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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    WhumpCon1! A select gathering of like-minded fans... plus Joe Flanigan.
    I like the sound of that!!!


      Whumpcon1 with just Joe so far. I think we can sign up Rachel Luttrell as a whumper not as a guest, going by the stick-fighting scenes... That grin on her face... She can't fool me...


        Hey there whumpers!!!

        It has been busy around!!!

        And lots of meeting JF chats, which, I have to admit...make me feel sad...since I was recently trying to gather the money to make it to Van Con 09, untill I realized it was too much for the family finances, so I had to quit my goal

        So, don't get me wrong guys, I'm very happy for you though. But believe me, I had a hard time to understand I wouldn't met him!!! I'm a little better now, just a little.

        I spent a little part of the money I was supose to use on that trip to get some SGA stuff, which have not arrived yet, as a price on consolation...

        On the other hand, my Shep clone is kind of restless, 'cause he knows I've been considering lately that, since I'll be around for as long as you are here, I should whump him, 'cause that is one of the main purposes here right?, I just have this little problem not being an english-spoken person, so, I may ask for a big Beta help, I already have one, but I'm sure I could use more than one.

        BTW, can anyone recall about a fic about an attempted of murder, to Shep of course, more in the line of a major security break in Atlantis, in which an spy or just an evil emissary makes his way directly to the military head of the city, having the only aim to kill him?

        does anyone can recall a fic link about that?

        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
        Okay, shameless self promotion. I had an inspirational moment on Friday and wrote a short tag for Vegas. Spoilers live there.

        I just readed it and reviewed, I really loved it. thanks!

        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        The Robert C Cooper Q&A is up on JM's blog. TONS of great stuff about Vegas. For example:
        Sheppard is dead at the end. *sob*

        My favorite part though


        I love RCC. I think that bolded part describes JF perfectly. And I'm thrilled RCC seems to know it.
        Thanks!! I rushed last night to the blog as soon as you posted, but then I ran into internet troubles, so, I'll read the rest today I guess.

        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        Ali - I'm ashamed of you! You forgot to mention that not only did Joe saunter over with that distinctive swagger, but he proceeded to... put his hands down his jeans, sort of stretch as he tucked his wayward shirt in! It was quite funny watching everyone sigh... It was also quite funny that by the Q and A time it was untucked again and there was boxer peekage!

        I can second that it's very nice to get kisses and hugs from Joe - and Peggy and I got plenty . I did eventually wash my face again - honest!
        Guh!!!! you lucky girl!!!!!mm...I wouldn't have washed ever again!!!!!!!

        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        Spoilers, VEGAS:

        Joe himself came up with that idea.
        AS RCC said:

        It was Joe Flanigan’s idea to wear the cross at the end. We both liked the idea that his past experience had made him angry with God but that everything he had just learned had scared him and made him hope there really was one.. I really, really like that!
        That remainds me the anecdote of Star Wars in the scene where
        Han is about to be frozen by Java (java it is?) and Leia tells him that she loves him, and I knew in the original script he says: "Me too" or something like that....but then Harrison Ford suggested to Gerorge Lucas that the charcter could say instead: "I know". And they, as we know for the final product, that they did listed to him. And as Ruffles had said, I think is the way we recognize a good director.

        Originally posted by Squonk View Post

        Good news!!!! OT
        We're getting the heating fixed!! This week!!

        We've had no heat since October except from two tiny crappy radiators - one in a room we don't use - after the 4th one split. Well, boyfy finally pulled his finger out and called the plumber back, and even got the price knocked down (by lying about having got another, cheaper quote...).

        They're coming Wednesday and Thursday after which we'll have a new boiler (old one was... OLD!) and six shiny new radiators!

        Just in time for.... me not to be there! Lovely lovely heat, and i'll be at P4 - probably stood in a big queue, outside...
        Ha! thanks god, I'm very glad for you!

        Originally posted by knightie View Post
        OT for inaugoration
        Mini Knightie Sr my college daugher got to go see the concert yesterday and is going to one of the official balls tomorrow. She got a great dress for it. She is so excited.
        Good for Mini Knightie!!!!

