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Sunday (317)

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    Carrying the coffin through the gate is the saddest scene in Stargate History. Not just Atlantis
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      A really good episode, I was (positive) surprised.
      A lot of great scenes. Lorne can paint! AFAIK Kavan Smith said it in an interview that he wants Lorne to be a painter. And OMG he is so right when he says that even if it looks finished it isn't I notice it everytime when my flatmate paint her pictures, I think it looks great and she does it over and over again and it really looks better then. And he got a great spot there oh yes,.
      Rodney&Kate ooh so sweet, Rodney really approved and Weir and her "lover". they are so cute, HE is so cute! I want them together, pleeeeeease. She needs someone to lean on and hey she wants it too c'mon lizzy give in.. and next time bring dessert ? I mean she actually reacted like I thought she would: no relationship with a colleague she ahs responsibility for.. but then.. hey she likes it she knwo she does^^
      Besides can we please see more of these yummy guys around Atlantis?

      uuh and whom does Teyla fancy? it is so nice to see her with non-athosian friend But I think it isn't Ronan she fancie (at least in thie episode it doesn't seem so) because it was like she got an glimps on him in the mess and then left but Ronon wasn't there. So maybe the Marine Sheppard mentioned in McKay&Mrs.Miller.

      And now we know that Shepaprd was married but damn I couldn't hear the music that good, would like to now which song that was^^

      And of course radek, he was so cool withhis chess! And his partner there seem to be a nice guy to hang aroudn with. Hey somehow I got the feeling we need more "second row" people or "third row" And hey so they can blow them off when they feel like killing someone to get tension :aaaa:

      Also liked the "parted story" that you switch the perspective btu I'm not quite sure if I wouldn't have want it to go a certain point everytime. Like just seeing the coffin (without the flag) and then start the say with the perspective of teyla how she gots there and then switch to Lorne and show his day tehn radek and so on. It's something I've seen before and I liked that kind of story telling. But with this pieces it was also good. Just one or two scenes tehy showed twice I think they eiterh should have skipped them or show it from a diffrent direction (to keep it interesting).

      After a bit time has passed I kinda can accept the death of Carson. Not because I didn't liek him, no I LOVE HIM but of how it was done.
      It wasn't atime when you could have said that "not thet he gots intersting.." in my opinion the writers didn't know what to do with him, not nice to kill teh charcter because you made mistake and can't fix it but it kinda makes it better then to see him "die" oncreen like O'Neill. (in the meaning of shrinking to a one dimensional charcter or persiflage)
      It's actually also something for the story, it gives the show a bit more reality, becuase there was no big battle no stupid sacrefice only a consequenece of playing with something you don't understand/know. That is what the 'lantiens do all the time and it normally went well so one times it doesn't and we actually see it. Besides it wasn't "the main plot" here, it was only a setting and that makes it - for me - better. YOu see the chacters and how they (re)act to it.
      It wasn't an useless death just like "we had to sacrefice someone" (like Grodin) and bulind up a stupid death scenario written in probably 5 minutes but a beliveable situation. Carson act in the way we actually love him for, he thinks about his patience. He wnated to save him and afterwards he brought the tumor away from his patient and assistant. It would have gone off anyway but so he saved those two people.
      I'm just dissapointed liek always that they just say godobye to Carson and not the the marine and the other 3 people. Just a half of a sentence. And then this wink to the fans "no we haven't killed him off, he will be back" just to make good weather *look around* doesn't really work.

      What I hope for the next episodes is that this changes the characters in a way it makes it more interesting. After the death of other people here and in SG-1 it mostly was the same. And I just think this could be used for a good change. On the expedition everybody knew him and his job leaves a whole.

      Anyway, really really sad he is gone and i'm quite sad as well but I should get used to it that TPTB only kill my fave characters *lol* (couldn't they kill Ford and make Carson a Wraith )

      5***** out of 6******
      Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
      Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
      If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
      "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


        This is probably one of the best SGA epis that I have seen...I really want to say I hate it, but I just can't. I think of all the ways for a character like Carson to die, that was the best way. I hate the few seconds that the creators give us, thinking that everything is going to be okay...and then disaster hits. They did it for 4 seasons on Farscape. Nothing was okay until the end...and it is the same feeling here when he hands it off to the guy. I finally let myself breath thinking that it was over...but of course it wasn't.

