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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
    Nobody likes a kiss a s s
    Ain't that the truth!


      Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
      Ain't that the truth!
      We'll we end up with an infraction for that joke? Who knows but just to make sure, tune in next time for : Pick on the lill guy .


        Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
        there's only one thing worse than SGA a man can watch nowadays...our idiotic and moronic senators and parliamentarian are now electing our new president. And TV airs it
        Move to the UK, politians get five minutes a couple of times a week to make a Party Political Broadcast in which the population use it to go to the loo or make a cup of tea before the next programme starts

        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
        Well written eps don't require CGI, but poorly written eps are easier to cover up with EXPLOSHIONS!!
        I'd green you if I could (been spreading it about a bit today) so have an unofficial one

        Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
        We'll we end up with an infraction for that joke? Who knows but just to make sure, tune in next time for : Pick on the lill guy .
        Awwwwwww are they being mean to poor little Integrabyte, come here and have a hug


          Originally posted by dana View Post
          6th pic from top makes me go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
          Absolutely.... CUTE!!! *thud*

          Mcbarr, you rock!
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1





            Anyway, it reminded me of a sheep and I got to drawing in Illustrator today and this is what came out.


            I can't remember why it reminded me of a sheep though. I think it was solely the Wooley-part that did it.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Nothing against Robert Picardo. Tons of things against Woooooolsey

              ***big mushy bear hug @ Reefgirl ***


                So this is the new character?




                  Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                  So this is the new character?


                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                    Vul jsi = You're a... Does English have a special word for 'Castrated bull'? Anyway, the same word is also commonly used for Idiot, Moron, etc.
                    Ha, I just got it! I have gained a very special appreciation for the Czech, thanks to Zelenka and the help of my little friends Out of curiousity I searched and a castrated bull is called a bullock. More interesting though is that there seems to be an incredible art of creating bull scrotum sacks. I find it hilarious at how serious these people are when discussing it

                    Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
                    Is anyone here going to watch Trio? I'm debating. I'm 99.9% sure I won't like it, but curiosity has made me try things I knew I wouldn't like before.
                    I've already held up my duty to skip this one. Wow, I still need to watch Outcast, but I don't feel up to it. I like Rodney but I don't think I could survive an uncut version that's very Keller and Carter heavy. (Mostly Keller.)

                    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                    MUwahhahah I shall accept the responsibility of the lone viewer from the Anti thread then (for Trio at least).
                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    And I'm so excited about what I'll have left after I snip and cut in moviemaker, will it be the shortest episode? Will it surpass Missing? LOL, what if all I have left are 5 minutes of Rodney... *giggles*
                    That's a new low if Rodney only has five minutes... FH, is there any chance you can give me the snipped episode? Maybe through a private YouTube video? This is one I just can't bear going all the way through

                    Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                    Well, I really don't have issues with Sam anymore. In my view, she's another victim of TPTB.
                    I've realized the same thing. I don't like her still but I suppose her low quantity in episodes is why she isn't ticking me off as much as I suspected her to. She is a victim of TPTB, except IMO Amanda did get it better off than Torri and Paul. And now Keller is my victim. Muahahaha.

                    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                    Also - "Way more Keller"
                    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                    That alone is enough maybe.

                    Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
                    Oooh, is that the one where Keller sinks to new lows by telling off McKay for complaining?! I couldn't stop laughing when I heard that. Because it was just soooo stupid.
                    Same here, I was between giggling my butt off and throwing a show across the room - mostly the former, because I found it just that funny.

                    Originally posted by borgprincess View Post
                    I love how the only way for Keller to be integrated into the team is by trapping her with random mains for them to 'bond'. Teyla, Ronon, McKay and Carter...I'm waiting for her and Shep to get kidnapped and tied up together now. XP Maybe we can have a love triangle between them and Ronon?
                    You can only imagine what would've happened if they were in lockdown any longer! Teyla is a saint for not decking Keller over the head in Missing. Best wishes to Rodney and Carter. So far Shep is a very very lucky man.

                    Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                    OT (well, not so much): If Ronon is a Wookie, what does that make Keller? An Ewok?
                    Jar-Jar The ewoks are sexy.

                    Originally posted by GateLadyM View Post
                    Under Headlines they have an article called: "Atlantis, Stop Trying to be Like SG1!" and they specifically mention loss of certain characters. I posted the link to JM's blog. Not that he cares about fan opinions.
                    Look JM! Someone other than yourself actually has a brain! Shocking, isn't it!? Yesterday I asked: **Question**: What has been the general reception towards the Keller character by critics, and how (did) that affect your decision to make her full-time? I didn't get an answer. Maybe he didn't have one


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      And her first incarnation on SGA thought Ronon was hot. Ya think Leela and Whining baby will go to the mat over caveman? Oooh, so much potential!


