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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    Hey whumpers. You certainly had a busy day today. Thanks for all the fun. I really needed it tonight

    OT Sad
    Some of you may remember that my FIL had been sick for a few weeks. He passed away today. He went peacefully in his sleep, as he wanted. We will miss him but he is so much better off now.

    Keep up the fun!! I will be needing it!! ((hugs))

    ETA: doggie is doing well. He is back to normal except for needing few extra cuddles that I will gladly give him!
    Thinking of you. ((HUGS))

    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    Will you let us know when you do?

    Oh yum a new camera!!! Hubby is addicted to buying new cameras. And he never takes pics. *eyeroll*
    One of my addictions is cameras. I buy one and I'm never happy with the result. My other addiction is watches.

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    Good grief! I never thought of that! That is a massive plot hole. I guess it's possible he dialed the original planet's address, the one where he was with Lorne and was sent back to that time then and dialed Atlantis from there? But it wasn't explained and the way it played out on screen certainly suggested Sheppard dialed Atlantis from Atlantis, which as you say, he couldn't. Yet another example of careless writing! Do the writers really think we're morons? Nope, don't answer that!

    Oh wow! I feel so nostalgic!!!!!!! Thanks, SAF! Wasn't Bedford just the best? EVER!
    I think your explaination has merit, Linzi. I would think he would need to follow the exact route (Stargate address) to correct the error. In other words back to the planet where he left. Sloppy writing indeed. I always felt they should have included a scene where Shep comes out of hibernation and struggles to get back to Atlantis.

    And thanks for the links and pic whump SAF.


      Pocus, I am so sorry about your FIL! Thinking of you, hubby, and his friends and family *huggles*

      Some whump for you

      And because it's pretty (and has a scratch )
      Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
      Save Our Seeker!
      LotS on LJ.


        Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
        Thinking of you. ((HUGS))

        One of my addictions is cameras. I buy one and I'm never happy with the result. My other addiction is watches.

        I think your explaination has merit, Linzi. I would think he would need to follow the exact route (Stargate address) to correct the error. In other words back to the planet where he left. Sloppy writing indeed. I always felt they should have included a scene where Shep comes out of hibernation and struggles to get back to Atlantis.

        And thanks for the links and pic whump SAF.
        I'd have loved a scene like that! The thing is, Shep was hungry and no doubt thirsty when he went into stasis! He'd also collapsed and was exhausted. Then he does 800 odd years in stasis and he runs onto Atlantis just looking a little sandy! He should have been heroically staggering and collapsing, if you ask me. That would result in oxygen supplementation, an IV and lots of bed bathing! Well it would in my world...

        Great gifs and pics SAN Thanks!


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I'd have loved a scene like that! The thing is, Shep was hungry and no doubt thirsty when he went into stasis! He'd also collapsed and was exhausted. Then he does 800 odd years in stasis and he runs onto Atlantis just looking a little sandy! He should have been heroically staggering and collapsing, if you ask me. That would result in oxygen supplementation, an IV and lots of bed bathing! Well it would in my world...

          Great gifs and pics SAN Thanks!
          *faints at your description* I think I might just have to watch LM soon

          Thank you all for your thoughts and hugs!!



            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
            RHYMER......did you write more story?
            A little, though I'm still very easily distracted so it's pretty slow at the moment. I hope to settle into it later today.

            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            Hey whumpers. You certainly had a busy day today. Thanks for all the fun. I really needed it tonight

            OT Sad
            Some of you may remember that my FIL had been sick for a few weeks. He passed away today. He went peacefully in his sleep, as he wanted. We will miss him but he is so much better off now.
            Oh, I'm sorry to hear this.

            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
            **HUGS** Pocus!

            Well, I found out to day that I still get to take my vacation. In fact, my manager told me she wasn't even considering taking it back, becuase she wants me to take a little time off and relax. They'll find a way to make things work.

            So I'm VanCon/Joe Flanigan bound in just about a month!

