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'The Last Man' (420) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by MrMcKayCan View Post
    Your opinion is a perfectly reasonable one. I just disagree; love is the world's greatest spur.
    I agree that "love is the world's greatest spur" or maybe I don't and I'm just really too tired to think much about the deeper meaning!

    I just don't believe that Rodney loved Keller so much that he'd change history for her when the death of his teammates did nothing to get his mind working.

    It sounds trite I guess but if this were just another episode, Rodney would have been thinking of a way to save Sheppard the minute he realized his friend was alive and would have done so without the need for a forced dramatic romance. Maybe it would have taken him the twenty-five years to solve it but I believe Mckay would have succeeded

    sigs by the talented CazzBlade, elephantgirl,CKO, kali1, csom, Luciana, Torri012 and rachel d..thanks so much!


      This episode is Before I Sleep backwards. So much for creativity. Atlantis doesn't even have big baddies anymore.

      Pointless episode, pointless show.


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
        Since Michael killed Teyla right away, what did he do with the baby? I can't see him stocking baby formula and Pampers on his ship. Or did he kill it once he got the DNA sequence?

        Gee, I can't wait to see how many episodes next year will revolve around someone trying to steal/kidnap this baby because its "special".

        So why was Atlantis abandoned? McKay never said what happened after he left, but obviously Lorne survived. I want to know if we cut our losses and ran, or if Michael took over.

        Speaking of Michael, I find the whole 'wraith with a haircut so we can tell he's *different* sort of bad guy' hilarious. That and he managed to keep Carson pretty well groomed too. I can see shaving, but hairstyles?

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Something I think is actually pretty interesting about this episode's take on the "doomsday" plot is that it's in a sense an isolated apocalypse.

          The "end times" are confined to the Pegasus for the most part (despite the cryptic implication that "something" bad happened in the MW). McKay and Keller had a CHOICE to leave the doomsday behind. That was so interesting to me.
          Theoretically spoilerish:
          Sig courtesy of Pandora.


            Originally posted by sblade View Post
            This episode is Before I Sleep backwards. So much for creativity. Atlantis doesn't even have big baddies anymore.

            Pointless episode, pointless show.
            Why do you torture yourself watching it then, my friend? I promise I'm not trying to be a smartass. I just really wonder.

            Some people come on here and complain about or rip apart a few episodes a year. That's natural as a fan. But for people who think the show has been total crap consistently, what is the appeal of continuing to watch and post on here?

            I genuinely am just curious.
            Theoretically spoilerish:
            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
              Since Michael killed Teyla right away, what did he do with the baby? I can't see him stocking baby formula and Pampers on his ship. Or did he kill it once he got the DNA sequence?

              Gee, I can't wait to see how many episodes next year will revolve around someone trying to steal/kidnap this baby because its "special".

              So why was Atlantis abandoned? McKay never said what happened after he left, but obviously Lorne survived. I want to know if we cut our losses and ran, or if Michael took over.
              I imagine once the IOA took over and cut all ties to the rest of Pegasus, it was only a matter of time before Michael and his hybrids ruled everything. At that point venturing offworld for exploration or research or anything wouldn't be worth it. When McKay made the future preparations they already had a Mark 12 generator developed, so all that would be left is to pillage Atlantis as much as possible, then gate back to the Milky Way and abandon it.


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post

                So why was Atlantis abandoned? McKay never said what happened after he left, but obviously Lorne survived. I want to know if we cut our losses and ran, or if Michael took over.
                They never said that Atlantis was abandon. Which means its safe to say that Atlantis was still occupied when McKay installed his program. A lot of things can happen in 40,000 years. The Tauri most likely died out.
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  This episode was rather…meh for me. It was interesting to see possible futures for the characters, but I never felt any real suspense, not even when the building collapsed.

                  My favorite alternate future for a character—Ronon. I liked the banter and fighting between him and Todd. And he goes out working with a Wraith (but he does get to blow him up ). I really liked General Lorne as well.

                  McKay and Keller. I realize they have a few things in common, but I still do not see any romantic sparks there, and I don’t like that they keep shipping the Keller character with random people. Write her better instead and let her stand on her own. I was cringing at the kiss and the Keller in the infirmary scene. I also don’t think Rodney would give up and leave Atlantis without more of a fight.

                  Please change Woolsey’s uniform for next year. I did, however, actually kind of like Woolsey himself, which surprised me…if we get some IOA commands like this next year, we could potentially have some interesting conflict. No one will ever be as good a leader as Weir, in my opinion, but he looks like he might be more interesting than Carter at least.

                  So ends season four, not with a bang, but with a meh.


                    Originally posted by MrMcKayCan View Post
                    I do wonder, though -- if you are really so disengaged from the show, how come you're still watching it and posting on here? It seems like you really, really dislike it these days.
                    I told myself I was going to watch all of s4 and I did. Part of me was hoping that things would get better. Turns out I was wrong. And I posted what I thought went wrong with the season, just like other people post what they thought was great about the season. After Last Man I'm not going to watch the show and that's just fine with me.

                    Can we get back to the actual thread topic now?


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                      I told myself I was going to watch all of s4 and I did. Part of me was hoping that things would get better. Turns out I was wrong. And I posted what I thought went wrong with the season, just like other people post what they thought was great about the season. After Last Man I'm not going to watch the show and that's just fine with me.

                      Can we get back to the actual thread topic now?
                      Sure. [mod snip]
                      Last edited by TameFarrar; 07 March 2008, 10:06 PM. Reason: please take personal issues to PM
                      Theoretically spoilerish:
                      Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        someone answer this. how does sheppard going missing make all this horribleness happen? why 'him' not being there?

                        *is going to have a VERY hard time watching this ep because of sam*

                        I'm not sure it's all because he went missing, but I do think it's a part of it. The main reason was because they didn't get to Teyla in time.

                        I do think Sheppard was a cause in the way things went after Teyla died. Because of John and Teyla being gone Ronon left. Even though everyone was still fighting in their way, they are best as a team. Maybe John is the glue of the team, Teyla joined because him, Ronon as well, and look at the AI Rodney. John gave him an idea for the sheild with the solar power. Together the galaxy survives, apart it goes to hell.

                        I don't think everything happend because he went missing, but I think it played a pretty good part to it.
                        there’s a decent living to be made in the selling out of ideals--Darren Hayes


                          Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
                          . . . .I don’t like that they keep shipping the Keller character with random people.
                          Because Keller is a self-centered, whiny kinda girl, and she is only interesting when she is flirting with men. So sayeth the writers (because they don't know what else to do with her).

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            I've decided to tell myself that Mckay and Keller were thrown together by circumstance, being the 'only two' left of the originals and having to deal with all that loss. They really only had each other. Therefore, when the timeline is altered and they don't remember all that stuff, they will not be together.

                            That makes me feel better. And the nausea goes away. Slightly. Until I picture that kiss again. Oh god...
                            It was Arrested Development


                              I really don't think you can say Keller's "making the rounds" just because of one almost-kiss with Ronon. But I've had this argument with everyone 40 times, so I'll leave it at that.
                              Theoretically spoilerish:
                              Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                                I enjoyed this episode. Not only for the "Atlantis: Disassembled" elements, but the use of ideas that have occured in the past. We didn't need some new variation on time travel device to get Shep back. I did, however, feel the "cliffhanger" was out of place. Episode should have ended with Sheppard going through the gate, or getting back and telling Carter/Rodney that they were "on the clock".
                                Proud member of the C.O.T.W.O.S.F.
                                The Coalition Of Those Who Oppose Sci Fi

