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Press release on season 4: delays, delays and recasting

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    Originally posted by prion View Post
    Oh, I didn't say I wanted to be irrelevent but to clarify he did say "But in our case, to be brutally honest, they don’t really have any impact on creative decisions".
    I knew I should've added a smilie after that post.

    But eh, I think by now, through Joe's explanations, it's clear that we're anything but irrelevant. We may not be as influential as some had hoped, but really, I think it's been this way since the beginning.

    It's just too bad some fans can't accept the truth.


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Anyway, nobody seems to even qusetion WHY they're ditching Weir (for all intent and purpose) but bringing Carter in as a regular does make her Weir's replacement as one actor replacing another slot on a show. The producers have stated she's be brought over in part to lure SG1 fans over.
      You're making assumptions. We don't know who's decisions are leading to Weir being moved to recurring. We don't know and no one's saying anything.

      Here's what we do know though. Weir isn't being removed so that Sam can come on board.
      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Nobody faults AT for taking a job, for pity's sake, and I thought JM's remark about her taking the job was really odd as if he read the posts here and digested most of them he'd realize most fans are ticked off TPTB (of which AT nor any other actor has ever been a part of)...
      Actually I've seen people faulting Amanda, here and elsewhere. Either her or her character. Neither are very logical choices of course but then who said fans had to be logical?
      Originally posted by prion View Post
      The major problem SGA fans is not necessarily who is coming in, but that Weir is going out. if they can't write for Weir, what makes you think they can write for the next actor in line? (but yes, the writers excel at technobabble).
      That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

      If someone suggests that the writers can't figure out what to do with Weir or how to write her, how does that translate to them not being able to write for someone else?

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by prion View Post

        The major problem SGA fans is not necessarily who is coming in, but that Weir is going out. if they can't write for Weir, what makes you think they can write for the next actor in line? (but yes, the writers excel at technobabble).
        Because Weir is a different character than Carter. I think that, in general, Carter has been written very well over the last 10 years in terms of her scientific skills and her military training. I think most of the writers are very comfortable in writing for Sam, but I think they have struggled to write Weir well.

        I see Sam way more than one who can technobabble -- perhaps that is where our perceptions differ. I see many different facets of her, but I think maybe for you she is just a scientist. So I could see why you question why they could write better for Sam than for Weir. For me, Sam is a very strong and wonderful character -- I also like Weir but as a result of poor writing for her, I don't find her compelling at all in her position. Not TH's fault at all, but the fact is Weir does not draw me in -- but Carter does.

        And yet I still didn't want Weir as recurring, even though I'm thrilled that Carter is going to be on SGA for 14 episodes. I like TH and I like Weir. I wanted to see a lot of interaction between these two women (I think a lot of Sam and Weir fans want this--just my perception), but TPTB are not going to give us this.


          I won't mind if Sam is in command of Atlantis, because I love the character. That won't change any time soon. But, I will miss Weir.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Originally posted by prion View Post
            Nobody faults AT for taking a job, for pity's sake
            You might not, but a few people have.

            Originally posted by jenks View Post
            Maybe they've just decided that Weirs character isn't really needed that much, atleast not enough to warrant her regular status...
            Maybe they're going to militarize Atlantis, and as such a civilian in charge just isn't appropriate any more.


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              It's just too bad some fans can't accept the truth.
              Yeah, sure, if only they'd give us the truth. I know what you're gonna say next, but they're not obligated to do so, we should be happy to get what we get, which are vague answeres most of the time... not the truth. How could they tell us anything rellevant when they don't even have the guts to say it to the person they're dumping. For example to Paul McGillion. I read the excerpt of his upcoming interview.
              Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
              at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

              R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                You might not, but a few people have.

                Maybe they're going to militarize Atlantis, and as such a civilian in charge just isn't appropriate any more.
                Still haven't found anybody bashing AT herself for the part. Fans may not want Carter over, may not like Carter, but I'm not sure where all this alleged actor bashing exists...

                If it gets militarized, then put SHep or Caldwell in charge.


                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  Still haven't found anybody bashing AT herself for the part. Fans may not want Carter over, may not like Carter, but I'm not sure where all this alleged actor bashing exists...
                  Then just accept that it does exist. I and others have seen it and reported it when appropriate and necessary.
                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  If it gets militarized, then put SHep or Caldwell in charge.
                  I doubt Shep would pass muster. It's pretty clear that he has a less than pristine record and was pretty surprised to make it to Lt. Colonel.

