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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rosehawk
    Well, he is quite the looker (no pun intended) now isn't he!


    but I see him through a more objective pair of lenses (pun still not intended) and I say he's not
    sorry lass, reality czech (ok pun possibly intended)

    ok so objectively speaking maybe he is quite a sight after all
    happy ?
    Last edited by SoulReaver; 27 June 2008, 02:04 PM.


      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
      but I see him through a more objective pair of lenses (pun still not intended) and I say he's not
      sorry lass, reality czech (ok pun possibly intended)
      Czech your eyes, this is a *thunk* thread and therefore Radek is a wonderful sight to behold!

      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
      ok so objectively speaking maybe he is quite a sight after all
      happy ?
      Happy, I'm estatic! It's about time we agreed on something, and once again, I win!

      I can't believe you actually put lab rat in the tag. Shame on you!
      Last edited by Rosehawk; 27 June 2008, 06:46 PM.


        Originally posted by Snowflake View Post
        Oh, I think it is a good thing to be crazy, I am definitely crazy.....yep, I just checked...crazy, loopy, screwy, mad, nuts you name it
        Another crazy Radek thunker to add to the list


          Originally posted by Rosehawk
          Happy, I'm estatic!

          quoted - I made Rosehawk ecstatic (so much so it even affected her spelling)

          It's about time we agreed on something, and once again, I win!
          because I let you win, my lady
          (those archaic mores & customs of our western societies )

          but I can take back your victory at a whim

          I can't believe you actually put lab rat in the tag. Shame on you!
          lol...I hadn't noticed

          it's not me ! not me !!
          let the real culprit come forth & denounce himself/herself !


            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post

            quoted - I made Rosehawk ecstatic (so much so it even affected her spelling)
            No, I meant estatic - I was so shocked that you raise my hair on it's ends.

            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
            because I let you win, my lady
            (those archaic mores & customs of our western societies )
            A win, is still a win, no matter how it is attained!

            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
            but I can take back your victory at a whim
            Hummmmmm, I really don't think so. Not as long as I have Zelenka by my side.

            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
            lol...I hadn't noticed

            it's not me ! not me !!
            let the real culprit come forth & denounce himself/herself !
            Well, no one else would have motive since we have established that Radek is NOT a lab rat

            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
            ...ok lass, czech mate - you win

            Zelenka's not a lab rat
            ...hummmm maybe someone just wants to see me give YOU a hard time!

            Originally posted by Reefgirl
            Another crazy Radek thunker to add to the list
            The more crazty thunkers, the more crazy fun we can have!



              Originally posted by Rosehawk
              No, I meant estatic - I was so shocked that you raise my hair on it's ends.

              guess ecstasy can have different effects on different women eh ?

              PS. next suggestion for new feature will be an auto-spellling-correction that can't be switched off by users

              A win, is still a win, no matter how it is attained!
              what about honour & fair play ?

              Hummmmmm, I really don't think so. Not as long as I have Zelenka by my side.

              doubtful : he avoids my gaze - he is afraid of me, poor thing :/

              ...hummmm maybe someone just wants to see me give YOU a hard time!
              oh yes bring it on have mercy mistress
              Last edited by SoulReaver; 28 June 2008, 04:54 PM.


                Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post

                Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                guess ecstasy can have different effects on different women eh ?

                Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                what about honour & fair play ?
                Okay, okay, a win is still a win but it is hollow if it is not played with honor and fair play.

                However, where's the honor in letting someone win?
                Since I don't think you would give up your honor, I believe that I won fairly and squarely.

                Awwww, the truth will never be known.

                Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                doubtful : he avoids my gaze - he is afraid of me, poor thing :/
                Nawwww, he's just enjoying looking at all his fangirls

                Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                oh yes bring it on have mercy mistress
                Hummmmm, let me think about that one for awhile.



                  Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                  The more crazty thunkers, the more crazy fun we can have!
                  the more the merrier


                    edit> still waiting for the culprit to turn him/herself in

                    Originally posted by Rosehawk

                    ok here's what : I'll give you victory if you give me ecstasy. deal ?

                    However, where's the honor in letting someone win?
                    rats ! you're right there's no honour in being galant

                    Nawwww, he's just enjoying looking at all his fangirls
                    ow but he's not looking at you in that pic is he ?

                    Hummmmm, let me think about that one for awhile.
                    think quickly mistress,
                    while the fire burns hot;
                    and reject me not,
                    lest you cause me distress

                    /cheap & humble attempt at pseudo-poetic eloquence to impress Rose
                    Last edited by SoulReaver; 29 June 2008, 06:33 AM.


                      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                      edit> still waiting for the culprit to turn him/herself in
                      And do you really expect me to believe that the culprit was not you! After all the history we share!

                      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver

                      ok here's what : I'll give you victory if you give me ecstasy. deal ?
                      Here in the States ecstasy is a drug and therefore illegal to deal, oh, wait, you didn't mean that kind of ecstasy.....oh sorry, I just didn't think certain body parts could reach that far......

