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Sunday (317)

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    i've never cried so much in my life! i don't think i'll be able to watch that episode again!

    i thought that character wasn't going to be killed off, i thought that he was going to be sent somewhere else.

    i know in sci-fi no one dies, and i hope with all my heart that we'll see the good doctor again.

    i'm missing him already.

    Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
    The Strongest Will Survive!
    I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


      I really didn't want to like this ep, but it was better than I expected.

      So sad, but ironically Carson had some of his best moments in this ep, I thought before he met his fate. His scenes with Elizabeth, asking everyone to go fishing (it would have been nice if we could have had a scene with Rodney and Carson fishing that would've been fun), his scene with Teyla on route to the infirmary.

      I thought his death was pointless and the whole exploding tumour felt a bit lame to me.

      I wasn't too impressed with Mike, he came across as a bit pushy, but nice to see another side to Elizabeth, she had some nice moments and is a great shame she is being reduced next season. (whatever that means exactly)

      I hope they don't go anywhere with Shep/Teyla, I really can't put those two together and prefer not to see any shipping onscreen anyway.
      I did like the scenes with McKay and Katie Brown, it was nice but subtle enough. Was also nice to see Zelenka and Lorne getting some screentime.

      I initially thought they were trying to imply that Carson had ascended, but I really don't think that's the case.

      I'm not sure we will see Carson again and if we do, I'm not sure they'll do it justice, it'll be like some Ripple Effect type AU thing.

      Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


        Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
        Ok, I'm only at the 12:29 mark, but doesn't Carson seem to be a bit... gay? >_>' As in stereotypically gay. So far he's had some kind of heart-to-heart talk with Elizabeth where he was being a busy-body and trying to push her into a date (the gay best friend thing), then there's a little quasi-effette scene where he ends a sentence by snapping his fingers and saying "Thaaank you!" o_O

        And for the slashers, there's the going out on a one-on-one with Rodney to "fish" . I can only imagine what the McBeckett slashers will turn that into.

        Let's not mention the fact that Rodney never thought of going on a "date" with Katie on his day off 'til he needed an excuse to get out of fishing despite "having made an effort to make time for Katie in recent times".

        Also: Some lives are worth more than others? I love Carson, I really do, but did they have to send him back by Stargate even though their ZPMs are limited (3 at the moment but why use up more than you have to?). This is the first and only time I've ever seen them send someone back by Stargate.

        So is Carson so special he deserves something others don't in death? Is it a senior staff thing? I know that it's a very nice gesture, but when you look at the grand scheme of things, wouldn't Carson want to be treated just like any other person; to be taken back by the Daedalus?

        And, well, he certainly didn't Ascend unless they're retconning themselves now. Instead of going all glowy, he faded out. Not something Ascended beings do.
        Gay? Cuz he uses way too much hair gel? (which probably ignited the explosion into a fire of unending proportions?) Heck, I haven't seen that in the show, and he was happy to have a day off and go FISHING. Some guys get REALLY intensely happy about sports. Doesn't mean they're gay. Just obsessed Except for Rodney, who said that fishing and listening to Carson go on about his favorite stuff was akin to hell, or words to that effect. Rodney probably would have stuck his finger in a light socket to avoid going fishing.

        I suspect all the bodies got sent through the gate, but we just got to see Carson's memorial.


          Originally posted by Commander Ivanova View Post
          Poor Teyla was obviously working up to make a move on Beckett, not Shep as many assume. Poor lass held herself together well during the service, though.
          Funny, I was thinking the same thing. Poor Teyla. Now she'll have to settle for a lesser man.


            Originally posted by i found forever View Post
            I don't know where people are seeing Teyla/Carson, but each to their own. I don't think she was talking about Shep ether, for several reasons (which I posted on other threads so I'm not going to do it all over agan, too lazy). That was a very ambiguous scene and probably not about anyone.
            I TOTALLY didn't see Carson/Teyla, either, but...
            A friend of mine said that Rachel Luttrell mentions in one of the season 2 commentaries (the episode that Charin dies) that there was a scene where Teyla and Carson KISSED, but it was cut. Can anyone confirm that?


              Just for the record, my 14 year old son's comments on this episode, since he is near the target demographic at which recent cast changes are most likely aimed :

              (First, he tore apart their "science" for the exploding tumors like the proper geek he is.)