        Originally posted by Strey View Post
        If I ever win the lottery, I'll make sure you and I and Steve Austin and anyone else here who hasn't been to a con actually gets to go and we'll finally meet Joe Flanigan...
        *resolves to win the lottery*
        Well, you never know... I had a cousin who won the football pools in England - a huge sum, 126,000 pounds sterling back in the 70's - not sure of the equivalent now, but way over a million bucks - and my dad won a car once, thanks to my then 8-year old sister, so - stranger things have happened...

        I WANT TO BELIEVE...
        For some strange reason I was having the same thoughs about winning the lottery, inviting the whole shep whump gang would be the most marvellous dream!!!!

        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
        ah, spoilsport

        secret easter bunny ... has a nice sound to it

        just cause I had this open



          Good evening Whumpers!

          I have quite a few pages to catch up on I see. Oh yes......I don't care what hubby says.....if there's a WhumpCon....and JF's there.....sign me up!

          The other day hubby was laying on the couch and looked at the bookcase where I keep my AFs. He wanted to know if he could play with them! I told him NO.


          PS-he wants to see the final episodes and keeps asking when he can see them. Have I converted him at long last?


            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
            Good evening Whumpers!

            I have quite a few pages to catch up on I see. Oh yes......I don't care what hubby says.....if there's a WhumpCon....and JF's there.....sign me up!

            The other day hubby was laying on the couch and looked at the bookcase where I keep my AFs. He wanted to know if he could play with them! I told him NO.


            PS-he wants to see the final episodes and keeps asking when he can see them. Have I converted him at long last?
            Funny, but I have 3 action figures from the Planet of the Apes TV series. Can't remember the guys' names, but - I have Galen, and the 2 Starsky'n'Hutch wannabes - yes, it's from way back when - but, for me it was always the 'slightly fluffier', dark-haired one. I just don't do blonds.


              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              Good evening Whumpers!

              I have quite a few pages to catch up on I see. Oh yes......I don't care what hubby says.....if there's a WhumpCon....and JF's there.....sign me up!

              The other day hubby was laying on the couch and looked at the bookcase where I keep my AFs. He wanted to know if he could play with them! I told him NO.


              PS-he wants to see the final episodes and keeps asking when he can see them. Have I converted him at long last?
              That would be good....

              Hubby here often makes me tell him "Nooo!" too, 'cause he always wants to post....what are you knuts? this thing here is serious, almost sacred to me I told just want to play with it, you don't even like SGA!, so stay away! besides I already let him post once, just to say hello.


                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                Good evening Whumpers!

                I have quite a few pages to catch up on I see. Oh yes......I don't care what hubby says.....if there's a WhumpCon....and JF's there.....sign me up!

                The other day hubby was laying on the couch and looked at the bookcase where I keep my AFs. He wanted to know if he could play with them! I told him NO.


                PS-he wants to see the final episodes and keeps asking when he can see them. Have I converted him at long last?
                Lucky you. Mine still makes fun of Mulder and Scully...


                  Originally posted by Strey View Post
                  Lucky you. Mine still makes fun of Mulder and Scully...
                  Ow!! I would kill him for that....LOL!

                  just kidding.....I think....


                    Whew! I am back.

                    Thank you sooooo much for the caps from "Vegas" and "EatG". Especially the one regarding
                    the cross in Vegas. I thought I saw it but wanted to be sure. I had just gotten a cross like that for Christmas!

                    Hubby saw the animated coffee gif and cackled! He kept watching it replay and laughed more every time it started again. I think JF may be the only man on the planet who drinks more coffee than hubby.

                    I may be the only person left who hasn't met JF yet. *sniff* only took me 4 years to get to a Con to meet Connor Trinneer. (Paul McG happened to be at the same Con and he's a delight as well) My mission in life at the moment is to meet JF. I WILL NOT BE DENIED!!! (why is JF running for the hills? *snort*)

                    Hmmm......I first saw JF on Trek BBS, believe it or not. Someone had him as an avatar and I had to ask who he was. The next day, I was at House of Tucker (a place for fans of Trip Tucker)......and one of the threads was discussing what turned out to be "38 Minutes"!!!! (defibrillation was mentioned)



                      I think it would be fun to have Jason at the whumper con, too! Especially since Ronon's whumped Shep and he did give us the immortal line - "Never gets old"!


