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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Squonk View Post

    "Let the whumpers whip him on mountain hill and vale
    God shall strike them down for each whump that's lost in vain!"
    Hee! But we forgot the first verses:

    There are fans in the world, there are thunkers,
    There are shippers and slashers and then
    There are those who worship McKeller,
    But I've never been one of them

    I'm a Sheppard Whumper,
    And have been since the very first ep,
    And the one thing that's true about whumpers,
    Is that whumpers all worship their Shep...

    You don't have to love intubation,
    You don't have to love every ep,
    You don't have to love Sheppard staggering,
    And long as you love our dear Shep..

    Because every Shep is sacred...


      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
      Hee! But we forgot the first verses:

      There are fans in the world, there are thunkers,
      There are shippers and slashers and then
      There are those who worship McKeller,
      But I've never been one of them

      I'm a Sheppard Whumper,
      And have been since the very first ep,
      And the one thing that's true about whumpers,
      Is that whumpers all worship their Shep...

      You don't have to love intubation,
      You don't have to love every ep,
      You don't have to love Sheppard staggering,
      And long as you love our dear Shep..

      Because every Shep is sacred...

      I seem to be good at the easy bits chorus

      Every Shep is sacred, whumping him is great,
      If a whump is wasted, we get quite irate.

      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by Squonk View Post

        I seem to be good at the easy bits chorus

        Every Shep is sacred, whumping him is great,
        If a whump is wasted, we get quite irate.

        I think that about sums it up, though.


          Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
          I think that about sums it up, though.
          Ha - i guess it does!
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
            Ha - i guess it does!
            Indeed it does.

            "Let the writers squander
            Whump ops in their scripts,
            We will fill the gaps in
            When we write our fics"

            You know, one day - one day - I will get through a whole day on the thread in a deadly serious fashion, and will not write a single ridiculous thing. *looks po-faced and resolves to try to be Deadly Serious all day tomorrow.*

            (An aside. "But isn't Po a Teletubby?" I thought. "I wouldn't want to have a face like that." Then I thought, "i wonder what po-faced actually derives from." Chambers Dictionary, usually the fount of all knowledge on etymology, doesn't even try to guess, but one online dictionary says "perhaps derived from French "pot", for chamber-pot or toilet." So there you have it. Tomorrow I will have a face like a toilet. Or maybe a teletubby.)

            (And I often read a lift-the-flap story to children in which an astronaut appeared with his white round helmet, with the see-through part of it being in the form of a flap for the children to lift. "It's a toilet!" children fairly often cry. So there you have it: spacemen and toilets are one and the same.)

            I'm supposed to be writing an angsty epic tonight, you know, not filking Monty Python songs and discussing toilets. *glowers at whoever started it.*


              Originally posted by SanGate View Post
              Morning whumpers!

              BUSTED yesterday morning : You probably know where this is going : I had turned my computer on yesterday morning, and went away for breakfasy. So I hear my mum enter my room, realising that I had not touched it for more than 10 mins : So I had to get dressed to get to uni, and walked below the stairs, not hearing a single stir coming from my room... hmmm... *alarm bells going off* I had a huge grin on my face so I had to walk a round through the house first lol: Then I went up, peeked around the door, and saw her standing in front of my computer watching : As I came in, she gave me a look and said 'right..' then walked out lol: She knows I'm weird. Better not to ask questions : I think me demanding to see NCIS' SWAK on Sunday evening with serious Tony whump gave me away as well :
              heh! that screensaver is addictive
              I had it running for a good ol 30 min. until I was finally able to shut it off.... huh one pic just tops the other!
              thanks, SGAFan

              And I actually outed myself to my mom shortly after Bedford. She was looking at the pics (yep, she was curious, LOL (and quite into JF actually ) when she also saw the group pic and asked who these guys were
              I said "the whumpers" she looked at me and asked "What´s whump?!" Told her the truth (dumb, eh?), that´s when you love to see your fav get hurt ...
              She just looked at me funny and I changed the subject
              Good thing she´s no longer a legal guard for me, LOL.

              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
              Hee! I think we need to campaign for an International Whump Awareness day, where we encourage people to run consciousness-raising events. Any whumper is the closet will be encouraged to come out to their families. ("Mum, Dad... I've got something to tell you. I... I... I'm a... whumper.")

              And think of all the fund-raising things we could do for the cause. Anyone for Sponsored Stagger?

              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              Thanks for that! So he could have something in the pipeline working with David AND something with Jason too. Cool!
              I really hope he doesn´t wait all that much longer,
              I miss him on the screen

              Thanks for the link!
              I've been reading this at work because by some small miracle FanFiction is no longer blocked! So i'm marginally saner now.
              heh. Nice distraction then
              I can´t do that... sitting in an office with 20 ppl surrounding me makes it hard to conceal anything whumpy/fanficcie as "important work"
              Not that my work is actually "important" to begin with
              But it pays the bills... so what can ya do

              Uh.... NO!! I'm thinking about seeing Joe again, and i don't even know when or if that will happen again! lol
              Because he´s so worth it

              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                Hey Whumpers!

                Missed yesterday as RL decided to pay me a visit. I hate it when that happens! Went to the big city in search of anything SGA related and came up empty.

                Sooo......I am off to catch up.



                  Thanks to all for the input for "Mirror Mirror".

                  LINZI - how did the work go?

                  LORR - have fun in Oz!!!

