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Zelenka: #Clap your hands once, clap your hands twice, and if it looks like this you're doing it...
A little bit of Elizabeth in my life.
A little bit of Rodney nagging at my side.
Just a flock of pidgeons are what I need.
Half a dozen computer screens are what I see.
Preferably no crashing into the sun.
A little bit of Wraith avoiding all night long.
A little bit of "Pegasus, here I am!!!"
A little bit of "Fangirls, here's your man!!!"
Zelenka: #Clap your hands once, clap your hands twice, and if it looks like this you're doing it...
A little bit of Elizabeth in my life.
A little bit of Rodney nagging at my side.
Just a flock of pidgeons are what I need.
Half a dozen computer screens are what I see.
Preferably no crashing into the sun.
A little bit of Wraith avoiding all night long.
A little bit of "Pegasus, here I am!!!"
A little bit of "Fangirls, here's your man!!!"
Okay ladies, break it up - there is enough of Zelenka to go around!
Originally posted by Allestian
Mambo No.5)
Zelenka: #Clap your hands once, clap your hands twice, and if it looks like this you're doing it...
A little bit of Elizabeth in my life.
A little bit of Rodney nagging at my side.
Just a flock of pidgeons are what I need.
Half a dozen computer screens are what I see.
Preferably no crashing into the sun.
A little bit of Wraith avoiding all night long.
A little bit of "Pegasus, here I am!!!"
A little bit of "Fangirls, here's your man!!!"
Allestian, this is great! It kind of sum up our man quite well!
I'm not ignoring you Pajus...I just get very embarassed about sending smut across the ocean...
I sent one to someone in Leeds once and suddenly felt very embarassed.
Hence, I'm waiting for Rosehawk's response to make sure that it's 'okay' and then I'll send it to you.
I will be sure to read it tonight. I have to head out shortly to pick up my daughter and then we are going shopping. I get to play taxi cab service today!
I know what you mean about feeling embarassed about the smut. Seems strange to feel embarassed when you can't see the person but it happens!