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John Sheppard Whump

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    Agh. An unexpected day. I was sitting there having a nice quiet day, watching red squirrels cavort outside my window and listening to the green woodpeckers pecking, when suddenly I found I had to drop everything and rush out to talk to 200 boys about books. The main road between my town and the school's town was closed all day because of a fatal accident, the alternative route - a narrow country land - had a few million people trying to use it, and the road the school was on had roadworks. Oh, and I had no car, since I've been walking to work lately, so first had to run home for a mile through a squelchy graveyard.

    Originally posted by Squonk View Post
    There's a fridge in one of the kitchens at work that they use to keep the insects they've caught in - there's a big sign on the front saying what it's for and not to put food in.

    We get emails at least once a week asking for whoever put food in there to take it out.

    Why would you want to put your food in with insects?!

    I work with some people with some nasty habits...
    I read this this morning, and have been perturbed all day by the thought of an entire fridge devoted to insects caught in the kitchen.

    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Greetings from a very bored, tired and fed up whumper. Been stuck in hospital (again) since Tuesday and was internetless until today. Feeling generally very down in the dumps and naffed off and sick of sitting around for no reason... was told on ward round at 8:30am today that I could probably go home today, they just needed to check that the consultant is happy for me to go... 4:30pm now and still no progress on that, it would seem... *sigh*
    I'm sorry you're in there again. I was just wondering earlier today if you were okay, since you'd not been around for a while. Here's hoping you can't read this at the moment since you're on the way home!

    I actually had an SGA soundbite them on my computer quite some time ago but it got annoying after a while because it kept playing the same quote over and over again (it was a Teyla one, I think it may have been "The Wraith can make you see things that are not there!") - it was obviously the assigned soundbite for some very (too) common function.
    Yeah, I know that in reality it would get very annoying, but I still fancy putting together a list of appropriate quotes. I think I lasted two days last time I did it. It slowed everything down, too, since everything stopped in order for the sound file to play. Still fun, though... briefly.

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    'Scheduling' I take to mean as fitting everything together. A script can be written very quickly, especially if there's an outline in place already. The movie is just like a double episode and could be written in a couple of weeks, if necessary. I get the impression it's all rather being fitted in around SGU. I also can't stress enough that MGM aren't reportedly doing well at all financially. That's my biggest concern.
    Well, I suppose it makes sense to fit things around SGU, given that that's something with a weekly schedule to meet, whereas the SGA movie isn't bound to a specific timetable in the same way.

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I need some whump!

    Any ideas?

    Search and Rescue? The Seed... 38 Minutes? Hey, maybe all of them?
    I'm still trying to decide what to watch tonight. I'm working Saturday, so have all tomorrow at home to write, so I've decided that tonight is a night that I can relax with a bit of wine and watch whump, without feeling guilty that I'm not writing.

    Hey, we should all do one of those simultaneous mass rewatchings of the same episode, with "live" commentary. They've been fun in the past.


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Oh, don't get me started on certain, ahem, actor-based personal issues! *Linz's mouth is firmly shut, for once*

      I need some whump!

      Any ideas?

      Search and Rescue? The Seed... 38 Minutes? Hey, maybe all of them?
      Obviously all of the above would be preferable but if I had to choose I think I'd go with S&R.

      Me - I'm watching Vengeance right now. Shep just got thrown against the wall by the hybrid then opened fire on it as it ran off. So good.

      I forgot how scary this one was. Also Rodney just said "Think you used enough dynamite there Butch" and I laughed.


        I was just trying to find out how many calories I'd burned by doing a whole hour of brisk walking today - to and from work twice - and I found a site that listed calorie expenditure for a staggering range of activities. It included "religious observance," in which you could find out the calories expended by praying etc. I think we desperately need a "whumping" category, in which we calculate how many calories we burn while leaning forward in our chair, biting our nails as Shep staggers; in cheering evilly when he screams; in scurrying madly to our computers to type out wild squees etc. I mean, if it's good for us, then it can't be wrong, right?

        I mean, I don't know about any other writer, but I can find writing quite tiring as I fairly often have to physically act out what I'm trying to write to find out how arms and legs go, or if it's possible to grab your attacker's wrist when he's coming at you from a certain angle. Just yesterday, I had to drag my husband from conquering North America on the computer, to say, "Can you pretend to be a hungry Wraith for a few minutes, while I pretend to be Shep?" He tolerates a lot without complaint.


          Originally posted by rhymer View Post

          Hey, we should all do one of those simultaneous mass rewatchings of the same episode, with "live" commentary. They've been fun in the past.
          Oh yes - I wouldnt mind a good old whumpidoodle!

          I would be happy with 38 Mins CG or S&R!


