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'Adrift' (401) General Discussion

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    Weir discovers the day spa at Atlantis isn't what it's cracked up to be


      Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
      Not bad. Decided to go with the flow and try not to prejudge this season as my overall enjoyment of SGA has wained the last two years...thus I have pretty much abandoned reading/posting in the Stargate folders/sections on GW. While I still have some quibbles with this episode, I thought it was pretty well done for SGA standards and am looking forward to the next episode. Too bad they couldn't have had a two hour season opener.

      Enjoyed most of the characters in this ep. though I'm still peeved about Carson and will probably never like this new doctor. I thought JF and DH did a nice job, and I didn't find McKay obnoxious and over the top in this one. Carter's introduction (and scenes) seemed unneeded in this ep but I am looking forward to her being on SGA.

      I wish Skiffy would have done a season 3 marathon instead of showing random season 1 episodes today because I hardly remember what happened last season, especially in the season finally.
      I really think that would've been a good move - but they aren't the sharpest bunch some days. So who knows.
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        Originally posted by technoextreme View Post
        I don't quite get what you mean by story unless you mean plot but then it wouldn't make any sense.
        Plot/story. I guess the whole "city in danger floating aimlessly in space" story/plot didn't really get my interest. The whole time I didn't get the sense of suspense of "what's going to happen/how are they going to get out of it" that I did with episodes like Rising and Siege II/III. There were a lot of elements of surprise and/or suspense like the failsafe mechanism saving Atlantis from being destroyed in Rising or the Daedalus beaming Shepard out of the jumper when it looked like he would be toast. I don't know I just didn't feel that watching this episode. There was a problem and they pretty much just explained what they were going to do to solve it, solved it, then okay time for next problem to pop up. Wash, rinse, repeat. Like I said, I'm hoping that Lifeline is going to be so much better.


          Originally posted by prion View Post
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          Weir discovers the day spa at Atlantis isn't what it's cracked up to be
          I wish I had nanites to gimme a facial.
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            My only complaint is the time slot. 10 pm is too late. Should be on at 9 instead of flashy.
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
              I wish I had nanites to gimme a facial.
              I would want my money back. They didn't do a good job. And I find Weir/TH the actress, no matter my problems with the character, to be an extremely beautiful lady. But the lighting in that room. It just wasn't good for her. I was pretty peeved by that because I expected the nanites to make her look like she did at the end of The Real World.
              Click statement above to read article.


                Originally posted by Xicer View Post
                lol well what I thought was funny was that Weir's hair looked exactly the same as it did before it was shaved off. I dunno, I guess maybe when the nanites were reactivated they tried to return her to the same state she was in the last time they were active?
                If you could just market nanites for hair styling, you'd be wealthier than Oprah.... Yeah, I guess the nanites have a memory. WOuld make it tough to change your hairstyle though, I suppose, but you wouldn't ahve to worry about it going gray or falling out.


                  I am in the camp that says, "AWESOME season premiere!" Several people have already listed all the stuff I really loved about this episode, so I won't repeat. I'll just say that it was exciting and intense (I have been carefully trying to stay away from spoilers).

                  Looking forward to more Carter.
                  Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                    I loved the special effect of the shield shrinking past all those closing doors. Those poor technicians!

                    That was a nice bit with Ronon talking to an unconscious Elizabeth.

                    Rodney: I once scored zero on Astroids.

                    Overall I liked this ep.

                    Color me shocked that some actors/extras were actually of Asian and African descent. Finally.

                    Last edited by suse; 28 September 2007, 08:39 PM.
                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      It was epic. However,

                      Lifeline is going to beat out Adrift in terms of uberness. It will be one of the most epic episodes ever produced....EVER

                      The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                        I was fine with Weir having all her hair.

                        Basically, this episode is not really different from No Man's Land in terms of TBC. I remember folks also said that episode seemed rushed, among other things - but it's a three-parter (obviously). The story isn't finished yet. This is also why I won't rate it until Lifeline airs.

