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If Atlantis Were Cancelled...

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    Originally posted by Descended from the Ascended View Post
    The wraith attack Atlantis, win and Atlantis is destroyed, they find earth and start to come to the milky way.

    At the end 12 wraith hive ships drop out of hyperspace right above earth.


    So basically "Bad Timing" redux?
    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


      Okay, series final...

      Gotta have Daniel and Jack quest star in that ep.

      I would make it a two parter and also include Mckay's sister.

      Jeannie comes to Atlantis with a refined version of her power source she had in McKay and Mrs. Miller. They are having trouble getting the power source to work right on the city.

      SG-1 (meaning Jack, Daniel and Teal'c) come to Atlantis to personally inform Carter that Hammond had passed away. They intend to dial back to earth with Sam.

      Atlantis is then attacked by a fleet of Wraith ships and is unable to dial earth.

      Jack takes command of the city as Sheppard takes command of the ground forces to fend off the closing Wraith. Sam is ordered to help Rodney and Jeannie get the alternate power source working.

      Daniel, who was going through the city records with Teyla prior to the attack, discover a planet with another sister city...Athena.

      Sam, Jeannie and Rodney use their super brains to get the city space borne.

      Sheppard than has to lead a few crack pilots in a jumper battle with Wraith Darts as the city tries to get into hyperspace. (Of course the three manage to pull it off in the nick of time.)

      Sheppard's men get back to the city but unfortunately there are Wraith that beam ed down during the battle.

      Teyla and Daniel get separated from the others in the city and Teyla's spidy sense is what saves them. I always thought Teyla and Daniel could have an interesting conversation.

      Ronin and Teal'c take a search party to search for the missing pair. Sheppard leads security in the same quest...all comming across Wraith...including Todd.

      Rodney, Jeannie and Carter barracked themselves in the main engine room, wraith are trying to get in. Rodney can't shoot worth beans however his sister is a good shot. Jeannie and Carter hold off Wraith while Rodney fixed technical disasters in the engines.

      Todd has a number of Wraith that are loyal to him and makes a deal with Sheppard. He will will help Sheppard take out the remaining Wraith if they get access to a hive ship and certain planets for food.

      Sheppard makes the deal...intending to break it later.

      After a wicked battle, the scene turns to a stand off between Todd and his Wraith and Jack O'Neill at command.

      Daniel tries to negotiate with the Wraith who has already figured Sheppard would double cross him.

      The city comes into orbit near the planet that Daniel and Teyla discovered in the records only to find a massive replicator fleet and the sister city is in fact run by Weir.

      Once again, more deals are struck. Jack figures the only way to win is to pit replicator weir against Todd.

      Sheppard wants to mount a rescue mission figuring she is still human enough to reach. Sheppard and O'Neill butt heads over the issue.

      Sheppard has to give in for O'Neill's plan to work.

      Appealing to Wier humanity they convince her she is not "one of the replicators" and needs to help Atlantis.

      Wier's forces has taken the city rather easily, she stands and debates who should live and who should die. The replicators want the wraith and humans both to die while Weir's human side struggles to convince her replicator mind to keep them alive.

      Todd sees a break and attacks Wier, sucking the life out of her. But her conscious mind is uploaded into the replicator main frame. LOL.

      Another big battle endures, Todd escapes and Dr. Wier's conscious mind is transferred into the Ancient computer that runs Atlantis via Rodney who still wants to save her. Good ole Rodney!

      In uploading Wier's mind...he dumped a bunch of valuable info. Making Atlantis not as valuable to the enemy. Of course!

      After inflicting damage to the replicators, the city gets space borne again and then finally finds a new home.

      They contact an Earth ship in the end, Caldwell meets up with the city on it's new home and after debate as to Weir's fate (erase her or let her live) they use Asgard cloning technology and a piece of hair to give Wier back her life.

      The series would end with a shot of Hammond's would pull back to see a dark shadow standing behind a tree watching. Then fade away. lol. (The figure is actually Hammond.)
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        I would do The Last Man on a bigger scale. The entire team goes to the future, and has to deal with the Wraith, Michael, Weir, and a new alien race (possibly from another galaxy). I won't break it all down, but it would end with the SGA team getting what they need in order to defeat the Wraith (and the remaining Replicators).
        Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

        ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
        encounter on the strange journey.


        2 Cor. 10:3-5
        3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
        4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
        5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


          Originally posted by Platschu View Post
          Different solutions:

          - Dallas : Jack dreamed the last four season, when they put him into the pod on Antarctica, so the whole series was only a fictional story. After that Anubis will destroy Earth.

          - 24 : They can't stop the bomb's clock.

          - Transformers : The Atlantis city is an undercover Autobot, who will fly away to defeat Starcreamer. The expedition members will never find it again.

          - Alien : The team will discover, that Michael's pet are aliens, who will hunt them down easily.