              "It was an okay episode. But they shouldn't have killed Carson. They need him. There are so many ways to bring 'Kaylee' into this show that are better than that. They didn't need to kill him. They shouldn't be killing off any of the main cast."

              (Emphasis his.)

              "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."
              ~~Friedrich Nietzsche


                Obviously people who didn't want Carson to die (pretty much everyone) might have some mixed feelings about the episode. I just watched it today, and didn't feel like reading 17 pages of threads but I bet there are those people who are giving this episode a bad "rating" just because Carson died.

                The episode was astonishing. Sure I'd have liked it a lot more if they hadn't killed Carson but there's obviously hope for the future. The episode was so touching in so many ways and I had read the "carson died" spoilers looong before I watched the episode so I was even on the edge of my seat at times.

                I also believe it was one of the best ways you can send off someone such as him. I thought Frasier in Season 7 was a bit of a cheap shot, but this? This was the only way you really could send someone off like him without him being fed on by the wraith or falling out off a building or something stupid. He was saving someone's life and was JUST about to succeed in getting away in time.

                From the character development to the heavily dramatic scenes to the ending scene with Rodney and Carson's ghost, this episode was great. There aren't many episodes that can get as good as this one because the story just doesn't fit and you can't kill off someone every day. I question TPTB's decision to do this but they did it in the best way possible. If I wanted Carson to die, I would want him to die doing what he does best and in an increadible episode.


                  The guy that took Weir on the lunch date had some serious game. I wish I HAD IT LIKE HIM. I mean he was very talented in the art of courtship.

                  Carson should have run away after he handed over the bomb. I beleive thier was a corner a few feet away. He was very brave to attempt to save that man. Talk about literally being on the clock.

                  Another question is should Tela have removes the shrapnel from her side or leave it thier until she got some medical attention. I have heard sometimes it is better to leave it in and sometime its better to take it out.

                  I think that tumor causing device would be a great weapon. It could be deployed like a anti personel mine. It would "infect" the enemy and then incubate just long enough for the enemey to get back to base then explode. lol It would take forever for the enemy to figure out what was going on.


                    Sunday--Finally watched it
                    I LOVED it and HATED it at the same time... ='[ *goes to cry*

                    Beginning: Was cute! I didn't get the impression that Teyla was crushing on neither Ronon nor Sheppard.....or Carson lol. <3 CArson<3 I felt like it was someone not part of their team. The Marine maybe? For a second I thought it was the same person as Lizzies date! Mike lol speaking of him
                    Weir's Hottie: HELLO! Cutie! lol. I thought that part was cute..but my brother was like "OMG Boring"When they were eating lunch bro: ok Wraith! They keep talk Ok..NOW! lol.
                    He found that part a lil bit.
                    I felt SO bad for Carson *crys* He was one my favorites because he was such a pure soul and they had to take him away from us!
                    Ronon/Sheppard was awesome! like omg awesome!! hehe... alll except one single line..

                    "I always thought you and Teyla"*Ronon's stupid expression. Sorry to anyone who sees anothers ship..dont get offended.please..
                    I'm sorry? Are we living in some Bizzare Universe. Anyone who saw Echoes and saw it as shippy can kinda see what Im talking about.I KNOW a lot of you did! Don't be shy. Where the heck did that line come from anyway? Even my brother, who doesn't want them to get together was confused. Ok..random and .....really...weird. I thought it was fine that he said it...but the stupid expression I'm sorry.. but. ok....ok.. no.. whatever.. You WIN. PTB. They are like the best brother and sister duo alive! & Zom-friggin-g they have NEVER exchanged looks that have given hits about their ATTRACTION towards eachother. I'll just ignore it all. You have it! Oh just one more thing... Echoes--Ronon oh-so worried Hovering over Teyla (Sibling like/ Romantic view doesn't matter) ......that NEVErR happen again!? The ARk and now Sunday?! WOW! He goes from being at her side the whole episode to totally "ooh whoops she's hurt" IT makes NO Sense. Sorry I had to add that in. I mean, I understand its hard for the writers to do this. no..wait..wait its not! Can we keep the DEVELOPMENT Constant! oh wasn't Rodney suppost to be a LOT nicer to his team members since Tao!? helloo..Blowing his BEST fRIEnd off is Not nice. Maybe his development can stay constance. Like...your favorite Kirk-sheppard..Im sure we will see plenty of Rodney Sheppard more room to actually think about the others.
                    /RANT lol. man..feels good to get that off my chest.

