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CANON: Sam and Jack are not together! ~Spoilers up to 4x03 "Reunion"~

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    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    Actually they do have scheduled days off, I remember Sheppard saying it in an episode.
    Yes, but off-world? As in "We have scheduled days off where we're free to hitch a ride back home with the Intergalactic bridge, sacrifcing jumpers!"?

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    But she does have a duty to her country, planet and the Stargate program as a whole.
    No she doesn't. There's no such thing as her having a "duty" to sacrifice everything after 10 years of saving the world where there are people capable of doing her job as leader of Atlantis (there are, do not delude yourself into thinking Sam's not only the best but also the only person suited for the job).

    After 10+ years, she deserves a little happiness should she choose it. Now, if Atlantis were to need her specifically, because her expertise is vital for its survival, then, yeah, there's duty. But simply saying "We want you to head the Atlantis Expedition" doesn't really call in any duties of hers. There are people better suited (or at least there should be).

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    Aren't half the personnel military? As they still need teams to go off-world like the SGC.
    And you think everyone on Atlantis goes off-world because? The majority are civilians, the majority of which do not go off world. There's a lot more to Atlantis than going off world. The reason why the episodes concentrate on that is because, hello, Stargate, and because the show is centered around Team Sheppard, only 1/4 of which is Tau'ri military, BTW.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    Well, you don't go into the AF thinking "oh yeh, once I hit Col I'll just quit - that's good enough" - you may think so but Carter's a lot more determined, dedicated and loyal than that.
    Yes, loyalty. Because obviously no one could possibly do what Sam will do in Atlantis. Rodney and John are so incomptent the city would fail should anyone other than Sam take over leadership.

    There are countless other things Sam could be doing, a lot of them back on Earth.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    Sometimes, something’s are more important than what you want.
    Yes, and this time, Sam chose said thing over Jack.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    It would be complicated because she probably doesn't get to see Jack very often and they can't exactly publicise their relationship because some bas****s are gonna think that 'she slept her way to the top', no matter how much she's proved herself and achieved.
    Oh yes, that's it. They're afraid people will think she slept with Jack, who's got such great powers to wield he managed to sway the brass to promote her to full-bird Colonel... yah. Grasping... now.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    I'm sorry but what proof do you have of this statement?
    Pull up a poll.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    Exactly, I don't see your point.
    It was in response to your statement, which has no point. What does it matter if a great number of fans want a certain pairing? It doesn't change anything. It's not like the facts will change the more S/J fans pile up.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    Actually as quite a dedicated Sam/Jack shipper, I probably know the shippy moments a whole lot better than you do and Jack's actually far more obvious about his feelings for her than she is about her feelings for him.
    Um... yeah... ok... whatever. Care to give examples of such episodes?

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    Did you watch 'Grace'?
    You call that ballistic? Because he didn't want to give up and said "I don't want to hear it"? Ever seen "Threads"? Jack must love Daniel now since he did the same thing then!

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    If it turns out Sam's a stalker I will actually come out to wherever you live and actually give a personal apology as I can tell you with an almost 100% certainty that Sam is not a stalker.
    I'm not seriously arguing she's a stalker. But if anyone waves that picture around as proof of anything, I will throw the facts back in their face, the facts that support the theory that Sam is a stalker.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    I have no problem insulting stalkers...they should be locked up. And if you support them and what they're doing then maybe you should get some help of your own.
    O... k... stalkers are people too. Delusional, sure. But a lot of them are harmless. I do not support or condone what they do but I'm not gonna say "Lock them all up!".

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    Or, they're just giving us hints and don't want to give us confirmation here. I mean not every SG1 fan is going to watch Atlantis...they'll probably do it in 'Continuum'.
    Yes. Let's assume they gave us definite proof of a relationship in "Continuum" (which comes before season 4 in the chronology) and then in Atlantis only hint at a possible relationship (with bad hints, as the 10 year old picture)! Quite logical.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    The pictures are in her office, facing everyone that comes in...I wouldn't even put such personal pictures as the ones your describing (romantic vacation) for everyone (esp people under my command) to see.
    Have you seen a workplace? You usually put up nice pictures of your family. Like portraits or a picture of you and yourself and your loved one not sitting 3 feet apart.