                        I don't mind how Carter was reintroduced.

                        I'm really looking forward to Lifeline and Reunion!



                          Well upon viewing I thought it was an overall fantastic ep, although it ended making feel as though things are unfnished. But I guess that was the point. I really liked the story and the characters were totally believable in the situation.

                          I have to start off with Shep. He was fantastic. Now I liked JF like the next girl. But I have to say I never felt he was given anything to really shine when you see him in Adrift. The character is raw, John's face literally made me cry. He didn't need too many words to give us the emotion that was needed. Just the look on his face when Keller said what would happen to Weir. It spoke volumes. JF had tears in his eyes. It was..."wow."
                          I loved how he delivered it. As a Shep/Weir shipper I was happy.

                          In response to McShep. I felt this was a perfect moment to show that McShep has reached a certain level of maturity. They took this far more seriously than we've seen between them. And the moments were intense and driving. I really got that John would hit McKay. Finally the growth needed, hopefully this is sustained throughout the season. What was good, is that they also maintained a bit of normal McShep sarcastic humor. But overall, the moments were intense between them.
                          Definite maturity in how they handled each other here. After the initial comment from John, they were in sync, well other than how to handle Weir.

                          Meh...not much to say here. She was right...and I agree with John, McKay should never have reactivated the nanites. I am trying to figure out how she went from bald to head full of hair, and yet she looked aged and old. I'm trying to figure out how that worked out.
                          She didn't look old to me, but the hair freaked me out a bit.

                          Belligerent and rather annoying for me. He saw no real level of reason from what John said; but on another note I find this is realistic to McKay. He has proven time and time again to go to far ends to in protection and defense of Weir. Again, I loved her moments with John they were just great. Plus, my man rocked the PJ. Wicked!
                          McKay was McKay.

                          Ten sentences that's about it. But I can see this since in this scenario she's watching over the personnel as John is all over the base and Rodney is busy with the many disatrous and broken parts of Atlantis. Ronon and Weir were incapcitated so this works. It was good they had her talk to Weir, for whatever 30 seconds we saw that and the moment was a bit rough and far from happy.
                          Again, was she really in this episode?

                          The Ronon/Weir moment may keep Ronon/Weir shippers happy for a small period of time. Although I found it weird, it was sweet and endearing. Ronon was great, and this is just another aspect to his many personalities. This character so bloody well developed, it's just impressive. He didn't seem out of character, even if it was interesting.
                          So awakard! Specially him bending down to tell her thanks. It felt strange. I dunno.

                          Keller: Okay, small problem. I kept having a problem with her delivery, but I think it's because I kept comparing her to Carson. The sensitivity and urgency I'm used to with Carson, I'm missing here. But overall I realize that Keller doesn't have the same relationship with Weir that Carson had, so I guess taht's normal. But still the delivery wasn't what I expected.
                          WOW. And I thought I was projecting my feelings about Carson's departure on the whole line delivery thing. Hope it gets better as the season progress.

                          sig made by me


                            Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                            I would want my money back. They didn't do a good job. And I find Weir/TH the actress, no matter my problems with the character, to be an extremely beautiful lady. But the lighting in that room. It just wasn't good for her. I was pretty peeved by that because I expected the nanites to make her look like she did at the end of The Real World.
                            That would have made too much sense.
                            sig made by me


                              I loved Zelenka in this episode so much.

                              LOLed at Rodney's shocked expression when he realized that Zelenka and his team had found out the solution to their problem without his input.

                              Zelenka's and Shep's spacewalk and "spacetoss"...just awesome.

                              Zelenka insisting on staying and finishing the repairs after he was hit by the mini-asteroid... so rocks
                              "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                              Colonel Jack O'Neill


                                I thought it was obvious why Elizabeth's hair looked the same. That's how Rodney likes it! He did re-program the nanites after all...
                                sig by SueKay

                                My Team:

