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The "Adrift" Pre-Airing Discussion/Speculation Thread .SPOILERS

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    From my understanding it was the review version of the episodes that were leaked... so without full effects and without music but other than that, yeah, the entire episode's there.
    Having worked in a job for years where I get access to review copies of TV shows, I have to say if this is what they sent out, it's extremely unprofessional. You send out the finished product, not some rough cut without sound effects or music. Expecting reviewers to sit through something with people in the background yelling "beep" and "boom" just a joke.

    I'm willing to bet they never sent out a copy of SG1 in this state, and I can tell you for a fact none of the review copies of shows I've seen -- from The Practice to NYPD Blue to CSI to NCIS to Law and Order to ER to The L Word .. and many, many others, has EVER been in this state.

    What the hell were they thinking? I wonder if the previous show runners would have allowed a copy like this to go to reviewers.

    It does, however, reveal who the better actors are when you don't have the benefit of all that other stuff to distract you, and I have to say, I understand completely why one of the reviewers was all "what the hell are they thinking, getting rid of Weir?"

    Torri blows them all out of the water, there are some great emotional moments from Joe (though Shep is ridiculously out of character at times) and I've gone from thinking Teyla's a bit... meh.. to realising Rachel's pretty good, and I could possibly learn to like Teyla. If I was going to keep watching.
    Last edited by Chrysalis; 12 September 2007, 06:20 PM.


      Originally posted by alyssa View Post
      Having worked in a job for years where I get access to review copies of TV shows, I have to say if this is what they sent out, it's extremely unprofessional. You send out the finished product, not some rough cut without sound effects or music. Expecting reviewers to sit through something with people in the background yelling "beep" and "boom" just a joke.

      I'm willing to bet they never sent out a copy of SG1 in this state, and I can tell you for a fact none of the review copies of shows I've seen -- from The Practice to NYPD Blue to CSI to NCIS to Law and Order to ER to The L Word .. and many, many others, has EVER been in this state.

      What the hell were they thinking? I wonder if the previous show runners would have allowed a copy like this to go to reviewers.

      It does, however, reveal who the better actors are when you don't have the benefit of all that other stuff to distract you, and I have to say, I understand completely why one of the reviewers was all "what the hell are they thinking, getting rid of Weir?"

      Torri blows them all out of the water, there are some great emotional moments from Joe (though Shep is ridiculously out of character at times) and I've gone from thinking Teyla's a bit... meh.. to realising Rachel's pretty good, and I could possibly learn to like Teyla. If I was going to keep watching.
      You ask all these questions from the same folks who gave Teyla three hands in a promotional shot, chopped off Ronon's arm and shrunk McKay and Ronon???

      I think the whole 'they let the episode leak' is nothing more than conjecture as nobody knows who/how the episodes leaked.

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Not quite, no. Won't be the full atmospheric ep without the music and the fully finished effects etc. IMO, people are watching the leaked version because a) they can - it's out there - and people are impatient to see the eps and b) they want to know what happens in the eps.

      I'm personally preferring to wait and watch the proper broadcast version for the full viewing experience...

      JM hasn't reacted to this yet, though lots of folks have been making pointed comments about it and references to it in the comments to today's blog entry so it remains to be seen if he will address the issue...
      Yeah, you got the squawkers screaming, and I must confess, if anonymous hadn't gone tattling on about it, I wouldn't have known about 'em.

      Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
      So not really what we will see on Sept 28th. How is JM reacting to this? Havent visited his blog in ages.
      So far, nothing.

      Originally posted by s09119 View Post
      So why can you see these clips/episodes before the rest of us...?
      Actually, I think anybody can do it.I did a google search for it and it's popped up on the bittorrent sites, but I wouldn't touch a bit torrent with a ten foot poll about getting and IT lecture about trojans, etc. As for hte DUE SOUTH tape I saw, it was tape (DVDs weren't out yet) and I got it from a TV critic a week before the show aired, and well, Yahoo, etc. didn't exist, so was I gonna tell?


        Originally posted by prion View Post
        Yeah, you got the squawkers screaming, and I must confess, if anonymous hadn't gone tattling on about it, I wouldn't have known about 'em.
        You got to check livejournal more often. I think they were out last week but not alot of people knew about them till this week.
        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


          Well, Joe M. just confirmed on his blog that SCI FI boned it by accidentally sending out review screeners with no music, no sound, and unfinished vis effects rather than the finished episode.


          Anybody know if SpikeTV is still looking for original programming to air?
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            Originally posted by Darren View Post
            Well, Joe M. just confirmed on his blog that SCI FI boned it by accidentally sending out review screeners with no music, no sound, and unfinished vis effects rather than the finished episode.


            Anybody know if SpikeTV is still looking for original programming to air?
            It's official, Scifi is sabotaging SGA and secondly, the people working there are idiots. Mod me if you like but "oops" doesn't even cover this problem. Poor JM!! Poor TPTB...crap!

            By the way, thanks for the update Darren.
            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by Darren View Post
              Well, Joe M. just confirmed on his blog that SCI FI boned it by accidentally sending out review screeners with no music, no sound, and unfinished vis effects rather than the finished episode.
              I want SciFi dead by this Saturday.

              Make it happen Darren. We believe in you.


                So you're saying it's HIS fault that unfinished versions of the first 2 episodes were somehow put on the web?

                Your lack of logic makes me weep tears.


