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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    ROFLMAO, wish I could green you for that *g* Darn spreading of reputation...
    I agree hilarious

    lemming 85


      Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
      And Beckett being a ghost, maybe he ascended.

      Maybe he'll be returning more or less in spirit, that is, as some kind of a ghost in need, or something? Great episode. I found tears in my eyes at the end...


        I thought this episode was alright, was good to see the main team had friends besides the ones in sheppards crew. However I have to say I thought Carsons death was lame, (the part about his putting his life on the line to save that guy was good) not the fact it was because of an exploding tumour but just the way it was done, he's there and then he's gone in a puff of smoke (no pun intended). The memorial service was quite touching, though I have to say besides Weir everyone was too stone faced for my liking, as if they were trying to hold up this tough guy image. The thing I love about SG-1 characters is that they really look upset and have tears in their eyes and everything, they let it all show. Even Rodney bowing his head down and you see the drip of a single tear would've been better that the just glum face he gave, he was afterall his best friend. I didn't really dig the 'ghost' part either, it worked with daniel and Jack in 'Meridian' because daniel was actually talking to jack through some kind of psychic connection but with Rodney it seemed a little soap opera-ish even though it did still make me sad .

        All in all it was an alright episode but I think Carson should've gotten a better death and I would've liked to of seen more emotion from the characters.


          I just watched it...and CRIED. I was seriously sobbing into my blanket. It was a terrible way for Carson to go - I mean, radioactive exploding space tumours! - but I suppose he was saving someone, which he'd've been happy about. I, personally, would've liked to see him go down saving people he didn't neccessarily need to save, like a village under attack or something. It would have been much more heroic, and it'd've given him a chance to say goodbye.

          ...Besides, what're they going to do about his absence? That's a huuuuuuge void to fill, and the base'll probably resent the new CMO because they'll be "replacing" Carson.

          Aside from that...I'm going to criticize the piper. I am a piper, and I can play Dark Isle better than that. Much better. Without all the novice-y chanter squawking, badly fluctuating note tones and less-than-perfectly-tuned drones. Like, sure, maybe he was nervous, but really. Has no one heard of dubbing?


            Well, that was sad.

            I wish it was Teyla and not Carson, though.


              I find it is difficult to separate the sadness of what happened from whether it was actually a good episode or not. I certainly enjoyed the first half, I thought Elizabeth was very sweet on her date and it was excellent to see her more relaxed and not in work mode. The scenes with John and Ronon playing golf and stick fighting had me really laughing. After these parts however it became obvious that something bad was going to happen to Carson so I spent the second half watching in anxiety and not enjoying myself as much. I’m not entirely sure what his death bought to the story as it seemed entirely unnecessary to kill him to prove his status as a hero. I felt pretty sad for him about the fishing trip but I guess it was mainly a plot devise to allow him a scene with everyone before popping his clogs.

              As for all the friendship/relationship stuff, I got the distinct impression they were trying to kill everything but Rodney/Katie off. As a Sparky shipper however I still saw plenty of hope (JF and TH have fantastic screen chemistry and can’t seem to help themselves even when they try) but I know my interpretations of certain scenes are seen through shipper goggles and the Sheyla fans have just as much left to go on too (although I’d say it’s definitely an assumption that the crush she’s talking about is John). I’d say the only ship that’s now truly dead is McKay/Beckett. *sads*.

              Overall I liked the friendship scenes between Elizabeth and Teyla, and John and Ronon the best.
              Thanks for the banner

              I heart the pretty people &
              And in an AU galaxy called the Uncharted Territories &


                I don't really miss Carson. What bothers me more is how he died, eventually the writers will run out of secret labs that kill people for turning stuff off. They should have killed him off like they did to Dr Frasier, in battle helping someone.Beckett made the show awkward somehow, IMO, just like Wier does. Also i hate the whole Everyone in Atlantis Having a Radio-Thing.They should install red phones like in the SGC in earlier seasons.:


                PS: They should really think about making a golf course on mainland.
                Last edited by monkey_man132; 17 January 2007, 03:37 PM.


                  Originally posted by Toaster Roaster View Post

                  Another question is should Tela have removes the shrapnel from her side or leave it thier until she got some medical attention. I have heard sometimes it is better to leave it in and sometime its better to take it out.

                  Oh, that's a big no-no. You never remove any impaling device in the field. You leave it and wrap around it until the doctor can remove appropriately. In the one shot, you can see this is exactly what they did.
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    General rule of thumb - *never* remove a foreign-object from a penetrating injury. You could do untold damage.
                    Oh sorry, Ali, just saw now that you already responded to that one! Thanks!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Quite a sad episode just like everyone said. I liked everything else in the episode other than that bit right before the end. Hopefully, we'll see or get update on Dr. Watson and a great achievement in a future episode.

                      I think TPTB probably think that people identifies more with the kind doctors than the military in terms of killing off a character for effect.