                  I mentioned to hubby the Chicago Con in August and JF appearing and all......we'll see. The thing is........he's all for me going to these things provided I work. If, however, I work (and that's nearly impossible now with this economy; I was having problems before) then I won't be able to get the time off to go to Cons. What's a Whumper to do? The Catch 22 deal.

                  As for Teh Beard........I don't mind JF's. However, I think I like him best with the stubble......a la "Epiphany". And DH's comment cracked me up!



                    Well she got the remote out
                    And she cruised through the sci-fi lineup,
                    Seems she forgot all about the nature special
                    Like she told her old man now
                    And with the DVR blasting
                    Looks for Sheppard just as fast as she can now

                    And she had fun fun fun
                    til the sci-fi took Atlantis away...

                    I actually forgot to go pick up my kid from school because I was laughing so hard at the lyrics and Whump Slogans! (don't call CPS, I can see the school door from my front porch...)

                    Perhaps an after school special on whump awareness is in order?


                      Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                      Now i've got a very bare LJ, FF, imdb, dgeek, wikipedia and yahoo (so long as i stick to email and the news). But not a hell of a lot else.

                      Of course, there's the Medicinal Love Song - full of whump, but not sure i'm so keen on the thought of Sheppy suffering from those sorts of things...

                      We could rework that to something more palatible!

                      As for the rubber ducky song
                      Sheppy, Sheppy,
                      you're the one,
                      You make whumping
                      so much fun!
                      Sheppy, Sheppy,
                      I'm awfully fond of you...

                      link to the rubber ducky song for the uninitiated.
                      Noooo! The other rubber duck song! Ghaaah... Sorry, can't c/p the URL, plus - must dash!


                        Hi everybody?
                        how are you?

                        Have I missed a lot of whump and fun? I'm sure

                        I hope I can be around today.

                        So...some of you have been confessioned your whump tendencies?

                        I couldn't do it to would be ...wierd I think...and I doubt he could understand it, why bother?...


                          Originally posted by t'pring View Post
                          Well she got the remote out
                          And she cruised through the sci-fi lineup,
                          Seems she forgot all about the nature special
                          Like she told her old man now
                          And with the DVR blasting
                          Looks for Sheppard just as fast as she can now

                          And she had fun fun fun
                          til the sci-fi took Atlantis away...
                          Hee! And very true! Except that we're still having fun, even though the Sci-fi took Atlantis away.

                          (Actually, for years I misheard the original of that as saying that she had fun fun fun "until Daddy took the tea-bag away." It was quite puzzling.)


                            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                            Except that we're still having fun, even though the Sci-fi took Atlantis away.
                            Yes! Exactly! That's the last verse! Here's the rest:

                            Well the whumpers cant stand it
                            cause Shep staggers and he groans like an ace now
                            He makes the drippy blood sexy when it slides all down his smooth face now
                            A lotta bad guys try to catch him
                            But he leads them on a wild goose chase now

                            And they had fun fun fun til the Sci-fi took Atlantis away

                            Well we knew all along
                            That the ratings weren't too terribly high now
                            And though they canceled off the show
                            The clever whumpers did refuse the goodbye now
                            Because there's message boards and fanfic that are whumping lovely Shep alive now

                            And we'll have fun fun fun even though they took Atlantis away
                            And we'll have fun fun fun even though they took Atlantis away.

                            (Oh this is terrible...)
                            Last edited by t'pring; 10 March 2009, 04:02 PM.


                              What a musical day you all had!! Good thing I didn't get a chance to get on here during work. The kids would have wondered why I was choking with laughter.

                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                              Indeed it does.

                              "Let the writers squander
                              Whump ops in their scripts,
                              We will fill the gaps in
                              When we write our fics"

                              You know, one day - one day - I will get through a whole day on the thread in a deadly serious fashion, and will not write a single ridiculous thing. *looks po-faced and resolves to try to be Deadly Serious all day tomorrow.*

                              (An aside. "But isn't Po a Teletubby?" I thought. "I wouldn't want to have a face like that." Then I thought, "i wonder what po-faced actually derives from." Chambers Dictionary, usually the fount of all knowledge on etymology, doesn't even try to guess, but one online dictionary says "perhaps derived from French "pot", for chamber-pot or toilet." So there you have it. Tomorrow I will have a face like a toilet. Or maybe a teletubby.)

                              (And I often read a lift-the-flap story to children in which an astronaut appeared with his white round helmet, with the see-through part of it being in the form of a flap for the children to lift. "It's a toilet!" children fairly often cry. So there you have it: spacemen and toilets are one and the same.)

                              I'm supposed to be writing an angsty epic tonight, you know, not filking Monty Python songs and discussing toilets. *glowers at whoever started it.*
                              You are in rare form today and I am loving it. I would be worried if you ever made it through a day in serious mode.

                              Linzi - amazing job choice. Good luck with it. Us Whumpers are a caring lot!!! We certainly care about Sheppard getting lots of Character Development.


                                You lot of whumpers are too funny! I am going to have whump songs running through my head now. I just hope i don't try to sing them out loud!

                                God luck with the computer, rhymer! I'd be heartbroken! ANd if you ever have a serious day, I will be sending the men in white coats!

                                All the slogans and songs reminded me of a bumper sticker I have - in my filing cabinet since I don't own a car...

                                Science Fiction Fans
                                Do It With Imagination!

                                I think this is a better use of the sentiment...
                                Shep Whumpers
                                Do It With Imagination!!

                                Do you think the world would understand?

