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John Sheppard Whump

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    I'd say you're doing mighty fine with the iPhone!


      Well, I have to get up at 4:00 a.m. for work so I am taking off. It's been a fun day chatting with everyone and looking at all the lovely pics and gifs! Happy Sheppy Dreams!


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Hubby came across one of the maaaaany repeats of it on Sky today while channel-surfing.... he skipped past it, saying to me, "I take it you don't want me to watch that?" and I replied firmly, "I refuse to have that programme on in this house!"
        I actually saw the second ep on hulu (to be fair, I was grading papers and writing checks while it was on my laptop). I think the writers found the 'big book of cliches' and decided to see how many they could use, but that's just my opinion.


          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          I'd say you're doing mighty fine with the iPhone!
          heheheheh thanks! Will have to work on my skills more

          Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
          I actually saw the second ep on hulu (to be fair, I was grading papers and writing checks while it was on my laptop). I think the writers found the 'big book of cliches' and decided to see how many they could use, but that's just my opinion.
          oh dear. I haven't seen it yet. Was busy friday ( and after that premiere it's definitely not destination tv for me, more of "I'll catch it whenever..." tv) and will have to wait to have computer Internet again to catch it
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Had a mixed weekend OT RL
            Went to a Uni open day Saturday. It answered a few questions, threw up a few more (like should i be doing an access course first... will have to email admissions, the talks i needed to go to meant i had no time to speak to admissions before they closed). But the Uni was better than i thought it would be, and the department is just brilliant, very well equipped and the lecturer that would be teaching me was hilarious and so friendlt. Definitely going on the short list.

            But dammit, i need a reference! It's been too long since school and Uni "take one", it'll have to be an employer... but my current boss has weird views about women and their grasp on technology, i don't think a reference from him would be helpful...

            Sunday was spent lounging around the flat and the pub.

            Just about getting over this cold though. I actually sound worse, but feel better... go figure. It's got in my stomach a bit, nothing tooooo bad so far, have to sit up to sleep otherwise i end up with a mouth full of acid (probably why my throat sounds so rough), and i'm feeling a bit bloaty and ravenously hungry even after i eat, but very little pain. I'm back on the omeprazole, so hopefully i'll nip it in the bud before it gets to full blown gastritis.

            CONGRATS TO SHEPSGIRL ON 300!!
            CONGRATS TO MAGGS ON 700!!

            SGAFan - sorry about your computer woes, that serioualy sucks. I hope you get the reparations you deserve!

            Ali - happy house hunting! Those pics look lovely. I liked the period one, but having lived in a house with ceilings like that i can tell you you WILL bean your head on it a LOT. Even when you're used to it, you'll still do it! lol

            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            Watching Flash Forward with Joseph Fiennes. Is it bad that I saw him with a bloody head wound and thought our JF would have been wonderful in this role?
            Not at all, it was my first thought too. He'd be brilliant in a role like that.

            I think i'm glad he doesn't have this particular role because, much as i'm loving FF so far, i've a horrible feeling it's going to become like Lost in the future.

            Originally posted by maggs View Post
            He is kinda whumping his hair right? OK lame attempt to justify a completely thunky gif. It is mesmerizing though.

            *happy place*

            Originally posted by Evil Clown of Apocalypse View Post
            oh,sweet!I was hoping for somebody to make gif of that part
            Welcome to the Whump!!

            Discussion Questions for Sanctuary

            1. Do you think John and then Elizabeth disclosed too much about Atlantis and Earth to soon to Chaya?
            Yes probably. It turned out ok this time, but they really should have been more cautious.

            2. Is John too easily taken with Chaya, is he really that shallow or needy for a woman?
            I don't think so, i think there was a real connection between them, it didn't feel shallow or needy to me at all, just two people sharing feelings for each other.

            3. At the beginning on the episode, the Jumper is hit by 'space lightening' and McKay falls to the floor like he was electrocuted. Do you think he should have been at least Whumped a little? He just kind of popped right back up as if nothing happened.
            You'd have thought with it being McKay that he'd have made more of a fuss wouldn't you? Sure we had the "Are we dead?", but you'd have expected him to whine a lot more (actually, S1 McKay is a lot less whiny than i remember - i think my memory has been coloured by fanfic...)
            But yeah, even if it hadn't been McKay, i'd have thought whoever it was would have been a bit more whumped by that.

            4. When Chaya touches the priest to reassure him when she tells Sheppard she will go to Atlantis, do you think she is "influencing" him somehow? Does she then do the same to Sheppard on Atlantis when she takes his arm?

            Could she also have been influencing his attraction to her because of her professed loneliness, even if not intentionally?

