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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    As nice as it would be to have Carson mourned for a long period of time on screen, realistically it can't happen - the show has to move forward as life does. Just because the characters don't mention him doesn't mean they won't be thinking of him. I think they would be.
    We never know exactly how much time passes between episodes, so it's impossible to say how long people have mourned, and by next episode the wounds may not be so raw.
    I agree it would be nice to see some mention of Carson again, to know he's not forgotten, but realistically, people move on and keep their grief private.
    Much of the time, I'd imagine, the expedition members are too busy to even think about those that have died. In their quieter moments, I'm sure they'd think about Carson, but on screen we rarely get to see those moments. So the magic reset button is most likely what will happen and is a fact of life in television such as Stargate.
    I disagree - Daniel Jackson was mourned properly in SG1, there is the entire theme of Daniel's death running through season 6. They can find the time to insert a comment, like in Paradise Lost. Mention him every once in a while, like they did a lot in season 6. Make sure we know he's missed, like Redemption, Shadow Play - no, we won't get the affective ackwnoledgements of Changeling and Abyss, but I think he can still be mourned throughout the show. No, if ever this show makes it to 10 years, I don't expect them to mention him this far ahead. But for the near future, for the past season or two, I think this would be the best way to develop the rest of the character, to make this death at least be worthwhile, even if just a tad bit.
    Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
    Yes, I am!
    Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
    Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
    Peter Pan R.I.P


      Fantastic ep totally enjoyed it. Loved all the characters moments in this even all the sub characters were great. I say write these sub character more offten as it make Atlantis more real and alive. With all these shipping moments I even got a little bit gidddy myself. Weir and Katie was just to cute and adorable.

      Sad about Carson got bit teary there though I said I would'nt but hey you just have to it touching. I notice some fans has mention that Carsons departure in this ep was stupid or not right, but personally I thought it was fine. He even died a hero imo. He died as a true doctor risking his life to save another.
      Chin chin to you Carson R.I.P


        Poor Teyla was obviously working up to make a move on Beckett, not Shep as many assume. Poor lass held herself together well during the service, though.
        "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


          Originally posted by Domesticated Equine View Post
          The second season, I'd say.
          Sadly true. :/

          At least with S2 though, I felt like they were trying to do more meaningful storylines (though pulling their punches so often undercut most of their efforts). I just feel so frustrated with S3 in particular since it all seems so aimless. It feels like they dangle character moments in hopes of distracting from their lack of an original, underlying plot.

          Originally posted by Domesticated Equine View Post
          And regarding the final scene, I'm of the opinion that Beckett wasn't a ghost or anything like that. It was just a visual way of showing us Rodney coming to grips with Beckett's death.
          Yeah, if I'm being more than sarcastic, I do think you're right, but it's that lack of explanation that frustrates me even more. It just seems like poor storytelling. They want Rodney and Carson to have a closing conversation, but they also want Carson to die abruptly, so they just don't explain how they've made both happen. And then they add a schmaltzy setting because that all isn't annoying enough.


            I think I picked up a Teyla/Beckett vibe in this epiosde, and I hope they use it in future episodes both as development for Teyla, and also as a way to keep Beckett 'alive' on the show.
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Yeah, if you watch it again and assume Teyla was talking about Carson it totally fits.
              "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
                It's not just that we the audience lost Carson. It's that John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, and Weir lost Carson.
                And, even more painfully, Joe, David, Rachel, Jason and Torri unwillingly lost McGillion.

                I've never cried so much typing a transcript before. Having to go through the build-up to Carson's death a little bit at a time was truly painful.

                Not even the re-emergence of Shep's underpants cheered me up. :-(


                  This is the second time I have *almost* shed a tear this year (the first being Tao of Rodney) - SG-1 has only done that once to me in its entire 10 year run in Meridian when Daniel is dying.

                  I am terribly sorry to see Carson gone, he was probably my favourite character next to Rodney. But he died a hero - just like Janet. There is no other way he could've gone.

