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Letters From Pegasus (117)

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    I must say that this was a fantastic episode! I loved the fact that it was a great character-based episode, and we got to see into the characters of pretty much everyone, especially the usually dormant Ford & Teyla. We learn a lot about different characters. Here's my comments:

    Teyla: She's become increasingly annoyed with the people of earth. She doesn't like the way in which they conduct themselves. She was heavily offended at Ford's proposal to steal the "childhood's end" ZPM, and she had a real go at sheppard for abandoning her friends. Her character is finally going somewhere. She's left her own culture, and is having trouble getting used to the culture of the people of earth, and we're getting to see her strong sense of marality, and friendliness.

    Ford: We get to see ford acting as cameraman for all the other Atlantis crew, helping them to compose messages to ther loved ones. We get to see a sweet side to ford, and he probably says more in this episode than he does in all the previous episodes combined. Also, ford walks out of the room as the whistle blower records his message, so it may be that he respects weir quite a bit.

    Dr Zelenka: Talking in his native tongue was brilliant. You can understand what he's saying as well, thanks to his hand movements and flashback footage. Someone else translated it, and it's actually Czechslovakian. Brilliant stuff! And the comic relief comes at the end with "Security clearance?"

    Dr Beckett: I love this guy because he's so nervous. Whilst "I'm a doctor, not a bloody fighter pilot!" remains my favourite Beckett moment, he stays in character as an odd guy who doesn't quite know what to say to his beloved mum, but he comes through thanks to some guidance from ford. I'm glad that beckett will be a regular next season. he's a great character. Nervous and insecure, but that makes him cool.

    Mckay: i love the way he presents his video segment, in such a geeky fashion, and continues to waffle on without addressing what he wants to, but we get to see some heart-wrenching stuff at the end. Gold!

    Asian Scientist: this made me laugh. She talked about mckay being great, even though it showed him being a real pain in the jacksie. maybe she has the hots for mckay? This needs to be addressed in the future, because it's got me wondering!

    Shep: Surprisingly, we don't get to see much of sheppard revealed. He's quite one-dimensional in this episode, compared to everyone else, although he argues with Teyla, and shows his stubbornness.

    Weir: She shows her strengths in recording brilliant messages for the parents of the numerous people killed so far on the Atlantis expedition, and the body count has been quite huge, so she has ample opportunity to do so. She shows herself to be a strong character. I definitely think Torri Higginson does it better than jessica Steen, and this is a perfect example how much of a great actor she is. You can really identify with Weir, which is just what you want in a leader when you're watching TV.

    the whistle blower: Goodness knows what his name is, but he seems like quite a geek trying to look just right to present his case against weir. It does make you wonder if he has been friends with many of the people who have died, though. It's quite an interesting touch though.


      i really loved this episode, loved makay, ford, beckett, wier; all of thier vids.
      did annoyed at how they 'just' came up with the idea. they could of sent SGC details on how to do it. SGC has more power by far and could do the same maybe even send a bunch of reactor through ' here ya go cant send u a ZMP but thisll do for now -* send 50 naquada reactors through very quickly*, whehay thanks guys well jsut kick the wraiths ass be bak home in a week.
      this episode could of been the perfect setting for a SGC-SGA crossover. loved the episode in general but man it bugs me when TPTB dont use stuff to their full potential.
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
      Stargate : Genesis |
      Original Starship DesignThread
      Sanctuary for all |
      11000! green me


        The only thing I didnt like about this epsiode was that Amanda Tapping got her name as the show was starting and she only said "Atlantis"...

        Gary Jones said more than her!
        Steve Hanmer

        Stargate Omega


          Originally posted by Funkmeister
          Mckay: i love the way he presents his video segment, in such a geeky fashion, and continues to waffle on without addressing what he wants to, but we get to see some heart-wrenching stuff at the end. Gold!
          Every time Rodney picked up his prompt cards and started on about 'leadership', I was irresistibly reminded of one Arnold J Rimmer!


            Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum
            Every time Rodney picked up his prompt cards and started on about 'leadership', I was irresistibly reminded of one Arnold J Rimmer!
            Yea I was thinking that too!
            Parap pup pup paaa ... I'm Lovin' It!


              I liked this episode.

              OK, Teyla had a close call in the ship - very close indeed. Fortunately she escaped it. I'd like to know what the big beam is .. will be interesting to see what it turns out to be.

              Those hive ships have a lot of darts surrounding them. Thank god Sheppard managed to save a handful of people, despite early thoughts.

              Overall, great episode. Loved it.



                I think the beam may be some wraith homing device made so that other Wraith ships know there is food for them down on the planet.
                Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

                Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


                  loved this episode, a really great episode for character development. It was nice seeing teyla almost regrett her desicion to join the guys when she finds out about the mind of a military man but as always john pulls through for her.
                  Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                    Arnold Rimmer! I was thinking a while ago that McKay was a cross between the simpson's comic book guy and someone else, but I couldn't put my finger on it! mcKay's a comic book guy/arnold rimmer hybrid!

                    but I loved the fact that Teyla's finally getting some recognition! And she's starting to regret joining all those earthlings. She's always taken a very diplomatic and friendly approach to other cultures, whilst John & ford are military men, and mckay is well...... McKay. Teyla's starting to see the flaws in the earthlings. I wonder how that will reflect on tauri/athosian relations?