            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
            I was just trying to find out how many calories I'd burned by doing a whole hour of brisk walking today - to and from work twice - and I found a site that listed calorie expenditure for a staggering range of activities. It included "religious observance," in which you could find out the calories expended by praying etc. I think we desperately need a "whumping" category, in which we calculate how many calories we burn while leaning forward in our chair, biting our nails as Shep staggers; in cheering evilly when he screams; in scurrying madly to our computers to type out wild squees etc. I mean, if it's good for us, then it can't be wrong, right?

            I mean, I don't know about any other writer, but I can find writing quite tiring as I fairly often have to physically act out what I'm trying to write to find out how arms and legs go, or if it's possible to grab your attacker's wrist when he's coming at you from a certain angle. Just yesterday, I had to drag my husband from conquering North America on the computer, to say, "Can you pretend to be a hungry Wraith for a few minutes, while I pretend to be Shep?" He tolerates a lot without complaint.
            JF gets my hear pumping - that ought to be worth something?!


              Hey, I'm glad to see you here.
              I'd die for reading that fic of yours, but I do not have the nerve to read a WIP is causing the whumpers a suspense crisis, I think I'lll said you were working on comfort final thing right?

              I hope muses are with you.[/QUOTE]

              Thanks.....this one still has a ways to go and there will be comfort coming soon...Winnie


                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                Oh yes - I wouldnt mind a good old whumpidoodle!

                I would be happy with 38 Mins CG or S&R!
                Well, I'm certainly up for it. I'm happy with anything, but seasons 1 to 4 I can watch on the comfort of my couch on the TV, while season 5 I have to watch from my computer chair. (I'm mostly keeping my season 5 rewatching until the DVD comes out.)

                Oh. How odd. The ad at the top appears to be advertising cloning. I always like the ads for various hotels around the world called "Atlantis," on the assumption that our love for Shep whump will mean that we want to travel 5000 miles to stay in a hotel called "Atlantis" that's nothing to do with him.


                  Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                  JF gets my hear pumping - that ought to be worth something?!
                  They should add that to the collection of aerobic exercises on the Wii Fit: jogging, stepping, boxing, hula hooping... ogling Joe... That would definitely be something where I'd top the high score table, way ahead of my husband's score.


                    Originally posted by Strey View Post
                    Don't think that's what Winnie means by 'attentive'... She's being - cryptic... Winnie?!? You are being cryptic, aren't you?!?
                    yep, very cryptic....I like that word....


                      Originally posted by Winnie View Post
                      Update soon, Winnie!

                      Thanks so much.....hoping to add more next week....Winnie
                      Originally posted by Winnie View Post
                      Hmm, should I say "I have only just begun to whump" ....Winnie

                      Originally posted by Listy View Post
                      in theory that would be a wonderful dream but for me in reality it would be a nightmare, I would be too nervous to eat and too nervous to say anything even remotely coherent or interesting and so JF would be pretty damn bored
                      yeah, I´m afraid it would be the same for me, LOL.

                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      I'd probably be so nervous that I 'd drink too much to calm my nerves, and start prattling very happily and excitedly about whump, telling him everything, and then I'd probably start singing. It would end in embarrassment all round.

                      If I was having dinner with Shep, on the other hand... Well, let's see. I'd plan lots of whump potential in advance (poison in the pepper, waiters bribed beforehand to slip a knife between his ribs while offering him the wine to taste etc.) but then, when faced with him in the flesh, squeamishness would kick in, I'd cancel all my plans, sit there in an agony of terror that he might discover what I'd done... but then he'd run off half way through the soup course in order to save Atlantis from some horrible crisis, and I'd end up all alone.

                      Originally posted by Winnie View Post
                      As for Hawk....well he is not a very happy man right now.....Winnie
                      for some reason, that makes *me* happy though

                      Originally posted by maggs View Post
                      Hey all

                      JM addressed several of the SGA movie questions in tonight's blog entry.


                      Here's a rundown of the questions and JM's answers...

                      ? When will we get more news on the Atlantis Movie?

                      JM Hopefully within the month

                      ? Will SGU’s performance influence the production of the movies, especially the Atlantis movie?”

                      JM SGU’s performance has no connection to the Atlantis movie. If it did, then that would mean we wouldn’t be shooting the movie until 2010 since there is talk of SGU premiering in the fall.

                      ? Do you think with these current hard economic times that Project Twilight will be the last Atlantis movie?

                      JM I’m confident that if the movie is successful, we’ll do more.

                      ? Any news or thoughts about when it’ll be filming?
                      ? Is Todd going to be in the film? I love the relationship between Todd and Sheppard.”