            (not to mention a week of well needed vacation time!) *little happy dance*
            Yay! That's great!

            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
            online = seriously addictive!!

            well, couldn´t sleep and searched YouTube!

            some con vids

            guess who got the biggest cheer from the audience ??
            now, is it me.. or is one of the girls screaming: "gimme some Flan!!" LOL

            guests walking up on stage

            re American Idol/reality shows and being a smartass towards "MacGyver"

            towel fights AND Brokeback Mountain poster history!

            about getting Johnny Cash songs into "space"

            what they´ll miss about the show

            shooting guns

            scooby doo

            hardest emotion to convey on the show

            re Chris Judge

            the play "sheppard and dr. watts" (fans role playing)

            joe and jason´s confession of terrorizing rachel and david

            what´s the black wrist band all about?
            and what did they think of EatG?

            who came up with the name "chewie"?!

            awkward stories with fan encounters

            and last but not least.

            Joe in a sitcom, just cause I thought it was cute
            Joe on Murphy Brown (sitcom)
            part 1
            part 2
            Ooh, thanks for those - but Grrr! at the fact that I still have no sound on my computer so can't look at them yet. I'm so impatient for the new one now. I've not dared switch this one off for nearly two months now. Last time I switched it off, it took four hours to get it to boot up again. I know you're not supposed to leave a computer on, but it seems like the lesser of two evils at the moment.

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            Good grief! I never thought of that! That is a massive plot hole. I guess it's possible he dialed the original planet's address, the one where he was with Lorne and was sent back to that time then and dialed Atlantis from there? But it wasn't explained and the way it played out on screen certainly suggested Sheppard dialed Atlantis from Atlantis, which as you say, he couldn't. Yet another example of careless writing! Do the writers really think we're morons? Nope, don't answer that!
            Well, that's the answer, then. He didn't get back through the Stargate and the wormhole; he got back through the massive plot hole.

            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            I'd have loved a scene like that! The thing is, Shep was hungry and no doubt thirsty when he went into stasis! He'd also collapsed and was exhausted. Then he does 800 odd years in stasis and he runs onto Atlantis just looking a little sandy! He should have been heroically staggering and collapsing, if you ask me. That would result in oxygen supplementation, an IV and lots of bed bathing! Well it would in my world...
            Though not so much collapsing and heroic staggering that they banned him from going on the mission at the end of the episode. He's got an important date with destiny awaiting him, after all...

            But, yes, I so would have loved a lot more from the episode at that point. I really, really wanted to see Sheppard struggling back from the statis chamber, through an Atlantis that was even more hot and sandy, and wrestling the physical effects of everything he's been through. I also really wished we'd seen a bit more from McKay and Ronon, reflecting the pain and worry they've been through while he's been missing.

            (Though that part of it, at least, I wrote a missing scene tag for, and I often find that the mere fact of writing a missing scenes means that I almost come to terms with its absence. It's weird. Reading a missing scene only makes me mourn all the more the fact that it didn't appear in the episode, but writing it kind of reconciles me. Odd.)


              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              OT Sad
              Some of you may remember that my FIL had been sick for a few weeks. He passed away today. He went peacefully in his sleep, as he wanted. We will miss him but he is so much better off now.
              So sorry to hear that hon.

              We lost my FIL a few years back after a long illness.. it's never easy, even when it's expected. But at least, as you say, we went peacefully and, importantly, he's not in any pain now. (((hugs)))

              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              Well, I found out to day that I still get to take my vacation. In fact, my manager told me she wasn't even considering taking it back, becuase she wants me to take a little time off and relax. They'll find a way to make things work.
              That's great to hear, hon. Even without the issue of you losing money if you had to bail on the con, from what you'd said you are more than entitled to and NEED some time off!!

              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              Carry on like this and I'll be weeing myself!
              Oh no! It's contagious!!

