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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    I've written J/I slash...but then that turned into

    A three person situation

    Other than that...I behave myself.


      Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
      That's a lovely view
      Yeah, it is! Radek really has a nice shape when you get to see it! I would so love to see him in black from head to toe! That would be sooooooooo nice! Black just has a way of framing bodies just right

      Originally posted by Reefgirl
      I know what you mean about leaving people speechless with one line. My boss once asked me what I did in my spare time so I said "I write gay porn" after he did his goldfish impression for a couple of beats he replied "No you don't, don't be silly" Little does he know
      I could NEVER make a joke like that with my boss.

      Being left speechless happens alot in class since we are all learning and practicing. I've just got to relax and not be so concerned about what I say or do. If it doesn't work, then you learn from it; if it does work then you learn from it. I actually do better with people who have been doing this awhile, their energy is contagious and they are really good about picking up a scene and pushing it forward when the brain goes "duh" so I learn alot from watching and experiencing the scenes with them

      Originally posted by Reefgirl
      I really can't be assed to do anything)
      Ummmmm, did you mean asked to do anything???

      Originally posted by Allestian
      Other than that...I behave myself.
      OMG, seriously. Well we just can't have that on this thread, now can we!


        Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
        OMG, seriously. Well we just can't have that on this thread, now can we!
        If you want all of my 'work' you just have to ask...but be prepared.

        I was getting ready the other day (Was at my nans yesterday which is why I wasn't around) and who came on the telly but dear Zelenka. (Atlantis was on at the time but I forgot he was in the episode)

        Well...I you do...


          Originally posted by Allestian View Post
          If you want all of my 'work' you just have to ask...but be prepared.

          I was getting ready the other day (Was at my nans yesterday which is why I wasn't around) and who came on the telly but dear Zelenka. (Atlantis was on at the time but I forgot he was in the episode)

          Well...I you do...

          Are these stories that are not in your siggy links?

          Zelenka Squeezzzzzzzz.........Just think, I get to see the real squeeeeezzzzzz in August - just in time for my birthday!

          I will have to post some pics later tonight. I'm getting kicked off this computer shortly.


            I'll have too's 11.30...

            Don't want to go to sleep though. I suffered from sleep paralysis twice this morning... So I'm terrified it will happen again.

            And btw, these 'stories' are not in my siggy link - although one might make it time to come.


              Originally posted by Allestian View Post
              I'll have too's 11.30...

              Don't want to go to sleep though. I suffered from sleep paralysis twice this morning... So I'm terrified it will happen again.
              Good Luck with that. Sorry I don't have time to post piccies at the moment to help you sleep in peace! If you can't sleep, then just know I will have some wonderful Radek pics up in a few hours!

              Originally posted by Allestian
              And btw, these 'stories' are not in my siggy link - although one might make it time to come.

              Ooohhh, then by all means, send them my way to read!




                Or do I still have your email...

                *Goes to check*

                Nope, I don't...

                Okay, I do...


                  Some lovely Zelenka pics.





                    Originally posted by Allestian View Post
                    If you want all of my 'work' you just have to ask...but be prepared.

                    I was getting ready the other day (Was at my nans yesterday which is why I wasn't around) and who came on the telly but dear Zelenka. (Atlantis was on at the time but I forgot he was in the episode)

                    Well...I you do...

                    *imitates Carson's accent* Send the links in a private message, woman!!! And to me as well!!!


                      Originally posted by Allestian View Post
                      I've written J/I slash...but then that turned into

                      A three person situation

                      Other than that...I behave myself.

                      Been there, done that

                      Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                      Yeah, it is! Radek really has a nice shape when you get to see it! I would so love to see him in black from head to toe! That would be sooooooooo nice! Black just has a way of framing bodies just right

                      I could NEVER make a joke like that with my boss.
                      My boss is one of those people you can't help doing it to

                      Ummmmm, did you mean asked to do anything???
                      No, when someone says they can't be assed, it means they can't be bothered

                      Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                      Some lovely Zelenka pics.


                      Lovely scruffy genius pics

                      Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                      *imitates Carson's accent* Send the links in a private message, woman!!! And to me as well!!!

                      My stories are on my lj (link supplied in sig)


                        Originally posted by Reefgirl View Post
                        Been there, done that

                        My stories are on my lj (link supplied in sig)
                        Right now I daren't post my...mature people are enjoying it as it I said...there is a small chapter that would fit in...meh...

                        Okay, so Rosehawk got her copy and now Pajus wants a copy???

                        Okay - I'll see what I can do.


                          Originally posted by Allestian
                          Okay, so Rosehawk got her copy and now Pajus wants a copy???
                          I did??? *runs over to e-mail to check*

                          Originally posted by Reefgirl
                          No, when someone says they can't be assed, it means they can't be bothered
                          Oakedoake, must be an English thing.




                            Letters from Pegasus is on. I just love the scene where he's describing Atlantis rising from the sea! *fans self wildly* Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!!!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                              Letters from Pegasus is on. I just love the scene where he's describing Atlantis rising from the sea! *fans self wildly* Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!!!
                              Yeah, I'm watching it right now!

                              Radek's scene from Letters from Pegasus is one of my all-time favorites. He and Carson were simply fantastic in that episode.



                                I love them both so much!!

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