                  Originally posted by alyssa
                  Of course he's going to say that. The man always passes the buck to Scifi or MGM.. or those who download.
                  Riiiiiiiiight. Because Joe secretly controls how the Scifi channel conducts business.
                  Originally posted by alyssa
                  He'll be blaming them if ratings drop, too, instead of looking at the fact that they've rehashed SG1 content to fill season 4 of Atlantis, and they've dumped two very popular characters to keep Tapping in a job.

                  The whole thing's a joke.
                  *stifles yawn* Learn a new song please...preferably one with the lyrics based on reality rather than repeatedly disproven conspiracy theories. This particular verse is getting a tad stale.
                  Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                  So you're saying it's HIS fault that unfinished versions of the first 2 episodes were somehow put on the web?

                  Your lack of logic makes me weep tears.
                  Who needs logic when you know THE TRUTH™?

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                    Originally posted by alyssa
                    Of course he's going to say that. The man always passes the buck to Scifi or MGM.. or those who download. He'll be blaming them if ratings drop, too, instead of looking at the fact that they've rehashed SG1 content to fill season 4 of Atlantis, and they've dumped two very popular characters to keep Tapping in a job.

                    The whole thing's a joke.
                    err, i'm pretty sure its all your fault actually.


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      So you're saying it's HIS fault that unfinished versions of the first 2 episodes were somehow put on the web?

                      Your lack of logic makes me weep tears.
                      Where did I say that?

                      Bottom line, if he's a showrunner, he should be keeping a closer eye on what's going out. They should have copies of the press kits, which they should look at, to make sure the content is correct. The blame goes to a bunch of people.

                      Two unfinished eps going out is pathetic. One is bad enough, but two? Someone at Bridge should have been looking at the press kits too. It's their livelihood. To just assume that everything's going to be fine is extremely naive.


                        Originally posted by alyssa
                        Of course he's going to say that. The man always passes the buck to Scifi or MGM.. or those who download. He'll be blaming them if ratings drop, too, instead of looking at the fact that they've rehashed SG1 content to fill season 4 of Atlantis, and they've dumped two very popular characters to keep Tapping in a job.

                        The whole thing's a joke.
                        It was really Skiffy's pr dept. They dropped the ball big time, sending it out in a kit (I asked someone who received it). Guess they felt they couldn't wait for a finished copy to get the PR rolling.

                        Seriously, as someone who works in PR never, ever, EVER have I sent out an unfinished album. If the product is going to be subject for reviews you send out the best - the finished product.

                        Someone would have been fired if this had happened at my old agency......

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                          Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                          It was really Skiffy's pr dept. They dropped the ball big time, sending it out in a kit (I asked someone who received it). Guess they felt they couldn't wait for a finished copy to get the PR rolling.

                          Seriously, as someone who works in PR never, ever, EVER have I sent out an unfinished album. If the product is going to be subject for reviews you send out the best - the finished product.

                          Someone would have been fired if this had happened at my old agency......
                          Exactly. It's like entering cake mix in a baking contest and expecting to win. Just sheer stupidity. And extremely unprofessional. I've never seen anything so unprofessional before.

                          But seriously, someone at Bridge should have been looking at the kits before they went out. The fact nobody did is really bad.


                            Originally posted by alyssa View Post
                            Where did I say that?
                            Well, I gathered from your "Of course he's going to say that. The man always passes the buck to Scifi or MGM", that you think he's passing the blame (or, "the buck") for this disgraceful leakage to "SciFi and MGM". And of course, after your rant underneath that about how he and his fellow TPTB is screwing up SGA, I just assumed that you believe everything was his fault.

                            Is there any other way to interpret your words? Or was your rant after that line I quoted off-topic and merely meant to insult TPTB once again?


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              Of course he's going to say that. The man always passes the buck to Scifi or MGM.. or those who download. He'll be blaming them if ratings drop, too, instead of looking at the fact that they've rehashed SG1 content to fill season 4 of Atlantis, and they've dumped two very popular characters to keep Tapping in a job.

                              The whole thing's a joke.
                              Oh come off it Alyssa. If you know anything about this show it's that skiffy has ALWAYS handled the promotional end of things, (except for that brief time before the last big hiatus ended when MGM was desperate and paid for their own ads.) Skiffy does the advertising, and the promos and the promo shots and the things with the press, so of course they handled this and of course they screwed it up. It's what they're good at. Why dont' you climb down off JM's back for a change and realize he isn't hitler.


                                Originally posted by alyssa View Post
                                Exactly. It's like entering cake mix in a baking contest and expecting to win. Just sheer stupidity. And extremely unprofessional. I've never seen anything so unprofessional before.

                                But seriously, someone at Bridge should have been looking at the kits before they went out. The fact nobody did is really bad.
                                It doesn't work like that in the industry. Joe's job is to run the show, not deal with DVD releases, artwork, airing schedules, promotion, etc. For a show like SGA, you are dealing with THOUSANDS of parts - production, MGM, Skiffy, etc etc etc. For any broadcast show there are people who work in theory for the same show and never meet or interact or need to know what each other does. At that level its understood (well supposed to be) a well oiled machine that works professionally at the highest level.

                                The kits would have come from LA or NY, not Vancouver. Its Skiffy's job to deal with promotion correctly. And as a major cable network, with a parent company of NBC/GE it should be competent to deal with such a task correctly. But it wasn't. Its a screw up on the corporate side, not the creative side. A press kit is not something Joe would have any say/control over, let alone see before it goes out.

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