                        Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                        So this is the new character?


                        FTW!!! At least she's not a whiner. I like to think of her as an animated version of Aeryn Sun. Except for the eye and hair color of course

                        Mental GREEN!!!


                          Originally posted by Reiko View Post

                          That's a new low if Rodney only has five minutes... FH, is there any chance you can give me the snipped episode? Maybe through a private YouTube video? This is one I just can't bear going all the way through
                          Yup, not a problem.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                            Jar-Jar The ewoks are sexy.
                            Ooh mooey mooey I love you!

                            Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
                            FTW!!! At least she's not a whiner. I like to think of her as an animated version of Aeryn Sun. Except for the eye and hair color of course

                            Mental GREEN!!!
                            Hmm... Yousa point is well seen.


                              Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                              Guys, I want to urge you all to please write. Write on JM's blog. Write to anyone/everyone on the list that Suz posted. I just can't express to you all the sadness I feel (I know you all feel the same way). This is what I posted in the blog tonight. There are many posts coming in w/ similar sentiments. And then there are trolls.
                              The trolls make me very angry - another reason I hardly visit the blog of doom. I have to restrain myself from typing up a really long tirade about how I am right and they are wrong But really, it's just like why I don't lurk in the anti- Carson and Elizabeth threads and why I have to check my post in the discussion ones ... This may seem stupid but lots of times I take the ire they spew about Carson and Liz as a personal insult. And I have trouble taking that. I am the defender of fictional characters

                              Originally posted by alyssa View Post
                              Nice one. Polite and well written as always, but to be completely honest, I don't think it's even worth posting on there. JM has shown how he feels about Torri's fans by unscreening attacks. There are several after your post. Not against yours, but against a couple of others. These are just random people who troll around JM's blog, attacking Weir fans if any of them dare to ask to have her back or say how they miss her, or the show's not the same for them. Those people disgust me. They really do. [...] JM's blog is a snakepit of people who will attack you purely for liking this character.
                              I find the trolls at the blog a real, real shame on the fandom itself. It's an embarrassment. Lots of the trolls simply aren't stating thier ideas, but rather they seem to want to incite fighting and war among fans. I guess thats just what trolls do. If JM wants to screen comments he's gonna have to screen all of them and remove all the hateful ones including those directed towards Torri/Weir. Or he just doesn't screen them at all. It's that simple. I know it's his frakking blog, but he should treat the posters with moreso equal respect than he has shown and only sensor parts of it.

                              Originally posted by dana View Post
                              I second that. That whole thing is a comedy. *facepalm* On topic: What are your bets on the 100th episode? Will it be humorous (y'know how humor on SGA is ) or will it be 'OMGSPACEBATTLECGIOMG' thing? I prefer neither.
                              Yeah, it'll be the three stooges I think the 100th will have space battles. Boys like them and they look great in trailers. It might as well be all space battles. We'll probably see little of Atlantis. (Did it sink already?)

                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Since the 100th episode is the last of season 5, it might just be one huge space-battle which will require all their special effects budget, which means the rest of the season can't have any of that, or not too much. And it will either end with: THE END or TO BE CONTINUED At the moment I'm voting on the first, rather than the latter...
                              If they end of landing on earth and crashing on top of Bridge Studios, of course it's going to be the end. I'm all for TO BE CONTINUED if the characters say goodbye to Keller getting sucked by wraith/back to Earth/whatever. And the current TPTB with a "good Bye, have fun working somewhere else rather than the crap that is SGA!" In which we get a spiffy new TPTB and we get Liz and Carson back. Everyone wins. And the new TPTB decides to go back to season three and re-do episodes 317 through 520. Yay.

                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                              Predictions for Trio: Sam will try to stay calm. Rodney will fret because his laptop battery dies. Keller will try to be brave but quickly spiral down to, "I don't know what to do!" Keller and Rodney will sing a duet, "We are all gonna die down here" Carter will be brave and administrative and try to keep the others calm. Shep and Ronon will arrive in the last 5 minutes to save the day. Keller will run to Ronon, screaming, "MY HERO!" Fade to black.
                              Fans recoil and barf on the floor. But that is my prediction. If I ever feel like watching the whole thing (ooh scary) I will be sure to write a very snarky review.

                              Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                              Ooh mooey mooey I love you!

                              Hmm... Yousa point is well seen.
                              Oh dear, this isn't going to be continuous is it?

                              On a happy note, I finally finished my Teyla sig. It took a long time to get it right.



                                Worst. . .episode. . .EVER.

                                When all else fails, change channels.

