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John Sheppard Whump

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    Very funny, SA! I'm glad he finally arrived, even if a little whumped! LOL

    I am going to say goodnight, too.


      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
      Some people would probably think I'm quite odd for being quite so distressed by seeing insects squashed, given quite how much I like seeing Sheppard hurt.
      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
      Why are you not surprised? You mean, you've somehow got this impression that I'm squeamish, wimpy, and slightly lacking in decisiveness and mercilessness? I really can't work of what you have that impression.
      Well, I was gonna say that we all know now that you're a wimp when it comes to real life whump!


        Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
        Oh Strey!

        you can't possible be like that!!! read more fic, you could try something Erika wrote

        called Caves of Ana

        or you could continue whumping Shep in Quite Dignity.

        But never stop, belive me, once I was so lucky to be able to spend my time whumping Shep....
        I know! I know! Read more fic! I've read just about everything. Including your fic rec. I've been rereading Erika's fics amongst others.
        As for my fic - Sheppy isn't being whumped right now. He's been rescued! Yay! Or - boo! He might just end up un-rescued, though...


          Fun pic fic SA. That Shep is just always getting into trouble isn't he.

          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          I've been a whumper since I was quite young, before first grade. I must have horrified my parents until I learned to edit in public!

          Shep got me from Rising, even the promos before SGA started. Good thing he turned out to be great for whumping and the lead!
          Though I wasn't aware - I'm coming to terms that I've been a whumper for a long time as well. I remember watching re-runs of Wild Wild West and nearly every episode whumped Robert Conrad. Like Strey - I did watch Starsky & Hutch and must have been for the whump potential. Just goes on from there really. X Files was also a biggie. Not every show I watched (or currently watch has whump) but many did/do. One thing for sure is the whumpee does need to be hot or it is just not worth it. Whumpee can be young (I mean like mid 20s - just to clarify) or a bit older (draw the line at Grissom age - he just doesn't do it for me). David B from Angel and now Bones has always been good for whump and of course Clark in Smallville and lest I forget Sam and Dean from Supernatural.

          I came in late to SGA. Kept seeing the beginning of eps after Dr. Who and kind of thinking that I maybe should watch but I had never really invested in SG1 so I thought I'd pass. Then I saw a promo for Doppleganger and it looked promising and that JF just looked so cool and menacing. Didn't end up seeing that episode but caught Common Ground and was hooked. I net flix'd the first 3 seasons and caught up to season 4 to watch in real time.

          Forgot one last bit - I first read the word whump on JM's blog and searched GW trying to find out more. It wasn't until I was watching The Seed and Shep was impaled by that tentacle that it struck me that I was a Shep Whumper. I remember saying to my hubby - oh man the whumpers are gonna be all over that and jumped on my computer to see what the vibe was. Ahhhh good times.

          Originally posted by Snowball View Post
          Catching up on sig posts (all snaggable)
          These are beautiful Snowball thanks for sharing. You are a giver.
          Last edited by maggs; 14 March 2009, 07:38 AM.


            It's quiet in here. Sorry I haven't been around much either. Let's keep it at uni whump

            Originally posted by Snowball View Post
            Catching up on sig posts (all snaggable)

            Absolutely gorgeous.. I have no words.. I love them all and have snagged them all Some you already knew
            Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
            Save Our Seeker!
            LotS on LJ.


              Just rescued a spider from my burning log fire... Phew! That was close! Said spider is now enjoying the Spring-like weather.

              AS for SGA - I only started watching towards the end of Season 4. I'm not a Stargate groupie, much like most of us here. I really only watched bits here and there to analyse the hottie's elf ears for elf sculpting purposes. I didn't really take to the show immediately. Apart from the ears, I thought the lead guy had a vanity thing going on with the designer-messy bedhead. Once I realised it was the same week after week - I made a mental map of his hair, for some reason - I was intrigued. Then, it seemed like the other characters were also nicely quirky. Hm. Worth watching? Well, once I could tear my eyes away from the hair and ears, I noticed the rest of the hottie was, well, hot! I wanted to know his name. Why it took me so long, I really don't know. He reminded me of a cross between Harrison Ford and Keanu Reeves. Both eminently whumpable. Gone off both since. Gone off David Duchovny, too. So, needed a new whumpee and along came Joe! Threw myself wholeheartedly into SGA, and I think coming here fueled the passion. I've never been this fangirly before! As for whump, I remember feeling totally p*ssed that my mum would cover my eyes when the good stuff came on the TV. (Dammit, but those whipping scenes were a rarity... *sigh*) And of course I had to be all nonchalant, too. Put my hand over my mouth pretending to be upset when I was actually stifling a grin. I've found that if you put your hand over your mouth and form an 'O', the grin gets stifled, and the fambly thinks you're miz because the hot guy is being whalloped. We whumpers do develop cunning concealment strategies, don't we...
              Last edited by Strey; 14 March 2009, 08:22 AM.


                Just back from a day all alone at work - in which the internet decided not to work, and the IT Dept. has the weekend off, so nothing I could do about it. Grr!

                Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                Catching up on sig posts (all snaggable)
                They're all beautiful!

                Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                Hey Vect! My cat tends to ignore everything...although the other day he brought a little lizard, I was sooo scared, and at the end....*shame of me* I allow him to eat it! eeek!!!!
                I once found a lizard's detached tail in the house. I'd never known before then that lizards shed their tail in order to escape from predators, and it really disturbed me. Then I found out that, although their tails grow back, they're never as good as they used to be, and all the other lizards laugh at the poor victim and shun him, and he'll never get a wife. I... *blushes*... I actually cried.

                The strangest cat-related thing that happened was when I came down to find a large goldfish on the living room floor. I just stared at it for a while, and then found myself looking up at the ceiling, thinking, "It must be raining fish." I have no idea at all why this was my first thought, rather than something... well, possible.

                Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                I wanted to share something that happened to me today.


                Sheppard steped into the Gate heading his new home, but he got unfortunatly stuck in a miserable, stupid custom office from a far, far place....for several days he did not even see daylight, untill he was returned back to the US.

                But then he scaped the whole damn foreign orders issues. And that was an amazing scape! At the end he was welcomed with a good kindly friend, called Strey.

                She send him back to this far place to accomplish his mission.
                And today, finally, he made it, barely.....


                But....OMG! the bugger is hurt!!! no wonder, he finally made it to a whumper place!
                I only buy two Sheps AF, so, by the time I could hardly play more stories, it would be an eternal DG tag....but I'm buying partners for him as soon as I can.
                Hee! If these Shep action figures knew what sort of tortures they'd endure, they all get together and run, run as fast as they could out of the factory, preferring to live rough on the streets rather than get themselves packaged up and sent off to the "loving new homes" they've been promised.


                  Originally posted by Strey View Post
                  Apart from the ears, I thought the lead guy had a vanity thing going on with the designer-messy bedhead. Once I realised it was the same week after week - I made a mental map of his hair, for some reason - I was intrigued. Then, it seemed like the other characters were also nicely quirky. Hm. Worth watching? Well, once I could tear my eyes away from the hair and ears, I noticed the rest of the hottie was, well, hot!
                  As for whump, I remember feeling totally p*ssed that my mum would cover my eyes when the good stuff came on the TV. (Dammit, but those whipping scenes were a rarity... *sigh*) And of course I had to be all nonchalant, too. Put my hand over my mouth pretending to be upset when I was actually stifling a grin. I've found that if you put your hand over your mouth and form an 'O', the grin gets stifled, and the fambly thinks you're miz because the hot guy is being whalloped. We whumpers do develop cunning concealment strategies, don't we...
                  Wow, lots of different stories, thanks for sharing! I totally remember getting involved in a fandom online about (long time) ago and being so relieved that there was a name for the condition I'd suffered from since childhood, i.e. hurt/comfort. "My name is T'Pring, and I like to watch hot men get beat up..." (and writhe around, and stoically endure and heroically stagger, etc. etc.)

                  My best friend who's going to the chicago con with me is a die-hard SG-1 Daniel Thunker and I remember asking her tentatively once which ep we should watch and if she liked the ones where Daniel gets hurt. She kindof looked at me funny and said "Why would I want him to get hurt? I like him!" So, um, I stopped bringing it up Concealment strategies indeed!

                  We need a secret handshake, or salute or something...


                    Afternoon Whumpers!

                    STILL drizzling here.......this has been days now. Enough already! It's cold too. Bleh!

                    STEVE AUSTIN.........bwahahaha!!! Poor Shep.....he gets whumped no matter which form he's in. Those AFs are handy! Mine is still in his original case. Got cats around here......and Connor I don't want them eating the P-90 or assorted stuff that Shep came with. Every now and then, when I pass the bookcase where he lives now, I hear a sort of muffled snickering, like he can't get hurt in the case. Little does he know.........that's a nice fall should he fall off the bookcase.

                    I must admit.........I have been a life long whumper. It's only since I came across GW that I heard what I do to characters has a NAME.

                    Okay......2 things we have to send a rep to ask JF at the next Con:
                    what was in that coffee cup to cause that delightful scene; and how hard did Jason pull his hair in "DG"

                    We should start a "YOU KNOW YOU'RE A SHEP WHUMPER WHEN"........list!

                    Off to catch up.



                      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                      We should start a "YOU KNOW YOU'RE A SHEP WHUMPER WHEN"........list!
                      You know you're a Gateworld Shep whumper when... you giggle in the supermarket whenever you walk past the section housing ginger cake.

                      You know you're a Shep whumper when... you injure yourself, and instead of crying, you scrawl down notes on how you feel, and call it "research."


                        YOU KNOW YOU ARE A SHEP WHUMPER celebrate 3000 posts at GW with your Whumper friends!



                          Congrats IHS on 3000!!!!


                            You know you're a Shep whumper spend more time at Wikipedia researching medical jargon than writing your fic.


                              You know you're a Shep whumper start answering medical questions before the doctor can.

                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                              You know you're a Shep whumper when... you injure yourself, and instead of crying, you scrawl down notes on how you feel, and call it "research."
                              You do that too?

                              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                              YOU KNOW YOU ARE A SHEP WHUMPER celebrate 3000 posts at GW with your Whumper friends!

                              Congrats on 3000!!!
                              Sig by Luciana
                              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                                Thanks guys!

                                You know you're a Shep Whumper can spell defibrillator without looking it up.

                                You know you're a Shep Whumper when.......your husband even realizes it and asks you to define what Whump is.

                                You know you're a Shep Whumper know what SQUEEEEE means.


