its eps like this that make me wish we could have her out in the field again. I liked that she gave Rodney the opportunity to prove himself with the grappling hook then, when he failed and nearly toasted them all, just got up and threw it through the hole repeatedly with seemingly little effort.

            Rodney was at his best. Squabbling with Keller at the beginning, leaving the mundane work of tying the knots to the girls while he tried to decipher the Genii files, trying to get Carter to flash her assets to get the boys' attention, then putting his foot in his mouth about Carter's weight and the perfection of both her and Keller's bodies.
            This ep showed that Rodney is not only useful when there is a scientific problem to solve, he can also hold his weight (which is apparently a little more than it should be) in situations that require physical exertion.

            I liked how he and Keller seemed to have developed a mutual respect by the end of the episode. Some people have jumped to the conclusion that she now fancies Rodney just because she asked him out for a drink. I think she probably saw a side of Rodney in the ep that she didn't even know existed, although I don't think that she likes him as any more than a friend. She was just trying to show her appreciation for his saving her life and maybe she's found something in Rodney that she wants to get to know, alas not in a romantic sense.

            After the relatively high-tech problems they've faced this season, it was nice to have a back to basics episode that was also a bit of fun, before we get into the seriousness of the last four episodes of the season.

            10/10 from me.


              Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
              I loved this episode. Putting the three of them in that room turned out to be a great idea. Everyone got a chance to shine, and the banter was fantastic. There was loads of Carter whump! Poor woman!

              Bad thing:

              I'm missing Teyla. She was brilliant in SoW, but hasn't done much since then. I can totally understand why, heavily pregnant actresses shouldn't be forced into every episode of a show, but still, i miss her It's not so bad with Ronon because last week had lots of him

              Well, looks like this will be the last fun episode of the season, it's all seriousness from here on in.

              Oh, and what's up with all the Keller hate? Shep is allowed to flirt with every hot alien chick he sees, but when Keller does it with two guys in the space of a month or so she's suddenly a whore? Yeah, OK then. And I personally just saw it as a friendship moment, not a ship moment. And FYI, she is no more of a scaredy-cat then Carson the cowardly lion was, and people seemed to love him for being that way.

              Anyway, Midway looks fantastic. Can't wait. And Teyla is back!
              Green for you!

              I agree completely and am so sick of the Keller bashing. She's not all that different then Carson was. And flirting with a couple of guys in the space of a month in not a whore! My gosh what a judmnental world we live in.


                Originally posted by talyn2k1 View Post
                After the relatively high-tech problems they've faced this season, it was nice to have a back to basics episode that was also a bit of fun, before we get into the seriousness of the last four episodes of the season.

                10/10 from me.
                Oh man!. There are only 4 episodes left?

                I didn't realize there were so few. Bummer.
                Last edited by hisg1fans; 09 February 2008, 06:34 AM. Reason: Can't seem to get my grammar correct this morning :)


                  All in all I thought the episode was a 5/10. Not good, but not bad.

                  The three of them working together was a little odd. When Kelle started taking her clothes off and then stopped, Rodney did look a little "disappointed".

                  I thought the kids were just a distraction, I thought they would say something about how it was going to effect the trade relations with the people of that world.

                  As for how Keller acted at the end, I think she was just making a comment on how Rodney has no experience with women. They mentioned that he essentially "broke up" with Katie and he didn't know it. I thought she was just saying "Jesus, just shut up and buy me a beer, no wonder it didn't work out with Katie if this is how you respond to women".

                  Lastly, I think they should have expanded on what the Genii were mining for. There shold be trace elements of what they were mining in the rocks around the tunnells. Maybe they found a neutronium deposit and are working with RepliWeir to make more Good Asurans in turn for the RepliWeirs to defeat the Wraith.


                    Why did both Carter and Keller had to check out Rodney thru the hole? One of them would have been enough.


                      Originally posted by FireCat View Post
                      Rodney came out the best of the three, but that isn't saying much.

                      The talk about flashing, and comparing women's bodies was just juvenile, and overall this was one long borefest. Ragging on Zelenka and insinuating he is some sort of perv was unforgivable.
                      Just when I think McKay might be maturing,he devolves again into the pre-teen boy wanting to get a look. Of course, he bounced back pretty well in "Harmony," just after "Quarantine," so if he didn't think he'd broke up with Katie in "Trio," was he just being a jerk in "Harmony" thinking abuot dibs on sister #3? Well, he is a man...

                      Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                      It was kind of hard to miss...they practically zoomed in on her foot!! Not to mention that the nail polish was like a bike reflector and caught what little light there was in the room which totally made it obvious that she had nail polish on in the first place!!
                      If they'd been smart, they would have shown a flashlight on the bit toenail, aimed it toward the hole in the ceiling, and the blinding stream of light would have atttracted help, or started a forest fire, whichever came first

                      As to remarks about Keller being cheap and easy or a 'ho,' well, this train of thought seems no different than Sheppard being labeled the same for must smiling at some women. *cough*


                        This was an okay episode. There were some really good barbs between the actors, and I found myself laughing many times, but all in all I found it boring, and I was really looking forward to this ep. What have the writers done to Carter? I know she said her character would step back and let McKay do his thing, but last night, that was not the Carter I have grown to love. I don't know her character seems so different, and I cannot put my finger on it, but when I do I will comment more. Keller is being wasted. She is presented as sort of a fluff. McKay is good, his comments are in line with his character. Hoepfully next week's ep, which I cannot wait for, will be better.


                          Sam should have pulled rank and not let mckay trow that anchor


                            Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                            Sam should have pulled rank and not let mckay trow that anchor
                            I hoped she would after he about hit them the first time, but she knows Rodney and didn't want to hurt his pride. He wanted to believe after being out in the field for 4 years he could do anything that Sam could. Maybe she thought he'd get lucky


                              Originally posted by Chailyn View Post
                              I see your point. That said, if a guy was following me around, trying to sniff my hair all the time, I'd be reaching for the pepper spray not just thinking about how he's an oddball.
                              Yep I would agree. I just kind of assumed that it was during medical visits that Zelenka was close enough to Keller to smell her hair!

                              I like that Zelenka comes off as a little odd, but I haven't been happy with his characterization this season. I've always liked/respected him, and I'd hate for him to be used just for chuckles.
                              I think this is the first episode where I really didn't like how they handled his character.



                                Enjoyable, light episode. Good to see Carter getting something to do and I enjoyed seeing Rodney's ranting kept somewhat under control. I liked that they all contributed to finding a solution. I thought Carter might have been a bit too patient with Rodney's efforts to throw the grappling hook thing--total set up for the gas pipe thing. I didn't like the cracks about Zelenka. I don't think Sam would make a mean comment about a subordinate like that--I thought she would have at least said something like "well, he's not much of a conversationalist" or something to clarify.
                                The whole thing with the kids coming to look but not help seemed kind of dumb to me.
                                Keller was not too bad, though she didn't seem to be carrying many medical supplies given that she's a doctor after all. I also wondered since when is she someone who hangs out at bars?--I thought she was supposed to be so shy.

