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Before I Sleep (115)

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    Gotta love it when they put their feeties in it with a fumble .


      can't express how shocking and moving i was when i saw lizzi decided to stay all the way alone to wait for them...
      10,000 years in an empty city all by herself...


        Originally posted by GateTrek View Post
        And we now know that Moros is Merlin! The Same actor that played Moros also played Merlin: Matthew Walker in ATL: Before I Sleep, and SG-1: Avalon Pt.1 and The Quest Pt. 2.
        I never noticed this. Noce little way to keep things congruent.

        I also shivered when Weir was left alone after the last Ancient went through the gate. So lonesome feeling knowing you'll be the only person there for 10,000 years.


          Even knowng she would spend so much time in stasis, i wonder how she kept from going insane..


            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            Even knowng she would spend so much time in stasis, i wonder how she kept from going insane..
            Stasis is like prolonged sleep. For her it was like going to bed. The only difference was that she was dreaming for 3000 years each time


              Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
              Stasis is like prolonged sleep. For her it was like going to bed. The only difference was that she was dreaming for 3000 years each time
              I doubt she was able to dream .

              As McKay said in end of "The Kindred, Part 2",

              McKAY: You know, I was toying with the idea of programming dreams into these things.
              From this, I assume that the stasis pods do not already allow dreams.
              Don't touch Lola


                sleepy now *yawn*

                Pi to 16 decimal places: 3.1415926535897932


                  tis is a cool ep it shows what would of happened if atlantes did not rise and if they could turn back time to save them selfs. altho growing old slowly wile being in stasis doesn't seem to great


                    I love this episode... but some things always bother me.

                    Atlantis has 2 versions of Stasis pods, the Ice and the prolonged sleep one.

                    It would seem to me that if she was put into the ice one like a few other characters through Stargate Jack, Thor, Beckett, and Sheppard... she would not have aged at all, or not nearly has fast. Sheppard was put into the frozen stasis pod in "The Last Man" season 4 final for a few hundred years and he didn't age one bit... that we can see anyways.

                    Another thing i didn't like was the ancients unwillingness to alter the timeline. I refuse to believe that they would have accepted and wanted to keep a timeline where their race was all but destroyed, when they could have gone back and changed all of it. Even for stories sake, i hated this part more then anything. But i guess this had to happen for the show to go on.


                      true but i didn't like it either they were so willing to let her stay with them but wern't going to help her save her team and thanks for spoiling the surprise i haven't seen season 4 yet its not out here. but when i do i'll try to figure it out. anyway this shows uselly have plot holes becuase there to busy keeping the show going that they forget there own rules


                        The "hologram chick's" name is Melia.

                        This show was interesting for showing the Ancients in Atlantis, although it used 2 plot devices I despise: time travel and flashbacks.


                          Originally posted by millertj27 View Post
                          The "hologram chick's" name is Melia.

                          This show was interesting for showing the Ancients in Atlantis, although it used 2 plot devices I despise: time travel and flashbacks.
                          I thought this episode was a great one, actually. I loved the little time travel element, it was done really well. And I loved that we got to see the Ancients in Atlantis. Janus was a great character, wished we saw more of him.


                            i love the time travel. i love it because it allows as to see what it was like in the past and what happens when they go back in time. i also liked that we got to see what would have happened if Atlantis did not rise who would survive and what would the ancients say if they went back in time to stop the incident from happening. i also like how the characters reacted to the information they were given


                              I like this episode because it's a little dramatic and it has it's momonts.


                                I liked this episode alot probably the most dramatic of the first season.

