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PRO Carter on SGA season 4 & 5 spoilers (positive discussion only)

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    honestly, given how miller's crossing was written, same with travelers and missing, Sam would only have been in the episodes in a 2 minute cameo like role. There wasn't room for her to do anything beyond telling folks what to do.

    As much as i like sam, i'm fine with her not being in episodes. do i miss her? sure. but i'd rather have her in lesser episodes and have the ones that she's in have a good role for her, than to just insert her into an episode for no other reason than they're contracturally obligated to have her there

    also, the writers seem to be doing someting to acknowledge the fan fear of 'sam taking over'....well, travelers was shep's time in teh sun, MC rodney's, missing teyla and keller's. Personally? i did find travelrs and MC pretty mediocre, but i don't see how the presence of sam would have 'saved' things. If the writers can't write engaging episodes iwth only one of the characters, then maybe they should do like htey did iwth missing, pair htem up....just pair htem up differently from the set pattern is all.

    but, closer to the topic, i can deal with less sam when the sam that i do get is 'worth while' sam


    In some ways, I am relieved that Sam was not mentioned at all in MC. I do not want Sam to have anything to do with the second half of the episode.


      Originally posted by jz9 View Post

      In some ways, I am relieved that Sam was not mentioned at all in MC. I do not want Sam to have anything to do with the second half of the episode.
      ...but Sheppard answers to SAM....and SAM is responsible for his actions...The IOA will punish SAM as well


        Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
        ...but Sheppard answers to SAM....and SAM is responsible for his actions...The IOA will punish SAM as well
        while on Earth Shep should report to Landry and not Sam. she's responsible for whatever happens in Atlantis and not Earth
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
          while on Earth Shep should report to Landry and not Sam. she's responsible for whatever happens in Atlantis and not Earth

          ...Landry was never responsible for anything in SGA. IOA likes to punish people in Atlantis

          ...I do agree with you


            Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
            ...Landry was never responsible for anything in SGA. IOA likes to punish people in Atlantis

            ...I do agree with you
            you're right Landry's only responsibility is the SGC. but since Shep, McKay and Ronon are on Earth they should report to Landry. Sam has no idea what they're doing and doesn't have to since she's only reponsible for Atlantis

            I'm glad we agree
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
              you're right Landry's only responsibility is the SGC. but since Shep, McKay and Ronon are on Earth they should report to Landry. Sam has no idea what they're doing and doesn't have to since she's only reponsible for Atlantis

              I'm glad we agree
              Landry can always send them back to Sam with a note if they act up - that man isn't exactly one for dealing with problems himself.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                ...after she was in charge and got acquainted with the expedition to that extent? We don't need another HAMMOND character...
                Given the situation in Pegasus, now that they've got a military leader for Atlantis, I don't see them wanting to change, so if Weir was to stick around, I could see her being offered a diplomatic role.

                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                  Landry can always send them back to Sam with a note if they act up - that man isn't exactly one for dealing with problems himself.
                  right of course he can do that but I'd guess that he was the one who requested for their presence in the first place. then it wouldn't make sense to send them back to Atlantis but he'd be within his rights
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                    right of course he can do that but I'd guess that he was the one who requested for their presence in the first place. then it wouldn't make sense to send them back to Atlantis but he'd be within his rights
                    As a matter of curiousity, how much, if any, control or influence does Landry have over Atlantis assignments?

                    Could he, at least in theory, forbid Sheppard or McKay (I'm guessing not Ronan since he's a Pegasus native) to return to Atlantis, removing them from the expedition?

                    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                      As a matter of curiousity, how much, if any, control or influence does Landry have over Atlantis assignments?

                      Could he, at least in theory, forbid Sheppard or McKay (I'm guessing not Ronan since he's a Pegasus native) to return to Atlantis, removing them from the expedition?
                      I don't think Landry has any control over someone from Atlantis. the only people who can decide this kind of stuff are the IOA guys and of course the military which means O'Neill. Landry can forbid them to return to the PG but only for a short amount of time because he'd have to check with his superiors (-> O'Neill). at least that's what I think
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                        I don't think Landry has any control over someone from Atlantis. the only people who can decide this kind of stuff are the IOA guys and of course the military which means O'Neill. Landry can forbid them to return to the PG but only for a short amount of time because he'd have to check with his superiors (-> O'Neill). at least that's what I think
                        As a member of the military, whose chain of command would Sheppard fall into? He reports to Sam, but would Jack or the IOA have the final authority over US Air Force (possibly military) members of the Atlantis expedition? Would Jack be able to transfer Sheppard without clearing it with the IOA or vice versa?

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                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          As a member of the military, whose chain of command would Sheppard fall into? He reports to Sam, but would Jack or the IOA have the final authority over US Air Force (possibly military) members of the Atlantis expedition? Would Jack be able to transfer Sheppard without clearing it with the IOA or vice versa?
                          I think Shep reports to Sam while in Atlantis, while on Earth Landry's his boss. the IOA is an international civilian organization so I doubt they'd have any kind of influence over USAF personnel except for major decisions (i.e. when the SGC or Atlantis needs a new commander). the final authority over USAF members would have Jack. and yes I think Jack has the right to transfer Shep without clearing it with the IOA. but if the IOA wants a member of the USAF transferred they'd have to talk with Jack since he's the boss of the person in question
                          Last edited by Jumper_One; 03 December 2007, 02:37 PM.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                            Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                            I think Shep reports to Sam while in Atlantis, while on Earth Landry's his boss. the IOA is a international civilian organization so I doubt they'd have any kind of influence over USAF personnel except for major decisions (i.e. when the SGC or Atlantis needs a new commander). the final authority over USAF members would have Jack. and yes I think Jack has the right to transfer Shep without clearing it with the IOA. but if the IOA wants a member of the USAF transferred they'd have to talk with Jack since he's the boss of the person in question
                            Makes sense. Thanks. Of course, with a more formalized military chain of command, Sheppard doesn't have the same leeway he did previously.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                              Makes sense. Thanks. Of course, with a more formalized military chain of command, Sheppard doesn't have the same leeway he did previously.
                              you're welcome. in previous seasons Shep didn't have to answer to Weir because she was a civilian which made him the military commander. now that Sam's 'the man' he no longer has this privilege
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                                you're welcome. in previous seasons Shep didn't have to answer to Weir because she was a civilian which made him the military commander. now that Sam's 'the man' he no longer has this privilege
                                I wonder if they'll ever go into that issue beyond barely scratching the surface.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

