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Submersion (318)

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    If that's true, it might work in our favour and maybe the writers will reconsider, well one can hope . I've noticed the boards go a little quite recently.


      No mention of Carson?

      You can accuse me of being a shallow, shrill lemming, but I won't be watching.
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by sueKay View Post
        No mention of Carson?

        You can accuse me of being a shallow, shrill lemming, but I won't be watching.
        I can ALMOST forgive no mention of Carson in Submersion, but

        if there's no mention of Carson in Vengeance (what is supposed to be another Michael episode), then I will be seriously dissapointed with this show. Because that's just not believable.
        McKay : (incredibly high pitched) HEEEY! IT'S MISTER MOM! How are the kids??

        Zelenka: Do not even SPEAK to me.


          Pretty good ep. I liked it.
          Finally... Teyla, speaking, kick ass (Ronon's), saving the day ...

          And Weir was good in this one. Nicely done, seems like Ken C has a thing for writing Wraith episodes ...
          VISIT AND JOIN


            Originally posted by silence View Post
            Pretty good ep. I liked it.
            Finally... Teyla, speaking, kick ass (Ronon's), saving the day ...

            And Weir was good in this one. Nicely done, seems like Ken C has a thing for writing Wraith episodes ...
            Can you give more specifics?

            Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
            AVI by *ERIKA*


              OK... quick recap ...

              team goes to Ancient mining station, Teyla feels Wraith presence, they scan the station, find nothing, Teyla connects to Wraith Queen, she is taken over, kicks Ronon's ass unconcious, sets up traps... Queen SWIMS aboard to station from Wraith cruiser that is burried nearby (THIS Queen led FIRST attack on Atlantis 10000 years ago) ... and so on ...

              Teyla is really great in this ep, she saves the day .. and it seems that Wraith cruiser isn't too damaged, maybe they'll salvage it (McKay says it is possible).

              I won't tell ending ... too many people checking in this thread who didn't watch yet.

              VISIT AND JOIN


                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                Does the lack of spoilers mean people gave up after Sunday. :|

                I've seen a couple of spoilers on lj but nothing specific or really understandable.
                I doubt it...Submersion and Vengeance are the two eps we knew the least information about. While First Strike spoilers are everywhere, actually I've been on boards where FS is talked otu. Not only that, it seems some peopel are unsure if it even aired. But I can't wait to see it...Queen Teyla!

                Hallowed is


                Originally posted by silence View Post
                OK... quick recap ...

                team goes to Ancient mining station, Teyla feels Wraith presence, they scan the station, find nothing, Teyla connects to Wraith Queen, she is taken over, kicks Ronon's ass unconcious, sets up traps... Queen SWIMS aboard to station from Wraith cruiser that is burried nearby (THIS Queen led FIRST attack on Atlantis 10000 years ago) ... and so on ...

                Teyla is really great in this ep, she saves the day .. and it seems that Wraith cruiser isn't too damaged, maybe they'll salvage it (McKay says it is possible).

                I won't tell ending ... too many people checking in this thread who didn't watch yet.

                Despite the fact your a lemmer ---> I love this thank you...I love my Queen, long live Teyla!!
                Click statement above to read article.


                  Originally posted by silence View Post
                  OK... quick recap ...

                  team goes to Ancient mining station, Teyla feels Wraith presence, they scan the station, find nothing, Teyla connects to Wraith Queen, she is taken over, kicks Ronon's ass unconcious, sets up traps... Queen SWIMS aboard to station from Wraith cruiser that is burried nearby (THIS Queen led FIRST attack on Atlantis 10000 years ago) ... and so on ...

                  Teyla is really great in this ep, she saves the day .. and it seems that Wraith cruiser isn't too damaged, maybe they'll salvage it (McKay says it is possible).

                  I won't tell ending ... too many people checking in this thread who didn't watch yet.

                  Yes thank-you. It's appreciated.

                  Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                  AVI by *ERIKA*


                    oh... and you can see Carson in opening shots (they are about Teyla's ability to connect to Wraith, which is basis of whole episode). yes, he is there for a second or two, but we get to see his face and hear him (old scene, but still).

                    my personal opinion? anyone who liked Common Ground, will like this one too...
                    It's really great Wraith ep... Queen managed to control Teyla from cruiser 1km away from station, then swim to station when she set the stage ...
                    VISIT AND JOIN


                      The team along with some scientists and Weir go to the bottom of the ocean to find an ancient drilling station. They hope that they will be able to repair it and use it to harvest geothermal energy. The problem is that a crashed Wraith cruiser is nearby with a queen aboard in hybernation and Teylas proximity wakes her up. She wants to get off the planet and therfor engages the selfdestruct on the cruiser to threaten the team. She is, however, tricked by Teyla to disable the selfdestruct (surprise ). Now we've got a station capable of harvesting a great deal of energy and a moderately damaged Wraith cruiser, which according to McKay should be able to fly, unless it's not blown up or slamed into a Hive-ship (as Rodney points out).
                      Oh btw. great eppisode. Reminded me of one of the early episodes. Certrainly had a niche "underwaterish" threatening atmosphere to it.


                        God blees Ken Cuperus.It was an awesome episode.I would fire other scenarists and let Ken to write the whole fourth season.And I forgive him The Ark
                        Stolen Kosovo


                          Sorry, my first post about this ep is a rant because it's the initial emotional reaction I had to this episode.

                          Begin Rant mode>>>
                          Must they revert McKay every time. Now they're on a kick where McKay acts like a jerk, people get killed, and McKay's 'growth' is he feels guilty and other people tell him how it's not his fault. Circles within circles. This and no mention of Carson. I understand that they're syndication, but if they have to hit the reset button, why do huge things like kill off a main? To increase the emotional effect of only one episode that isn't even a premiere or finale, seems like a waste. Sunday still would have been a good ep without the death. As sad as I was, I still thought that there would be follow though on this at least.
                          >>>End Rant Mode

                          There were good things in this ep, but this ep would have been much better off set before Sunday and Tao of Rodney.
                          Last edited by localfocus; 23 January 2007, 07:47 AM.


                            So, was it a good ep? Because alot of what I'm hearing is just people complaining that no one mentioned Carson?


                              Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                              So, was it a good ep? Because alot of what I'm hearing is just people complaining that no one mentioned Carson?
                              very good. really.
                              VISIT AND JOIN


                                Goof #1: At first, the force fields freeze people in their tracks and then throw them backwards (Ronon sure did a big leap backwards), as if electrocuted, but when Rodney and Radek put the force field up around the docking area, Rodney could touch it, he wasn't phazed at all.

                                Goof #2: Why would a Wraith Queen be leading a great fleet attacking Atlantis from a Wraith cruiser?!

                                Goof #3: Since when does Elizabeth ever call Rodney by McKay?

                                Goof #4: Why the Hell didn't the Queen kill Ronon when she was controlling Teyla? And why didn't she feed on Teyla when she got out of her restrains? Obvious "We can't kill our main characters" plot holes.