                    But I absolutely love dr beckett in this episode. he's a great guy! I'm so glad he's a regular next season!
                    Last edited by Funkmeister; 18 February 2005, 07:28 PM. Reason: Add more stuff


                      Originally posted by Metarock Sam
                      I think the beam may be some wraith homing device made so that other Wraith ships know there is food for them down on the planet.
                      Well, i thought bout that, but the Wraith probably have a map like the ancients with all the planets that are habbited by humans. So when wraith go to a planet they use the been to tag the planet in such a way it can be read from hyperspace, so when another wraith ship is in the local area, they dont need to leave hyperspace and cull the plannet, they can just keep on going.

                      I give green for signatures with ancient in them


                        this was one of my favourate episodes.

                        I felt that it painted the picture very well of how powerful the wraith are and how much the odds are stacked against our heros.


                          I don't know why, but I found McKay's "Oh don't be so analogue" line hilarious. I almost fell out of my chair.

                          And the Japanese scientist, too cute.

                          Zelenka and Beckett. Also too adorable.


                            Dr. Beckett is ABSOLUTELY Scotish! He's a sentimental softy who's not about to show it if he has anything to say about it. hehe... Up till now he's been getting a mixed bag of episodes with good characterizations and instances of him being used as the punchline to a joke, like telling people he's a doctor not an engineer and stuff like that where he's half Scotty and half Dr. McCoy (Ever notice they're both scots also?) from Star Trek. But this was good, it showed his humanity very well and portrayed him like a lot of the people I met in my time in Scotland.. Full of heart and not quite great at expressing it... Also I'd like to say McKay was my favorite. He's NUTS!!!! I had more fun watching McKay than just about anything else in the show... I would like to say though that Ford should have PUNCH THE PENCIL NECK JERK right in the FACE when he started complaining to General Oneil... Kavanagh (SP?) acted like a gutless coward complaining behind everybody's back like that. I hope he's the first to get blown up... Actually I hope he makes one of his "better" decisions and gets eaten cause of it. Also, my given thought the entire time I was watching was, "Is McKay ever going to get finished with his monolog about leadership?"

                            Teyla had some GREAT characterization where she kept getting annoyed with the Earth military minds... It made a lot of sense.. hehe... And talking about Characterization the characterization that went into Dr. Weir was amazing especially when she was telling about what impressed her.

                            So, as clip shows go (which lets face it this was sorta one) it was a good one. However I would like to say this is probably one of the more expensive clip shows ever to be done. Sorta makes doing a clipshow not too great when you do one this expensive...

                            anyway good episode all in all...


                              I love this ep. Loved Weir's messages. And Zalenka's. I especially loved the insights to Shep. Does he NOT have a family? And his message to Sumner also conveyed the burden of leadership. He really wanted to SAVE THEM ALL.

                              Teyla needed a smack though. I understand her desire to save people she considers family. But To act Like Shep didn't care? HELLO TEYLA! Shep saved you and your people. He's save YOU more than once. Believed in you. Supported you. And not for nothing, they did need to get the intel back and when they couldn't he stayed. He STAYED, cause that's what Shep does.


                                I thought Teyla acted very arrogantly. I've never really cared for her, but this is the first time I outright hated her. That damn sense of superiority she has over EVERYONE.... At least McKay is snarky about it, she's just flat out condescending with that dispassionate sense of benevolence. Gaahhhh.... She just really, REALLY grated on my nerves in this ep. Anyway.

                                Zelenka's bit was brilliant. And I loved his perfectly innocent, "Security clearance?" at the end.

                                One question, though. When the Wraith turns and is looking into/through the puddlejumper we his POV and he sees... an empty, misty field. But when you look through the front window of the PJ you see the village and the beam weapon/planet-drainer. Was that a hiccup or what?

                                McKay was awesome, as always. I wonder if he ever got around to talking about leadership.

                                Bates was wonderful. His absolute certainty that he would never return home, and his gruffly cheerful pep talk to his baby bro... *sniffle*

                                The ep in general hit all the right emotional notes (minus Teyla). Even Kavanagh served his purpose, wrenching us from the sentimentality for his summation on all the "faults" of the mission. Looks like HE had no trouble sticking to the subject of leadership. Unfortunately. Guess we'll find out just how seriously Jack took his tirade in S2.

                                Oh yes... and if Weir was discussing the brilliance and courage of her crew to their families back home, Teyla had NO RIGHT to be in any of those flashbacks. She's not from Earth, she's never BEEN to Earth and no one on Earth knows she exists.

                                I also notice that most of the other clips featured Shep or Rodney. This just emphasizes the fact that they're basically the only two characters who get to do anything. Lucky Beckett managed to sneak himself into the mix.

