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The Siege, Part 1 (119)

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    When Grodin died (apparently, maybe he ascended, hope so, because i'm english too and i hate to see english characters die more than others. kinda a weird patriotiscm or something, i dunno. My mind's screwed up a lot lately) I was like: "Nooo! You can't kill off the only english character!(Well, the only one i've ever seen on the show)
    : Hi Steve
    Bye Steve


      Originally posted by smallgirl
      I didn't mention before, but thinking about Bates and having seen Siege 1 again today, I was really impressed with Ford. Ford was showing quite a lot of maturity and sense in this episode. He didn't have the answers but he was asking the right questions and being thoughtful and controlled in his approach to situations. He expressed his concerns about Teyla to Sheppard and Weir and Teyla herself whilst trying really hard to be respectful to all. I liked that Weir asked his opinion because she could see his discomfort and knew he wasn't 100% in agreement with Sheppard but didn't want to contradict him in front of her. Even when Ford wasn't saying anything in this episode you could see him really thinking whilst everything was going on around him and taking it in and evaluating the situations.
      Ford, in this, was about as good as he's been (which isn't saying much, the poor guy hasn't had much to work with). I loved that he didn't automatically side with Shep - he clearly knows his place as a marine Lt (Bates is a marine too, right?) He was clearly torn between wanting to believe in Teyla, wanting to follow Shep and agreeing with Bates. An excellent scene, I felt.

      And yes, he was asking the right questions. Go Ford!!

      Shadow: I'll bite the bunny. Not promising to write though.

      As to Grodin's accent... well, apparently I talk posh. It's not his actual accent that I object to, since it is quite close to mine. It's his inflections and use of words that a Brit would never say. Basically he is speaking American with a British accent, which is not how most Brits speak.

      But apart from the accent (which, incidentally, he appears to have stolen from Dr Bashir from DS9) I just didn't like the character. He was little more than wallpaper, and I (like someone else up there in the thread) believe that it was a toss up between him and the delicious Dr.Z - and Peter lost. Sorry Pete, you are the weakest link, goodbye!

      But what a heroic exit. Good for him.
      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



        Nothing has really stuck out at me with the words Grodin uses. Possibly because I spend too much time around Americans. But I have an excuse to rewatch some eppies and check.

        I can't argue with Grodin v Zelenka though!
        ~Percussive Maintenance - The fine art of repeatedly whacking an electronic device to get it to work again.~

        Think before you hit 'Post': Friends may come and go but enemies accumulate. *sigh*

        My LiveJournal: watch me babble about Stargate and life in general here.


          I'm not sure I could put my finger on specific words - more inflections really.
          But it's a good excuse to re-watch the whole season, and then we can start a really nitpicky Grodin Accent Thread.

          Oh and Mr.MC wants to know why Rodders went into the satellite thingy alone.
          In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



            im watching this ep right now its good so far. i just saw the part were shep said they ran in to a t-rex that was funnny to me for some reason


              Not bad. I'm assuming that several points will become clearer when Pt2 airs (here, anyway)

              What was good:
              a. McKay bickering. Although I'm liking him a lot less since that little moment on 'Mobius I'.
              b. Zelenka. Man, I love that guy.
              c. Weir. Good acting on TH's part.
              d. Beckett. Didn't exactly have a pivotal role...but I like the character.
              e. Bob. Funny! Doesn't have quite the same ring as 'Steve'...but it'll do.

              What wasn't good:
              a. I liked Grodin! Bring him back!!!!!!!!!!
              b. Generally speaking, I like Teyla. Seriously. But I have a hard time with her decking Bates.
              c. Speaking of which (and this isn't a bad point, just a comment), why is it taking the other members of the Atlantis team so long to accept Teyla? I seem to remember it taking the SGC a lot less time to accept Teal'c.
              d. Sheppard did realize that he was completely shattering the Geneva Convention when he shot Bob, didn't he? I can see his reasons for killing him, but a small part of my brain muttering, "And here Kavanagh goes again."

              Just out of curiousity, and my apologies if this has already been covered...why is it that the Wraith want to eat people so much? Why can't they just eat the T. Rex on M1M-316? Are they connisuers (spelling totally off, I know) or what? 'Cause that wraith from 'The Defiant One' didn't seem to have any qualms about eating those insects.

              And while I'm thinking about it....watching Zelenka and McKay's little goodbye moment, I couldn't help thinking "And now the Zelenka/McKay shippers join the party."


                This kinda 2-parter definitely has everyone on pins and needles.
                And some memories..
                "good ole bob" never knew what hit ya
                "Grodin.. Did his best being part of the team.. and died bravely.


                  Liked this ep. I think that Sgt. Bates played perfectly. He was a little over the top but only one that showed any concern at all which he should of. *makes a note to go to Sgt. Bates appreciation thread again* The satelite was great too, to bad we had to lose peter. I like him. Also we got another Wraith name; Bob. So its Steve, Bob and the non canon name Greg from Defiant One.