              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              I'd have loved a scene like that! The thing is, Shep was hungry and no doubt thirsty when he went into stasis! He'd also collapsed and was exhausted. Then he does 800 odd years in stasis and he runs onto Atlantis just looking a little sandy! He should have been heroically staggering and collapsing, if you ask me. That would result in oxygen supplementation, an IV and lots of bed bathing! Well it would in my world...
              Oh we so need an AU re-write of the ep to give us just that!


                This is random since we've moved on, but - I'm having second thoughts about whumper being 'vumper' m. and 'vumpra' f. in Latin. How about 'vumpator' m. and 'vumpatrix' f.?
                'Vumpatrix' has such a lovely ring to it, don't you think? Okay, I'll shut up now.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Hmmm... you think the whumpers aren't ready for my "stress incontinence whump" epic then?
                  Well, I just caught another typo in my writing. Sheppard, it seems, is suffering from "loos of fluid."

                  I also once again did my perennial "whumper/whimper" confusion. Yes, Sheppard has just given a faint whumper. It's all because someone threatened him with a gin.

                  Oooh, there's a thought... I need to write an entire (but short!) Shep whump fic totally riddled with amusing typos. "Mauled by savage breasts" and the like...


                    Originally posted by Strey View Post
                    This is random since we've moved on, but - I'm having second thoughts about whumper being 'vumper' m. and 'vumpra' f. in Latin. How about 'vumpator' m. and 'vumpatrix' f.?
                    'Vumpatrix' has such a lovely ring to it, don't you think? Okay, I'll shut up now.
                    Hmm, nice one! You know, ever since that Latin discussion, I'd had the Latin version of Three Blind Mice in my head, and keep meaning to make it relevant to Sheppard:

                    (Warning for Latin)

                    (Done from an almost 25 year ago memory, so probably wrong)

                    Tres mures, tres mures,
                    Caeci currunt, caeci currunt,
                    Sequuntur agricolae uxorem
                    Quae caudas secuit cultro rem
                    Quis vidis magis mirabilem
                    Quam hos mures?

                    So if we take "Pastor" as shepherd (I think this might be more church latin than Classical Latin, though?) but let's keep him "John", we could have:

                    John Pastor, John Pastor,
                    Caecus currit, caecus currit... (Um... that's the correct ending, isn't it? Curro, curris, currit, currimus, curritis, currunt?)

                    Um... How would I say that he ran after a whumper? I can't remember my noun endings. And we can't cut off his tail with a carving knife, so what shall we cut off? And... I think this dissolves into a sea of forgotten O-level Latin and fails utterly.

                    By the way, I did write a very, very silly fanfic in which Sheppard and McKay spoke Latin.


                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      Hmm, nice one! You know, ever since that Latin discussion, I'd had the Latin version of Three Blind Mice in my head, and keep meaning to make it relevant to Sheppard:

                      (Warning for Latin)

                      (Done from an almost 25 year ago memory, so probably wrong)

                      Tres mures, tres mures,
                      Caeci currunt, caeci currunt,
                      Sequuntur agricolae uxorem
                      Quae caudas secuit cultro rem
                      Quis vidis magis mirabilem
                      Quam hos mures?

                      So if we take "Pastor" as shepherd (I think this might be more church latin than Classical Latin, though?) but let's keep him "John", we could have:

                      John Pastor, John Pastor,
                      Caecus currit, caecus currit... (Um... that's the correct ending, isn't it? Curro, curris, currit, currimus, curritis, currunt?)

                      Um... How would I say that he ran after a whumper? I can't remember my noun endings. And we can't cut off his tail with a carving knife, so what shall we cut off? And... I think this dissolves into a sea of forgotten O-level Latin and fails utterly.

                      By the way, I did write a very, very silly fanfic in which Sheppard and McKay spoke Latin.
                      OT for faux-Latin -
                      Caesar adsum jam forte
                      'Crassus passus sum', sed e

                      Caesar had some jam for tea.
                      'Crassus, pass us some,' said he.