    And this still doesn't change the fact that I have never onced used said pictures as proof of that they aren't together. However, I have disputed the claims that said pictures prove that they are together.

    I did not bring them up. And I will not as long as no one else does. So stop bringing them up.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    I agree, Atlantis should not resolve the Sam/Jack relationship (that's what the movies are for )...however hints are more than welcome.
    Which is ludicrous. Because the first two (and possibly only) movies come before season 4 in the chronology! So if the movies have already resolved the relationship, it would be completely illogical to have Atlantis only hint at the relationship.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    And I have loads of pictures of friends, family and loved ones that are old...some older than ten years in fact because they have such fond memories attached.
    So do I. But I wouldn't put a 10 yearold picture (which was taken while said person was looking away from the camera while preparing to hand over a dog to someone who was not me, meaning that it wasn't even a special occasion for "us") in a frame and put it up in my room or office.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    I'm not looking at this from a 'inverse PoV' because it's quite obvious that this was just another hint from TPTB about Sam/Jack and they think anyone would over-analyse the fact that the picture was a little older. But if you need an answer from an 'inverse PoV' as well then see my above answers about the pics.
    Yes, they prove nothing.

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    And if the pics aren't meant to prove anything then why doesn't she have pictures of her with Daniel, Teal'c, Jacob, Cassie, Janet etc? And in her quarters why does she have a picture of only Jack?
    Oh, but she does. We just haven't seen it yet. Someone (apparently not you) posted a link to a pic where we can see pics of Jacob (obscured), Teal'c (obscured), Daniel and then one of her and Jack together (albeit in a very platonic picture as they were sitting a bit from each other).

    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    And try to come up with something a little more plausible then 'Oh Sam's a stalker!'
    Yeah, because your arguments hold so much water.


      Nice thread to attack the show again and again. Who cares if Sam is with Jack or not? This is only a teenage fantasy, but the series is scifi. Science fiction. New technologies, new races, new adventures. So I am not interested who is dating with who. But ok, I will count every option:

      1. Sam is with Jack: They can't be because of the military rules and they are far away from each other, so it would be an abnormal relationship. When Jack worked at Washington, I could imagine that Sam used Asgard teleport technology to be with him every night.

      2. Sam is not with Jack: She will make her work better, but she brought a photo about him to remember as a very good and close friend.

      The truth is that Sam will stay at Atlantis and she will be the leader of the city, believe it or not. So everyone can open hundred thread about her sexual life, her hairstyle, her speech, her skills etc., but it won't change. You should accept it and enjoy the show. Thanks.
      "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

      "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

      "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


        Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
        Yes, but off-world? As in "We have scheduled days off where we're free to hitch a ride back home with the Intergalactic bridge, sacrifcing jumpers!"?
        Why not? Didn't Sam say in "Reunion" to Teal'c that she hoped he/they could come and visit sometime? It's not like they are throwing the key away and never allow them to come home. It has never been stated on the show that they can't. If there has ever been an ep where it has been said they may never go home, unless ordered to (like for a breifing or something) please tell me...I might have forgotten it.

        But untill you provide that, I will assume they are perfectly allowed to return home when not on duty, and that is not every day or every week...but when they take time off. It's not like they can spend time with family or friends otherwise all the way in the Pegasus Galaxy, like people on SGC can do on their free time. They have to be allowed to return at times, now that they can easily travel between the two galaxies. And I hardly think every single person goes all at once, so only a limited amount of jumpers would be needed and could easily come back to Atlantis shortly.

