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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
    Apparently Prof Stephen Hawking was given a tour of the Star Trek set and said that their warp engines could probably work in a few years time, I wonder what he'd say about the Daedalus, it's not sleek enough IMO anyway it's not aerodynamic enough, still at least they didn't try and make a space shuttle out of a Reliant Robin
    In space aerodynamics are the least of your concern since there is, for the lack of a better term, nothing that can cause induced and profile drag which in turn eliminate the need for an aerodynamic shape.

    What bugs the most about the ships on SG (ST ships suffer from a lot of problems also when looked at from a design and construction perspective) are where the bridges are located; they are located on the top of the vessel instead of a reinforced part in the center of the ship where they by far vunerable for attack. The bridge is one of the most important areas of a space ship and you don't place it on top of you vessel, it's too risky in case of an attack and besides that it's useless because what does the bridge crew have to look out for in space where it's dark (The reason the bridge is on top in sea ships is due to visibility so the crew can look outside and remain watchful)? That's one problem.

    One of the other problems is the shape and armour of the vessels, they're so inefficient and poorly designed for a warship. The Battlestars from BSG are much better designed, as are most ships in B5 and SW, when you look at their intended usage. The SG ships have little to no armour and thus always rely on their shields, the moment it collapses the ship is done for. This is a bad design call, as a warship, especially in space, should be heavily armoured so that while the shields are down it can still perform in battle without sustaining critcal damage. The long, ugly, thing that runs up to the front is a defence liability and it's pointless, there is no reason why it should be there. If you widen it, it can house more people, more weapons, more cargo and more fighters. Plus it will be less of an obvious target and will be more difficult to destroy.

    I'll make a remark about how poorly the weapons are placed: Argard beam cannons at the narrow front, it's insane ... they can't have have a sphere are a firing arc this way because the back's much larger and thus blocks their range.

    And lastly I'll complain about the lack of thrusters in the front of the vessel. How on Earth do those ships slow down?

    We actually have Fleet Air Arm base near us called HMS Daedalus. One of the most interesting DVD extra that I saw was on Sharpe's Eagle they had guys from one of the re-enactment societies on set all the time and all the actors had to have lessons in how to use the rifles which paid off because you can't see any flaws in the battles on screen even down to the powder burns and the loading and firing of a musket and/or rifle depending on your regiment
    TPTB should consult engineers, preferably those who worked for the military and have experience with spacecraft, and ask them to design the ships...

    Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


    Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
    Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


      Originally posted by Pajus View Post
      Very nice movies. Have fun watching them, FH
      Thank you!

      Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
      Oh god... I did that once too, and I was totally gone after twelve hour of TV...
      Did it twice so far...both times I was cross-eyed at the end of the day.

      Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
      I did that LOTR marathon too. I think being tortured feels much better than 12 hours of LOTR . I was K.O after seeing all three extended versions
      I'll be KO, I'm pretty sure of it, but it's gonna rock nonetheless cause I am borrowing dad's big screen and beamer and the sound is awesome, it'll be like in the cinema.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
        TPTB should consult engineers, preferably those who worked for the military and have experience with spacecraft, and ask them to design the ships...
        Consult? LOL, these are people who don't like being told they're doing something wrong, they only want yes men, and the only thing they want to hear is how everything they write is perfect, the best thing ever, and how great and talented they are.

        I'm not sure these people know how to accept suggestions.


          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          Oh boy... I have to do some justice to poor ole Shep.

          Set during Conversion. I like writing darker aspects of his character, I wish he was written more like that.

          His fist slammed into the grey surface and, for a moment, the pain in his bones was so strong, he was certain something had to be broken. There wasn't even the tiniest scratch on the wall, though the pain in his hand told him there should be damage, and he frowned. There should be a damage, he could feel it cracking his chest apart, and he wanted and needed to see it. People were telling him it woukd be better, it could be made better and he couldn't believe their words. He needed to see something falling apart.

          The beast inside his chest growled a sound he could barely recognize. This wasn't his anger, this couldn't be him, he shouldn't be like this. It was siezing control over him.

          He looked at the back of his hand. The grey skin that wasn't his was torn, damaged and bleeding. The blood was still bright red. He should be in control, he should try to calm down, he should hold onto hope, but he couldn't. He was loosing the fight. He was damaged, maybe beyond repair. The blood was his and, yet, it wasn't.

          The pain pulsing inside his almost-broken hand was the most human thing about him now.

          He punched the wall again and the beast screamed at him.
          OMG thats brilliant!! more more!!

          Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
          Ah-ha, the perils of hair products
          mmmm shep hair *drool*...the only good thing left about Atlantis!

          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
            In space aerodynamics are the least of your concern since there is, for the lack of a better term, nothing that can cause induced and profile drag which in turn eliminate the need for an aerodynamic shape.

            What bugs the most about the ships on SG (ST ships suffer from a lot of problems also when looked at from a design and construction perspective) are where the bridges are located; they are located on the top of the vessel instead of a reinforced part in the center of the ship where they by far vunerable for attack. The bridge is one of the most important areas of a space ship and you don't place it on top of you vessel, it's too risky in case of an attack and besides that it's useless because what does the bridge crew have to look out for in space where it's dark (The reason the bridge is on top in sea ships is due to visibility so the crew can look outside and remain watchful)? That's one problem.