                    Originally posted by zats
                    Not bad. I'm assuming that several points will become clearer when Pt2 airs (here, anyway)

                    What was good:
                    a. McKay bickering. Although I'm liking him a lot less since that little moment on 'Mobius I'.
                    That "little moment on Moebius" was a completely different McKay w/ as much difference in his personality as the alternate Daniel and Carter.

                    b. Generally speaking, I like Teyla. Seriously. But I have a hard time with her decking Bates.
                    Well, thing is, not only has she been getting little sleep recently, but Bates essentially smirked at the fact that he was likely making the ultimate insult in the eyes of her culture. When she asked "do you realize how much of an insult it is to us Athosians to insinuate that we would ever collaborate w/ the Wraith?" (or something to that effect), he actually gives a slight smirk as he says "yes, I do". It was like he was egging her on.

                    c. Speaking of which (and this isn't a bad point, just a comment), why is it taking the other members of the Atlantis team so long to accept Teyla? I seem to remember it taking the SGC a lot less time to accept Teal'c.
                    Ah, but there are still Earthlings in general that don't trust Teal'c even after this long (just watch Affinity for an indication of this). We just don't notice this because the ones confined to the SGC are the ones that trust him, but for Atlantis everybody that are there are confined to the same place, complete w/ those more-suspicious-minded people that just wouldn't cut it at the SGC. That, and Teal'c had good moments at the very beginning to really earn that trust; here, OTOH, Bates' paranoia seems more often than not to be fueled by the more recent revelations regarding Teyla. That said, it is mainly just Bates w/ that high level of concern regarding her.

                    d. Sheppard did realize that he was completely shattering the Geneva Convention when he shot Bob, didn't he? I can see his reasons for killing him, but a small part of my brain muttering, "And here Kavanagh goes again."
                    This came up in "Poisoning the Well", where Sheppard pointed out that if the Wraith were at the Geneva Convention, they would've ate everybody. The Geneva Convention makes sense for a group of humans fighting another group of humans, but a battle of one species against another for the very survival of their entire species... well, not quite sure how that one would work, actually. That said, it also came across in that scene that Bob was goading him on as well.

                    Just out of curiousity, and my apologies if this has already been covered...why is it that the Wraith want to eat people so much? Why can't they just eat the T. Rex on M1M-316? Are they connisuers (spelling totally off, I know) or what? 'Cause that wraith from 'The Defiant One' didn't seem to have any qualms about eating those insects.
                    And probably got pretty much nothing off of them, but did it instead just to kill them and keep them from continuing to bother them. "The Gift" actually seems to heavily hint that humans are the only species compatible w/ them because they are in fact part human.




                      If you'd told me when I started watching Atlantis that I'd care more if Grodin or Zelenka got killed off than Teyla or Ford, I would have called you a nutty fruitcake. But it's true. They've done a great job with some of the secondary characters on this show.

                      McKay was great as usual. Annoying, reluctantly brave. And his face when the satellite blew up. I just adore him.

                      Bates. He was right you know. They should be watching Teyla very closely until they figure out how this wraith-connection thing works. Shep's got his pretty head up his ass on that one. Of course then Bates had to go and be a jerk when Teyla got back. I kind of like that she hauled off and hit him myself - makes her seem a little more interesting at least.

                      Weir was also pretty good in this. I think TH and the writers are finally getting a handle on how her character should be played. I found myself (finally) buying her as the leader of this expedition. Making the tough decisions. And I didn't even disagree with any of them.

                      I *so* wish I hadn't been spoiled on the wraith being in the city. That was a master touch having him beam in from the scout ship and go undetected for a couple of weeks. And to have it tie in to Teyla's nightmares/visions from "The Gift". Good stuff. And Shep finally got to name his wraith "Bob".

                      I still think the wraith are kind of cheesy when they start snarling but I enjoy these little "talks" between Shep and his wraith-in-a-box. Boy he kind of lost it when he shot old "Bob". So what did "Bob" do while he was hiding out at Atlantis? Anxiously waiting for part II.

                      Yay! Great ep. Good special effects on the satellite and the wraith ships.

                      Oh, and I'd seen that TVGuide "behind the scenes" thing where they were shooting McKay falling flat on his face when the gravity came on. That was a lot of fun seeing it in the episode.
                      Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                        This is a great episode, but just wait till part 2. You guys are in for a real treat.
                        Thor: The Asgard would never invent a weapon that propels small weights of iron and carbon alloys, by igniting a powder of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulphur.


                          Originally posted by Avalar
                          This is a great episode, but just wait till part 2. You guys are in for a real treat.
                          That's right, just torment and tease us. You're cruel. Seven days. Seven WHOLE days.

                          not so ancient


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                            ''that wraith from 'The Defiant One' didn't seem to have any qualms about eating those insects.''

                            I took it as he didn't want his position given away to shep because of the insects following him. Remember shep throwing a chocolate bar or something to get rid of them so the wraith couldn't spot him hiding behind the rock?
                            ...he wasn't completely crazy anymore, just productively wierd

                            GAT4 - Gaters Against T4 + Vernon Kay

                            Thanks for the random Reputation Points, I didn't even realise I had any.

                            I despise anything Moebius, and anything Time Travel!


                              Originally posted by Major Clanger
                              Oh and Mr.MC wants to know why Rodders went into the satellite thingy alone.
                              My guess would be because they only had one spacesuit.

                              On that topic, where in the heck did they get it? Was it already on the PJ? Did they bring it from Earth? If so, why did they bring a spacesuit to Atlantis, since we haven't seen any SG1 missions that required one before (have we?)? Also, why did they bring only one?



                                Originally posted by not so ancient
                                That's right, just torment and tease us. You're cruel. Seven days. Seven WHOLE days.

                                The longer you have to wait, the sweeter it is when you see it. Then again, it's sweet regardless.
                                Thor: The Asgard would never invent a weapon that propels small weights of iron and carbon alloys, by igniting a powder of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulphur.