            Ooo, hadn't thought of that! Perhaps she was influencing the priest, but i'd like to think she didn't try that sort of thing on Shep. I'd like to think she was completely genuine with him. She seemed to be.

            5. How does Sheppard sees what is happening on Proculus when he catches Chaya?
            Not a clue

            6. Was Rodney's quick mistrust and open hostility warranted?
            That's Rodney though. For once he was the voice of reason. He was showing the caution the others should have. In his usual bull in a china shop kinda way.

            7. Given that the people on Proculus are in very good health and seem to be quite happy, was it reasonable for Weir to offer to help them modernize?
            Oh i laughed at that. You're completely healthy, we can give you medicine! *snerk*
            And the offering to help them modernise, wow, we Earthlings really are that superior aren't we? It's like the whole "civilsation" thing we did during the Imperial times. They're not technologically advanced, surely they can't be happy like that? Surely they'll fall on their knees with awe and gratitude at what we can offer? Ok, maybe not quite as bad as the old Imperial days, they didn't try to take them over and slaughter them when they resisted, but you get my meaning.
            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

            l My LJ l


              Discussion Questions for Sanctuary

              1. Do you think John and then Elizabeth disclosed too much about Atlantis and Earth to soon to Chaya?
              No I don't think so. It reminded me a little of Sheps first meeting with Teyla... he just knew he could trust her.

              2. Is John too easily taken with Chaya, is he really that shallow or needy for a woman?

              Again a little bit like his first meeting with Teyla there was an instant connection and probably an attraction as well.. I found it really sweet and didn't see anything shallow or needy about it...

              3. At the beginning on the episode, the Jumper is hit by 'space lightening' and McKay falls to the floor like he was electrocuted. Do you think he should have been at least Whumped a little? He just kind of popped right back up as if nothing happened.

              Yeah that was a bit strange particulary for McKay.. but McKay didnt seem quite as whiny in season one as he became in later seasons.. maybe they wanted the story to keep flowing and not linger on McKay whump..

              4. When Chaya touches the priest to reassure him when she tells Sheppard she will go to Atlantis, do you think she is "influencing" him somehow? Does she then do the same to Sheppard on Atlantis when she takes his arm?

              No I never got that impression. The priest just seemed to trust her and be in awe of her as well. I don't think she influenced John either in any way.

              Could she also have been influencing his attraction to her because of her professed loneliness, even if not intentionally?

              Again I don't think so. It was a two way thing. John was attracted to her the moment he saw her and she to him...

              5. How does Sheppard sees what is happening on Proculus when he catches Chaya?

              Wasnt he seeing her vision ...

              6. Was Rodney's quick mistrust and open hostility warranted?

              Rodney was waaaay ott here for my liking and I don't know where his open hostility came from.. was it jealousy that the hot alien woman liked John.. I think he was over the top with his paronoia and hostility..why the instant dislike to Chaya.. he just seemed pissed that John was attracted to her..

              7. Given that the people on Proculus are in very good health and seem to be quite happy, was it reasonable for Weir to offer to help them modernize?

              Oh that was ridiculous and the arrogance at times towards Chaya and the people of Proculus was off putting.. even though these people wanted for nothing Weir feels they have to be modernized to be happy like the great earthlings...


                One more question for the Sanctuary pot - we're we cheated out of the 'glowy sex'? I don't necessarily mean in a carnal sense, though it would have been rather yummy to see Sheppy being *cough* passionate *cough*, but - 'sharing'? I don't buy it. All it elicited was a "Wow... " as I remember. Well, at least we got ankle peekage.


                  Originally posted by Strey View Post
                  One more question for the Sanctuary pot - we're we cheated out of the 'glowy sex'? I don't necessarily mean in a carnal sense, though it would have been rather yummy to see Sheppy being *cough* passionate *cough*, but - 'sharing'? I don't buy it. All it elicited was a "Wow... " as I remember. Well, at least we got ankle peekage.
                  Answer: Yes.


                    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                    I actually saw the second ep on hulu (to be fair, I was grading papers and writing checks while it was on my laptop). I think the writers found the 'big book of cliches' and decided to see how many they could use, but that's just my opinion.
                    That's my response to parts 1&2 and the bits of 3 I saw. These guys are too experienced for that kind of thing. Aren't they?

                    (((HUGS))) Squonk. I hope you fell better quickly, and good luck with the Uni thing!

                    Well, it is 5:45 a.m. and I am at work. It's going to be a long day and I got less than 2 hours sleep. Oh, joy!

                    I hope everyone else's day goes well!