                      JM There was initial talk of a summer shoot but, given the tight scheduling, fall looks more likely.
                      JM Yes, he will.
                      thanks for that !! That sounds pretty good, but like others said... take it with a grain of salt!

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Thanks for this!

                      Hmmmm... I'm not sure I agree with all Mallozzi says from things I've heard directly from the mouths of other more, um, candid people. Naturally he's putting a positive spin on things, as indeed he should. Of course the success or failure of SGU affects both SG1 and SGA, because it affects MGM significantly. How can it not? From what we've been told, SGU could make or break the Stargate franchise. If SGU tanks, there'll only be one SGA movie at the most, IMO.

                      The filming, if all goes ahead, will most likely be in the fall now? Because of 'tight scheduling'? How so? Because they need to use the SGU crew and can't afford to hire another crew for the SGA movie to film at the same time? Doesn't sound good. This would mean, if it goes ahead, the movie will be available even later than planned. That's not good either! I'm not as optimistic as JM, to be honest. I hope all goes ahead, I really do, but to keep on delaying filming isn't a good thing, that I can see. I hope a definite decision is made soon, and we're all put out of our misery! I need my Sheppy whump fix. Because if there's a movie, THERE WILL BE SHEPPY WHUMP!
                      Unless the SGA movie is more successful than SGU, and they see the error in their ways while SGU tanks (if it does...) and SGA gets some more movies.
                      Like it was mentioned, the newest ST series didn´t do so well, why? because nobody really cared about that prequel.

                      And I just noticed I kinda like my bubble of wishful thinking ... so don´t go bursting it!

                      Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                      picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                        Originally posted by strey View Post
                        well, hurry up, missy, or - shep gets it in the worst way possible... ----->
                        i'll make him wear a bra full of toast crumbs!

                        my evil knows no bounds!


                          Afternoon Whumpers!

                          Last night I went to bed (after BAMSR.......Shep and Larrin.......*cackle*) sweating; this morning it's cold again. Weather whump! Now it's raining as well.

                          I am off to catch up.



                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            Afternoon Whumpers!

                            Last night I went to bed (after BAMSR.......Shep and Larrin.......*cackle*) sweating; this morning it's cold again. Weather whump! Now it's raining as well.

                            I am off to catch up.

                            Sounds like the weather here - we're supposed to hit 90 sometime in the next week, but it's still cold enough in the morning that the heat kicks on briefly (and the thermostat is not set that high).


                              Anyone familiar with D&D character classes?

                              I feel like creating an SGA themed party of 6 for a replay of Icewind Dale 2. Basically I want 3 fighter types (rangers, paladins, straight fighters etc.), a cleric, a mage and a dual-classes thief/mage. Who can be what?

                              I see McKay as the mage. I think science translates nicely to magic in a fantasy setting.

                              Ronon I think will be a ranger, what with all that wilderness survival he's done.

                              A cleric's main role is to heal, so that'll be Carson then, I guess - though D&D clerics are quite tough and do melee fighting, too, but, hey...

                              Who's my mage/thief? Thieves tend to be charming rogues in this setting, so which scientist has a charming roguishness to them?

                              That leaves Teyla and Shep. I'm leaning towards paladin for Teyla, to get the fighter skills but also the whole meditating side. Or maybe a dual classed fighter/cleric?

                              But Shep... What on earth can I do with Shep. He does good deeds, so that would lend itself to paladin... but paladins have to be lawful good, and Shep's chaotic good if ever I saw one. I don't see him as a straight fighter, just thumping things with mighty muscles, but that leaves only ranger, and he doesn't really seem like that, either. Maybe a paladin who's always on the verge of being kicked out for questioning the rules?

                              Agh, dilemmas, dilemmas...


                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                I'd probably be so nervous that I 'd drink too much to calm my nerves, and start prattling very happily and excitedly about whump, telling him everything, and then I'd probably start singing. It would end in embarrassment all round.

                                If I was having dinner with Shep, on the other hand... Well, let's see. I'd plan lots of whump potential in advance (poison in the pepper, waiters bribed beforehand to slip a knife between his ribs while offering him the wine to taste etc.) but then, when faced with him in the flesh, squeamishness would kick in, I'd cancel all my plans, sit there in an agony of terror that he might discover what I'd done... but then he'd run off half way through the soup course in order to save Atlantis from some horrible crisis, and I'd end up all alone.

                                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                                I thought the auction at Bedford for dinner with the guests was a good idea until my brain put Chinese food and chopsticks along with being nervous together (same with learning never to go out for sushi on a first date - food flying and splattering sauces can get embarrassing).
                                Chopsticks are fine and would actually give me something to think about other than trying to control fangirl moments

                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                                Yeah. Chopsticks and SGA actors and me really wouldn't work well together.