                  This was a fantastic episode from beginning to end and the fact that I nearly teared up show just how much the writers have developed the characters this year. If this episode had been last season my eyes would've been dryer than Abydos!

                  Good scenes:
                  Rodney & Katie talking about marriage
                  Ronon & Shep fighting
                  Radek's chess game
                  Carson being the hero.
                  Carson's memorial and the Rodney/Carson spirit scene at the end.

                  There are MANY others but these are the best.

                  Bad Scenes:
                  Realising that an explosion that big had only melted a wall. Was hoping for much more devastation.
                  Weir and that guy...not interested.

                  It sucks to lose Carson but he couldn`t have gone out in a better way.



                    Carson being the mystery man Teyla was talking about, nope didn't catch that vibe at all, personally I think she was refering to Sheppard myself.
                    Last edited by Poltergeist; 17 January 2007, 07:15 AM.


                      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                      I'm almost certain that he said the guy couldn't be moved at that moment; that's what Carson said before the operation when McKay told him about Watson's "condition".
                      "Yes, lets risk everyone's lives instead of just one redshirt!"

                      If they moved the scientist, it would have blown up behind them and beckett would be alive to try and save him again. If scientist died, he was probably going to anyway and both the nurse, beckett and the poorly equipped bomb disposal guy would be most likely safe. Instead he leaves a nurse, takes the tumour very slowly (which could have blown up in their 3 faces) towards the bomb disposal guy and you know what happens next.

                      Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                        Originally posted by talyn2k1 View Post
                        This is the second time I have *almost* shed a tear this year (the first being Tao of Rodney) - SG-1 has only done that once to me in its entire 10 year run in Meridian when Daniel is dying.

                        I am terribly sorry to see Carson gone, he was probably my favourite character next to Rodney. But he died a hero - just like Janet. There is no other way he could've gone.

                        This was a fantastic episode from beginning to end and the fact that I nearly teared up show just how much the writers have developed the characters this year. If this episode had been last season my eyes would've been dryer than Abydos!

                        Good scenes:
                        Rodney & Katie talking about marriage
                        Ronon & Shep fighting
                        Radek's chess game
                        Carson being the hero.
                        Carson's memorial and the Rodney/Carson spirit scene at the end.

                        There are MANY others but these are the best.

                        Bad Scenes:
                        Realising that an explosion that big had only melted a wall. Was hoping for much more devastation.
                        Weir and that guy...not interested.

                        It sucks to lose Carson but he couldn`t have gone out in a better way.

                        Not much point in me writing what I thought of this episode because I would be re-writing this post. I agree completely.

                        I'll just add that I really hope we see the effects of this episode on McKay through the rest of the season. It would be nice to see him spiral into a depression (which could open the possibility for Carson to return) or at least dealing with the knowledge that Carson could still be alive if he had gone fishin'. And I really want to see more of him and Katie together. Their scenes together are hilarious and it would be nice to see Rodney in a relationship.

                        John and Ronan playing golf was cool, and I loved seeing John and Lorne in their full dress uniform, I think that's the first time we've seen Sheppard dressed like that.

                        Absolutely fantastic episode; one of the best ever. Bravo Martin Gero, Paul McGillion and the whole team for having the courage to make this episode.
                        'Isn't it enough to see that the garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the end of it too?' - Douglas Adams


                          I've watched it a few more times since yesterday (I can't believe I actually rewatched the ending-- cried on the second and third viewing too, omg) and now that I'm over the shock, I wanna list all of the great little character moments that I liked about this episode. Sorry if I reiterate a few things that have already been said....

                          I loved her in this episode, though, like many other episodes in the past, I wish there had been more of her.

                          • His pathetic little attempt a mimicking Ronon's golf swing. Hahahah!
                          • He's SUCH a sore loser. Most people would have figured out after round one of Ronon's game that there was no way that they could win. HAH. Oh, John.
                          • Am I the only one still trying to figure out what John was listening to in his quarters? I mean, we know he likes Cash, but that didn't sound like Cash to me.

