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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    *glomps Hiccups and drags her back into the thread* Hiya hon!! Glad to see ya poking about...nope we ain't dead,we're Nykl backers. We always find a way to thunk David and whump least I whump Radek. What? I'm a whumper. hehe Aside from trying to buy BoBL,what 1 other movie should I look for that has lots of David in it? He's got to be in at least half of the movie before I'll consider the movie. I know I'm being a mite persnickedy about it but money's a bit sparse at the moment. lol More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


      Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
      Good grief have I not been getting my notifications or what? I thought this thread had died. Apparently not. Hi all! It's nice to see David doing US cons, but sad that I will not be seeing him at them. Sigh. If only I could just bump into him on the street. (Yeah like that will ever happen, especially since I rarely if ever leave my house.) Ah well, I can dream.

      Merry Christmas all if I don't make it back here before then! *waves* are back! Yea!!!!! I was a tad bit concerned that you were caught up in some of the flooding and bad weather situations out there.

      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
      *glomps Hiccups and drags her back into the thread* Hiya hon!! Glad to see ya poking about...nope we ain't dead,we're Nykl backers. We always find a way to thunk David and whump least I whump Radek. What? I'm a whumper. hehe Aside from trying to buy BoBL,what 1 other movie should I look for that has lots of David in it? He's got to be in at least half of the movie before I'll consider the movie. I know I'm being a mite persnickedy about it but money's a bit sparse at the moment. lol More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
      Movie's where David is in at least half....sorry but I don't think that exists except on the shorts and 'The Beast of Bottomless Lake'.
      Act of War is probably one that David has some decent screen time in, Escape Velocity has some decent David (well the character isn't decent but David is great!) in it but he's only it in for a short while. Helen, you blink your eyes and you miss him, Seamstress he's in and out but in the background and maybe a total of 5, 10 minutes screen time.

      You can probably get some of David's movies on Amazon for a really small cost. I'm finding DVD's for as low as $5.00 - even got the last Harry Potter movie for about $5.00. At Target and other stores it was over $20.00.

      I wish we had access to some of the movie shorts that he's done. I did get a chance to get a copy of Voodoo! It's really a wonderfully well done movie short. Cost me a pretty penny to get it and I got several other movie shorts with it that are pretty great too!

      Thread is a bit quiet but definitely not dead!
      Last edited by Rosehawk; 15 December 2011, 07:02 PM.


        Thanks for the movie titles Rosehawk. I'll Czech out Act of War then start saving my pennies for BoBL. More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


          Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
          Cool Annie. Too bad the station doesn't show it over here! I did find the DVD a few months ago and after watching it vaguely remembered watching it on TV way back when.

          David is so young in it!
          Didn't get to watch much since I had to work early in the morning so had to get to bed. But did stay up long enough to see David. And yes he was young.

          CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
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          FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


            hello ladies nice pics of David, always cute even unscruffy (is that a word). How ya all doing?


              Originally posted by pookey View Post
              hello ladies nice pics of David, always cute even unscruffy (is that a word). How ya all doing?
              Hey pookey...long time no read....How ya doing? Even Zelenka was looking for his lost fans!

              And here he is racing to see if he can find us in the Ancient database!




                Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                Nayari! I should have known you would appear on this board sooner or later!

                I haven´t been here for a while

                I wish you all could meet David in Chicago - he is very funny on stage. I love his "why do people cheering and clapping and what so special did I do to deserve it?" expression he sometimes has

                HI HI HI Klen!!! Yeah, I'm in and out of the thread. I come in, post obsessively for a bit, then go quiet and store up all this Nyklrgy, then release it all in another bunch of crazy posts. I am VERY MUCH HOPING to meet David in Chicago of next year and get a solid picture of that expression you described. I have no idea how I’m going to get a good shot of him though - I don’t have the money for a Gold pass, and my camera is pretty pathetic. Even if I get the courage to kneel in the front row and shoot photos, I doubt they’ll be very good. *whimper* Okay, one step at a time....

                Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                *glomps Hiccups and drags her back into the thread* Hiya hon!! Glad to see ya poking about...nope we ain't dead,we're Nykl backers. We always find a way to thunk David and whump least I whump Radek. What? I'm a whumper. hehe Aside from trying to buy BoBL,what 1 other movie should I look for that has lots of David in it? He's got to be in at least half of the movie before I'll consider the movie. I know I'm being a mite persnickedy about it but money's a bit sparse at the moment. lol More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
                I KNOW! I was super happy to see Hiccups too!! I keep looking for notifications too, but apparently the forum only sends certain notifications at certain times. I’ve missed like a page of information!

                I would like to throw out this for consideration when it comes to David Nykl movies: Anything with David is worth a shot. Me, personally - Helen bored me to tears, and I skimmed the film looking for either of my Davids (since Hewlett was in it too).

                Pterodactyl is a great movie to watch with a group and a bunch of popcorn. It’s cheesy sci-fi, and admittedly
                David dies 45 minutes into the film
                , but the few scenes he’s in and the few lines he has - well first you have to recognize him! He’s got a few cute faces and throwaways, and the movie itself is just fun.

                I recommend Escape Velocity. David’s character Russel in the first 11 minutes and maybe about 35 minutes later he comes back for another 20 minutes or so. The movie is terrible - really, absolutely terrible - but Peter Outerbridge is permanently fun to watch, and the teenage daughter, (Michelle Beaudoin) - you kind of want to watch her even if you don’t know why.

                You’re thinking: enough of THEM, what about David? The thing about David in this movie is that he is completely different from what you may be used to. I.E. Radek Zelenka. Radek - soft-spoken scientist with propensity for swearing. Russel - ex-con who is mad as a hatter and lean as a Navy SEAL. He has this laugh that crawls down your spine. He’s hot. I mean there were illegal things happening inside my body while I watched the film kind of hot and I am not joking. Sorry for the TMI but I want to sell you on this!

                Originally posted by pookey View Post
                hello ladies nice pics of David, always cute even unscruffy (is that a word). How ya all doing?
                I am actually doing WONDERFUL David-wise. Thanks to a Christmas present from my gramma and two odd jobs I worked this week, I’m now upwards of $400 saved up to meet David in Chicago! My Christmas dream is coming true....slowly. We will see. We will see if the luck and magic continue.

                In the real world - eh. Not so great. Fight with the boyfriend, still can’t get a second job, and overstressed from family issues. But the Internet provdes good escapism, which helps. I hope you’re doing well!


                  Originally posted by Nayari View Post
                  HI HI HI Klen!!! Yeah, I'm in and out of the thread. I come in, post obsessively for a bit, then go quiet and store up all this Nyklrgy, then release it all in another bunch of crazy posts. I am VERY MUCH HOPING to meet David in Chicago of next year and get a solid picture of that expression you described. I have no idea how I’m going to get a good shot of him though - I don’t have the money for a Gold pass, and my camera is pretty pathetic. Even if I get the courage to kneel in the front row and shoot photos, I doubt they’ll be very good. *whimper* Okay, one step at a time....
                  Creation won't let you get in the front row, even kneeling or laying down to get photos anymore. You have to do it from the side aisles and you can't block the way. People that paid for the gold tickets complained in the past, mainly because some people would stay up there the whole talk and they didn't pay for the space. Some gold ticket holders even got upset when people would exchange seats for a talk or two for someone who really really like the actor talking. Shouldn't be an issue but they make it an issue and complain to Creation so you technically can't even exchange seats.

                  I've got a decent seat for pictures so I can take some that you can snurch! Or give me your camera and I can try to take a few. I like to listen to the talks so I'm not great with taking photos but David gives fans lots of opportunities when he first gets on stage!

                  Originally posted by Nayari
                  I KNOW! I was super happy to see Hiccups too!! I keep looking for notifications too, but apparently the forum only sends certain notifications at certain times. I’ve missed like a page of information!
                  Have any of you report this to the mods? Otherwise I can mention it and see if they know what is causing it. I know there's been some glitches with the VBulletin upgrades. I seem to keep getting my notifications, plus I check in at least once a day for updates.