                  And regardless of what Woolsey suggested in Misbegotten, I doubt Caldwell would work either:
                  WOOLSEY: The only reason that you’re not the military commander of Atlantis is that Doctor Weir insisted that that post go to Colonel Sheppard. If she were to leave, you would be the most likely candidate to take over.
                  (He looks up at Caldwell, who smiles.)
                  CALDWELL: That’s not why you’re here. The IOA doesn’t really want militarization. They’re just afraid they may have no other choice.
                  WOOLSEY: I think you’ve already spoken to Doctor Weir.
                  CALDWELL: No. I’ve just been around long enough to know what’s going on.
                  WOOLSEY: Sounds like you’re saying you won’t come out against Doctor Weir only because you’re not confident of the outcome.
                  CALDWELL: What I’m saying, Mr Woolsey, is have a pleasant evening.
                  Further, he doesn't have the right balance to his command. He's too quick to "push the button" and has little to no patience for scientists.

                  Carter, however, has an extensive record in both military strategy as well as a bevy of scientific accomplishments...and has had to manage both scientific and military assets. She'd be more prone to give a situation a little more thought before choosing a military solution...unlike Caldwell who's much more rigid in his thinking. *recalls his solution to the problem in Echoes*

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
                    Because Weir is a different character than Carter. I think that, in general, Carter has been written very well over the last 10 years in terms of her scientific skills and her military training. I think most of the writers are very comfortable in writing for Sam, but I think they have struggled to write Weir well.

                    I see Sam way more than one who can technobabble -- perhaps that is where our perceptions differ. I see many different facets of her, but I think maybe for you she is just a scientist. So I could see why you question why they could write better for Sam than for Weir. For me, Sam is a very strong and wonderful character -- I also like Weir but as a result of poor writing for her, I don't find her compelling at all in her position. Not TH's fault at all, but the fact is Weir does not draw me in -- but Carter does.

                    And yet I still didn't want Weir as recurring, even though I'm thrilled that Carter is going to be on SGA for 14 episodes. I like TH and I like Weir. I wanted to see a lot of interaction between these two women (I think a lot of Sam and Weir fans want this--just my perception), but TPTB are not going to give us this.
                    I'm concerned that tptb won't be able to write Carter as a leader, like Weir, and still be able to maintain Carter's personality.
                    Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                    ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                    encounter on the strange journey.


                    2 Cor. 10:3-5
                    3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                    4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                      Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                      Yeah, sure, if only they'd give us the truth. I know what you're gonna say next, but they're not obligated to do so, we should be happy to get what we get, which are vague answeres most of the time... not the truth. How could they tell us anything rellevant when they don't even have the guts to say it to the person they're dumping. For example to Paul McGillion. I read the excerpt of his upcoming interview.
                      Interesting. Do you have a link to them excerpts?

                      And yes, I was going to say that. They don't have to tell us anything, and the last thing I would want would be them telling us what's happening in Season 4, fact by fact. They'd proabably want to keep it, you know, as surprise for when we, you know, watch the episodes.


                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        Interesting. Do you have a link to them excerpts?

                        And yes, I was going to say that. They don't have to tell us anything, and the last thing I would want would be them telling us what's happening in Season 4, fact by fact. They'd proabably want to keep it, you know, as surprise for when we, you know, watch the episodes.
                        I'll stick the whole Paul McGillion text in a spoiler thing to save space


                        Last night the Atlantis episode ‘Sunday’ premiered in the UK, British fans
                        joining their Canadian counterparts in watching the demise of the much loved
                        ‘Dr Carson Beckett’. On March 1st in conjunction with UK fansite, The
                        Gateroom (English version only), Stargate Solutions and German Fansite, The
                        Stargate Project (German version only), we follow up ‘Starburst Magazine’
                        with a brand new interview with Paul McGillion. The Save Carson Beckett
                        campaign is also pleased to announce the release of an EXCLUSIVE audio
                        message to fans from Paul himself, only available at
               The actor talks about his time on the
                        series, his thoughts about leaving the show as well his recent work
                        including ‘A Dog’s Breakfast’.

                        Here’s a taste of what to look forward to:

                        “Q: The decision to write out Carson has generated a huge debate, especially
                        online. Do you think that Carson’s demise would cause such uproar?

                        Paul: The fact that Carson was written out and the fans have kind of
                        ‘rallied the troops’ so to speak is really flattering to me as an actor and
                        I think testament to the character that the fellas at Atlantis gave me the
                        opportunity to play for three years. As far as commenting on the uproar, I
                        don’t know what to say. Again it’s really flattering. My agent’s received
                        hundreds of letter and I know that ‘the-powers-that-be’ have received a lot
                        of fan mail. And SCIFI and MGM have also received fan mail regarding the
                        demise of the character.