                          • The fact that he's not over Melena yet. A friend of mine speculated that he probably wouldn't be, and LOOK. Confirmed! I know III wouldn't be over my significant other being exploded in a fireball right in front of me for a LONG time. But that's just me.
                          • You'd think that the whole Ronon being good at EVERYTHING physical thing would get old, but I still died laughing at the golf scene.

                          • "CARSAAAAAN!"
                          • I love that Zelenka's getting more screentime these days. He KILLED me with the look that he gave Carson after he talked about the Swedish massage.

                          He's such a big dork. I love it.

                          I'm not sure how I feel about Lorne, though they've kinda been shoving him in our faces for a little while now. Eh. Maybe they'll give him an actual personality one day.

                          He was SOO adorable with Katie Brown-- and I usually find neither David Hewlett NOR Rodney adorable, so that's saying a lot. He's not Snarky, Caustic McKay around her, and he's just really likeable. Not that I want SGA to become some weird romantic-comedy-scifi show, but I really hope that we get to see more of Katie.

                          I hate that they chose the episode where they 'off' Carson to be the one where they remind me just why I love the character so much.
                          • The facial expressions, omg. McGillion is just darn good at saying things without saying them anyway, but he was fantastic at it in this episode. One that stands out the most is the look that he gives Rodney in the infirmary after he's just given the scientists a tongue lashing.
                          • One of my favorite Carson moments of the entire episode was right after the explosion happened. Without even a second thought, he jumps right into action, and all I could think was "Wow. He's GOOD."
                          • The fact that Carson can pull off saying things like "easy peasy".
                          • The one line--after he tells Dr. Cole (yes, COLE. Not Keller. This was NOT Jewel Staite.) to take the day off, when she says "Carson, you're a lifesaver", and he just goes "I know"...KILLED ME.
                          • Carson being Weir's 'gay best friend'. Nooo, I DON'T think Carson's gay, but HAAAA! "OOOOH Don't YOU look lovely!!"

                          And I think what REALLY gets me about Carson in this episode is his complete selflessness. And it comes so naturally to him, that it HAS to be in his nature and not just as a result of being a doctor. He didn't have to think for more than a second about whether or not he was going to stay and operate on Watson. As long as there was a chance the man would live, he was going to take it.

                          Every time I watch this episode, I find something else that I love about it. Great job, all around.
                          Last edited by ata_beckett; 17 January 2007, 08:30 AM. Reason: grammar. :(
                          McKay : (incredibly high pitched) HEEEY! IT'S MISTER MOM! How are the kids??

                          Zelenka: Do not even SPEAK to me.


                            eh, it was an ok episode. liked some parts, hated others.

                            Carson being the mystery man Teyla was talking about, nope didn't catch that vibe at all, personally I think she was refering to Sheppard myself.
                            I don't know where people are seeing Teyla/Carson, but each to their own. I don't think she was talking about Shep ether, for several reasons (which I posted on other threads so I'm not going to do it all over agan, too lazy). That was a very ambiguous scene and probably not about anyone.
                            livejournal * fanfiction

                            i do not support the cast changes. No x-over. Yes Elizabeth & Carson.


                              Originally posted by i found forever View Post
                              eh, it was an ok episode. liked some parts, hated others.

                              I don't know where people are seeing Teyla/Carson, but each to their own. I don't think she was talking about Shep ether, for several reasons (which I posted on other threads so I'm not going to do it all over agan, too lazy). That was a very ambiguous scene and probably not about anyone.
                              I think she was talking about the Marine that she mentioned in M&MM.
                              McKay : (incredibly high pitched) HEEEY! IT'S MISTER MOM! How are the kids??

                              Zelenka: Do not even SPEAK to me.


                                I think she was talking about the Marine that she mentioned in M&MM
                                Maybe, that's probably the only plausible choice, but dunno lol. I still think it was there just to show Teyla does have a life and does have feelings for the male species and show girl bonding (althought with the *wrong* girl lol), no matter who it is. It was all about a day off anyway.
                                livejournal * fanfiction

                                i do not support the cast changes. No x-over. Yes Elizabeth & Carson.