        Sam is only in 14 out of the 20 eps this season. Who knows where she is in those other 6 eps? She could be on Atlantis, on Earth or on the Deadalus or whatever.


          saberhagen: You are right, because the Midway Station can help them to travel to home. This gatebridge didn't exist earlier, so every expedition member can rest at Earth for weeks, if they want.
          "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

          "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

          "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


            Originally posted by saberhagen83 View Post
            Why not? Didn't Sam say in "Reunion" to Teal'c that she hoped he/they could come and visit sometime? It's not like they are throwing the key away and never allow them to come home. It has never been stated on the show that they can't. If there has ever been an ep where it has been said they may never go home, unless ordered to (like for a breifing or something) please tell me...I might have forgotten it.
            I have stated again and again that, no, I am not saying that they will never see each other again.

            But placing them in these positions (Home World Defense vs. Atlantis) means that they won't be seeing each other often in the future year. And by that, I mean, like, once every other month or so.

            I am not, however, saying they won't be seeing each other at all, ever.

            And while we're at it, didn't Sam indicate they hadn't seen each other for a long time in "200"?

            Originally posted by saberhagen83 View Post
            But untill you provide that, I will assume they are perfectly allowed to return home when not on duty, and that is not every day or every week...but when they take time off. It's not like they can spend time with family or friends otherwise all the way in the Pegasus Galaxy, like people on SGC can do on their free time. They have to be allowed to return at times, now that they can easily travel between the two galaxies. And I hardly think every single person goes all at once, so only a limited amount of jumpers would be needed and could easily come back to Atlantis shortly.
            So this scheduled downtime... large groups are scheduled downtime at the same time to allow for easier transport home? ¬_¬' Because I don't see that happening in case of emergency. It's more like you have the odd day off coordinated with others so that on no given day will more than X number of people have the day off.

            And if so, constantly having Jumpers shuttle people back and forth would be kinda dangerous. Also, "scheduled time off" does in no way mean "Once a month" or "Once a week". And it does in no way mean "We can go back to Earth once a week" or "We can go back to Earth once a month".

            Originally posted by saberhagen83 View Post
            Sam is only in 14 out of the 20 eps this season. Who knows where she is in those other 6 eps? She could be on Atlantis, on Earth or on the Deadalus or whatever.
            Yes, because as leader of Atlantis, she's gonna spend so much time not in Atlantis. I'm assuming she leaves after 14 or so episodes to go back because they found a new leader of Elizabeth got rescued or whatever.


              Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
              I have stated again and again that, no, I am not saying that they will never see each other again.

              But placing them in these positions (Home World Defense vs. Atlantis) means that they won't be seeing each other often in the future year. And by that, I mean, like, once every other month or so.

              I am not, however, saying they won't be seeing each other at all, ever.

              And while we're at it, didn't Sam indicate they hadn't seen each other for a long time in "200"?
              Okay so they will see eachother and we have no clue how often. That sounds about right to me. I won't even continue speculating with you how often they get to go home during a year. 1) this is a TV show and 2) we really do not have any idea....

              And don't ask me what was said in "200". Don't have much memory of it, as I haven't watched it since it aired.

              So this scheduled downtime... large groups are scheduled downtime at the same time to allow for easier transport home? ¬_¬' Because I don't see that happening in case of emergency. It's more like you have the odd day off coordinated with others so that on no given day will more than X number of people have the day off.

              And if so, constantly having Jumpers shuttle people back and forth would be kinda dangerous. Also, "scheduled time off" does in no way mean "Once a month" or "Once a week". And it does in no way mean "We can go back to Earth once a week" or "We can go back to Earth once a month".

              Yes, because as leader of Atlantis, she's gonna spend so much time not in Atlantis. I'm assuming she leaves after 14 or so episodes to go back because they found a new leader of Elizabeth got rescued or whatever.
              Of course she will spend most of the time in Atlantis, that is pretty much a given. But we don't know where she is in those 6 eps, or the others days of the year for that matter...

              And why would it be dangerous for people to go back and forth in Jumpers?


                Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                Yes, but off-world? As in "We have scheduled days off where we're free to hitch a ride back home with the Intergalactic bridge, sacrifcing jumpers!"?
                What saberhagen83 said.

                No she doesn't. There's no such thing as her having a "duty" to sacrifice everything after 10 years of saving the world where there are people capable of doing her job as leader of Atlantis (there are, do not delude yourself into thinking Sam's not only the best but also the only person suited for the job).
                She's not the only but she's definitely the best. I couldn't think of anyone better.

                After 10+ years, she deserves a little happiness should she choose it. Now, if Atlantis were to need her specifically, because her expertise is vital for its survival, then, yeah, there's duty. But simply saying "We want you to head the Atlantis Expedition" doesn't really call in any duties of hers. There are people better suited (or at least there should be).
                I can't think of anyone better suited. She's had the most gate and off-world experience and is a brilliant leader, who understands both military and civilian perspectives.

                And you think everyone on Atlantis goes off-world because? The majority are civilians, the majority of which do not go off world. There's a lot more to Atlantis than going off world. The reason why the episodes concentrate on that is because, hello, Stargate, and because the show is centered around Team Sheppard, only 1/4 of which is Tau'ri military, BTW.
                Try and actually read what I've written before answering. I don't think everyone is military, I said half because they would go off-world and (most of) the civilians wouldn't.

                Yes, loyalty. Because obviously no one could possibly do what Sam will do in Atlantis. Rodney and John are so incomptent the city would fail should anyone other than Sam take over leadership.
                Rodney and John are incompetent to run best Rodney's leadership experience goes as far as leading the Atlantis scientists and John's only a Lt.Col, so they wouldn't let him lead either.

                There are countless other things Sam could be doing, a lot of them back on Earth.
                I'm sure there are but probably not as important as leading Atlantis.

                Oh yes, that's it. They're afraid people will think she slept with Jack, who's got such great powers to wield he managed to sway the brass to promote her to full-bird Colonel... yah. Grasping... now.
                WTF are you talking about? God, it gets seriously irritating when you don't read what I write but then when you forget what you've said it's even worse. You asked about why she said to Martouf 'it's complicated' in Ripple Effect and I gave my reasons which are valid in that context...before she was promoted to Full-Col and while all the promotions given to her were recommended by Jack.

                Pull up a poll.
                Doing any sort of poll here would be pointless as the majority of fans do not come online. However, even if you did a poll here, I'm sure more people would be pro-S/J rather than anti. Just compare the pro-S/J threads to the sole anti.

                It was in response to your statement, which has no point. What does it matter if a great number of fans want a certain pairing? It doesn't change anything. It's not like the facts will change the more S/J fans pile up.
                Your the one that bought up the number of the end TPTB are just gonna do what they want...its doesn't actually matter what the fans say.

                Um... yeah... ok... whatever. Care to give examples of such episodes?
                Emancipation, The Broca Divide, Singularity, Solitudes, Politics, In the Line of Duty, Out of Mind, Into the Fire, Point of View, Nemesis, Divide and Conquer, Window of Opportunity, Beneath the Surface, 2010, Entity, Desperate Measures, Metamorphosis, Forsaken, Prophecy, Evolution pt1+2, Grace, Death Knell, Heroes pt2, New Order pt1+2, Affinity, Citizen Joe, Threads, Moebius pt1+2. Are the few that come to mind at the moment.

                You call that ballistic? Because he didn't want to give up and said "I don't want to hear it"? Ever seen "Threads"? Jack must love Daniel now since he did the same thing then!
                Did you see him throughout the episode, he snapped at Daniel, Teal'c and Hammond and he was in a foul mood throughout the ep until the end when he was at her bedside. His mood was fine in Threads.

                I'm not seriously arguing she's a stalker. But if anyone waves that picture around as proof of anything, I will throw the facts back in their face, the facts that support the theory that Sam is a stalker.
                It's not proof - that's why shippers are waiting for resolution/confirmation but it is a definite hint.

