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Ronon Dex Discussion Thread (possible spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Sela
    Now that kitty's learned to surf the net, could you teach her to post the link to the pictures she's finding?

    Man is that guy BIG! How tall is he?

    Enjoyed the introduction of Ronan including the backstory. Loved the fight with Ford and think he would be a great addtion to the Atlantis expedition, but hope TPTB don't try to cut Ford out completely and replace him with Ronan. I'd like to see them both fighting together - they'd be awesome teammates.
    Thanks for the post Sela, and welcome to the thread. Yep, this is one smart kitty, and Jason is tall, about 6'4" (some sources say 6'5'')! If I stood next to him, I'd like like a midget.

    I thought the fight scene was terrific too, wish it had been a bit lighter (it was a tad dark), and a bit longer, but time and story contraints.....

    Remember to watch next week. Ronon is a weapons expert, and that means, NOT only with guns. He shows off more of his "talents" in the next episode.
    On fighting:
    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


      Originally posted by Lida
      Thanks for the post Sela, and welcome to the thread. Yep, this is one smart kitty, and Jason is tall, about 6'4" (some sources say 6'5'')! If I stood next to him, I'd like like a midget.
      I have a son and a nephew who are both 6'4" and at 5'6", I feel mighty short standing next to them. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Ronan, (he is a cutie, in case you haven't noticed), but as an addition to not instead of.
      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
      it has it's own laws and beats about things
      which the intellect scorns."
      - Mark Twain -


        Jason was awesome.
        I like how Teyla was oggling Dex. Naughty Athosian.
        The Teyla Appreciation Thread


          Rofl! Well - I was kinda confused,
          was she checkin HIM out or that weird bone talisman thingy?

          BTW...when does Teyla/Dex shipping start? I bet they'd make a kick a$$ ship! Literaly...
          TEAM SG1 LIVES


            Originally posted by CaptainStigmata
            Jason was awesome.
            I like how Teyla was oggling Dex. Naughty Athosian.
            I saw that too. Telya's eyes widen just after that. Well, I liked his gun. It seems that is a combo stunner/real gun.
            Last edited by greytop; 30 July 2005, 02:30 PM. Reason: forgot a word


              Nice performance yesterday from Dex
              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
              love Torri


                Originally posted by AGateFan
                The first appearance of Ronon was likeable and dare I say impressive, but I dont know enough about the character for form any sort of conherant opinion. He certainly seems to know how to handle a weapon and he certainly has a cool voice and he didnt seem to OTT for me so I think theres potential. Kinda needs a shower, on the other hand the rough look was kinda cool.

                Did anyone else get the since that Ronan may be natually resistant to the Wrait feeding like the guy that gave the people the idea for the drug in POISONING THE WELL? So Sheppard is the ATA gene guy and Teyla is the waith gene girl and Ronan is the anti-wraith gene guy and Rodney is just got no special genes.
                ~~Big huge for you~~...glad at least your were impressed with the first show and are keeping an open mind to give Ronon Dex at least a chance...not that you need a hugh but was just so happy to read this!!!
                Purple's Biggest Fan
                A Purple Creation

                Atlantis Dex Style

                Dex Devil


                  Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                  Well, you're coming at it as a full-fledged Momoa fan. We're coming at it as slightly more skeptical/jaded Stargate fans. I can't speak for the others, but what little we saw in Runner wasn't enough to make me fall instantly in love with all things Dex. As TPTB develop his character (IF they ever develop it), I'm sure more people will jump on the bandwagon. But for now... just be glad most of the comments are positive.
                  THAT is what brings more ratings to Atlantis...Momoa's fans (which are a large number) following HIM to the show
                  He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone other than the people who run the show and took a chance on someone they wanted to be on board
                  We have enough love to support him so thanks
                  Purple's Biggest Fan
                  A Purple Creation

                  Atlantis Dex Style

                  Dex Devil


                    Originally posted by deSaintphalle
                    Wow! What a commanding presence this guy has. I was very impressed with the character Ronan Dex last night. He even made my girl Teyla come to life.

                    All of his scenes just crackled.

                    Yay, verily I say give me more Momoa.
                    need I say more?? LOL
                    Purple's Biggest Fan
                    A Purple Creation

                    Atlantis Dex Style

                    Dex Devil


                      Originally posted by penny
                      I totally love this new character my favorite part was when he met mckay hanging upside down lol. This guy has some definate presence aw felt bad when i saw his face when he realized he had no more home. jason is great actor!!!!!
                      LOL..ya know when I saw the way he was looking at McKay I got really nervous for a second there.
                      Purple's Biggest Fan
                      A Purple Creation

                      Atlantis Dex Style

                      Dex Devil


                        Originally posted by Lida
                        Welcome to the new posters to this thread! I'm so happy you liked what you saw last night. Runner was an excellent introduction to SGA's new character of Ronon Dex, played superbly by Jason Momoa.

                        Sometimes you just know when an actor is right for a part and I'm very happy, after seeing a few short clips of his work on SGA, this past April in Vancouver, I knew the tptb had a winner with this actor I had never seen before. I'm thrilled that so many people are in agreement and I'm certain Jason's fan base will explode as his onscreen character continues to develop.

                        Thank you again for all your postive posts and words of encouragement. It's even nice to see some people eating crow.
                        BRAVO and well said....
                        Your such a nice welcome wagon
                        Purple's Biggest Fan
                        A Purple Creation

                        Atlantis Dex Style

                        Dex Devil


                          Originally posted by Lida
                          Rodney's has BRAINS and he does have the ATA gene. The gene therapy, by Dr. Beckett was successful in Rodney, remember?

                          And thanks for posting on the thread. All of Jason's fans are thrilled with his fantastic introduction last night as Ronon Dex. He is a natural and I expect nothing but great things from this new addition to SGA.
                          ~~~giving you such a hugh~~~~
                          Sorry for squeezing so tight there
                          Purple's Biggest Fan
                          A Purple Creation

                          Atlantis Dex Style

                          Dex Devil


                            Ok sorry guys and gals but I just gotta give everyone here a huge!!!
                            You made my day with your open minds and kind words....and to you especially rock!!!!!
                            Purple's Biggest Fan
                            A Purple Creation

                            Atlantis Dex Style

                            Dex Devil


                              Thanks Blue and thanks to everyone who is posting here.

                              Runner was a great debut for JM and for the character he portrays, Ronon Dex, but it's just the start. We only got to see a sliver of his character and also, we barely got to see what Jason (and the writers) have in store for Dex, so to quote one of my favorite movies:

                              "Fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a bumpy night."

                              Get ready for a roller coaster ride this season on SGA, and Dex will be a great big part of it.
                              Last edited by Lida; 31 July 2005, 03:12 PM.
                              On fighting:
                              Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                              Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                                I agree this character is gonna be great!!!!
                                Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.

