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Will you watch season 4?

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    Hell yes!
    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


      I will watch anything with "Stargate" in it.
      Besides the dumb cartoon series.

      Im excited to see First Strike.


        I'll still be watching in season 4, just not sure how much I'll enjoy it. *hugs Elizabeth* I've had it happen before (lost my fav character) and still managed to like a show. Time will tell.

        So, does anybody know how they will be airing season 4? Seems like I heard that the reason for this insane hiatus we're in was because when the time came, they were going to air season 4 all in one go. Did I dream this up?
        sig by SueKay

        My Team:


          Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
          I'll still be watching in season 4, just not sure how much I'll enjoy it. *hugs Elizabeth* I've had it happen before (lost my fav character) and still managed to like a show. Time will tell.

          So, does anybody know how they will be airing season 4? Seems like I heard that the reason for this insane hiatus we're in was because when the time came, they were going to air season 4 all in one go. Did I dream this up?
          I think that there has been a lot of rumors about what will happen with season 4, but I do not think that anything has been confirmed yet. From what I have read the thought is that they have the long break because SciFi is trying to air new programing all year long, and apparerntly thought it was better to not break up Battlestar Galactica and have a huge break in the Stargates.

          Really for season 4 all I know is that they are currently working on writing the early episodes.
          Weir: He's just a boy!
          Jinto: I am Jinto.
          Sheppard: She's pleased to meet you.

          I miss Jinto.


            I'll watch. Although I will log my complaints about what's happening. I've really enjoyed season 3 (except for a few minor exceptions and one really big one ... but we won't go there here). Even with those reservations coming from this season, I feel like s4 should be given a chance. Sometimes in telling a good story things have to be said/done that aren't pleasent but necessary for the growth and development of the show and everything that's a part of that be it in plot or character development. Right now, IMO, a lot of the changes that are being made aren't necessary for that development. In fact, in my mind, they signal a regression. At the same time though I feel like that's an unfair judgement because I haven't seen where/what these changes lead too. The place they lead is season 4. So, yeah, I'll watch and see if the things I'm concerned about were creatively neccessary, IMO. Or if they've changed the quality and appeal of the show to something I don't want to watch anymore.
            Last edited by cshawzye; 28 January 2007, 08:30 PM.

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              26% for the no's as I post. Higher than I thought it would be. I was figuring around 10%, maybe even a bit lower.

              I won't tune in because I'd begin to like a new character or have Carter miraculously grow on me after 10 years (but I doubt it) and they'll kill that character off, too...or have the good doctor's fate reversed for a millisecond, make me realize how much I miss him then he'll redisappear. Nope. Had enough of the revolving door.

              If TPTB don't care about preserving the continuity in the people/personality dynamics (because each human is unique, every change is important, IMO) then I don't either. They'll just pull another switcheroo when I'm not looking. Guess I can watch Numb3rs instead (although they've had their share of cast changes also).

              I think SGA's writing is all right (kind of fluffy, rarely deep), and it makes me laugh, but that plus doesn't outweigh the big bad changes.
              Last edited by kris; 28 January 2007, 08:19 PM.


                Unless they somehow manage to bring back Carson full-time, they can kiss my remote control and money good-bye!
                There is no way I could forgive them!

                I watch a show for the intriguing characters but now by season four they already got rid of at least three characters I very much liked (Grodin, Ford, Beckett). Especially in Carson Beckett I invested a lot of care, now they are also at least considerably reducing Weir's part, I no longer feel those in charge are willing to leave many characters long enough to really care for. I certainly don't want to watch a show in which I have to witness a beloved character being axed for whatever reason every other week. If I did, I'd tune into BSG instead.

                I honestly don't feel Atlantis will from season four onwards still be the same show I so dearly fell in love with in season one. TPTB shouldn't fix what ain't broke in Atlantis when they want to launch a whole new show!
                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  I watched the show almost entirely for the dynamic with Carson and Rodney, and a little bit for Zelenka and Lorne. Taking one half of that dynamic out of the equation entirely ruins the show for me.

                  I additionally found Lucius the rapist an entirely offensive character and thought it was pretty repulsive that he was played for laughs. The writing for all of the female characters is weak at best, and yet they're bringing in a new one. I never watched SG1 beyond a few episodes, so the addition of Sam to the cast doesn't exactly excite me. She's had ten years on her own show. That's better than most actors ever get.

                  This isn't the show I started watching three years ago and I really don't like where they've taken it. I still like Rodney, but the writers have turned him into Rodney Sue this year and the only thing I felt was actually balancing his character at all was Carson's presence.

                  Tell me again why I should watch it during season four?
                  Slash Rodent from Heck



                    Before I knew there were going to be changes, my answer was a muted, "Sure I'll watch."

                    Now? It's a hearty, "HECK yeah...I'll watch!"

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                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                      Before I knew there were going to be changes, my answer was a muted, "Sure I'll watch."

                      Now? It's a hearty, "HECK yeah...I'll watch!"
                      Mine was a yup. Now it's HELL YES!
                      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                        Of course I will watch it - in fact I'm really looking forward to seeing where TPTB go with it. JF said in his recent interview in Starburst that there are some awesome story arcs coming up in season 4, and I always seem to share his idea of what is good and what isn't.
                        How can I possibly make a judgement on the quality of it, if I don't watch it? The cast changes have happened, there's nothing I can do about it.I've accepted them, and moved on, as I suspect most viewers will in the end. Even if my favourite character left the show, I'd still give it a try, even though I'd be incredibly disappointed. So, bring on season 4!!!


                          Originally posted by Mice View Post
                          Tell me again why I should watch it during season four?
                          Maybe TPTB will tell us indirectly through First Strike?


                            Yep, 100% Definately.


                              Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                              Mine was a yup. Now it's HELL YES!
                              Agree. I've enjoyed Atlantis s3, didn't care THAT much for season 4. Now I'm REALLY excited to find out what happens in s4


                                Of course I will. I don´t want to give up something what I love. I mean, I hate the changes they´ve made but I think we need to give them a chance. There is nothing we can do now, what´s done is done and I hate being the "criticizing before watching" kind of fan.
                                There is big potential. I am little worried what happens with Rodney with Sam around. He is always written like some fool and she is the "always perfect" as we know her from SG1. So let´s hope this will change.

                                I think wait and see is strategy and it could give SGA a good impulse. Not that it would need it, I think SG1 was boring in first half and SGA was much better and changes were not necessary. Except Lucius episodes, written by hardcore SG1 writers who don´t know SGA.

                                Which reminds me...I will forgive everything, just KILL LUCIUS.
                                Last edited by Klenotka; 29 January 2007, 07:21 AM.

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