                    Over all... 8/10--would have gotten a 10/10 but certain things pissed me off.

                    *Walks away from Season4* Completely ignoring it. Joins MOB of people ready to write their own AU version of Atlantis Season 4. NO CARTER Needed to hype it u

                    icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                      it seams that in sg is more dangerous to be a doctor in base than on the front lines^^


                        i dident know carson was going to die im sure some people may of new but i dident. i thought i heard some where that they were not going to kill him off that last part was so sad.

                        very good ep even thou it was sad i did love how Zelenka said he won some anime dvds he should have named a show it would have been funnyer.


                          Okay, here's my .02 cents if anyone cares.

                          I think that all that back story and insights we found out about all the characters could've been spread out over the course of the season instead of having everything in one episode.

                          Shep and Teyla? Uh, no. Sorry.

                          Mike whats-his-name? I don't see the appeal. Sorry. But to each their own.

                          Exploding tumors? ROTFL

                          And while I did not like Carson dying, I found the speech given by Weir very moving. And I liked the fact that all his friends were pall bearers.

                          And Shep in his dress blues! WHOA! NICE!

                          And overall, I was enjoying season 3 up to this point.

                          Edit: I'd just like to add that since both SG-1 and Atlantis have lost Doctors, are Doctors now considered the 'red shirt' (ala Star Trek)??


                            Great episode at a greater price. :sigh:Let's hope for some (needed) follow up in upcoming episodes, such as McKay taking a mission off or something of that nature.

                            10 from me.


                              Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                              Okay, here's my .02 cents if anyone cares.

                              I think that all that back story and insights we found out about all the characters could've been spread out over the course of the season instead of having everything in one episode.
                              It should have been done back in season 1.

                              Shep and Teyla? Uh, no. Sorry.
                              It should be Ronon and Teyla. I saw it way back when Ronon was in Teyla's bedroom watching her do splits on the bed. That's spicy. . .not brotherly.

                              Mike whats-his-name? I don't see the appeal. Sorry. But to each their own.
                              He shall be known as "Stalker Dude" from now on (but he is awfully cute).

                              Exploding tumors? ROTFL
                              Just wait, next week we get the belly-button lint of doom!

                              And Shep in his dress blues! WHOA! NICE!
                              Did you notice his tie was a bit crooked? That's the secret signal for the Lemmings Society members.

                              Edit: I'd just like to add that since both SG-1 and Atlantis have lost Doctors, are Doctors now considered the 'red shirt' (ala Star Trek)??
                              Frasier and Beckett were obviously ill-informed on what was expected of them.


                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Excellent episode - fantastic characterization and yet heartwrenching at the same time. Carson was wonderful and his attempts to get anyone to go fishing with him and being turned down were so sad.

                                Loved all the moments between the characters - Shep/Ronan scenes rocked. I really hope we get to see more of these scenes in season four. The Game was hilarious and John really got whumped by Ronan. Their scenes later gave us more tidbits about their past lives and their feelings than most one character centric episodes. Very well done - Shep denying he liked anyone on Atlantis but then his reaction to Teyla being injured pretty much answered Ronans question about Teyla and John liking each other. I mean John had just told Ronan that he, Teyla and Ronon hung out together ALL the time- so not much of an opportunity for Teyla to be seeing anyone else.

                                The back and forth between the characters and the different time zones was a bit jarring at first but then it all seemed to fall into place. Carsons death was still a shock eventhough I was expecting it and the reaction of everyone afterwards was heartbreaking - Rodneys guilt , Ronans quiet acceptance - John telling Teyla that it hadnt hit him yet and her feelings of incredible sadness. I love how John and Teyla seem to be there for each other even if they don't ever admit their feelings for one another. There is always a genuine caring and connection between them that the writers have built on this so wonderufully this season. I hope to see this connection continue to grow in season four.

                                The funeral service was really powerfull and everyones's expressions just summed up how devastated they were. Carrying the coffin through the gate was probably the saddest scene we have seen in Atlantis so far. Very touching moment with Rodney and Carson at the end - really a beautiful episode - one I will watch over and over though I still cannot imagine Atlantis without Carson.

                                Only my second ever - 10/10