                  Originally posted by Nayari
                  I would like to throw out this for consideration when it comes to David Nykl movies: Anything with David is worth a shot. Me, personally - Helen bored me to tears, and I skimmed the film looking for either of my Davids (since Hewlett was in it too).
                  I liked Helen but it was pretty dark. I think I liked it mainly because I love the two main actresses in it. Nykl's role was suppose to be bigger but somehow Hewlett got more screen time in the movie. Love both actors but I was really hoping to see some Nykl in action.

                  Originally posted by Nayari
                  Pterodactyl is a great movie to watch with a group and a bunch of popcorn. It’s cheesy sci-fi, and admittedly
                  David dies 45 minutes into the film
                  , but the few scenes he’s in and the few lines he has - well first you have to recognize him! He’s got a few cute faces and throwaways, and the movie itself is just fun.
                  Yea, David was just plain cute in this one. He makes some of the best faces which makes tolerating this movie so much more bearable.

                  Originally posted by Nayari
                  I recommend Escape Velocity. David’s character Russel in the first 11 minutes and maybe about 35 minutes later he comes back for another 20 minutes or so. The movie is terrible - really, absolutely terrible - but Peter Outerbridge is permanently fun to watch, and the teenage daughter, (Michelle Beaudoin) - you kind of want to watch her even if you don’t know why.

                  You’re thinking: enough of THEM, what about David? The thing about David in this movie is that he is completely different from what you may be used to. I.E. Radek Zelenka. Radek - soft-spoken scientist with propensity for swearing. Russel - ex-con who is mad as a hatter and lean as a Navy SEAL. He has this laugh that crawls down your spine. He’s hot. I mean there were illegal things happening inside my body while I watched the film kind of hot and I am not joking. Sorry for the TMI but I want to sell you on this!
                  I'm so glad someone else had the same reaction to David aka Russel's laugh. The first time I heard it, it sent a shiver down my spine as well. Makes me really want to see David do a really dark role because I think he can really pull it off.

                  Originally posted by Nayari
                  I am actually doing WONDERFUL David-wise. Thanks to a Christmas present from my gramma and two odd jobs I worked this week, I’m now upwards of $400 saved up to meet David in Chicago! My Christmas dream is coming true....slowly. We will see. We will see if the luck and magic continue.
                  Here's passing a little Zelenka love for luck!

                  Originally posted by Nayari
                  In the real world - eh. Not so great. Fight with the boyfriend, still can’t get a second job, and overstressed from family issues. But the Internet provdes good escapism, which helps. I hope you’re doing well!
                  The Internet does indeed!

                  I will bring Voodoo to the convention and if we get some time to hook-up, you can watch it on someone's laptop! It's about 12 minutes long. If you think David was making great faces in 'Pterodactyl' you will love him in Voodoo!
                  Last edited by Rosehawk; 18 December 2011, 11:40 AM.



                    hello Rose, makes me wanna hide even more, just so he'll come and look for me


                      "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                        Thanks for the recs Nayari. Sorry to hear you've hit a rough patch with RL;hopefully things'll straighten out for ya soon. *hugs* Hiya Pookey!! *glomps and drags back into the thread* Long time no read hon. Hang around for a bit...enjoy the hawtness of the Nykl. lol Yup,that came out cheeky. More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O

                        P.S. Rosehawk,wicked picficlet. ROTFLMAO



                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Wicked Czech shot Ever!! Got more? *smirks* Rosehawk,your Rolling Radek Chair pic begs the question: who would win a chair race between Radek and John? hehe More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                              Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                              Wicked Czech shot Ever!! Got more? *smirks* Rosehawk,your Rolling Radek Chair pic begs the question: who would win a chair race between Radek and John? hehe More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
                              Radek by a mile!! Because he has the 'Czechered' (checkered) flag to guide him to the finish line!



                                This is kinda off topic, but then again it's not. Vaclav Havel passed away on Dec 18th. Playwright and dissident, he was the tenth and last president of Czechoslovakia (1989–92) and the first President of the Czech Republic (1993–2003). I'm surprised at the lack of coverage of his death on TV. Lots of stories about the death of North Korea's Kim Il Jong, who died the day before Havel, but I didn't see any TV news stories about Havel. I had to read about it online.

                                The NY Times: Czechs’ Dissident Conscience, Turned President

                                From the BBC: Vaclav Havel: Czechs pay final respects to late leader

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