                O... k... stalkers are people too. Delusional, sure. But a lot of them are harmless. I do not support or condone what they do but I'm not gonna say "Lock them all up!".
                Each to their own I guess.

                Yes. Let's assume they gave us definite proof of a relationship in "Continuum" (which comes before season 4 in the chronology) and then in Atlantis only hint at a possible relationship (with bad hints, as the 10 year old picture)! Quite logical.
                Actually it’s perfectly logical...if we got a resolution/confirmation in 'Continuum' it would be natural for Sam to take a picture of her partner/lover/fiancé/husband with her to Atlantis. The hint would be confirmation that she's maintaining they're long-distance relationship with Jack.

                Have you seen a workplace? You usually put up nice pictures of your family. Like portraits or a picture of you and yourself and your loved one not sitting 3 feet apart.
                They're not 3 feet apart, if your judging by the Threads fishing scene, they're elbows are in fact touching.

                And this still doesn't change the fact that I have never onced used said pictures as proof of that they aren't together. However, I have disputed the claims that said pictures prove that they are together.

                I did not bring them up. And I will not as long as no one else does. So stop bringing them up.
                Ok, if its bugging you that much...

                Which is ludicrous. Because the first two (and possibly only) movies come before season 4 in the chronology! So if the movies have already resolved the relationship, it would be completely illogical to have Atlantis only hint at the relationship.
                It hints to the fact that they're maintaining they're long-distance relationship.

                So do I. But I wouldn't put a 10 yearold picture (which was taken while said person was looking away from the camera while preparing to hand over a dog to someone who was not me, meaning that it wasn't even a special occasion for "us") in a frame and put it up in my room or office.
                Actually at that time Jack is in fact looking and smiling at Sam...I assume Daniel/Teal'c would've taken the picture...and hey presto a nice memory...when I think of that scene I smile too and I'm not even Sam...

                Oh, but she does. We just haven't seen it yet. Someone (apparently not you) posted a link to a pic where we can see pics of Jacob (obscured), Teal'c (obscured), Daniel and then one of her and Jack together (albeit in a very platonic picture as they were sitting a bit from each other).
                Again, read what I've written. I said there are no pictures of Sam and someone together only of Sam/Jack together - in one frame and she doesn't have a picture of anyone else other than Jack in her quarters.

                Yeah, because your arguments hold so much water.
                Holds a lot more water than yours...

                FallenAngelII's theory: "They're definitely not together because Sam's in Atlantis and no one can maintain a long distance relationship...oh yeh and they're not allowed to see each other because you know you can't have hard working personnel visit they're families and loved ones once in a while even though it's more than possible and only takes about 30-45 mins to get to Earth (shorter than my 90min commute to Uni everyday)...oh yeh and the picture of Jack that she has...yeh she has it because she's stalking him because suddenly she's delusional; by my own admission the definition of a stalker. Granted now the stalking may be a little difficult now seeing as I'm in Atlantis..."

                Oh yeh, great theory should send it to TPTB and see what they think...I'm sure they'd be impressed...

                (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                  Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                  I think the quasi-sarcasm of the thread has been lost on you.
                  Quasi-sarcasm = excuse to be offensive but it's ok cos "you're just being sarcastic". I'd have a lot more respect for your argument here if you could post it in a logical, non-confrontational manner without deriding other forum users in the process.

                  Logically speaking of course, your argument once again comes down to personal interpretation. Your interpretation of Reunion etc is that it means Sam & Jack is not canon. Your opinion, however, is your opinion. It's not fact.


                    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                    So your reasoning for Sam/Jack not being together is that Sam is doing her duty, serving her country/planet and basically just doing her job as well as she can. Oh by the way you can also have a personal life while having a job. Do you think all those soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan right now haven't left their families, loved ones and significant others behind? They didn't have to join the armed forces and leave everyone they loved behind but they did because of their sense of honour and duty. Ands that's exactly what Sam is doing.