          - Babylon 5 : They will invite every allied and hostile race ambassadors to Atlantis, which became a neutral ground. The world will be peaceful, everybody will support everyone, so they will die because of boring.

          - Battlestar Galactica : The team will discover that RepliCarter and RepliWeir are Cylons, but it is too late and the randomly appeared Cylon fleet will destroy the city without hesitation, because they don't need a 13th and a 14th Cylon model.

          - Star Trek : They will leave the city to fly away with the Daedalus to the end of the universe, but they will find out that is only a black curtain.

          - Sliders : The expedition team will begin to slide to different realities with the stargate until they will arrive a world with a closed Iris.

          - Farscape : A man will arrive, who looks like as Lt. Col. Mitchell. His wife is very similar to Vala Mal Doran. Everything is fine until SG-1 will arrive in a hyper-cross-over episode, but the whole universe will be destroyed after the entropy problem.

          - Earth 2 : The team will meet the terrians on the main land and they will tell them to leave the living planet. The expedition will refuse it, so the whole city will disappear in an oceanic vortex.



            _______ explodes, everyone dies.


              Oh that's easy.

              Go ahead and use "The Last Man" but with a revised ending, wherein Sheppard, finally realizing that he's in danger of missing a lifetime of true love, goes to Rodney in the final scene and lays a kiss on him a la Torchwood...

              And as the scene ends, we know they'll live happily ever after.

              How awesome that would be.


                Episode full of spaceship battles, followed by the main characters cuddling cute kittens.

                The End.

                "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

                "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

                WALLACE: And if I don't?
                O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                  Originally posted by smushybird View Post
                  Oh that's easy.

                  Go ahead and use "The Last Man" but with a revised ending, wherein Sheppard, finally realizing that he's in danger of missing a lifetime of true love, goes to Rodney in the final scene and lays a kiss on him a la Torchwood...

                  And as the scene ends, we know they'll live happily ever after.

                  How awesome that would be.
                  Maybe for the Mckay/Shep slashers...

                  I think that ending would ruin Atlantis for me... I'd much prefer the city destroyed by the Wraith and everyone killed to be honest... I don't really like Torchwood...

                  Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
                  Episode full of spaceship battles, followed by the main characters cuddling cute kittens.

                  The End.
                  That would be cool dunno about the kittens though... do they have cats in the Pegasus?


                    The SGA team, plus Carter(oddly in charge instead of Caldwell), finds themselves on board the Daedalus traveling to the plant they believe the Athosans are located on. However, it was simply an ambush set up by the remaining Replicators under a strangely revived Oberoth, who launch an attack on the Daedalus. Outnumbered, Carter orders them to flee.

                    After entering hyperspace, McKay discovers some strange readings from the new hyperdrive system, and suggests that they stop using it. Immediately after exiting hyperspace, three more Replicator Orions emerge. After quickly re-entering hyperspace, McKay realizes that the Replicators have discovered how to track the energy signature of the Asgard-modified propulsion system after the Battle of Asuras. With no alternative, Carter orders them to head for the nearest planet with an active Stargate and off-load the Daedalus's crew.

                    SGA and Carter remain on board as McKay tries to disconnect the hyperdrive from the Asgard computer core, which she hoped would prevent the Replicators from tracking the ship. The process is time-consuming, and the Replicator ships quickly catch up to resume the attack. The Deddy takes several volleys of drones to the shields causing increasing reflexive damage, and Carter orders that Deddy's fire be concentrated on only one target. The Asgard energy weapons penetrate the Replicators' shields, inflicting serious damage. The Deddy's shields fail as the remaining Replicator ship launches the rest of their drones in a final assault. However, before the drones make contact, McKay activates a time dilation field around the ship—one of the features of the Asgard technology recently installed.

                    Within the time dilation field, time passes in such a way that years may go by while fractions of a second pass by outside the field. Safe for the time being, McKay and Carter are able to work on several theories to allow the team to leave the Deddy before the drones hit, or to jump the ship out of phase before the beam makes contact. However, all of her simulations produce the same result: the destruction of the ship, and the death of all on board. Stuck until they are able to figure out a new solution, SGA prepares for a long wait. With a ZPM and the Asgard power core to power the time dilation field and the newly installed Asgard technology synthesizing food, supplies and oxygen, they are able to live on the ship indefinitely.

                    Shepperd volunteers to help Rodney and Sam, hypothesizing that they could reverse time in the field up to the point they left Atlantis, and then disable the hyperdrive—but they rule this out as impossible.

                    Years pass, as each member of the team attempts to deal with their isolation. McKay develops a programing hobby; Carter learns how to play the cello; and Ronon and Keller develop their relationship. Teyla gives birth, and spends much of her time caring for her son, in her eyes the last of the Athosian race. Sheppard spends much time jogging through the ship, growing more frustrated and angry as the years pass. Scenes show him wrecking his cabin, and sitting in a 302, contemplating escape (followed by quick death). He and Teyla train together. Amanda Tapping has said that she envisioned Rodney and Sam forming a romantic relationship, and she and David Hewlett subtly played their scenes that way. In another scene, Ronon holds a crying Keller. In the DVD episode commentary, the writer of the episode said that he envisioned that scene to be their reaction to Keller having gotten pregnant and losing the baby.