                        So, again it’s pretty flattering. I’ve had a fantastic time working on it.
                        They had their reasons, I don’t know exactly what those are but it was
                        something that they thought might be able to shake things up a little with
                        the series, seeing SG-1 was cancelled and they figured that they might need
                        to ’shake things up’ with Atlantis.

                        To be honest with you I was disappointed at the time but at the same time I
                        had done three years on the series and it’s been such a great thing for me.
                        I’ve been in the business for quite a while and I guess all good things come
                        to an end. That being said if there’s ever an opportunity for Carson to come
                        back in any capacity I would be willing to look at that opportunity because
                        I had such a great time working with the cast and crew especially.”

                        Watch out for the rest of the interview on March 1st at:

                        Europe - 6pm GMT


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                          Then just accept that it does exist. I and others have seen it and reported it when appropriate and necessary.I doubt Shep would pass muster. It's pretty clear that he has a less than pristine record and was pretty surprised to make it to Lt. Colonel.
                          It's not like Sam has a pristine record either, thinking back to Replicarter...

                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                          And regardless of what Woolsey suggested in Misbegotten, I doubt Caldwell would work either:[SPOILERS]WOOLSEY: The only reason that you’re not the military commander of Atlantis is that Doctor Weir insisted that that post go to Colonel Sheppard.
                          The only reason we don't get caldwell in charge is because he's not from SG1, and the actor might not be available and it woudl militarize the base.

                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                          Carter, however, has an extensive record in both military strategy as well as a bevy of scientific accomplishments...and has had to manage both scientific and military assets. She'd be more prone to give a situation a little more thought before choosing a military solution...unlike Caldwell who's much more rigid in his thinking. *recalls his solution to the problem in Echoes*
                          Sam being in charge would militarize the base. Sam's best skills are with science - not with bureaucracy - which is why I can't see her as a leader. One of carter's flaws can be that she thinks things through--too much. When there's a need for emotion on SG1, 9 tiems out of 10 it's given to Carter because men don't express emotion (or very very rarely), and that's a fault of the writers.

                          Basically, we just need better writers...



                            I don't see how TPTB "didn't have the guts"; isn't it obvious they did it to "shake things up"?


                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              It's not like Sam has a pristine record either, thinking back to Replicarter...
                              No one has a perfect record. But it seemed clear to me that Shep was surprised to get the advancement to Lt. Colonel in the first place. I'm guessing...and this is speculation on my part...that they agreed because at the time Liz had more political pull and made it be the case. My sense is that her political capital has lessened though.
                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              The only reason we don't get caldwell in charge is because he's not from SG1, and the actor might not be available and it woudl militarize the base.
                              I think Atlantis will be militarized. They're hoping to get Mitch next year btw but as for the rest of your comments...they are pure speculation on your part. Apparently, Carter was one of several ideas they had with regard to handle the decisions made about Weir. I doubt that all of them involved SG-1 characters.
                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Sam being in charge would militarize the base. Sam's best skills are with science - not with bureaucracy - which is why I can't see her as a leader. One of carter's flaws can be that she thinks things through--too much. When there's a need for emotion on SG1, 9 tiems out of 10 it's given to Carter because men don't express emotion (or very very rarely), and that's a fault of the writers.

                              Basically, we just need better writers...
                              She's handled bureaucracy just fine over the years. She's not intimidated by those with political power, which is a plus.

                              And of course she thinks things through too much on SG-1. That was her present an argument with the pros and cons so that someone else, the decision maker, would have all the facts. But whenever she's been in a position of leading, she's quick on the draw and makes whatever decision she believes is best.

                              I don't mind her being emotional and frankly I'm glad of it. I don't want her or anyone else to be automatons who simply follow orders without emotion.

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                                No one has a perfect record. But it seemed clear to me that Shep was surprised to get the advancement to Lt. Colonel in the first place. I'm guessing...and this is speculation on my part...that they agreed because at the time Liz had more political pull and made it be the case. My sense is that her political capital has lessened though.I think Atlantis will be militarized. They're hoping to get Mitch next year btw but as for the rest of your comments...they are pure speculation on your part. Apparently, Carter was one of several ideas they had with regard to handle the decisions made about Weir. I doubt that all of them involved SG-1 characters.She's handled bureaucracy just fine over the years. She's not intimidated by those with political power, which is a plus.

                                And of course she thinks things through too much on SG-1. That was her present an argument with the pros and cons so that someone else, the decision maker, would have all the facts. But whenever she's been in a position of leading, she's quick on the draw and makes whatever decision she believes is best.
                                I don't mind her being emotional and frankly I'm glad of it. I don't want her or anyone else to be automatons who simply follow orders without emotion.
                                Uh, examples?
                                Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                                ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                                encounter on the strange journey.


                                2 Cor. 10:3-5
                                3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                                4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                                5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