                      As much as I would like to see Beckett again in the future and with the kind of relationship that he has with TPTB maybe we'll see an alternate universe Beckett? I'm in some way relieved that he didn't ascend.
                      I just love shows about wormholes!


                        Originally posted by nonniemous View Post
                        What a CHEAP shot. The episode was filler fluff--
                        oh, and by the way, we KILLED CARSON! OMG!!! WOES!!! LOOKIT everyone crying!!! Look at Rodney emote!!! SHEP almost CRIED!!!! OMG!!! WOES!!!! There was no plot, nothing going on, no building tension. And they left TEN minutes at the end for the poor, sad woebegone faces of the remaining cast.

                        Radioactive Tumors??? My gods, couldn't you come up with anything better than that?

                        How stupid and pointless can you get? Actually, pretty stupid and pointless, as this episode proves.

                        I am furious that they not only killed Carson, they wrote such an absolutely sh***y send off for him. DH and JF hinted at it, but man alive, was that a pointless, POINTLESS episode--and an absolute travesty and a waste. All it was was an excuse to yank the fans around and see how many they could make cry.

                        Heroes, Redux. Nothing original about this one and just as stupid and pointless as Janet's death was--maybe moresoe, because we didn't even get a Fluffy patriotic video out of it.

                        I recommend you stop watching stargate... it seems to be only causing you stress and torment. I bet theres a rerun of golden girls on somewhere, no one ever dies on that show. Might be better.


                          Oh my that such an awesome ep. It so sad. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. It was beautifully written and acted. The last scene with them walking thru the gate with the casket just floored me. It was great to see McKay talk about how much he valued Beckett as a friend. I am still in shock.
                          Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                            I missed a slurry of posts in the middle of this thread. Can someone remind me who Dr. Biro is? When Carson said her name I was like, "AHA!" but I can't recall details of her previous appearance. A name like that kinda sticks, though.

                            I'll second the "don't remove shrapnel" bit. You never know- it could be acting as a tourniquet for a severed artery. Pull it out and you could be gushing all over the place.

                            And of course there was that one ep of Homicide where the person was cut in two by the subway car but was still alive until they moved it. *shudder*
                            Ack! Never saw that ep! Sounds horrid! Removing any penetrating object is likely to merely increase the bleeding - there's a high risk that the object itself is forming a tamponade and slowing blood loss.. remove it and you could end up with a gusher on your hands. Not nice. Not at all. I'll bet Ronon got a good telling off from Carson (*sob*) for his antics with the arrow in Condemned.

                            Originally posted by caty View Post
                            Wasn't she also the one that was at the conference in 'Conversion' about the retrovirus in Shep's system? She did have short hair back then, so I'm not positive...
                            Yup. Dr Biro is the pathologist and performed the autopsies on the nanovirus victims in Hot Zone and was also involved in the conference brainstorming for a cure for the retrovirus in Conversion.

                            Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                            The memorial service was quite touching, though I have to say besides Weir everyone was too stone faced for my liking, as if they were trying to hold up this tough guy image. The thing I love about SG-1 characters is that they really look upset and have tears in their eyes and everything, they let it all show. Even Rodney bowing his head down and you see the drip of a single tear would've been better that the just glum face he gave, he was afterall his best friend.

                            All in all it was an alright episode but I think Carson should've gotten a better death and I would've liked to of seen more emotion from the characters.
                            I saw the complete opposite there. I saw a great depth of emotion; I saw people desperately trying to hold it together and not cry. This:

                            is the face of a man trying his damnedest not to cry.

                            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                            Oh, that's a big no-no. You never remove any impaling device in the field. You leave it and wrap around it until the doctor can remove appropriately. In the one shot, you can see this is exactly what they did.
                            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                            Oh sorry, Ali, just saw now that you already responded to that one! Thanks!
                            No worries. Great minds and all that...


                              Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                              I just watched it...and CRIED. I was seriously sobbing into my blanket. It was a terrible way for Carson to go - I mean, radioactive exploding space tumours! - but I suppose he was saving someone, which he'd've been happy about. I, personally, would've liked to see him go down saving people he didn't neccessarily need to save, like a village under attack or something. It would have been much more heroic, and it'd've given him a chance to say goodbye.

                              ...Besides, what're they going to do about his absence? That's a huuuuuuge void to fill, and the base'll probably resent the new CMO because they'll be "replacing" Carson.

                              Aside from that...I'm going to criticize the piper. I am a piper, and I can play Dark Isle better than that. Much better. Without all the novice-y chanter squawking, badly fluctuating note tones and less-than-perfectly-tuned drones. Like, sure, maybe he was nervous, but really. Has no one heard of dubbing?
                              Oh thank god I wasn't the only one literally sobbing over this episode

                              Can nobodies be somebodies?
                              My Livejournal
                              Lemming #63!


                                Originally posted by Callie View Post

                                Not even the re-emergence of Shep's underpants cheered me up. :-(
                                whoa............ that's serious uncheeriness then.