                    After thirty years, with everybody having aged noticeably, and Teyla's son Kanan, named after his father, is now an adult, having learned nuclear physics from Rodney and Sam. Kanan realizes something his two teachers couldn't, and figures out how to reverse time within a localized field. By reversing time back to slightly before the point of dilation, they can stop the program being activated and use a new program McKay has written onto a crystal to quickly disconnect the Asgard computer core from the hyperdrive in seconds. Unfortunately, in a last, cruel irony, the ship's power supplies no longer have enough energy to complete the plan, due to the constant drain of maintaining the time dilation field over decades.

                    However, Sheppard directs McKay's attention to the Asuran drones; he theorizes that by deactivating the dilation field and allowing the drones to hit, they can channel the drone's power to the core. The dilation field would reverse, and they would go back in time; everything would be undone. However, there are two problems. First, the ship will be destroyed by the blast, and if the time reversal does not activate quickly enough, the destruction will not be reversed. Second, the reversal of the time field will mean the loss of any memories of what happened over the past thirty years. One person will have to remain behind, protected within a separate field, staying aged so as to retain the memories necessary to perform the rescue. Kanan, who is only thirty, and still has much of his life to live, volunteers. As the group prepares their plan, Ronon and Keller exchange a last embrace, assuring each other of their love. When everything is in place, they deactivate the time dilation field.

                    As the ship explodes around Kanan, time begins to slow, stop and finally reverse. The ship re-forms, the beam withdraws, and time is re-set. Kanan prevents McKay from activating the time dilation field and gives him the control crystal that disconnects the Asgard computer core from the hyperdrive. They are able to leave before they and their valuable ship are destroyed.

                    Back on Atlantis, Kanan refuses to reveal any of the events on the ship to the others, much to McKay's disappointment. However, Sheppard jokes that Kanan revealed to him several bits of good advice that Sheppard told him in the alternate timeline (they're really just common aphorisms). SGA contemplates these words of wisdom—among them "life is short"—as they prepare for another mission. As the episode—and the series—comes to a close, McKay spouts off something about the stupidity of alternate timelines, and how something like this had happened before to a different group of people. The team says "McKay!" all at once, Carter wishes the team God-speed, and SGA steps through the gate on their next mission.

                    COMPLETELY ORIGINAL!!!

                    I think it'd be called Eternal, or Endless, Unceasing...something like that
                    Last edited by The TARDIS; 28 January 2008, 07:51 PM.

                    If you're wondering how time travel works, and other science facts
                    Then repeat to yourself 'It's just a kickass show, I should really just relax'

                    Muh Arts-like Thingies


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                      Gates explode, everyone dies.

                      Mental green!


                        Originally posted by FenRiR FoXz View Post
                        Maybe for the Mckay/Shep slashers...

                        I think that ending would ruin Atlantis for me... I'd much prefer the city destroyed by the Wraith and everyone killed to be honest... I don't really like Torchwood...

                        That would be cool dunno about the kittens though... do they have cats in the Pegasus?
                        That would be the big reveal at the end! Cats! In Pegasus! (The animals, not the musical.)

                        "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

                        "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

                        WALLACE: And if I don't?
                        O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                          Originally posted by The TARDIS View Post
                          The SGA team, plus Carter(oddly in charge instead of Caldwell), finds themselves on board the Daedalus traveling to the plant they believe the Athosans are located on. However, it was simply an ambush set up by the remaining Replicators under a strangely revived Oberoth, who launch an attack on the Daedalus. Outnumbered, Carter orders them to flee. . .
                          The TARDIS has spoken. So it is written. So shall it be done.


                          "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

                          "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

                          WALLACE: And if I don't?
                          O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                            Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
                            The TARDIS has spoken. So it is written. So shall it be done.
                            So I take it The TARDIS went into the future and watched the final ep and didn't bother to bring back a copy for us to watch?

                            Now I definately will cannibalise you to make a paradox machine

                            Originally posted by Jill_Ion View Post
                            That would be the big reveal at the end! Cats! In Pegasus! (The animals, not the musical.)


                              Originally posted by The TARDIS View Post
                              COMPLETELY ORIGINAL!!!

                              I think it'd be called Eternal, or Endless, Unceasing...something like that
                              Oh yeah, totally original.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                Originally posted by FenRiR FoXz View Post
                                So I take it The TARDIS went into the future and watched the final ep and didn't bother to bring back a copy for us to watch?

                                Now I definately will cannibalise you to make a paradox machine
                                Noooooo! *flees five minutes into the future*

                                If you're wondering how time travel works, and other science facts
                                Then repeat to yourself 'It's just a kickass show, I should really just relax'

                                Muh Arts-like Thingies