            One of the other problems is the shape and armour of the vessels, they're so inefficient and poorly designed for a warship. The Battlestars from BSG are much better designed, as are most ships in B5 and SW, when you look at their intended usage. The SG ships have little to no armour and thus always rely on their shields, the moment it collapses the ship is done for. This is a bad design call, as a warship, especially in space, should be heavily armoured so that while the shields are down it can still perform in battle without sustaining critcal damage. The long, ugly, thing that runs up to the front is a defence liability and it's pointless, there is no reason why it should be there. If you widen it, it can house more people, more weapons, more cargo and more fighters. Plus it will be less of an obvious target and will be more difficult to destroy.

            I'll make a remark about how poorly the weapons are placed: Argard beam cannons at the narrow front, it's insane ... they can't have have a sphere are a firing arc this way because the back's much larger and thus blocks their range.

            And lastly I'll complain about the lack of thrusters in the front of the vessel. How on Earth do those ships slow down?
            The back is only big because it has the f302's attached to it. they could put them on the bottom and top instead of the sides, but that wouldn't overcome the supposed problem of the weapons not having a large arc. Who is to say they don't have Asgard weapons on the back? And plus they have the new improved railguns which have a pretty good arc of fire.

            The thrusters on the front are beneath the 'narrow bit'. You can see them between the hangars here. And here. And we don't know how thick the hull is. We have seen the ship take multiple Wraith blasts while unshielded and survive.

            I personally don't see what is so bad about them. They obviously do their job well as only one has been destroyed in the run of the class so far, despite the fact that they have gotten into loads of 'situations' and are usually out-numbered or face stronger opponents. They look good, at least that was the general concesus of everyone who cared when the design was first seen on screen. The show ain't a documentary, it's entertainment.


            Just checked the BAMSR promo on the Stargate MGM site, and there is an Asgard laser on the underside of the 'narrow bit', so it does have a wider firing arc.
            Last edited by SGFerrit; 26 December 2007, 04:10 PM.


              Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
              ITPTB should consult engineers, preferably those who worked for the military and have experience with spacecraft, and ask them to design the ships...
              Its SCI-FI mate, that is a pretty good excuse for not consulting engineers. If you want accurate things, take a look at how it works and megastructures on discovery. This is not really an ANTI argument .



                I can see how you could take offense at a comment. but what you do is report it to the mods, then move on. the second you take it upon yourself to police things on your own, you are just as guilty as the person you have an issue with.

                And people can only 'start fights' if you let them. A fight takes at least two people raising thier fists and, if you turn around and walk away, there's not much of a fight to be had

                Now, AGAIN, back to your issues with season four
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Luz
                  Let's enjoy the thread while we have it, same as you I'll be gone when there are no more anti threads.
                  just like i would rather Atlantis still be good...I would rather just keep the anti threads *sigh*... i'll miss you guys ...its why it irks me so....

                  anyways.... where were we?

                  "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                  ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                  Card designed by Falcon Horus


                    Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                    just like i would rather Atlantis still be good...I would rather just keep the anti threads *sigh*... i'll miss you guys ...its why it irks me so....

                    anyways.... where were we?
                    Yeah, let's just talk about how much we hate this season and why, that one is easy:



                      <mod snip of off topic>

                      anyways carter-sue

                      thats frightening... she doesn't even have cool hair like shep
                      Last edited by Skydiver; 26 December 2007, 07:31 PM.

                      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                      Card designed by Falcon Horus


                        You guys want this policed for off topic, fine. But 'off topic' means anything that isn't an issue with season four. it doesn't mean that the regular members are allowed to slang off on others while demanding that anyone that isn't 'anti enough' for them be deleted and run out of the thread.

                        Keep your comments to y our issues with season four please and take your off topic comments to a thread they are more appropriate to or to another forum of your choosinig.

                        Back to your issues with season four please.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          whats the worst episode of season 4?

                          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                          Card designed by Falcon Horus


                            Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                            whats the worst episode of season 4?
                            I'm having hard time deciding between Travelers, Missing and TMC. Actually all of them were pretty bad, except for Lifeline which was saved by Elizabeth, so the competition is pretty tough. I bet we'll get more stinkers as the season progresses.
                            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                              Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                              whats the worst episode of season 4?
                              Doppeganger (My first WTF moment with Whining baby) and Travellers (We come in peace, shoot to kill falling for such an old and obvious trick just shows how incompetent TPTBs are)


                                Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                                whats the worst episode of season 4?
                                Travelers, and Adrift. My reasoning I'll be quoting from an earlier post I made.

                                Adrift: "Horrible episode, as I stated clearly in my review of it, due to its bad plot. The only redeeming thing aspect of it were the actors."

                                Travelers: "Boring. Lame. Predictable. I guess this is probably the worst introduction of a new enemy/ally ep in the whole Stargate franchise. Even the Ori had a better introduction than the "Travellers".'

                                Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                                Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                                Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.

