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Will you watch season 4?

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    Of course I'll watch, I love change.


      I will watch it no matter what. It was a great show when it began and it still is.


        Before I knew how they were going to screw up with the show in season four the answer to this would have been a resounding yes, now not so much. Funny, I used to think that nothing would keep me from watching Atlantis, but quiting it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, kudos to tptb for making it so easy.


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Of course I will watch it - in fact I'm really looking forward to seeing where TPTB go with it. JF said in his recent interview in Starburst that there are some awesome story arcs coming up in season 4, and I always seem to share his idea of what is good and what isn't.
          How can I possibly make a judgement on the quality of it, if I don't watch it? The cast changes have happened, there's nothing I can do about it.I've accepted them, and moved on, as I suspect most viewers will in the end. Even if my favourite character left the show, I'd still give it a try, even though I'd be incredibly disappointed. So, bring on season 4!!!
          What Linzi said.


            Absolutely. I have high hopes for it.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              hell yeah i will watch. as for cast changes it doesnt affect me.


                I will no doubt watch season 4...I can't wait! I adapt easily to change and it takes A LOT for me to stop watching a show...


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  JF said in his recent interview in Starburst that there are some awesome story arcs coming up in season 4, and I always seem to share his idea of what is good and what isn't.
                  See, the word "arc" intrigues me, as there hasn't been one for season 3, and that's what I've been missing. I think season 1's great strength lay in how the eps overlapped to give a sense of exploration and discovery, a sense of getting to know the Pegasus Galaxy. I haven't felt a coherent push of more than 3-4 eps since then, and nothing in season 3 since Misbegotten. I'm not counting Irresistible, etc. - that was an ouch, not an arc.

                  I suppose that generous people might lump Progeny, RW, and the Returns, but I think that's a loose association by bad guy, not a coherent evolution in character and drama.

                  So while I'm unhappy with the cast changes because they take away not only the characters I love but also the dynamics that are just starting to settle into a deeper pattern, I will still try out season 4 and am willing to be pleasantly surprised. *crosses fingers*


                    The cast changes have been sad, but unfortunately change always happens whether we like it or not. SGA is not the only show to have cast changes and it won't be the last either. However it all comes down to whether it benefits the show or not, if the writers can fill the void with amazing storylines and good character development, that is what keeps a show going.
                    However i would not stop watching a show just cause my favourite character isn't in anymore. If that was the case I would have stopped watching SG1 at the end of season 5 when Daniel Jackson left.
                    I will definitely be watching S4 then make my judgements based on each individual episode throughout the season..........................and hopefully the NEW showrunners don't **** it up


                      Let's see. My second favorite character is being unceremoniously kicked to the curb, oh I'm sorry, I meant she's being switched to recurring status and my number three was killed by an exploding tumor (oh lord, where is Mystery Science Theather when you need it). SGA has definitely slipped off my must-see tv list. Which is sad, because there is so little on tv that I actually go out of my way to watch. But its the cast that made me tune in every week and kept me hanging on when the storylines were less than exciting. I'll probably give the rest of season 3 a look, but after that . . . if TPTB have so little investment in their creation that they're about to hit the "reset" button, why should I give a damn?


                        Originally posted by stewsith View Post
                        I will watch it no matter what. It was a great show when it began and it still is.


                          Originally posted by stewsith View Post
                          I will watch it no matter what. It was a great show when it began and it still is.
                          I agree. It was and still is a great show.
                          Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                          "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                          Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                            I will give Season 4 a chance, the show has earned itself that much at least.

                            Yet, I will not deny that I'm more than just a bit shaken by all the upcoming and perhaps upcoming changes. I doubt that it truly will turn out to the better but I won't give up hope that easily - although I get the impression that TPTB are trying hard to put my endurance to the test.

                            For now all I can do is cross fingers and what else there is, that TPTB don't ruin "Stargate Atlantis" for me altogether the way "Andromeda" sucked after Season 2.
                            I was left without having anything to watch on TV then entirely and don't want to get to that point again.
                            Usually when I liked a show, I liked it start to finish through as many season as there were, Andromeda destroyed this belief in me some time ago and it took me almost three years to find myself interested in a weekly show again.

                            Now I don't want to lose Stargate Atlantis as well!!!
                            FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


                              despite the fact that Space won't be airing it for TWO YEARS!!! i'll just watch on YT


                                Of course I'll be watching it. Atlantis is a great show even with all the changes that seem to be taking place. I'm surprised at the number of people that voted no. How can you condemn the season before it's even been filmed? Just by listening to rumors and confirmed facts like AT coming over? Obviously not real fans of the show to begin with.

                                Yes, I don't like the fact that we've lost the much loved Beckett or the rumors that Weir will somehow disappear but it's not enough to stop me watching the show and giving it a chance.

                                If you don't watch Atlantis, it will go the same way SG-1 and after only 4 seasons not 10. Then we'll have no STARGATE left as they may cancel plans for the three series.

                                Think about it and give Atlantis S4 a chance before you stop watching!! Please!!