                      *beetles off to read Rhymer's 'very, very silly fanfic' and struggles not to hum 'Olim erat crocodilus' to the tune of 'In and out the dusty bluebells'*

                      EDIT: I remember cracking up over this one. 'Salve!' was the first word I learnt.
                      A must-read for anyone who did 'O' Level Latin, whump peeps!
                      Last edited by Strey; 28 February 2009, 07:10 AM.


                        Random musing of the day, Part Deux. Anyone else find Teyla whump disturbing?
                        Cue leading emoticon ----->


                          Finally finished my con report (it only took my uni's email system going down for me to find the time ) Its friends locked (I think ) so just friend me if you aren't already

                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                            Originally posted by Strey View Post
                            Random musing of the day, Part Deux. Anyone else find Teyla whump disturbing?
                            Cue leading emoticon ----->
                            I think there are two things at issue here for me. One is that I always have one character I want to whump in a show, and I'm almost... jealous? when anyone else gets the whump. So in that respect I'm not a fan of anyone-whump except for Sheppard. I do whump other characters in stories, but only if Sheppard has it worst.

                            Secondly, though, I do seem to have a hang-up about whumping female characters. I do try not to, since it feels... sexist, I guess. I don't like real life whump, but these are fictional characters, so there's no reason why I should react any differently to hurting woman. But I do. I just can't take pleasure in it. It feels too real, too uncomfortable.

                            Which is not for one moment to say that anyone who does like Teyla whump is wrong, just that I, personally, am uncomfortable with it. EDIT: And I should add that I feel bad about being uncomfortable about it.
                            Last edited by rhymer; 28 February 2009, 08:57 AM.


                              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                              online = seriously addictive!!

                              well, couldn´t sleep and searched YouTube!

                              some con vids

                              guess who got the biggest cheer from the audience ??
                              now, is it me.. or is one of the girls screaming: "gimme some Flan!!" LOL

                              guests walking up on stage

                              re American Idol/reality shows and being a smartass towards "MacGyver"

                              towel fights AND Brokeback Mountain poster history!

                              about getting Johnny Cash songs into "space"

                              what they´ll miss about the show

                              shooting guns

                              scooby doo

                              hardest emotion to convey on the show

                              re Chris Judge

                              the play "sheppard and dr. watts" (fans role playing)

                              joe and jason´s confession of terrorizing rachel and david

                              what´s the black wrist band all about?
                              and what did they think of EatG?

                              who came up with the name "chewie"?!

                              awkward stories with fan encounters

                              and last but not least.

                              Joe in a sitcom, just cause I thought it was cute
                              Joe on Murphy Brown (sitcom)
                              part 1
                              part 2

                              ok, so now I´m headed off to bed (at 5 am )
                              I can already hear the birds!!
                              Oh, thanks a bunch for all those! YouTube does need subtitles sometimes, mind you. Especially for cons. Still haven't a clue what anyone is saying! Still, worth watching just to see Joe chuckle with abandon. The Murphy Brown clips were priceless. He really does look about 17. Aw!
                              Also attempted to watch the pilot for Sherman's March. They would have lost me at the banjo intro - it's pre-9/11 NY, for crying out loud, not the freakin' Appalachians! And the 'dialogue' - I hesitate to even call it that - was beyond cliched. Aagh! Crappy pilot whump! No, stop! I give in! I'll give you my great great-grandmother's secret recipe for cranberry pie, just - don't make me watch the pilot, for pity's sake.... Have mercy!
                              An eye-opener. There are some things not even our boy can salvage. Wow. A major first.

                              EDIT: Okay, so he ends up in Durr-Ham, NC. Not Durrum, Brit whumpers. Durham? Hence, the banjo intro. No fair. I'd chose Durham, NC over NY, NY any day.
                              Last edited by Strey; 28 February 2009, 08:27 AM.


                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Finally finished my con report (it only took my uni's email system going down for me to find the time ) Its friends locked (I think ) so just friend me if you aren't already

                                Thanks for your super report, cazz. Sounds like you had a wonderful time.

