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Season 4 to have female touch? SPOILERS

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    Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
    Caldwell has been pushed back b/c Mitch has another job, Carson leaving will be sad but alas I can live with it as same with Carter comeing on. I just hope this dosent spell doom for the show which I don't think it will.
    Since the season 4 scripts aren't written yet, you cannot state that. Mitch's role on Daybreak will be dependent if the show lasts. It could easily fold in three episodes like so many others. All we know right now is that Mitch Pileggi's availability isn't as open as before, but.... filming won't begin on season 4 until January/Feburary 2007, and a lot can happen in that time period.


      Originally posted by prion View Post
      Since the season 4 scripts aren't written yet, you cannot state that. Mitch's role on Daybreak will be dependent if the show lasts. It could easily fold in three episodes like so many others. All we know right now is that Mitch Pileggi's availability isn't as open as before, but.... filming won't begin on season 4 until January/Feburary 2007, and a lot can happen in that time period.
      I was stating as to why his role is reduced this year as to next year is anyones guess.
      Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
      "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
      Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


        Originally posted by prion View Post
        Or Kellar. When I asked Jewel Staite who she was playing, she told me. However, she wouldn't say anything more about her character. Alas, she is young to play a doctor (unless they make her into the tv stereotype of wunderkind ala Doogie Howser).
        I don't know if they need to do that...

        Remember, Michael Shanks was only 26 when he started playing Daniel Jackson and he NEVER seemed like a 'kid' to me. I guess it all depends on how well an actor can get into character.

        As a woman, I'm always excited to see women featured in powerful and intelligent roles. While I'd prefer to not see Carson replaced (yes, I wrote my letters) I am interested to see how Jewel's character is used in the show. For all we know, she may not be replacing Carson at all. I haven't seen Heightmeir around in a while...

        I guess I'm just remembering how upset I was about Ford's Fate but now I love Ronon so much it would absolutely break my heart if anything ever happened.

        We'll just have to watch and see and not make any rash judgements.


          Originally posted by RecycledFunk View Post
          I don't know if they need to do that...

          Remember, Michael Shanks was only 26 when he started playing Daniel Jackson and he NEVER seemed like a 'kid' to me. I guess it all depends on how well an actor can get into character.

          As a woman, I'm always excited to see women featured in powerful and intelligent roles. While I'd prefer to not see Carson replaced (yes, I wrote my letters) I am interested to see how Jewel's character is used in the show. For all we know, she may not be replacing Carson at all. I haven't seen Heightmeir around in a while...

          I guess I'm just remembering how upset I was about Ford's Fate but now I love Ronon so much it would absolutely break my heart if anything ever happened.

          We'll just have to watch and see and not make any rash judgements.
          If only I had more faith in the producers/writers.... (because of what they've done with SG1).... I don't mind seeing intelligent women on TV, but they should really bolster up what they already have before adding another woman (or man) to the mix.


            Originally posted by prion View Post
            I don't mind seeing intelligent women on TV, but they should really bolster up what they already have before adding another woman (or man) to the mix.
            I agree! I've been waiting to see Teyla fleshed-out, not just fleshed for ages. They have so much untapped potential in her character that it makes me sad that the writers haven't taken advantage of it. I mean, c'mon: she's a Leader of an entire population of people for crying out loud. Let her lead!
            Last edited by RecycledFunk; 24 November 2006, 01:45 PM. Reason: edited cuz there were way too many 'taps'


              If they can't write properly for the women they already have on the show then what is the point in taking on more (actually I did like Real World for Torri). There is also only so much McKay/Carter I can stand. I'd rather have McKay/Zelenka banter... or certainly McKay/Beckett banter for that matter!

              I don't mind AT popping in for some episodes... but to replace Beckett? I'm bemused. If they're struggling to write for him, take him down to a few episodes less. They certainly aren't writing Teyla to her full potential, and she could be awesome. I guess she'll get axed next then as they don't seem to be able to do anything else other than that right now. (grumpy with TPTB!)


                i hope this works out in season 4 you know cast changes there are a lot of shows that were ruined because of to many changes to the cast


                  Originally posted by RecycledFunk View Post
                  As a woman, I'm always excited to see women featured in powerful and intelligent roles. While I'd prefer to not see Carson replaced (yes, I wrote my letters) I am interested to see how Jewel's character is used in the show. For all we know, she may not be replacing Carson at all. I haven't seen Heightmeir around in a while...
                  I was actually wondering that myself as I was reading through this thread. Do we know Jewel is going to be a medical doctor? Or are we just jumping to conclusions because they are scaling Carson back? I agree it is the most logical assumption (and the most likely) but with a majority of Atlantis holding doctorates - medicine, psychology, physics, biology, etc, ect, she could actually have a role that diversifies the show. /wishful thinking