                      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                      Congrats on 300 Shepsgirl72
                      Congrats on 700 Maggs
                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      Congrats on 300, Shepsgirl! Have fun with your clone!
                      Originally posted by Strey View Post
                      Congrats to maggs and to shepsgirl72, who is conspicuous by her absence. Must be having too much fun 'training' her first Shep clone.
                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                      CONGRATS TO SHEPSGIRL ON 300!!
                      Thanks to everyone for the congrats.

                      Got my clone settled in nicely now. Gave him a cup of tea and crumpets last night (that's CRUMPETS plural, Strey. I can hear your Sid James Carry On style cackle from here!) It's a Sunday night tradition in our house. Told him that was the last meal he would get, so he'd better polish upwe're surrounded by arrable land so he'll do fine. Failing that, there's a Spar shop up the road.

                      Then I let him deal with the kids for a while so he's nicely sleep deprived, and now I have him in the garden sorting out the nettles growing through my back fence. No gardening gloves unfortunately, but I do have some tubes of antihistamine cream. I'm sure I can apply it for him later.

                      After that, there's a big pile of logs that needs chopping for the fire now the nights are getting chillier. I hope nothing bad happens with that axe!

                      Hope that cold clears up soon, Squonk. Also hope you manage to get something sorted with your uni course.

                      5:45 am and at work already, Lorr. I don't even class that as morning! Hope you have a good day. I'd be asleep on my desk by 10.00 am!
                      My Fan Fiction Page
                      My LJ Fics


                        Originally posted by Strey View Post
                        One more question for the Sanctuary pot - we're we cheated out of the 'glowy sex'? I don't necessarily mean in a carnal sense, though it would have been rather yummy to see Sheppy being *cough* passionate *cough*, but - 'sharing'? I don't buy it. All it elicited was a "Wow... " as I remember. Well, at least we got ankle peekage.
                        And I'm reminded of another ancient proverb and I believe it is very appropriate here:

                        'Those who seeketh ankle peekage, are those who also seeketh vision of higher things.'


                          Originally posted by Elanthra View Post
                          And I'm reminded of another ancient proverb and I believe it is very appropriate here:

                          'Those who seeketh ankle peekage, are those who also seeketh vision of higher things.'
                          Yay, verily! Does that come from the Book of Armaments? Or the Book of Ligaments, mayhaps? Hm. BRB...

                          EDIT: Thought as much. It's a quote from the Book of Ailments, Chapter V, Verse 17, line 3.
                          *insert poker face here*
                          Last edited by Strey; 12 October 2009, 06:30 AM.


                            Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                            Thanks to everyone for the congrats.

                            Got my clone settled in nicely now. Gave him a cup of tea and crumpets last night (that's CRUMPETS plural, Strey. I can hear your Sid James Carry On style cackle from here!) It's a Sunday night tradition in our house. Told him that was the last meal he would get, so he'd better polish upwe're surrounded by arrable land so he'll do fine. Failing that, there's a Spar shop up the road.

                            Then I let him deal with the kids for a while so he's nicely sleep deprived, and now I have him in the garden sorting out the nettles growing through my back fence. No gardening gloves unfortunately, but I do have some tubes of antihistamine cream. I'm sure I can apply it for him later.

                            After that, there's a big pile of logs that needs chopping for the fire now the nights are getting chillier. I hope nothing bad happens with that axe!

                            Hope that cold clears up soon, Squonk. Also hope you manage to get something sorted with your uni course.

                            5:45 am and at work already, Lorr. I don't even class that as morning! Hope you have a good day. I'd be asleep on my desk by 10.00 am!
                            You know me so well...


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              That's my response to parts 1&2 and the bits of 3 I saw. These guys are too experienced for that kind of thing. Aren't they?

                              (((HUGS))) Squonk. I hope you fell better quickly, and good luck with the Uni thing!

                              Well, it is 5:45 a.m. and I am at work. It's going to be a long day and I got less than 2 hours sleep. Oh, joy!

                              I hope everyone else's day goes well!
                              5:45?!?! Why on Earth are you there at such an unGodly hour?!?!

                              Originally posted by Strey View Post
                              Yay, verily! Does that come from the Book of Armaments? Or the Book if Ligaments, mayhaps? Hm. BRB...

                              EDIT: Thought as much. It's a quote from the Book of Ailments, Chapter V, Verse 17, line 3.
                              *insert poker face here*
                              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                              l My LJ l


                                Morning Whumpers!

                                Got a bit of a RL issue already. More RL whump.
                                hubby's paycheck is a no-show and apparently the HR people screwed up. Imagine that!

                                Where's my Shep Clone.....the one with the weapons?

                                Off to catch up.


