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Weir in Adrift and Lifeline (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post adapt you shall . One has to compromise in this world. You cannot have both. Shirtless Sheppard or answer to a huge plot hole .

    McKay focused on the shield generator because in "Return part deux" he claimed that the only way to defeat them is to hit them at once. The problem arises here . In both Return part deux and First Strike the shield is raised gradually and not at the same time in the whole city . So our SGA borg drones were supposed to adapt but they didn't because the conditions for McKay's plan to work needed to be fulfilled . We found another Canyon .
    Compromise is the key. And both shirtless shep and an explanation. I guess we'll see. My patience knows no bounds.

    Yep, Mckay did say that. I think though there's a period of adjustment for the nanites, and it takes them several goes before they become immune, which is why they needed to be hit all at once. But in Lifeline, they only needed to bide their time so that they could get the ZPM, and didn't really have the power to generate an 'all at once approach' as I think initially the field was tied into the cloak on the jumper, hence the gradual approach. In The return part two, it was died in to all the shield generators and activated all at once, when they activated the star drive.. so, sorry hon, no canyon ther.

    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    Not sure I'm following you, Elizabeth didn't go through the field when she was in the jumper. Didn't the field get generated around the outside of the jumper and then get extended outwards?
    Elizabeth was in the jumper when the AR field was activated, then a few minutes later when the replicators got nearer she left the jumper to find Obertoth. But the field had to encompass the jumper and the tower for them to execute their plan, but yes it was extended outwards.

    I'm curious too, how they meant the shield to work because I only assumed (yes a dangerous action ) it was like a force field because of the way they showed it visually, only replicators touching the outer edge seemed to be affected and hence Elizabeth being unaffected. Now knowing the writers propensity for not thinking the tech through to the nth degree like some of us fans do, they probably haven't given it the same amount of thought that we have. The writers are also known to rewrite tech (and characters) to fit the plot (and explode hypothesizing fans brains, it's part of their evil plan dontcha know )
    Never assume it makes an ass of u and me. Yeah that's probably what it was, a forcefield and if it was may not have affected her inside. But still for me, anything in or around a forcefield should protect you from the bad guys. Because it just wasn't a force field it was an AR forcefield, and that's what has me confused. Hehehe ATA shield anyone? And I love it, that it makes us think and hypothosize even if it gets just a lil frustaiting at times.

    When you say simple barrier what do you mean? I see a field that is only active on it's boundary as a simple barrier requiring a lot less power than something that encompasses the entire volume of the field. Sorry to ask so many questions but I'm just trying to see how you are seeing the tech, words are a bugger give me a diagram any day!

    Good luck with getting a straight answer out of JM, though bribing him with chocolates may be more beneficial than cookies.
    This is what I love about debating, see how we all look at things differently. For me it wasn't so much a barrier, more as a field, protecting them from nanites. I'm so not a techie, I just like looking at the pretteh.

    How to explain so I don't confuse myself further. The anti replicator field not only creates a barrier, but inside the barrier there are intinsic properties that would still protect the person inside the field from them. I don't know the principles behind barriers... *wishes McKay was here* but for me, if you are surrounded by a field that protects you from the nanites, then wouldn't the inside of that field also contain those same properties that you have a continuous barier against them?

    We saw the replicators make it through the barrier, but collapse after going through a few centimeters and then disintegrating. So for me, how I saw it, then there must have been something within the field to have caused that. Does that make sense?

    I'm off out to get a RL for a few hours, if you don't get it, i'll try and think of a way to explain what I mean.

    And i've already sent chocs once. I might be a bit different this time.


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      Compromise is the key. And both shirtless shep and an explanation. I guess we'll see. My patience knows no bounds.

      Yep, Mckay did say that. I think though there's a period of adjustment for the nanites, and it takes them several goes before they become immune, which is why they needed to be hit all at once. But in Lifeline, they only needed to bide their time so that they could get the ZPM, and didn't really have the power to generate an 'all at once approach' as I think initially the field was tied into the cloak on the jumper, hence the gradual approach. In The return part two, it was died in to all the shield generators and activated all at once, when they activated the star drive.. so, sorry hon, no canyon ther.

      Elizabeth was in the jumper when the AR field was activated, then a few minutes later when the replicators got nearer she left the jumper to find Obertoth. But the field had to encompass the jumper and the tower for them to execute their plan, but yes it was extended outwards.

      Never assume it makes an ass of u and me. Yeah that's probably what it was, a forcefield and if it was may not have affected her inside. But still for me, anything in or around a forcefield should protect you from the bad guys. Because it just wasn't a force field it was an AR forcefield, and that's what has me confused. Hehehe ATA shield anyone? And I love it, that it makes us think and hypothosize even if it gets just a lil frustaiting at times.

      This is what I love about debating, see how we all look at things differently. For me it wasn't so much a barrier, more as a field, protecting them from nanites. I'm so not a techie, I just like looking at the pretteh.

      How to explain so I don't confuse myself further. The anti replicator field not only creates a barrier, but inside the barrier there are intinsic properties that would still protect the person inside the field from them. I don't know the principles behind barriers... *wishes McKay was here* but for me, if you are surrounded by a field that protects you from the nanites, then wouldn't the inside of that field also contain those same properties that you have a continuous barier against them? (A)

      We saw the replicators make it through the barrier, but collapse after going through a few centimeters and then disintegrating. So for me, how I saw it, then there must have been something within the field to have caused that. (B) Does that make sense?

      I'm off out to get a RL for a few hours, if you don't get it, i'll try and think of a way to explain what I mean.

      And i've already sent chocs once. I might be a bit different this time.
      Thanks, I'm seeing where you are coming from now.

      (A) No, not necessarily, an all encompassing field could possibly have astronomical power requirements and would be deemed impractical
      (B) Momentum would also account for that effect


        reviving this thread in anticipation for tonight's airing of adrift

        I invite ALL posters to refresh themselves with the rules for this thread

        This thread is to discuss Weir in Adrift and Lifeline - episodes that some have already seen and that will be broadcast in the US in a couple of weeks.

        A few groundrules

        The topic is Weir, and it's a discussion thread, so pro and con posts are appropriate here. This is not a singularly pro or anti thread.

        The topic is Weir, not Carter. In discussions, some aspects will be on topic, but this will not descend into a Carter vs Weir thread. Please take that elsewhere.

        [/strike]Since spoilers are noted in the title and since this thread will eventually be moved into the episode discussion folder, spoiler space is not needed here, but please remember that it IS needed anywhere outside this thread[/strike]

        spoilers for adrift need NOT be marked, but spoilers for lifeline DO need to be marked until after next friday's airing please

        Let's have a nice discussion about Weir and the events of Adrift and Lifeline
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Ok, maybe it is me - but when the field was activated, Weir was already inside the field. So, she would not be affected by that.

          Now, we know prior to Weir leaving, the Replictors already made it through the field. We also know that Weir was able to retrieve information through the Replicator network. So possibly:
          (a) Weir obtained the code through the Replictor network to save her own life,
          (b) the field was disingaged sometime after the Replicators got through the field, or
          (c) may be explained in another story.


            Originally posted by Mattathias2.0 View Post
            Ok, maybe it is me - but when the field was activated, Weir was already inside the field. So, she would not be affected by that.

            Now, we know prior to Weir leaving, the Replictors already made it through the field. We also know that Weir was able to retrieve information through the Replicator network. So possibly:
            (a) Weir obtained the code through the Replictor network to save her own life,
            (b) the field was disingaged sometime after the Replicators got through the field, or
            (c) may be explained in another story.
            Wasn't Weir's nanites special in the fact that they were actually a part of her body or am I forgetting something from that episode?


              Am I the only one to think that the update to the Replicator's base code will give Weir a ton of power among them? They have been avoiding the Wraith for 10k years, and Weir has dealt with them pretty extensively for the last 3..

              Will the writers make Weir into the lead military commander for the Wraith extermination? I think that'd be another really interesting twist: from diplomat to destroyer.


                Originally posted by Smallrus View Post
                Am I the only one to think that the update to the Replicator's base code will give Weir a ton of power among them? They have been avoiding the Wraith for 10k years, and Weir has dealt with them pretty extensively for the last 3..

                Will the writers make Weir into the lead military commander for the Wraith extermination? I think that'd be another really interesting twist: from diplomat to destroyer.

                ...if they want to finish the saga in 4 seasons they should do that. Doing that to Weir will cancel S5.


                  ^^In your opinion...

                  I would like to see her become a very powerfull 'person' among the Asurans, and the expedition think she has gone evil, but in the end it turns out it was a rouse and she manages to play a huge part in the downfall of the Asurans.


                    Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                    ^^In your opinion...

                    I would like to see her become a very powerfull 'person' among the Asurans, and the expedition think she has gone evil, but in the end it turns out it was a rouse and she manages to play a huge part in the downfall of the Asurans.

                    We've seen something like that before in SG1...Daniel Jackson, becomes a Prior with Merlin's help, fools Adria, and plays a huge part in the "downfall of the ORI". That is why I said we will not have a S5. A show will not be renewed if the writers take skeletons out of the closet .

                    Give Weir that story and make Oberoth ascend, like Adria, and that will be very original. Oberoth wants to destroy the Ancients why not do it in the ascended realm, once again, like Adria.


                      Hm, I didn't even think about that. But then again, shows how similar it is, in my eyes anyway. I followed s10 VERY closely, and was a huge fan. If I completely failed to see the similarites, that either means that:

                      a. The majority of people watching Atlantis won't see it as being that similar either, or won't care,


                      b. I'm a total moron

                      Anyway, Daniel did that in 1 episode. I would like to see her remain in that state for, like, two seasons, in which she uses her status to help destroy the Wraith. And in the hundredth episode (season 5 finale) she puts her master plan into action where she does away with the Asurans once and for all. And then either goes back to Atlantis, or dies an extremely heroic death saving it.

                      Either way, she would actually be putting up a rouse, making the expiditon think the Asurans had convinced her to turn against them. Daniel on the other hand was very quick to let everyone know he wasn't a real prior, which I thought was a shame.


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        I thought about it too the moment the shield went up... I wrote it off as major plothole.

                        But it could be that the nanites they used were somehow imune to it due to some tampering by Rodney himself, yet the flaw in that being the link with the Asuran hive-mind. -> What you said...
                        Perhaps cause they were effectively dormant they had no 'bonds to be broken up' therefore were imune to the ARW

                        The problem arises here . In both Return part deux and First Strike the shield is raised gradually and not at the same time in the whole city . So our SGA borg drones were supposed to adapt but they didn't because the conditions for McKay's plan to work needed to be fulfilled . We found another Canyon
                        From what i saw it only kicked in once the entire shield was up... Don't know why though.


                          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                          Perhaps cause they were effectively dormant they had no 'bonds to be broken up' therefore were imune to the ARW
                          Mmmm... interesting.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            The episodes were awesome in that "epic feeling"-way and it was actually a pretty smart way to get rid of Torri (hi hi, ho ho, ha ha).

                            But them it all went horribly wrong there at the end. Ronon and John were only 6 feet from Elizabeth. Oberoth overpowered Elizabeth and managed to get the other Replicators moving again. John and Ronon had enough time to make a run for it and get out of there, but they didn't have the time to, oh, say, grab Elizabeth and run out of there with her?!

                            What, were they afraid she'd turn midway and kill them? Well, they could've just shot her if that happened. It'd be more merciful than let her be integrated into the Asuran collective.


                              on a slighty different note does any one think wier may return as a human form replicator just a thought
                              I hope so it would be so cool
                              also do you think the mid season episodes mortal coil and be all my sins rememberd will be because of the events in the end of season 4 episode 2


                                Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                                The episodes were awesome in that "epic feeling"-way and it was actually a pretty smart way to get rid of Torri (hi hi, ho ho, ha ha).

                                But them it all went horribly wrong there at the end. Ronon and John were only 6 feet from Elizabeth. Oberoth overpowered Elizabeth and managed to get the other Replicators moving again. John and Ronon had enough time to make a run for it and get out of there, but they didn't have the time to, oh, say, grab Elizabeth and run out of there with her?!

                                What, were they afraid she'd turn midway and kill them? Well, they could've just shot her if that happened. It'd be more merciful than let her be integrated into the Asuran collective.
                                Eh... I think the timing/pacing of the scene was off so that it looked like Liz just stood there. But really, had the guys tried to get her, they probably would've been killed. She's clearly the one Olberoth wanted. It seemed like they were willing to let the guys go if it meant she stayed.