                      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                      rats ! you're right there's no honour in being galant
                      Oh yeah, I won fair and square, I won fair and square. Awww the feel of victory is great!
                      So we do agree, Radek is not a lab rat!

                      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                      ow but he's not looking at you in that pic is he ?
                      You see his smile, you tell me. And yes, thanks to a couple of friends who went to the Vancouver convention in March, David does know what I look like.
                      Besides, Radek does have more than one fangirl and I did say he was looking at his fangirls, plural!

                      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                      think quickly mistress,
                      while the fire burns hot;
                      and reject me not,
                      lest you cause me distress

                      /cheap & humble attempt at pseudo-poetic eloquence to impress Rose
                      Awww, such lovely poetry....the way to a woman's heart! (at least until you used the word cheap!)

                      Originally posted by Reefgirl
                      Hamster presents a car programme called Top Gear as well as an assortment of other shows, one that I did see him in was when he recreated Guy Fawks attempt to blow up parliament to see what would happen if he would have been successful, the result was jaw dropping.
                      So is Hamster a bit of a dare devil?
                      Last edited by Rosehawk; 29 June 2008, 09:21 AM.



                        Originally posted by Rosehawk
                        And do you really expect me to believe that the culprit was not you! After all the history we share!
                        aye and I can prove it : each user can only add 1 tag right ?
                        I guess it's time to add my own contribution

                        Here in the States ecstasy is a drug and therefore illegal to deal, oh, wait, you didn't mean that kind of ecstasy.....oh sorry, I just didn't think certain body parts could reach that far......
                        admittedly it's quite a stretch

                        Oh yeah, I won fair and square, I won fair and square. Awww the illusion of victory is great!

                        Awww, such lovely poetry....the way to a woman's heart! (at least until you used the word cheap!)
                        simple preemptive measure - you'd have said it if I hadn't


                          Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                          aye and I can prove it : each user can only add 1 tag right ?
                          I guess it's time to add my own contribution
                          I don't know the rules on the tags, now you are going to make me have to check them out!
                          Am I to assume that ratatouille is your contribution? At least that rat can cook and not running in a maze!
                          wait a minute, Radek is still not a rat!

                          Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                          admittedly it's quite a stretch
                          And I am really suppose to respond to that with a straight face!

                          Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                          simple preemptive measure - you'd have said it if I hadn't
                          I would never, ever say that poetry was cheap! And besides, I don't think you are cheap!

                          I need a *thunk*




                            Originally posted by Rosehawk
                            I don't know the rules on the tags, now you are going to make me have to check them out!
                            you do that

                            Am I to assume that ratatouille is your contribution? At least that rat can cook and not running in a maze!
                            but it's still a rat

                            wait a minute, Radek is still not a rat!
                            not so fast - I almost conceded that point, but then you came up with this scurrilous & heartwrenching accusation (about the tag) your victory is therefore suspended until this matter is resolved

                            And I am really suppose to respond to that with a straight face!
                            no, you're supposed to either appreciate or pretend to

                            I would never, ever say that poetry was cheap! And besides, I don't think you are cheap!
                            I'm touched

                            I need a *thunk*

                            initiating countermeasures…

                            countermeasures armed & ready>

                            click at your own risk
                            you've been warned
                            it's gonna get ugly
                            last chance to turn back
                            I mean it


                              Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                              you do that
                              I will, once these #$$@%% servers aren't so damn, that gets frustrating..

                              Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                              but it's still a rat
                              Ahhh, but ratatouille is a rat with brains and class and makes creations out of cheese, unlike the mindless lab rats that just run through mazes to eat the cheese.

                              Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                              not so fast - I almost conceded that point, but then you came up with this scurrilous & heartwrenching accusation (about the tag) your victory is therefore suspended until this matter is resolved
                              Growl, you can't suspend a victory won in fair play and honesty.
                              And besides, it was not an accusation, it was the logical assumption based on the fact that you introduced Zelenka as a lab rat on this thread!

                              Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                              no, you're supposed to either appreciate or pretend to
                              *giggles* okay I do appreciate the fact that there are some body parts that can stretch way beyond the imagination.

                              Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                              I'm touched
                              Do I dare ask where?

                              Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                              initiating countermeasures…

                              countermeasures armed & ready>

                              click at your own risk
                              you've been warned
                              it's gonna get ugly
                              last chance to turn back
                              I mean it

                              *sputters, spits out pepsi all over the computer monitor* Ewwww, rushes to put eyes under water to wash out the caustic corrosion that my eyes were exposed to**

                              That was just cruel, I was expectng a cute furry rat, not a RAT!

                              Zelenka will not be pleased, oh no, he will not be pleased at all...

                              I take back all the nice things I said about you.........



                                Actually, Radek is absofraggingloutely a lab rat -- I say this as a CSI fan (at least, before Season 7 when everything went straight to Tartarus in a reed basket). On CSI we learned a very important lesson: Lab Rats rule the world from behind the throne. If Jacqui, Hodges, Greg (pre-field days), Super Dave, Archie, Wendy, Henry, Mandy, and Ronnie had ever up and decided to stop doing what they were doing, to be sluggish about it, or even botch the results the CSIs would have been sunk. In the case of the exploding lab, they were sunk.