                                Well, to be honest, chopsticks and me don't work well together anyway, even when pretty Atlantis actors are taken out of the equation.

                                Chopsticks and a meal with Shep, on the other hand... To sit there opposite him with long, pointy things already in our hands...
                                why do I have an image of you sat sharpening chopsticks with a gleam in your eye?

                                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                                I think Jf is a pretty smart (and opinionated) guy - he'd be fun to talk to, once I got over the OMG/shy factors.

                                At least the fungi I have is deliberately grown, although there is some that's taken over people's leftovers in one of the cold walk-in chambers that's partially used to store food (where we usually store some chemicals or do prep work that needs to stay cold). Biologists can be pretty bad about storing food in the 'chemicals only' fridges! (And the profs are the worst).
                                Wow that has scary whump potential surely? I mean food in a chemical fridge?

                                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                                The bumper sticker on my last car read 'Support bacteria - it's the only culture some people get!'

                                To keep this on topic, Shep could somehow get volunteered to clean out the science lab fridges... (and it's just as scary what food items will not grow mold or bacterial cultures).
                                That is fantastic!! I like that bumper sticker!!!

                                Originally posted by maggs View Post
                                Hey all

                                JM addressed several of the SGA movie questions in tonight's blog entry.


                                Here's a rundown of the questions and JM's answers...

                                ? When will we get more news on the Atlantis Movie?

                                JM Hopefully within the month

                                ? Will SGU’s performance influence the production of the movies, especially the Atlantis movie?”

                                JM SGU’s performance has no connection to the Atlantis movie. If it did, then that would mean we wouldn’t be shooting the movie until 2010 since there is talk of SGU premiering in the fall.

                                ? Do you think with these current hard economic times that Project Twilight will be the last Atlantis movie?

                                JM I’m confident that if the movie is successful, we’ll do more.

                                ? Any news or thoughts about when it’ll be filming?
                                ? Is Todd going to be in the film? I love the relationship between Todd and Sheppard.”

                                JM There was initial talk of a summer shoot but, given the tight scheduling, fall looks more likely.
                                JM Yes, he will.
                                Thanks for that.... am not sure if I should be cautiously optimistic or just cautious...

                                Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                                Sorry you've been ill hon! I wondered where you'd gone.

                                Nice dream though! Curses to whatever woke you up!
                                I am a lot better now thanks, feel pretty human again now even been back to the gym which actually made me feel better

                                I was so mad that I woke up, its rare for me to wake up in the middle of the night like that so something must have disturbed me

                                Ali hope you and bubbin are doing ok and you get released home soon.

                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                                I think the Star Trek franchise is a totally different thing really. Also the Star Trek movies are theatrical releases and not for the dvd market as such. Thus they make a lot more money... well, some did!

                                'Scheduling' I take to mean as fitting everything together. A script can be written very quickly, especially if there's an outline in place already. The movie is just like a double episode and could be written in a couple of weeks, if necessary. I get the impression it's all rather being fitted in around SGU. I also can't stress enough that MGM aren't reportedly doing well at all financially. That's my biggest concern.

                                I'm useless with chopsticks!

                                If SGU fails MGM will be in real trouble, I think. Well, I know that, because I've been told that! But of course that does depend on whether you trust whose told you that, and I do.

                                No way is JM lying. He's simply being optimistic from what he knows. But look at the way he words thing. 'I believe this will happen', 'I'm optimistic it will' etc... What I'm saying is, he only knows what he's been told, just as we do.

                                I desperately want SGA to have loads of movies if the cast are free and able and want to do them. I'm hoping there will be an announcement shortly, I'm optimistic a movie will go ahead in the end, however as Joe said, until it's signed and sealed anything can happen

                                Edit: I also have to say, with Joe Mallozzi... well, he does twist words and try to be very clever... so I'm not sure he does strive to tell the truth all the time. He puts his spin on things. One thing I've learned from his blog, from the man himself and his part in the fandom... don't believe everything you read.
                                You are not useless with chopsticks, you managed fine at the restaurant at Heathrow.

                                Good point I often forget how tricky JM can be and how he is very good at spinning things.

                                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                                Oh, don't get me started on certain, ahem, actor-based personal issues! *Linz's mouth is firmly shut, for once*

                                I need some whump!

                                Any ideas?

                                Search and Rescue? The Seed... 38 Minutes? Hey, maybe all of them?
                                oooo Search and Rescue..... mmmmmmmm or classic 38 minutes..... oo but then The Seed...... watch them all!!!!!!!!!!1

                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                                Oh yes - I wouldnt mind a good old whumpidoodle!

                                I would be happy with 38 Mins CG or S&R!
                                Sounds like a mighty fine idea to me