                    And I think you may have missed this from 'Reunion' last night...

                    A picture of only Jack in her personal belongings...I think the shippers are pretty much spot on when they think Sam/Jack are together.
                    Unfortunately, you're working with incomplete information. You only saw the picture of Jack. Carter hadn't fully unpacked. She DOES have more photos as fans who did visit the set this summer did catch some sneek peaks at the office and she's got photo of the SG1 *team*.

                    So, fans will read into it what they want. S/J is never gonna happen as long as they can push through SG1 movies. The writers will keep dangling the lure to draw in the audience. UST brings in more viewers than actual resolving it, unless of course you're doing a one-shot movie and you can resolve at the end.

                    The thing is, though, realistically, Sam and Jack aren't together. There's no indication they are, and with regulations, it ain't happening. Now, with a galaxy between them.... I'm willing to bet there's no ship resolution in the movies, not if they put Carter on SGA.



                      I find it difficult to form a cohesive response to what you're suggesting because you seem to be mixing a lot of real world logic in with your inverse theories, picking and choosing the ones that suit and support your case while ignoring that which does not.

                      Also...your use of the word "logical" is is your position that since the picture you're painting of Sam from Reunion is thus, it somehow proves canonically against something that's only subtly suggested at best.

                      Let's start with the whole "Sam is a stalker" idea first.

                      While I'll concede it's possible that Sam has stalkerish tendancies...that she hid in the bushes or had a camera set up to take a shot of Jack unawares, there are other possibilities to consider. Perhaps Jack gave the picture to her himself for instance. Maybe it's a personal favorite and he wanted her to have it with her.

                      Given what we know about the character overall from what we've seen over the past decade...her professional work ethic, her abiding support and love for her teammates and Cassie...does she really strike you as someone mentally and/or emotionally unbalanced? Someone with an obsessive personality? Someone who resorts to stalking her former CO? Is that really the most probable scenario?

                      A basis for your argument is self-defeating...for if Sam truly were as obsessed as you're painting her to be, wouldn't she have raged against the idea of moving to another galaxy? The truly obsessed would have fought it tooth and nail. And you know what? She would have conveniently found a way to make sure she was assigned to DC after Jack left in the first place, in order to stay close to the object of her obsession.

                      But then your response would be that this is further "proof" they're not a couple...because she didn't stay on earth, she didn't follow him to DC. You are essentially playing both sides against the middle, so that every scenario ends with Jack and Sam as not a couple...for if she voluntarily left to the Pegasus galaxy, then they must not be together right? And if there's a possible hint in the form of a photo in her luggage, that only proves she's a nutcase...and again, they're not a couple.

                      I've already addressed your fatally flawed argument suggesting the most logical reason that Carter would have a picture of Jack is because she's an obsessive loon who can't let go even though she's willingly accepted a posting in another galaxy...and now let's talk about the reasons why she went.

                      Again, I'll look at history...who she is...what makes her tick...and one of the biggest overriding characteristics is her sense of duty and responsibility. She goes where she's needed to go because it's what she's called to do. Does that mean it doesn't hurt? Of course not. That scene with her and Teal'c in Reunion reinforced how torn she felt, not only professionally where she's wondering if she's leaving important work unfinished, but also personally...where she's leaving loved ones behind. Why? Because of her obligation to be where she's needed most. And while leaving behind cherished friends and family behind was a definite negative for her, it would never be enough to keep her from going where she was called to go to fill this important role. Plus she knew it wasn't goodbye forever. She'd have to visit earth on business or on leave at some point and I'm sure would be able to spend time with loved ones as she was able.

                      So I submit to you that while it's possible that Sam has stalkerish tendancies, and while it's possible she doesn't mind leaving Jack behind to make her move to Pegasus...that neither of these scenarios are the most probable given what we know about her character and personality.

                      Ergo, not the most logical.

