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"Outcast" Pre-Airing and Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    Also for all those people worried that this episode was going to be about the ex and too cliched I don't think we are going to see that now - the title just doesn't fit.

    What if it's a case of him being an Outcast from his old life, by which I mean his old unit/squadron (whatever it would be called) and his old friends etc, the ex could figure into that. Perhaps something happened that made him an outcast within the AF and that is why he was happy to go to Antarctica.
    I wouldn't say I was worried, the news was a bit groan worthy for me. I'm not a fan of ex's showing up... i've got issues there. And i'd rather just blot that spoiler out of my mind for now, lol. What I don't know, can't make me go meh. So for now if someone mentions it, i'll just go, "Ex wife? What ex wife?" Hehehe.

    I'm not sure if his unit would have made him an outcast as he risked his life and court martial to go and get his team mats. But i think it's more to do with his perception of feeling like an outcast, cut off from anyone and everything because of choices made. Maybe he felt like he let the team down when Holland didn't make it out alive? And that act brought on feelings of being an outcast, so he secluded himself from others. Consequently the more he shied away (in Antarctica) they saw him as a bit of a misfit and of someoneone to be avoided, which only heightened his feelings of not being wanted? Feelings aren't always rational, but by avoiding people and hiding out in the remotest part of our world, his peers could potentially look to him as being an outcast.

    Oh man it's too early for deep and meaningful's


      I think you can forget about Afghanistan. They’ve done it to death and I’m sick of it.

      Go back before then.
      Maybe to what he was involved in before he became just another chopper pilot in Afghanistan.

      Obviously, it wasn’t SGC related, but the SGC can’t be the only interesting organization that the Air Force supports. Ummmmmm…


        Sorry I haven't been updating the first post lately, I've been busy with moving from Michigan to my new house in Connecticut.

        EDIT: Some confirmation on the episode title:

        Yet Another Flanigan Fan writes: “Is "Outcast" the Sheppard backstory episode proposed by Joe Flanigan and written by Alan McCullough?”

        Answer: Yep.
        Last edited by Xicer; 14 August 2007, 03:21 PM.
        Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

        Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
        Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
        Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
        --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


          Marty G. pitched out a special guest star for Outcast, a character we haven’t seen since his debilitating injury in season. Won’t the fans be surprised. Well, probably not as I’m sure you’ve figured it out.

          Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

          Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
          Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
          Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
          --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"



            Has to be Bates.

            It better be Bates.

            It's Bates.


              If it's Bates, I'm gonna be soooooooo happy. He was such a great character but we didn't really see him past season 1.
              Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

              Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
              Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
              Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
              --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post

                Has to be Bates.

                It better be Bates.

                It's Bates.
                Oh, Bates. Hadn't thought of him, but did think of Colonel Everett... I'd be happy with either one, but maybe a bit more with Everett as it would be interesting to have Sheppard run into him. In fact, if it's Everett, I wonder if Shep isn't going back to earth for some kind of hearing - then it would make sense that Everett might be there for the proceedings.
                Last edited by prion; 15 August 2007, 04:40 PM.


                  Wow Bates back?! Crazy.

                  SFL----where's are pro smilies?! Huh? I'm loving it. So I get a notice to come and see and I get this news. Wicked stuff peeps. I think I'm going into coma from excitement.
                  Click statement above to read article.


                    I think it's Everett. Bates did not have a debilitating injury ( if you want to call a coma debilitating). Everett, on the other hand, had his life taken from him, which could have caused all sorts of problems later on after his recovery.
                    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                    encounter on the strange journey.


                    2 Cor. 10:3-5
                    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                      Wow Bates back?! Crazy.

                      SFL----where's are pro smilies?! Huh? I'm loving it. So I get a notice to come and see and I get this news. Wicked stuff peeps. I think I'm going into coma from excitement.
                      Well, we don't know YET. Bates, Everett, I'm game for either but would prefer Everett... since JM wrote "Marty G. pitched out a special guest star for Outcast", it also depends on the availability of the actor..

                      Hmm, Dean Marshall (Bates) is in the middle of a movie (if IMDB is right) while Clayton Landry (Everett) finished one.


                        Uh, yeah I would call a coma debilitating, considering that he wouldn't be able to, you know, move.


                          Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
                          I think it's Everett. Bates did not have a debilitating injury ( if you want to call a coma debilitating). Everett, on the other hand, had his life taken from him, which could have caused all sorts of problems later on after his recovery.
                          Well, Bates was in a coma due to a subdural hematoma, which if not treated correctly, could result in brain damage.


                            Originally posted by PG15 View Post

                            Has to be Bates.

                            It better be Bates.

                            It's Bates.
                            I don't think it's Bates. JM mentioned: "after his dibilitating injury". I don't think Bates was ever seriously injured. When I first read it, my first thought was Halling, but that doesn't make sense.

                            Originally posted by prion View Post
                            Oh, Bates. Hadn't thought of him, but did think of Colonel Everett... I'd be happy with either one, but maybe a bit more with Everett as it would be interesting to have Sheppard run into him. In fact, if it's Everett, I wonder if Shep isn't going back to earth for some kind of hearing - then it would make sense that Everett might be there for the proceedings.
                            I think that makes sense. Perhaps we meet up with him on Earth. For some reason, I have a feelin that it's not going to be a hearing. But maybe that's just me. *shrug*
                            click know you want to --- you HAVE to click this!


                              Here's what happened to Bates:

                              INFIRMARY. DAWN. John and Carson walk over to Bates’ bed to join Aiden who is standing at the bedside. Bates is unconscious and has a breathing tube in his mouth.
                              SHEPPARD: Is he gonna be OK?
                              BECKETT: It’s still hard to tell. He’s got five broken ribs, a fractured collarbone, and the concussion was quite severe.
                              SHEPPARD: When can we talk to him?
                              BECKETT: We can’t. I put him in a medically induced coma until the subdural haematoma can be dealt with. We won’t be finding out what happened from him any time soon.
                              FORD (to John): Teyla and Bates got into it pretty badly yesterday, sir.
                              SHEPPARD: A fistfight and a beating like this are a long drive apart, Ford.
                              FORD: I understand that, sir, but they were in a fight; they were both looking to continue it.
                              (John looks at Carson.)
                              SHEPPARD: Anything pointing to who did this?
                              BECKETT: I’m having a forensic exam of both his body and clothing performed right now.
                              SHEPPARD: Let us know what you find out. (To Ford) Let’s go get her side of the story.


                                See, told ya he had a subdural hematoma. Also....

                                Anybody noticed JM changed his blog entry? It now reads

                                "Marty G. pitched out a special guest star for Outcast, a character we haven’t seen since his debilitating injury in season one."

                                He added in the season #.

                                So, could conceivably be Bates. Hmm, not fair giving us Everett fans hope! ANd if that subdural hematoma gave him a delibilitating injury, he's probably no longer in the military. He'd be on permanent disability, or whatever. Fractured ribs and collarbone are probably easily healed. Traumatic brain injury isn't.(Well, JM did say injury, which is singular, which is why I thought Everett, and Bates had injuries (plural) which is why, well, you get my drift. Hmm, if Bates recovered from the subdural hematoma... he could still be in the military, come to think of it. JM, you gotta be more precise in your hints!)
                                Last edited by prion; 15 August 2007, 06:21 PM.