        I did really like the last scene though...with McKay, even though I cried.

        And it was kinda strange seeing John and Lorne in blues...and was Ronon wearing a suit? I couldn't really tell. The funeral scene was a good one too.

        And I love the idea that Lorne could paint...anyway...very good, and very sad epi...I'll be sad for the rest of the season...and the rest of the show...It will be wierd not seeing Carson around...luv ya Carson...
        Far from home
        A man searches for hope.
        Far from home, he finds it.


          Liked the episode but DID NOT like that slimy whats-is-name that was sucking up to Elizabeth...
          Just some random lounge-lizard with a face you want to slap.
          I always thought John and Liz should get together but I found him really superficial in this ep. Mentioning a failed marriage like it was nothing to him. I now hold out hopes that Liz and Rodney will find each other, and slimy- Mike, was it?- will disappear, not necessarily in that order.

          The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


            Originally posted by Toaster Roaster View Post
            Another question is should Tela have removes the shrapnel from her side or leave it thier until she got some medical attention. I have heard sometimes it is better to leave it in and sometime its better to take it out.
            General rule of thumb - *never* remove a foreign-object from a penetrating injury. You could do untold damage.


              Well, I bit the bullet. I'm not sure how I feel yet. There were things I loved and things I hated.

              The Good (because there is always good)

              1. I liked the easy way Teyla and Weir interacted at the beginning and the way Weir moved closer to Teyla during the memorial. I've been waiting forever to see that easy sort of friendship between them, but, at the same time, it also felt weird because it was so out-of-the-blue. I wish we'd seen this eariler.

              2. Ronon and Shep were awesome. Jason does great stuff with the little he's given. And, no, I didn't see any shippyness in their talk. Shep even admits that there's no one on Atlantis he thinks of like that. When Ronon asks about Teyla, Shep is clearly surprised. But, then again, I'm a non-shipper, so I'm not looking for these things. (Then again, if Ronon's comment starts Sheppard thinking, then I guess the Sheylas will be beholden to him)

              3. I liked Teyla. I'm actually shocked. I liked the way RL played her, putting more emphasis and emotion in her face instead of being so bland. She seemed lighter and friendlier. I also liked the easy way she handled Ronon and Shep when Shep tried roping her into golf. It seemed like she was dealing with her little brothers and no, she can't play with them now.

              4. I liked the way all the characters interacted with the cameos. Again, I wish we had seen this in seasons 1 & 2. I really liked seeing Carson's staff and hope they don't drop off the edge of the earth.

              5. Carson rocked it. "You smell nice." "Shut up."

              The Bad

              1. Exploding tumors. Come on. I was hoping to continue the Carson-Michael arc. The only thing this plot device really did was to show how warped the Ancients were getting, which we kind of already knew. Blowing people up with tumors? Even the Wraith will kill you face-to-face. The Ancients are looking more cowardly as the show progresses.

              2. Carson's death. Still think this was one mother of a mistake.

              3. Even though all the "who do you like?" and "will so and so ask me out?" was cute, I thought it was silly that everyone had their own mini soap operas. A little bit would have been fine, but this isn't Atlantis: 90210.

              4. Katie Brown. I just don't like her and I don't understand Rodney's interest at all. And..they've been dating for a year? Why haven't we seen this? She comes off as a little weak, too weak to handle Rodney's personality. Although I loved the "I would love to get married...just not to you." Foot meet mouth.

              Things I'm unsure of

              1. Lorne being a painter. Ah, I'll have to think on this.

              2. Weir's speech. I don't think it was that strong, which is a shame. The playing of the bagpipes made more of a statement, imo.

              3. Ghost!Carson. Although, the scene with Rodney pulled at the heart strings, it kind of pulled me out of it too. I would have liked to have seen Rodney's or even Sheppard's reaction without a ghost to talk to. Sheppard's most of all. He barely reacted. He's so team-oriented and "we never leave our man behind" that I really wanted to see how he would react in private to Carson's death.

              All that said, if they're not bringing back, cloning, or whatever to Carson then they better not hit the reset button. I want to see the team affected by Carson's death beyond this one episode. If he's not coming back, then he should not be forgotten.