                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        I think it would be fun to have Jason at the whumper con, too! Especially since Ronon's whumped Shep and he did give us the immortal line - "Never gets old"!
                        And I think the two of them would just be egging each other on!


                          Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                          And I think the two of them would just be egging each other on!
                          i think that would be a riot to see!


                            Originally posted by Strey View Post
                            R-Really? Ch-Chicago? I'm s-so there!
                            *gibbers uncontrollably*

                            I grin from ear-to-ear just reading drippy blood fanfic...
                            I could be convinced to head to Chicago if Joe goes I would have gone this year even without Joe but it's the weekend before school starts and MiniSalty will be starting 1st grade so I feel I can't

                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            WhumpCon1! A select gathering of like-minded fans... plus Joe Flanigan.
                            I have a big house - I'll host!!

                            Illness OT:
                            My day started out on the wrong side - I took MiniSalty to the doc, she has strep throat. SaltyJr just got over pneumonia. Sigh. Then later I found out a very good friend of mine was just diagnosed with cancer for the 3rd time. Back in 2004 when our boys were starting kindergarten, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She got through that. The summer of 2006 she went to the doctor with a pain in her chest, diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in the breast bone. She beat that! Today I found out she has cancer spots in her lower back and sternum. The doctor is confident it can be treated so we're trying to keep a positive attitude. She's 38, has a 9 year old, a 7 year old and a 6 year old.
                            And here I am, sadly lamenting the end of SGA.

                            As for my little game of Whump Add-Ins, sorry, there's nothing to be added to 38 Minutes. It was just perfect the way it was!
                            Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                              Originally posted by Salty View Post
                              I could be convinced to head to Chicago if Joe goes I would have gone this year even without Joe but it's the weekend before school starts and MiniSalty will be starting 1st grade so I feel I can't

                              I have a big house - I'll host!!

                              Illness OT:
                              My day started out on the wrong side - I took MiniSalty to the doc, she has strep throat. SaltyJr just got over pneumonia. Sigh. Then later I found out a very good friend of mine was just diagnosed with cancer for the 3rd time. Back in 2004 when our boys were starting kindergarten, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She got through that. The summer of 2006 she went to the doctor with a pain in her chest, diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in the breast bone. She beat that! Today I found out she has cancer spots in her lower back and sternum. The doctor is confident it can be treated so we're trying to keep a positive attitude. She's 38, has a 9 year old, a 7 year old and a 6 year old.
                              And here I am, sadly lamenting the end of SGA.

                              As for my little game of Whump Add-Ins, sorry, there's nothing to be added to 38 Minutes. It was just perfect the way it was!
                              Holy crap!!! that cancer stuff sucks!!! I really hope your friend go through that too. I'll pray for that to happenend.

                              I wouldn't have mind a little more of med stuff, you know, I'm sure after having his heart stoped and stop breathing, I'm sure he could have been intubated or at least have a nice ox mask to his face and wheeled on a strech...I agree with you, 38 min was indeed the closest to my whump standar of perfection.


                                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                                I could be convinced to head to Chicago if Joe goes I would have gone this year even without Joe but it's the weekend before school starts and MiniSalty will be starting 1st grade so I feel I can't

                                I have a big house - I'll host!!

                                Illness OT:
                                My day started out on the wrong side - I took MiniSalty to the doc, she has strep throat. SaltyJr just got over pneumonia. Sigh. Then later I found out a very good friend of mine was just diagnosed with cancer for the 3rd time. Back in 2004 when our boys were starting kindergarten, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She got through that. The summer of 2006 she went to the doctor with a pain in her chest, diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in the breast bone. She beat that! Today I found out she has cancer spots in her lower back and sternum. The doctor is confident it can be treated so we're trying to keep a positive attitude. She's 38, has a 9 year old, a 7 year old and a 6 year old.
                                And here I am, sadly lamenting the end of SGA.

                                As for my little game of Whump Add-Ins, sorry, there's nothing to be added to 38 Minutes. It was just perfect the way it was!
                                Best wishes for your friend!!!!!