                                Now, we know that McKay is hard to work with. This is, after all, a man who was exiled to Siberia for being a such a jerk that it was worth handing his genius over to a dubious ally they didn't trust just to get rid of him. This is a man whose idea of a complement is "you're not brilliant, but you'll do," and whose idea of a gentle reprimand is cutting sarcasm. I love Rodney dearly, but he is undoubtedly the Boss of Doom. He freely admitted in "First Strike" that he didn't know enough about his staff to complete the personell reviews.

                                However, McKay is still in command of the Sciences division. His crew neither went to McKay's boss and said, "remove him or we walk," (which happened to a buddy of mine's hideous manager) and none of the Marines has beaten him up and/or shot him (because his contempt for the soft sciences is only surpassed by his contempt for those without science). McKay also acted like the personell review was new to him in "First Strike," and cried not that it was a waste of time but that he was not qualified to do it.

                                This to me seems like Radek was doing all the personell reviews on the sly, not just his own department's, and Weir finally glommed on. We also know that while McKay is the first person the Team calls, all the civillians go running to Radek ("The Brotherhood," "Tao of Rodney," "BAMSR,") and that Radek serves as the Voice of Cauton when McKay gets a little too enthusiastic ("Tao of Rodney," "McKay and Mrs. Miller," "Trinity," "The Gift"). He's also Rodney's personal therapist as much as Sheppard ("This Mortal Coil," "BAMSR"). He also provides the much-needed praise from above for the science staff ("Trinity," "McKay and Mrs. Miller").

                                Therefore the question arises: what would happen if Radek stopped being McKay's right hand? No more doing the boring paperwork, no more dealing with the spills and funky naquadah generators, no more smoothing ruffled soldier feathers or scientists ready to quit, no more providing encouragement for the minions, and no more talking Rodney down -- no more McKay Liason and Disaster Prevention.

                                Not only would Rodney be screwed, but so would Atlantis. Either the science department would revolt, or else there would be mass quitting, or else Lorne et al. would be taking McKay out for a walk around the block all the time. It's also true that Rodney's best ideas (with the exception of "BAMSR") have happened while bickering with Radek --

                                and that his dry spot happened while he was distancing himself from Zelenka (going to briefings alone instead of taking Zelenka with as he did with Weir, working with Todd instead of Radek, telling Carter he didn't even like Radek -- and Carter believed it, so the socializing had probably been cut as well). It stopped when he pulled Radek in on the project, and then started again when he went back to distancing himself. (Since by "Trio" Carter still believed McKay's "I don't like Zelenka" and didn't call him on it like Sheppard would have.)

                                We also know from the type of work Radek does ("The Brotherhood," "Tao of Rodney," "Echoes," "Adrift," "BAMSR,") that he is most likely an electrical/electronic engineer. We know he doesn't have the "copyright" issues that McKay, Sam, etc. have because he lets McKay take the credit/push the buttons/do the checklists/etc. We also know that he was offered a post at a university right before he left.
                                and Kavanagh -- both research scientists -- were very dismissive both of Radek and his abilities ("Thirty Eight Minutes," "Quarantine"). Those things to me suggest Radek has a a private-sector scientist background. A private-sector (possibly power company) background would also explain Radek's people skills and his fluency in English, since both would have been imperative if he worked in a Prague company. Given his manifest ability to command ("The Hot Zone," "McKay and Mrs. Miller," and the fact he probably did the personell reviews for McKay for two years) he had probably worked his way up to supervisor, possibly even a section super since he was good enough to be chosen for the Atlantis Expedition in the first place.

                                Rodney is an astrophysics major and a mechanical engineer. Setting up and maintaning a city's power grid is not within the scope of his education or experience. This is supported by the Lagrangian satellite incident -- in which he forgot the basic rule of capacity -- and the modifications he made in "Tao" -- where he forgot the basic rule of TURN OFF THE ELECTRICITY before you start working, and then work on each section of the grid one at a time. (Seriously, the fact that Radek was the ONLY one electrocuted is a frigging miracle.) Zelenka, on the other hand, seems to have power grids and electricity well in hand ("Submersion," "Tao of Rodney," "The Seige 3").

                                While McKay is gallivanting off-world and taking the credit, Zelenka is the one keeping the lights on back home. Therefore, as the power behind McKay's throne who works tirelessly behind the scenes to make certain the glory-takers can do what they do, and as the man rarely noticed but entirely depended on, and since the glory-takers would be completely screwed without him, Radek Zelenka is most certainly a Lab Rat serving with distinction.

                                He's also really, really pretty:

                                These are from the Terasen Gas ads. The caps are mine, but the vid upload itself was courtesy of Silver Damascus.
                                Last edited by DragonLadyK; 29 June 2008, 06:50 PM. Reason: link not working
                                "I'm not saying anything. I did not say anything then, and I am not saying anything now." -- Delenn