                  Originally posted by prion View Post
                  If only I had more faith in the producers/writers.... (because of what they've done with SG1).... I don't mind seeing intelligent women on TV, but they should really bolster up what they already have before adding another woman (or man) to the mix.
                  Word. There are so many interesting areas to go in terms of plot development as well as characters too, instead of brining in the new shiny. Explore more of Atlantis, explore John's ATA gene, develop threads they've planted and let drop, ie the reason (if it is gene related not fluke - debate rages ) Ronon became a runner instead of Ronon Soup for the Wraith, and the whole Poisoning the Well line of research, etc. So many things left unexplored with both the story arcs and the existing characters. I'm not resistant to change, but too much change without addressing what is in front of them is a recipe for disaster. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong in my expectations here. I'm trying to keep an open mind, and I whole-heartedly hope that TPTB implement all these changes well, so it is an exciting shakeup of the show, not the death knell.
                  My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                    Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                    I was actually wondering that myself as I was reading through this thread. Do we know Jewel is going to be a medical doctor?
                    Well Jewel's site and another scifi site *German* said the character would be called Dr Keller MD. I assume there is some truth in that, but who knows they may still change their minds.


                      Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
                      I was actually wondering that myself as I was reading through this thread. Do we know Jewel is going to be a medical doctor? Or are we just jumping to conclusions because they are scaling Carson back? I agree it is the most logical assumption (and the most likely) but with a majority of Atlantis holding doctorates - medicine, psychology, physics, biology, etc, ect, she could actually have a role that diversifies the show. /wishful thinking
                      As upset as I am about losing Carson, it would be nice to see more women doctors--or at least, more women doctors with speaking parts rather than just as set decoration. But I'd rather see Teyla and Weir get the screen time and character development first. Right now, it smacks of simply a grab for that "coveted" male demographic by casting yet another pretty young girl they can put in midriff baring outfits. And I'd much rather have Carson than any other MD, male or female. Come to think of it, I could go for Carson in midriff baring outfits.

                      ..., and the whole Poisoning the Well line of research, etc. So many things left unexplored with both the story arcs and the existing characters.
                      I would *love* to see them revisit this! What did happen to the Hoffans? It seems like a much more promising storyline than the entire retro-virus story arc. The latter had potential, but it was exploited for gimmicks, I think, more than anything else. Unless they bring it back in the latter half of the season?

                      I'm not resistant to change, but too much change without addressing what is in front of them is a recipe for disaster. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong in my expectations here. I'm trying to keep an open mind, and I whole-heartedly hope that TPTB implement all these changes well, so it is an exciting shakeup of the show, not the death knell.
                      It's a lot of changes all at once, and quite honestly, they're not starting well by sidelining Carson. It could be wonderful; there are ways I could even be reconciled to not seeing Carson as often. I hope it's great, for all involved. But hope, as has been said, is a fragile thing. With feathers, but still fragile. I'm not holding my breath.

                      "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
                      ~~Friedrich Nietzsche


                        Originally posted by Diesel Vanilla View Post
                        If they can't write properly for the women they already have on the show then what is the point in taking on more (actually I did like Real World for Torri). There is also only so much McKay/Carter I can stand. I'd rather have McKay/Zelenka banter... or certainly McKay/Beckett banter for that matter!

                        I don't mind AT popping in for some episodes... but to replace Beckett? I'm bemused. If they're struggling to write for him, take him down to a few episodes less. They certainly aren't writing Teyla to her full potential, and she could be awesome. I guess she'll get axed next then as they don't seem to be able to do anything else other than that right now. (grumpy with TPTB!)
                        McKay/Beckett banter is THE BEST! (With McKay/Zelenka coming in a close second.) I'm not sure how much McKay/Carter I can handle. It's always given me a bit of a headache. (Yes, I know I'm going to have to hear about that one.)

                        See ya at the con, baby! (L.A. '11) (L.A. '10) (L.A. '09) (Burbank '08) (Burbank '07)


                          bringing over sg1 to atlantis? bad move. unless you have them in bikinis enjoying lantian sun on the "shores" of atlantis


                            Originally posted by GreyFox View Post
                            bringing over sg1 to atlantis? bad move. unless you have them in bikinis enjoying lantian sun on the "shores" of atlantis
                            I don't know. "Pegasus Project" worked pretty well IMO. Personally, I have no problem with Carter being in some SGA eps, as long as it isn't the entire season. As for Carson being booted, that I do have a problem with.
                            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                              i agree the pegasus project was really a great episode


                                Bring them on, should be very interesting dynamic if it does happens.

                                LOL they can rename SGA to "Stargate Angels"