                I missed a slurry of posts in the middle of this thread. Can someone remind me who Dr. Biro is? When Carson said her name I was like, "AHA!" but I can't recall details of her previous appearance. A name like that kinda sticks, though.

                I'll second the "don't remove shrapnel" bit. You never know- it could be acting as a tourniquet for a severed artery. Pull it out and you could be gushing all over the place.

                And of course there was that one ep of Homicide where the person was cut in two by the subway car but was still alive until they moved it. *shudder*


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                  It should have been done back in season 1.

                  It should be Ronon and Teyla. I saw it way back when Ronon was in Teyla's bedroom watching her do splits on the bed. That's spicy. . .not brotherly.

                  He shall be known as "Stalker Dude" from now on (but he is awfully cute).

                  Just wait, next week we get the belly-button lint of doom!

                  Did you notice his tie was a bit crooked? That's the secret signal for the Lemmings Society members.

                  Frasier and Beckett were obviously ill-informed on what was expected of them.

                  ROFLMAO, wish I could green you for that *g* Darn spreading of reputation...


                    Oh yeah, that reminds me- I loved how Ronon glared daggers at Teyla for bailing on him and the golf lessons. Muahaha. Subtle but effective.


                      I can't believe that they killed off one of the best actors of the show! What a shocker! Who's next?


                        This is an episode that I doubt I can ever watch again. Don't get me wrong, it was an amazing episode, however, I hate sad endings and I hate sadness in general.
                        This was even worse than Heroes as I could watch that episode again. God, why do they have to kill off the doctors...

                        I'm angry now


                          Originally posted by lexlooper View Post
                          I can't believe that they killed off one of the best actors of the show! What a shocker! Who's next?
                          Take a look at my sig if you really want to know.


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                            I missed a slurry of posts in the middle of this thread. Can someone remind me who Dr. Biro is? When Carson said her name I was like, "AHA!" but I can't recall details of her previous appearance. A name like that kinda sticks, though.
                            I think she was the doc from Hotzone that was cutting people's heads open, talking about how 'fascinating' it was after they died. Carson scolded her.

                            And of course there was that one ep of Homicide where the person was cut in two by the subway car but was still alive until they moved it. *shudder*
                            I still remember that episode. Easily, one of the most gripping hours of TV ever.


                              Oh i finally watched the episode last night/morning. but staying up late was so worth it!

                              Wow! What an episode!

                              • Teyla having a Buddie from earth rather then one of her own poeple
                              • Mike. Is HOT!.. and has the best pick up line.. comparing himself to a wall!. *sigh in dreamland*. look out Sheppy u have some competition!
                              • Teyla and the uttermost glee on her face when Lizzy Cancelles their lunch and realizes that she is going on a date.
                              • Carson Teaseing Elizabeth "have you got a hot date?" "who Told You that?!"... "you smell nice" "Shuuut uppppp!". Great!
                              • Lizzy Likeing "When Harry Met Sally" its a sign i tell ya!
                              • John Teaching Ronan How to play golf *WACK!* One handed! Classic!
                              • The Balcony scene with lizzy and Mikey
                              • Ronan beating the crap outa John in his game "on one leg" Lol! and then ofcourse...
                              • Ronan smashing a beer can on his head lol
                              • Rodney Yelling at his Junior scientists
                              • Rodney "hmm"ing when he see's Lizzy and Mikey having Lunch. and...
                              • Rodney "plant siting" with Katie...Canon yay!
                              • Lorne painting
                              • Radek kicking everyones ass at chess hehe
                              • The look on Carsons face when he walked out of Dr Biro's room ahahaha!
                              • Some hugs For Carson
                              • Carson's Memorial was beautiful. turned the water works on then *wipes eyes*
                              • The final Scene between Rodney and Carson was special and beautiful... and the last pro was
                              • To See Carson One more Time

                              • That no one would go fishing with carson
                              • Bombs Exploding
                              • Carson's Passing

                              Ah in otherwords... the episode i ahd been witing for! aprt for the sad bits


                              P/S... I Miss Carson
                              Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                              Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                                Originally posted by Chailyn View Post
                                I think she was the doc from Hotzone that was cutting people's heads open, talking about how 'fascinating' it was after they died. Carson scolded her.
                                Wasn't she also the one that was at the conference in 'Conversion' about the retrovirus in Shep's system? She did have short hair back then, so I'm not positive...
                                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*