                      BTW I don't know if they are together or not. It's possible they aren't and the picture is just one of many of her friends that she's brought with her...but I believe it's also possible that something might happen in the movies, which occur before she arrives in Atlantis, and the picture is just a subtle tell from TPTB to continue what they do there. But again...I don't know.

                      And because it's an unknown subject to one's personal definition, the "proof" from Reunion proves nothing canonically.

                      Oh and the picture of Jack that you used as a basis to prove your "Sam is a stalker" idea is a screen cap or promo picture from someone else has already figured out. To answer your question, no...that was not offworld. It was from the last scene, where Daniel and Sam are enjoying spending time with Cassie at the park and Jack kind of makes a surprise entrance and gives Cassie a dog.

             Threads...that isn't Jack's Minnesota cabin. That's his Colorado house.
                      Last edited by Uber; 13 October 2007, 02:11 PM.

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                        She's part of the USAF. The IOA is a civilian institution. Also, Atlantis is an off-world military base now, you say? It's an international civilian operation (now lead by a military commander, but the powers that be that controls her is still civilian), not a military operation.

                        You just argued against your own ship. You're saying they aren't together because Jack doesn't want Sam to retire. So they aren't together (but your argument is that they want to, but just aren't).

                        Fan service. Why would they even put the wedding scene in "200"? Fan service.

                        The PTB put it there to further add to the never-ending ****fest that is the "Will they, won't they?" of Stargate where they constantly hint at them wanting to be together, but never do anything about it.

                        That or I'll go with my theory of stalking. 10 years old photograph obviously taken off-world while Jack isn't paying attention? stalker!Sam! It's been obvious all along!

                        Yeah, it's not official 'til we see it.

                        Sam's Atlantis office
                        What I see:
                        * A picture of Cassie
                        * A picture of, um, Daniel in a tux or is that Jack?
                        * A picture of two people. You can't tell who those are.

                        Yes, because obviously the SGC and IOA are going to allow that, for them to waste power, time and money to go see each other.

                        Not to mention that they have duties. Jack is the head of Home Defense or whatever in Washington and Sam's head of Atlantis.

                        Also, it's canon that Jack won't be in season 4. Meaning he doesn't visit the city anytime soon. So now we're arguing that Sam would forsake her duties in order to go back to Earth to have romantic rendez-vouses with Jack (who would have to fly in from Washington)? Obviously they won't see each other this year.
                        the third picture is of sam and jack fishing.
                        Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                          Ooh nice one, clearly it's the Moebius fishing scene!


                            Cool. And who made the photo? The fish?
                            "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

                            "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

                            "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


                              Originally posted by Platschu View Post
                              Cool. And who made the photo? The fish?
                              LOL Yeah I know. How funny.

                              Just like the photo of Daniel in a tux on her shelf, which was from Vala's wedding fantasy sequence in episode, it never even happened...and yet we have a pretty picture from it out on display.

                              I think the PTB enjoy inserting impossible production/promo pictures just for the heck of it.

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Originally posted by Platschu View Post
                                Nice thread to attack the show again and again. Who cares if Sam is with Jack or not? This is only a teenage fantasy, but the series is scifi. Science fiction. New technologies, new races, new adventures. So I am not interested who is dating with who. But ok, I will count every option:

                                1. Sam is with Jack: They can't be because of the military rules and they are far away from each other, so it would be an abnormal relationship. When Jack worked at Washington, I could imagine that Sam used Asgard teleport technology to be with him every night.

                                2. Sam is not with Jack: She will make her work better, but she brought a photo about him to remember as a very good and close friend.

                                The truth is that Sam will stay at Atlantis and she will be the leader of the city, believe it or not. So everyone can open hundred thread about her sexual life, her hairstyle, her speech, her skills etc., but it won't change. You should accept it and enjoy the show. Thanks.
                                I agree- I think the whole subject should just be dropped from the show for good. That way we can all go our separate ways with our own ideas of "they are!" or "they aren't!" To ever put any answer in canon would just piss off half the fan base. It's just best if it's not mentioned at all, either way.

