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The Eye (111)

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    I saw more Weir/McKay than Weir/Shep. But that's me.


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
      I saw more Weir/McKay than Weir/Shep. But that's me.
      I saw more McKay/Beckett stuff, so it's all good


        I thought it was about even steven. And a person would care for others that they respect and live near each other.


          The Gift Spoiler (Ship related)
          Dr. Mckay is seeing the Atlantis resident psychologist - She's pretty hot too


            You believed him?! LOL! I could be wrong, but I assumed he was BS'ing the whole thing to excuse why he was really there.

            But that's best left to The Gift discussion thread.


              I enjoyed this episode. A few things were a surprise, like the knife-fight (I expected something between Teyla nd the girl, but not quite like that. And I kinda half-expected her to get fried after Teyla got out) while other things were kinda run-of-the-mill. I enjoyed SG-1's Gemini better, but watching this was also definitely worth the wait. The effects were amazing, and the action was pulse-pounding. I'm also glad that they developed Ford's character at least a little bit.
              Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

              Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                The catfight was stupid. It's the kind of thing male writers would come up with to fill time and amuse themselves. *rolls eyes* Other than that, though, it was a pretty great ep. Great tension, great drama, wonderful character development (yay McKay and Ford!) and again, terrific VFX. Not many complaints about this one. Although I still wanna know what Ford went back to grab in the weapons locker. An extra clip? But it never gets used. Or, at least, it has not plot significance. The fact that the camera lingers long enough to show him doing it raised false expectations. Ditto leaving the stunner behind. If you're gonna do stuff like that, it should have some meaning beyond wasting a few seconds of screentime. Like, Sora grabs the stunner and shoots Teyla and ties her up so she can rail and whine at her leisure. Dunno. They were just small things...


                  Great start to the second half of the season for Atlantis. Good story (the homage to Die Hard worked for me), interesting villain, excellent special effects.

                  All the characters were used well - even Ford! I came away more impressed with Shep as black-ops guy than I ever have with Shep as cocky flyboy.

                  McKay is the character that makes the show for me, though. He goes from being brave to arrogant to snarky to wildly trying to prevaricate to Kolya. What a great episode for him. I'm just more impressed with David Hewlett everytime I see him. I really loved McKay's interaction with Weir and how they understood each other's signals throughout the episode. I don't see it as shippy but I do see it as teammates forming a strong bond.

                  Actually everyone felt like a team in this one - even though they were often separated. Teyla, Beckett and Ford ended up being an interesting combination and I didn't even mind the cat fight between Teyla and Sora. It was rather predictable but better than the cat fight on next week's SG-1 episode.

                  I was rather spoiled on some aspects of the episode but it was a lot of fun to see it all play out. Didn't know about the tsunami, though. I remember a lot of comments when "The Storm" aired because there were so many hurricanes hitting Florida at the time. Now we have the tsunami in "The Eye", again very eerie in light of world events.
                  Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                    If The Siege heralds an actual alien invasion, I shall be very upset. Especially if the invasion prevents me from seeing the ep.


                      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                      If The Siege heralds an actual alien invasion, I shall be very upset. Especially if the invasion prevents me from seeing the ep.
                      I don't know... an alien invasion could be fun. Might break up the monotony a bit, y'know.
                      "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                      "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                      BAD WOLF!!!


                        Originally posted by IMForeman
                        I don't know... an alien invasion could be fun. Might break up the monotony a bit, y'know.
                        Not if it means missing my Wodney, dammit!

                        He was fantastic tonight. David Hewlett is so wonderfully versatile and able to switch moods in a heartbeat while keeping it all believeable.


                          I really liked this Episode. SG-1 needs to get back to action. The graphics were very good, and Sheppard was awesome. I loved the whole gate sheild thing when the Genni were coming through. Splat. Splat. Splat. That was awesome!!

                          Why didn't he go to the grounding station when Kolya was alone with Weir and McKay?
                          So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains,
                          And we never even know we have the key.
                          Already Gone---------
                          The Eagles-----------


                            Originally posted by UnderT
                            I loved the whole gate sheild thing when the Genni were coming through. Splat. Splat. Splat. That was awesome!!
                            I miss the sound of the enemy being smashed against the iris in SG-1. Glad to know I hear it once again in Atlantis .

                            Episode was awsome, btw. Loved Rodney , especially the "I'm an extremely arrogant man who thinks all his plans will work" line .

                            And that's my two cents...
                            My LiveJournal
                            ^_^ ~ DANIquinn ~ ^_^


                              An excellent start for the second half of the season.
                              Lots of development, plus changes, but good ones.
                              There's a great balance goin on here, and its gonna get better.


                                Who doesn’t like a good catfight with knives? Though I prefer the sticks. Awesome episode! I was not disappointed.

                                I pretty much stayed spoiler free though somewhere along the way I found out Kolya would escape. And I’m glad for that because I much rather enjoy the Genii as the enemy rather than the Wraith. Just as long as I don’t have to sit through anymore of Kolya and his stick fighting in a karate outfit scenes as in The Storm, then I’m cool with him. Robert Davi always makes a good bad guy.

                                The SFX were great. They really went all out with this episode. The shots of the city still always amaze me.

                                Everyone was good in this one and had something to contribute rather than being a sidepiece. JF was great even though he had very little dialogue and of course DH. Well, what more can you say about him? And yay for Weir. Her character improves for me once again as the season progresses. Besides the obligatory catfight, Teyla actually had some dialogue that was helpful and contributed to the story. Even poor neglected Ford had something worthwhile to say and do. And loved Beckett as always. Don’t really have anything to be nitpicky/disappointed about with this episode like I do with tonight’s SG-1’s “Gemini”.

                                Yay! Fridays are back. Atlantis and BSG are great, and I’m still looking forward to SG-1 but just not quite with the same anticipation as those two.
                                IMO always implied.

